MidReal Story

Gates of Power: Rise of the Hunters

Scenario:Story happens in modern world. 10 years ago, "Gates" appears everywhere. Through gate, monsters crawl into human world. Normal human weapons don't work for them, human has very little to do with these monsters for two years. Luckily, some of the human race suddenly have super power to against these monsters. They are hunters.
Create my version of this story
Story happens in modern world. 10 years ago, "Gates" appears everywhere. Through gate, monsters crawl into human world. Normal human weapons don't work for them, human has very little to do with these monsters for two years. Luckily, some of the human race suddenly have super power to against these monsters. They are hunters.
I woke up one day to find the world had changed.
The sky was no longer a serene blue, and the buildings that surrounded me were no longer standing.
In their place, there was a vast wasteland covered in ruins.
Ten years had passed since that fateful day in 2021 when the Gates first appeared.
While the event was known as the First Impact, it was not the last time humanity would see these interdimensional portals open up across the globe.
Monsters poured through the Gates and began to attack humans, who were unable to do anything to defend themselves.
The creatures were too strong and too fast for traditional human weapons to work against them, and they brought humanity to its knees within hours.
For two years, humans were powerless against these monsters.
But then, something changed.
Dungeons began to appear, as did Mana—two phenomena that would change the course of human history forever.
When people began to explore these Dungeons, they found that some of them contained treasures.
But they also found that some of them contained monsters.
And when people began to obtain Mana, they discovered that they could become stronger.
They could become hunters.
This is where my story begins: six years after the First Impact in 2027.
I woke up on my bed with a gasp.
I had a terrible nightmare and I needed a glass of water to calm my nerves.
I got up from my bed and stretched my arms, letting out a small groan as I did so.
I had been hunting for so long lately that my body felt like it was about to fall apart at any moment.
I needed a good rest, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to find one any time soon.
If I wanted to survive, I needed to keep fighting.
I walked out of my room and made my way to the kitchen.
I opened the fridge and took out a bottle of water before heading back to my room to get more sleep.
It was still early in the morning, so I closed the curtains before lying down on my bed again.
It wasn’t until six hours later that I finally woke up.
I stretched my arms and got out of bed, rubbing my eyes.
I must have been really tired because I couldn’t remember the last time I slept so much.
I looked at my watch and frowned.
It read 11:47 AM.
I had slept for way too long.
I took a shower and got dressed before making myself breakfast.
The news was on the TV while I ate, and I couldn’t help but watch it as I ate.
Another Gate has appeared in London, just a few hours ago.
While the authorities are doing everything they can to contain the situation, it is recommended that civilians evacuate the area immediately.”
Gates had become a common sight by now, but it was still shocking to see them open.
They were a warning that monsters would soon be upon us.
And when those monsters came through the Gates, there would be nothing anyone could do to stop them.
Not even the military could take them down.
The only thing that could kill a monster was another monster.
Gates of Power: Rise of the Hunters
I finished eating and turned off the TV before leaving my apartment.
I met up with Alex Rodriguez and we headed to the location of the Gate.
Alex and I had known each other for a long time.
We were both hunters, and we had been through a lot together.
He was tall with brown eyes, and I had never met anyone as loyal and brave as him.
He was a skilled fighter, and he could manipulate fire to help him take down monsters.
We fought side by side, taking down anything that came our way.
There were times that we would be up against monsters that were twice our size, but we never backed down.
We would fight until the bitter end, no matter what.
And today was no different.
We had just arrived at the location of the Gate when a monstrous bird came flying out of it, its sharp beak and talons gleaming in the sunlight.
Alex took a step forward and narrowed his eyes, getting ready to attack.
The bird was huge—about the size of a plane—and it flew straight at him, trying to peck him to death.
But Alex wasn’t afraid.
He dodged the bird’s attacks with ease, and he tried to counterattack.
He raised his arm and let out a fierce battle cry before his hand was engulfed in flames.
He punched the bird in the stomach, and the flames spread throughout its body.
The bird screeched loudly before it crashed to the ground, lifeless.
I stared at Alex as he took a deep breath and let the flames disappear from his body.
I couldn’t believe how strong he was.
“Nice job,” I said with a smile.
He turned to me and grinned.
“It was nothing,” he said, shrugging.
I rolled my eyes.
“You make it look so easy,” I said with a laugh.
“Not everyone can do what you do.”
He looked at me seriously before shaking his head.
“I wish you didn’t have to see this,” he said softly.
“I wish none of us did.”
I knew what he meant.
The monsters had invaded our world, and there was nothing we could do to stop them.
They had taken everything from me—my home, my family, my friends—and I was left with nothing but my memories of the past.
But I wasn’t angry.
I was grateful that I was still alive and that I had the chance to fight back.
If I wanted to survive, I needed to keep fighting.
And that’s exactly what I planned to do.
“I don’t regret anything,” I told him firmly.
He looked at me for a moment before nodding his head in understanding.
“Let’s go,” he said as he made his way to the Gate.
I nodded my head and followed him as we headed inside the Dungeon to see what else we would have to face today.
“Do you ever wonder where our powers came from?”
I asked him as we walked through the Dungeon together.
We fought side by side and took down anything that got in our way while we talked about our lives as hunters.
“It’s been six years since the First Impact, and we still don’t know anything about those Gates,” I said as I threw a knife at a monster that was trying to attack me.
“We don’t even know if the monsters are from Earth or another dimension.”
Alex punched a monster in the face before turning to me.
“Who knows?”
Gates of Power: Rise of the Hunters
An earthquake happens, separate me and my companion.
The ground shook beneath my feet, and I stumbled over myself as I tried to keep my balance.
I looked up just in time to see a massive centipede crashing into me, and I let out a scream before I was pinned against the wall by its weight.
As I tried to break free, I realized that something wasn’t right—the centipede’s weight shouldn’t be enough to immobilize me like this.
And that’s when I realized what was happening—it was manipulating gravity around its body, making itself heavier while I got weaker and weaker as it crushed me against the wall.
My eyes widened as I stared at the centipede, struggling to break free, but no matter how hard I pushed against it, I couldn’t get it off of me.
Fear rose within me, and I knew that if I didn’t act fast, I would be done for.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath before opening them again, and that’s when I saw something shining on my cheeks—tears.
As they rolled down my face, I realized that this was my chance to break free from the centipede’s hold because my power was still working even when I couldn’t move.
I focused on the tears falling from my eyes and manipulated the water around me, making it hover around my body before forming a barrier around the centipede’s head, covering all of its breathing holes, so it couldn’t breathe anymore.
Gates of Power: Rise of the Hunters
It didn’t take long for the centipede to go weak, and it lost consciousness before it fell off of me.
I let out a sigh of relief as I looked at the centipede, happy that I was able to defeat it without any problems, but I knew that this wouldn’t have been possible if I hadn’t been careful enough to notice what it was doing before it was too late.
I looked down at my hand and let the water fall from my fingers, forming a puddle on the ground before I let it return to normal, and I walked away from the centipede before collapsing on the ground from exhaustion, taking deep breaths as I tried to recover from what had just happened.
The shaking stopped, and the ground went still once again as I heard something moving in the distance, and I knew that it was another monster coming toward me as fast as it could because the first one was dead, and it could feel its life slipping away.
Gates of Power: Rise of the Hunters
I felt a surge of determination and responsibility as I realized what was happening, and I knew that I couldn’t let whoever was coming toward me get away with what they had done, so I gathered up all the strength I had left in me before getting back up on my feet and turning around to face the direction the noise was coming from, waiting for them to come into view before I killed them with my own two hands.
But when I laid my eyes on what was coming toward me, I realized that it wasn’t a monster at all—it was a young woman with long black hair who looked like she had been run over by a truck, with one of her arms hanging limply by her side and blood dripping down her neck from where something had attacked her.
We locked eyes for a moment, and I could see fear in hers as she saw me standing there, and she tried to call out for help, but her voice was so weak that it was barely audible, and I had no idea how long she would last if we didn’t do something about it soon.
I rushed over to her and grabbed her by the hand before pulling her behind the wall where I had been hiding earlier, and she collapsed on the ground beside me as I lay her down on her back before checking her over for any injuries she might have missed.
She was in bad shape—I could tell that much from just looking at her—and I had no idea how she had managed to make it as far as she had in the first place because she was lucky enough not to have bled out yet with how much blood she had lost already, and she could die at any moment if we didn’t get her some help soon.
I shook my head and looked around me as I tried to think of what we could do about the situation I was in because there was no way we could go back the way we came—there were too many monsters coming toward us for us to make it back that way—but we had no other choice but to try and go forward anyway and hope that we wouldn’t run into anything else along the way that could kill us before we made it out of here alive.
No one else was willing to help the young woman when I told them what had happened earlier, and they all just left me behind after refusing me help because they knew that only hunters could fight monsters like the ones that were coming toward us—and since she wasn’t a hunter like me, they didn’t want to waste their time trying to save her life—so I was on my own again as I tried to figure out what to do next.
Gates of Power: Rise of the Hunters
I took a deep breath and focused on the task at hand as I tried to come up with a plan of attack in the few seconds that I had left before the monsters caught up to us, and I was able to think much more clearly than I was before as I watched the water around me freeze into a solid mass and form a barrier in front of the young woman and myself to keep the creatures away from us while I went to work healing her wounds and getting her back on her feet again.
I focused on the water in front of me and felt it start to move as I concentrated on it and tried to control it with my mind, and I smiled to myself when I saw the water respond to my commands as it started to shift shapes and move around the area where we were standing as I directed it to do so.
I could feel my power growing inside me as I manipulated the liquid and turned it into dozens of different shapes and forms, and I worked as hard as I could to make sure that the water was doing exactly what I wanted it to do at all times while I controlled it with my mind because I knew that if I made a single mistake during the process, then the young woman would be dead before we knew it.
I watched the water change shapes and forms around me as I continued to manipulate it and direct it with my mind, and I was able to see all of the different ways that I could use my powers to help people as I moved the liquid around the area and turned it into different things while doing so.
I had no idea how long I continued doing this before I got tired of playing with the water around me and stopped manipulating it with my mind, but I was impressed by everything that I was able to do with it while I was practicing and was surprised to see that I was able to control multiple shapes at once with very little effort on my part.
Only a few hunters had ever been able to control more than one shape or form at once, and our leader—Dominick Buckley—had told us many times before during our training sessions that we were lucky for being able to do this at all since he had only ever met a handful of hunters who were able to do this before us, so I felt proud of myself for being able to do this now even though I was still new to everything—and even though Dominick said that there was no telling if we would be able to do this again later on since our powers were still developing over time.
“How are you doing?”
Sarah asked me as she stepped out from behind a large bush nearby just as I finished controlling the water with my mind, and she smiled at me when she saw me standing there alone with nothing but my thoughts for company while she walked over to me and put her backpack down on the ground beside her feet.
“Good,” I replied.
“Are you ready for your mission?”
Gates of Power: Rise of the Hunters