MidReal Story

Galactic Empire: Rise of Three Worlds

Scenario:so this guy has one dream in his life he basically wants to create the next Star Wars now his name is Lynn and Lynn is actually a billionaire he got rich creating online and mobile games in China with his company's biggest game being the Game of Thrones Game winter is coming but one day Lynn decides he wants his gaming company to expand into making movies so he goes out and he buys the rights to this sci-fi novel that's selling really well called three body problem there's like a whole trilogy of them they call it the three body series but Lyn in his company he buys the rights and he has a big vision for these novels he wants to turn them into a massive Global IP and basically make them like The Next Star Wars with blockbuster movies and spin-off TV shows and spin-off video games so he starts a new subsidiary company to handle this three-body problem material and to run that company he appoints this guy zuu xu's a lawyer and he's kind of an eccentric dude so for the next 3 years Lynn and his company they try to adopt these books into a
Create my version of this story
so this guy has one dream in his life he basically wants to create the next Star Wars now his name is Lynn and Lynn is actually a billionaire he got rich creating online and mobile games in China with his company's biggest game being the Game of Thrones Game winter is coming but one day Lynn decides he wants his gaming company to expand into making movies so he goes out and he buys the rights to this sci-fi novel that's selling really well called three body problem there's like a whole trilogy of them they call it the three body series but Lyn in his company he buys the rights and he has a big vision for these novels he wants to turn them into a massive Global IP and basically make them like The Next Star Wars with blockbuster movies and spin-off TV shows and spin-off video games so he starts a new subsidiary company to handle this three-body problem material and to run that company he appoints this guy zuu xu's a lawyer and he's kind of an eccentric dude so for the next 3 years Lynn and his company they try to adopt these books into a

Zuu Xu

lawyer and eccentric executive, appointed to run the subsidiary company for the threebody problem material, quirky and strategic.


Lynn Zhang

billionaire game developer, visionary and ambitious, founder of a successful gaming company in China, determined and creative.


Eliza Chen

creative director of the new subsidiary company, collaborates with Zuu Xu on the multimedia adaptation project, imaginative and resourceful.

I was a billionaire game developer in China.
I had a successful gaming company, and I was about to make the biggest bet of my life.
I was going to acquire the rights to the ThreeBody Problem trilogy by Liu Cixin and transform it into a vast entertainment universe, inspired by Star Wars.
It would be a multimedia empire with movies, TV shows, games, and more.
The first book in the trilogy had been translated into English and published in the US in 2014.
It was a bestseller and won the Hugo Award for Best Novel in 2015.
This was my chance to create something huge, something that could last for generations.
I had been thinking about this for years, but I had never been able to get the rights to the books.
Now I had my chance.
I was going to make it happen.
And I knew just the man to help me do it.
Zuu Xu was a lawyer and an eccentric executive at my company.
I called him into my office and asked him to close the door.
Then I told him my plan.
I was going to buy the rights to the Three-Body Problem trilogy.
I wanted him to run the new subsidiary company we were going to set up to work on the adaptation.
He just stared at me and said, “Are you crazy?”
“A little bit,” I said with a smile.
Xu shook his head.
“The rights to those books are worth millions of dollars.
And even if we get them, there’s no guarantee that we’ll be able to make a profit on the project.”
“I know that,” I said.
“But we can’t just keep making games forever.
We have to try something new, something big.”
“But how are we going to make a profit if we spend all our money on buying the rights?
And even if we do, how are we going to convince people to see a movie or play a game based on a Chinese science fiction novel that most of them have never heard of?”
“I don’t know,” I admitted.
“But that’s what you’re here for.
You’re a lawyer and an executive.
You know how to make something out of nothing.
This project is going to be your baby.”
Xu was silent for a long time.
Then he said, “OK, count me in.”
We shook hands.
And then we got down to work.
When I first started my company, the only thing I knew how to do was make games.
But over the years I had learned how to do a lot more than that.
Now my company was one of the biggest players in the gaming industry in China.
But I wanted more.
My dream was to build a multimedia empire like Disney or Warner Bros., with movies, TV shows, games, and everything else you could think of.
Galactic Empire: Rise of Three Worlds
And now, finally, I had my chance.
The Three-Body Problem trilogy was my ticket to the big time.
It was my Star Wars.
After talking with Xu, I called Eliza Chen into my office.
Eliza was the creative director of my company’s main subsidiary, Dianhun Game Studios.
She was smart, imaginative, and resourceful, with an amazing eye for design and a gift for solving problems that no one else could figure out.
As soon as she stepped into my office, I knew that she was the right person to help me and Xu turn the Three-Body Problem trilogy into a multimedia empire that would last for generations.
Eliza listened to my plan, her face lighting up as she realized the scale of the project that I had in mind.
She couldn’t believe that I was actually going to buy the rights to those books after talking about it for so long.
“It’s about time,” she said with a grin.
“Now you just need to make sure that you hire the right people to work on the adaptation.”
I nodded in agreement and told her that I wanted her to collaborate with Xu on the project from the very beginning.
Galactic Empire: Rise of Three Worlds
A few days later, we signed the contract and began working on the multimedia adaptation in earnest.
I’m Lynn Zhang, and I’m a billionaire game developer in China.
A few years ago, I read the Three-Body Problem trilogy by Liu Cixin, and it changed my life.
The books were so good that they made me want to quit my job as a lawyer and become a full-time writer.
But then I realized that I had neither the talent nor the discipline to do that.
So instead, I decided to do the next best thing: turn those books into movies, TV shows, games, and everything else you could think of.
It wasn’t going to be easy.
The books were long, complex, and philosophically deep.
But if we could pull it off, it would be worth it.
We were not just going to create content; we were going to build an entertainment universe that would last for generations.
We were going to make something that would rival Star Wars or Marvel or Harry Potter.
Something that would be bigger than all of us put together.
In order to do that, we needed the right people.
Xuu Xu was one of them.
Xu was a lawyer and an executive at my company.
He had been with us for almost ten years, and he had managed to rise through the ranks very quickly.
But what most people didn’t know about him was that he was also an excellent storyteller.
He loved to write, and he loved to read, and he loved to talk about all the books and movies and TV shows that he had seen.
After work, he would go home and write his own stories, which he would then post on different websites, sometimes under a pseudonym.
Sometimes people would leave comments, and sometimes they wouldn’t.
But it didn’t matter to him either way.
All he cared about was telling his stories.
So when I told him about the project, he immediately said yes.
And I knew that I had made the right choice.
Galactic Empire: Rise of Three Worlds
I decided to take Xuu Xu and a team of writers with me.
We would spend the next few days at my villa, going over the material and coming up with some ideas for the movies, TV shows, and games.
It was going to be a lot of work, but we didn’t mind.
We were all writers after all.
What made this job so hard (and so exciting) was the fact that we were trying to adapt an entire trilogy of books into a series of movies, TV shows, and games.
That meant we needed to condense all of that material into something that people could actually digest in one go.
And we also needed to make sure we didn’t lose any of the essence or the spirit of the original material in the process.
It wasn’t going to be easy.
But we were going to try.
Xu and I had spent many late nights talking about this project and everything that it could mean for our careers.
We both knew how important this was going to be.
We were already one of the biggest gaming companies in China, and we were well on our way to becoming one of the biggest in the world as well.
But this project could take us to a whole new level.
It could turn us into a multimedia empire, the likes of which no one had ever seen before.
And we were going to make it happen.
We eventually arrived at my villa, and we got right to work.
We stayed up all night, discussing the books and coming up with ideas for how we could adapt them into movies, TV shows, and games.
Despite our best efforts, we still couldn’t figure out how to adapt the books into a single script.
So we decided to bring in an extra writer, someone who could help us break down the material and come up with something that made sense.
That’s when we met Eliza Chen.
Eliza was a creative director at my company, and she had been working there for almost fifteen years.
She was young and talented and determined, and she had risen through the ranks very quickly.
She was also very good at what she did.
She knew how to take a complex idea or concept and break it down into something that people could actually understand.
She was also a huge fan of the books, and she knew them inside and out.
So when we asked her to help us adapt them into a script, she immediately said yes.
We spent the next few days going over the material with Eliza.
She was able to break everything down into smaller chunks, so that we could actually see what we were working with.
She also helped us come up with some ideas for how we could structure the movies, TV shows, and games.
We eventually came up with an outline that we all agreed on, and we started writing the scripts right away.
Eliza was meticulous in her approach.
She went through every scene and every line of dialogue with a fine-toothed comb, making sure that everything was perfect before we moved on to the next thing.
She also made sure that we never lost sight of the original material or the spirit of the books.
And she was always there to help us whenever we got stuck.
Thanks to her, we were able to write the scripts for the movies, TV shows, and games much faster than we had anticipated.
Galactic Empire: Rise of Three Worlds
A few days later, Xu took me on a trip to a remote village in Yangquan.
“Why are we here?”
I asked him.
“We’re here to get the rights to the books,” he said.
“The rights to the books?”
I repeated, confused.
“But I thought you already had them.”
“I do,” he said.
“But we need to get the writer’s permission first.”
“How do you plan on doing that?”
I asked him.
“Well, first we need to find him,” he said.
And then he took me into a small village in Yangquan, where we met Wu Yifan.
Wu Yifan was a young man in his early twenties.
He was tall and thin, with short black hair and a pair of glasses perched on the bridge of his nose.
He was also wearing a black suit, even though it was the middle of summer and it was hot as hell outside.
He looked at Xu and me with a skeptical expression on his face.
“I’m Wu Yifan,” he said, extending his hand.
“Are you guys here for the rights?”
I nodded and shook his hand.
“That’s right,” I said.
“We represent Mr. Zhang,” Xu said.
“He wants to adapt the books into a series of movies, TV shows, and games.”
Wu Yifan looked at us with a surprised expression on his face.
“You work for Mr. Zhang?”
he asked, sounding even more skeptical than before.
“Yes, I do,” Xu said.
“Is there a problem?”
“No, no problem at all,” Wu Yifan said quickly.
“It’s just… I never expected to see you guys here.
I thought you would send your assistant or something.”
I gave him a small smile.
“We wanted to come in person,” I said.
“This is a very important project for us.”
Wu Yifan nodded.
“I see,” he said.
“Well, I’m sure you know that Mr.
Liu is very particular about who he sells the rights to.”
“I’m sure he is,” Xu said.
“But I think he’ll be interested once he sees what we have to offer.”
“And what do you have to offer?”
Wu Yifan asked.
“We have a very generous contract for Mr.
Liu,” Xu said.
“We’re prepared to pay him a substantial amount of money for the rights to the books.”
Wu Yifan raised an eyebrow.
“How much are we talking about?”
Xu smiled at him.
“Let’s just say Mr.
Liu will be able to retire early if he accepts our offer,” he said.
Wu Yifan’s eyes widened.
“That sounds very tempting,” he said.
“But I’ll need to talk to Mr.
Liu first before I can make any promises.”
“Of course,” Xu said.
“Can you set up a meeting for us?”
Wu Yifan nodded.
“I’ll see what I can do,” he said.
A few days later, we met with Liu Cixin himself.
The meeting was arranged by Wu Yifan’s assistant, who was also a fan of the books.
She was a young woman in her mid-twenties, with long black hair and a pretty face.
She led us to a small room, where Liu Cixin was waiting for us.
He was a middle-aged man with a round face and a pair of glasses perched on his nose.
He was also wearing a white shirt and a pair of black pants.
He shook our hands and welcomed us warmly.
Then he led us to a small table, where we sat down and waited for him to speak.
I was so nervous that I could hardly breathe.
Galactic Empire: Rise of Three Worlds