MidReal Story

Future's Vision: Hunted for Destiny

Scenario:unknown visitors converge on a futuristics society. they are from the future and they search for one woman who has the gift of seeing the future, she sees the bad things, she also has the gift of wishing for things to happen. Keke must save herself and her 7 year old son. he holds the ability to wish for things to happen. she must protect him at all cost.
Create my version of this story
unknown visitors converge on a futuristics society. they are from the future and they search for one woman who has the gift of seeing the future, she sees the bad things, she also has the gift of wishing for things to happen. Keke must save herself and her 7 year old son. he holds the ability to wish for things to happen. she must protect him at all cost.
I’m running as fast as I can, but my seven-year-old son is faster.
He’s always been faster.
I can hear the soldiers behind us, their boots pounding on the pavement, their guns cocked and ready to fire.
I can hear the helicopters above us, their blades slicing through the air, their spotlights trained on us.
I can hear the dogs ahead of us, their barks echoing through the night, their teeth bared and hungry for blood.
But I don’t look back.
I don’t look up.
I don’t look down.
I keep my eyes on my son as he leads me through the dark alleyways of Sector 9, our home for the past three years.
He knows this place like the back of his hand; he’s been running through these streets since he was four years old.
He knows where to turn, where to hide, where to jump over fallen debris and broken glass.
He knows how to avoid the cameras and sensors that line every building and street corner in this sector.
I don’t know how he does it.
I don’t know how he always knows when to run and when to hide, when to turn left and when to turn right.
I don’t know how he knows exactly where to go to keep us safe.
He just does.
He’s always been able to see things before they happen, to know things before they occur.
That was his gift, his ability.
And it was the reason the government wanted him so badly.
“Hurry up, Mom!” Max calls over his shoulder.
I can barely make out his small figure in the darkness, but I can see the bright red backpack slung over his shoulders.
The backpack that contains everything we own, everything we need to survive in this godforsaken city.
The backpack that he refused to leave behind, even though it slowed him down and made it harder for us to run.
My son has never been one to leave anyone behind.
“Don’t worry, baby,” I say with a smile.
“I’m right behind you.”
I can hear the smile in his voice as he says, “I know you are, Mom.”
It’s one of the things I love most about Max: no matter what happens, no matter what we go through, he always has a smile on his face.
He never lets anything get him down.
He always finds the silver lining in every storm cloud.
He’s a lot like his father that way.
I can almost hear my son’s voice in my head as I run, echoing the words I’ve told him time and time again: No matter how bad things get, no matter how hard they try to break you, you have to keep moving forward.
You have to keep fighting.
You have to believe that things will get better.
Because they will.
Because they have to.
Max believes with all his heart that things will get better.
And as long as I’m alive, I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that happens.
I push myself harder, putting on an extra burst of speed as I round another corner and start running down the middle of the street.
I don’t hear or see any vehicles nearby, so this should be a safe zone for now.
But I don’t slow down or stop either.
I keep going until I reach the end of the block and turn left, heading toward our next destination.
When I finally stop running and collapse on the ground, my son is still grinning from ear to ear as he bounces on my back.
“You’re too slow, Mom!”
I laugh as he climbs off me and plops down beside me on the pavement.
“I’m not as fast as you are,” I remind him as I pull him into my arms and hug him tight against my chest.
“I’m not as strong as you are.”
Future's Vision: Hunted for Destiny
“One day you will be,” he says confidently as he grins up at me with those bright blue eyes that are an exact copy of my own.
“Yeah, but it’s gonna take a lot of growing up to get there, kiddo,” I remind him with a chuckle as I ruffle his shaggy blond hair.
He frowns at me for a second before he starts to giggle, which makes me laugh even harder because there is nothing in this world that is more contagious than my son’s laughter.
He’s the happiest kid I’ve ever known, even though we’ve been on the run for most of his short life, even though we’ve had to live in some of the worst places on Earth, even though we’ve had to do some terrible things to survive.
But he doesn’t know that, and I’ll do everything in my power to make sure he never finds out.
Because he doesn’t deserve to have his innocence stolen from him, not when he’s already been through so much in his young life.
But I know what he does deserve, what he’s always deserved: a life where he’s free to be who he is, where he’s safe to use his gift, where he’s loved, cherished, and adored by everyone around him.
I know that’s what he deserves.
And I will do whatever it takes to make sure he gets it.
We’re almost there,” I tell him as I push myself off the ground and hold my hand out to him.
He takes it immediately and stands up beside me.
I grab his backpack off the ground and sling it over my shoulder before I take his hand in mine.
“Are we going to run some more?”
he asks excitedly.
I chuckle as I nod my head.
“Of course we are,” I say as I start to jog down the alleyway.
“Because if we don’t, all those soldiers behind us are going to catch us.”
Max bounces along beside me as he clutches my hand in his tiny fist.
He may only be seven years old, but he’s small for his age.
Still, he has a surprisingly strong grip, one that he uses to yank me along behind him when he decides he wants to run faster than me.
Which is pretty much every time we run together.
“It’s okay, Mom,” he says as he smiles up at me.
I feel like a superhero when I run this fast!”
I laugh at his words and the tone of excitement in his voice as I ask, “You do, huh?”
He nods his head vigorously and grins up at me with those bright blue eyes of his before he says, “They can’t catch us when we run this fast.” I glance back over my shoulder and see that we’re still alone in the alleyway.
I know it won’t be long before the soldiers catch up to us again, but for now, Max is absolutely right: they can’t catch us when we run this fast.
And I’ll make sure they never do.
I pull him along beside me as I say, “Well then we’d better keep running this fast until we get away from them.”
“Okay, Mom,” he says as he starts to scamper along beside me like a little rabbit as I lead him through the maze of alleyways we’ve been running through for the past twenty minutes.
“It’s like a giant game of hide-and-seek!”
he says with a giggle, and my heart clenches in my chest when I realize that’s exactly how he sees it.
Future's Vision: Hunted for Destiny
Not when the people chasing us are soldiers with guns and it seems like we’re the only ones out here.
“Yeah,” I tell him with a forced smile as I look back over my shoulder and listen to the soldiers shouting as they get closer.
It doesn’t sound like they’re saying anything important—just random words strung together into sentences—but it does sound like they’re getting closer.
I pick up the pace as I lead Max through another alleyway before we take a hard right and come out onto one of the main streets.
I don’t see any soldiers out here yet, but I know it won’t be long before they’re back on our trail.
I can still hear them shouting in the distance behind us as we take off down the street.
“Mom,” Max says as we run.
“What about Mr.
Luo?”” he asks as he looks around wildly.
“What if they find him?”
I know they’re going to kill him,” he says with a whimper as his eyes fill with tears.
“They won’t,” I tell him as I pull him along beside me and run faster so we can get away from the soldiers before they find Mr.
Luo as well, “because he’s going to stay hidden until we come back for him.”
“What if they find him before we come back?”
Max asks with a sob.
I know those soldiers are going to kill him!
Just like they killed my dad!”
“They won’t,” I tell him again as I glance over my shoulder and check the street behind us.
I don’t see any soldiers yet, but I know it won’t be long before they find us again.
And they won’t stop until they do.
“He’s going to stay hidden for now,” I tell Max as I pull him along beside me and try to get away from the soldiers while we still can.
“Your friend is going to keep hiding,” I tell him as I try to keep my voice steady, even though it feels like my heart is being squeezed in a vice grip at his words, “because he knows you need him to keep you safe until we get back.”
“Okay, Mom,” he says as he sniffles and I try to keep the tears at bay when I hear the soldiers getting closer behind us.
They’re not far away, and even though the city is quiet, their voices are echoing off the buildings around us, making it sound like they could be right around the corner for all I know.
I take a deep breath and try to focus on running while I keep my voice steady for Max as I say, “We’ll go get him and your dad after we lose these soldiers, okay?”
I glance over my shoulder again and see two of the soldiers running toward us in the distance, and I pick up the pace while I force a smile onto my face for Max’s sake.
Future's Vision: Hunted for Destiny
“We have to get out of Sector 9 now,” Dr.
she says over the comm in my ear, “The soldiers have found you.”
“I’m working on it,” I tell her through clenched teeth, but then I hear the glass window of the building behind us shatter into a million pieces and know we’re out of time.
I turn around just in time to see two of the soldiers coming out of the building behind us before they raise their guns and start shooting at me and max.
I don’t even have time to think as I shield Max from the bullets and fireballs raining down on us while I turn and run faster than ever in the opposite direction of Dr.
Carter’s waiting car.
We need to get out of Sector 9 now,” she repeats in my ear, but I don’t answer because I’m too busy running for our lives.
I glance down at Max just in time to see his wide eyes staring up at me in shock as I carry him on my back while fireballs rain down from the sky around us and destroy everything in their path.
His little hands are clinging to me for dear life as we run, but I know he’s scared because his body is wracked with sobs while I shield him from all the smoke and flames around us.
I don’t have time to comfort him, though, because the soldiers are right behind us, and I can still hear them shooting their guns as they chase after us down the street.
I have no idea how many of them there are, but I know there are too many to fight, which is why I start running as fast as I can while I take Max through the dark alleyways and streets so we can escape before they find us again.
It’s all over,” I tell him as we run, but Max just shakes his head and keeps clinging to me while his little legs kick against me as he struggles not to fall off my back.
I can tell he wants to be brave, but I know he’s terrified because he keeps looking back at the soldiers chasing after us, even though I try to shield him from seeing them while we run.
“They’re right behind us,” I tell him as I try to keep running without stumbling, even though his little body is making it hard for me to keep going as fast as I’d like.
I take a deep breath as we keep running, even though Max’s little body is making it hard for me to focus on moving forward while he kicks against me and tries not to fall off my back.
“Hold on tight,” I tell him as we run, but then I glance back at the soldiers chasing us in the distance behind us and know there’s no way we can get away from them before they find us again.
“They’re right behind us,” I repeat with a sob when I see them coming around the corner behind us, but then I take a deep breath before I pick Max up in my arms and force a smile onto my face while I take off running again.
“What are they doing?”
Future's Vision: Hunted for Destiny
I want to tell him we’re being hunted because my abilities are too strong, but then I remember that’s not true anymore because, as of today, his abilities are much stronger than mine.
“They’re trying to capture us,” I say instead, but then I glance back at the soldiers chasing after us and know that was a lie too, because they’ve been shooting at us since they arrived at our house, which means they don’t want to capture us at all, they just want to kill us for being different.
“Why do they want to kill us?”
Max asks as we run, but then I think about all the times he’s asked me that same question before, which is why I’m not sure what to tell him, especially since we’ve already told him that people don’t like people who are different because those people are afraid of what they don’t understand, which makes them hate those people too.
“Because they’re afraid of what they don’t understand,” I finally answer him as we run through the dark alleyways while the soldiers chase after us, but then I think about all the times Max asked me that same question before and how I told him we’re not monsters, we’re not aliens, we’re not bad guys, we’re not dangerous, we’re not evil, we’re not demons, we’re not the devil, we’re not witches, we’re not gods…we’re just different,” I finally answer him as we keep running, but then I start wondering why his father would make him believe that people are good when those same people have been trying to kill us since the day Max was born.
“They want to kill us because they’re scared of people like you and your dad,” I tell him while we run, even though he didn’t ask me that question this time because it’s something that’s been bothering me ever since his dad left me alone to protect Max, especially when I think about all those times I told Max his dad loved him so much that he’d never abandon him like my mom did to me because she thought I was an abomination of God…even though his father is doing exactly that right now.
“But why would my dad want to kill me?”
Future's Vision: Hunted for Destiny