MidReal Story

Frozen Destiny


May 20
Scenario:Jabber and Acorn are the Mighty Warrior brothers. Jabber has a glowing blue sword and Acorn has a glowing green sword. "The Tales of The Mighty Warriors: The Siege of Silverpeak" The brothers defended the mountain fortress of Silverpeak from an onslaught of ice trolls. Using their wits and bravery, they turned the tide by triggering an avalanche that buried the troll army.
Create my version of this story
Jabber and Acorn are the Mighty Warrior brothers. Jabber has a glowing blue sword and Acorn has a glowing green sword. "The Tales of The Mighty Warriors: The Siege of Silverpeak" The brothers defended the mountain fortress of Silverpeak from an onslaught of ice trolls. Using their wits and bravery, they turned the tide by triggering an avalanche that buried the troll army.
The Mighty Warrior brothers, Jabber and Acorn, were relaxing in the hot springs when they first heard the prophecy.
They’d been up in the mountains for weeks, enjoying the peace and quiet of their home.
The only sounds were the wind in the trees and the occasional bird call.
The only people were themselves and Greta, their local guide and friend.
They’d been hiking, fishing, and swimming in the lake.
They’d been eating well, sleeping well, and feeling good.
They’d been happy.
And then they heard the prophecy.
It was a beautiful day in a beautiful place.
The sun was shining, the sky was blue, and the air was warm.
The brothers had hiked up to a high meadow where there was a hot spring that overlooked Silverpeak Valley below.
They’d stripped off their clothes and jumped into the steaming water with sighs of pleasure.
Jabber had leaned back against a smooth rock with his eyes closed and his face turned to the sun.
After a while, Acorn stopped splashing and asked, “Why don’t we get to have more fun like this?Why does everything always have to be so serious and dangerous?”
Jabber opened one eye and looked at his brother.
“Because we’re world-famous heroes, that’s why.
If we don’t kill the monsters, nobody will.”
“We could just let the monsters kill each other,” Acorn suggested.
“Or we could go fishing and hang out in the hot springs and eat good food all the time.I think I would like that better.”
“I don’t know about the fishing,” said Jabber.
“I don’t like to touch the fish.”
He leaned up on one elbow and gave Acorn a critical look.
“What are you talking about?Have you been drinking?”
Acorn shook his head.
“I was just thinking that I like the simple pleasures in life.I like having free time and getting to eat what I want.
I think I would like to eat a lot of good food all the time.”
“You should write a cookbook,” said Acorn.
Jabber laughed at that.
“I could write a cookbook, but it would only have one recipe in it.Beef stew with six bottles of hot sauce.”
“I would eat that,” said Acorn.
He was quiet for a moment as he thought about the hot springs and the good food.
“Do you think we have to go back down the mountain today?”
“Greta will tell us what we have to do,” Jabber said.
They were both quiet for a few more minutes as they soaked in the hot water and enjoyed the view.
The meadow was full of wildflowers, and there were bumblebees buzzing around.
The wind in the trees sounded like waves breaking on a beach, and the air smelled fresh and clean.
Below them, they could see Silverpeak Valley and Lake Silverpeak, which was full of snowmelt and rainwater from the wettest spring in a hundred years.
Jabber looked at his brother, who was watching the bees fly from flower to flower.
He didn’t want to disturb him, but it was too late to keep quiet.
Jabber got a thoughtful look on his face and said, “I’m hungry now, too.”
Just then, they heard the sound of a sled coming across the meadow, and they both turned to look at Greta, who had just come around a bend in the trail and was heading toward them on snowshoes, pulling her sled behind her.
She was still a long way off, but they could see her clearly, because she was wearing her bright red parka and white fur hat, and because she was moving fast and making a lot of noise as she went.
Greta liked to go fast, and she liked to be busy, so if she was coming up here, it was probably important.
Jabber and Acorn both got out of the hot water and put on their clothes while they waited for her to get close enough to talk to them.
By the time she got there, she was out of breath and her face was red, but she was happy to see them, and even more happy to see the hot springs.
Frozen Destiny
“Hi, guys,” she said as she stopped and sat down on her sled.
“Hello,” Jabber said as he sat down on a rock and pulled on his boots.
Acorn sat down beside him and pulled on his own boots.
“Good news?”
he asked her when they were ready to go back down the mountain.
“No,” she said with a solemn expression.
I don’t know what I’m going to tell you.”
Jabber and Acorn looked at each other, then back at Greta.
“What’s wrong?”
they asked her together.
She hesitated for a minute before she answered.
“I found out something today,” she said carefully.
“I learned something from the mountain oracle.She told me an ancient prophecy that has come true and is about to happen.”
“What is it?”
they asked together again, this time more urgently than before.
She hesitated again before she answered, and when she did, it was in a shaking voice full of fear and disbelief.
The Ice Queen has cast a spell on an ice troll army and sent it out of the icy wastelands and into Silverpeak Valley,” she said.
“The ice trolls are driven by hunger and thirst for human blood and they are coming to the valley to get what they want.The only thing that can stop them is the power of the Mighty Warriors and their swords.”
Jabber and Acorn were surprised to hear this, and it showed on their faces.
Greta looked away from them for a minute before she continued.
“It’s worse than that,” she told them.
She hesitated again before she went on.
“I learned the secret of the prophecy,” she said.
“There are two parts to it; the first part is about the ice troll army and the second part is about the Mighty Warriors.”
“So what’s the secret?”
they asked her together.
“It’s about two brothers,” she told them.
“Two mighty warrior brothers who have been trained in the art of war since they were children.”
She looked back at them and saw that they were watching her with pale faces and big eyes.
They were both afraid to hear what she had to say next.
She hesitated one more time before she answered.
The oracle told me that the prophecy says without these two brothers to save Silverpeak Valley from the ice troll army, it will be overrun and destroyed.”
Greta stopped talking and waited for this news to sink in, then she added one more thing—
I was wrong.
I misunderstood.
The prophecy doesn’t just say two brothers.
It says two mighty warrior brothers—one with a sword that glows blue and one with a sword that glows green.”
Frozen Destiny
They sat there staring at her for a minute, then Acorn spoke first.
“That was very interesting, Greta,” he said.
“But we’re not going to worry about it because there’s no such thing as an ice troll army.”
“That’s right,” Jabber agreed.
“It’s just something that someone made up to scare you.”
She held up her hand to silence them and when they stopped talking she said quietly, “I saw them.”
They looked at her, surprised by this news and after a minute Jabber asked her, “Are you sure?”
“Yes,” she said.
“I’m sure.”
“When?” Jabber asked her.
“When did you see them?”
“One day last month,” she answered him.
“I had gone to see the mountain oracle to ask about another prophecy I had heard.”
“And what did the oracle say?”
“The oracle confirmed it,” she answered him.
Jabber and Acorn sat there staring at her, not saying anything, and after a minute she said, “Don’t you see?
The prophecy is true.
This is why the two of you are here.
You are the two mighty warrior brothers from the prophecy.”
“No, we’re not,” they said together.
“Of course you are,” she told them.
“Listen to me.
We need to go back to Silverpeak Valley right away because the ice trolls will be there soon and we need to be there to stop them.
Now, please, will you come back with me?”
“Why should we believe you?”
Acorn asked her.
“We’ve been watching out for Silverpeak Valley for years and no one has ever shown up.
Now you’re telling us a story about a prophecy and ice trolls and you expect us to believe you?
We’re not going anywhere with you.”
Greta jumped to her feet and glared at Acorn, then she turned to Jabber and saw that he was looking at her with big eyes.
“Jabber, please will you come back with me?
She was looking at him with pleading eyes and he felt sorry for her, but he did not want to leave the comfort of his hot water pool.
And he did not believe that she was telling the truth about an ice troll army.
But she was so upset that he was afraid that if he did not agree to go back with her, she would go off into the mountains by herself and get lost or fall and get hurt.
So he said, “We’ll go with you.”
Greta turned to Acorn and saw that he was looking at her with angry eyes.
“But we’re only going because we feel sorry for you,” he told her.
That night they left their mountain retreats and went back to Silverpeak Valley.
It was a quiet, long journey for none of them knew what lay ahead, but they were all thinking about what Greta had said, and none of them felt like talking about it.