MidReal Story

From Geek to Queen

Scenario:Nerdy girl drinks a drink spiked with a drug called Brat X...becomes a mean girl at school,beautiful,sexy and cruel yet very popular
Create my version of this story
Nerdy girl drinks a drink spiked with a drug called Brat X...becomes a mean girl at school,beautiful,sexy and cruel yet very popular
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring.
I groaned and reached over to shut it off.
I had a massive headache, and my mouth was dry as sandpaper.
What did I do last night?
I tried to remember, but everything was a blur.
I got out of bed and went to the bathroom.
When I looked in the mirror, I gasped.
My long brown hair was now long and blonde.
My brown eyes were now piercing blue.
I looked like a completely different person.
There was no way this was me.
I must be dreaming.
From Geek to Queen
I splashed cold water on my face, hoping to wake up from this bizarre dream.
But the reflection in the mirror remained the same.
I touched my new blonde hair, feeling its silky strands between my fingers.
This was real.
My heart pounded in my chest as I stumbled back into my room.
I needed to see if my clothes still fit.
I yanked open my closet and grabbed a pair of jeans and a t-shirt.
The jeans were tighter around the hips, and the t-shirt clung to my curves in ways it never had before.
"What the hell happened to me?" I muttered under my breath.
My phone buzzed on the nightstand, startling me.
I picked it up and saw a flood of messages from classmates who had never given me the time of day before.
"Hey Emily, you coming to school today?"
"Can't wait to see you!"
"Let's hang out at lunch!"
I scrolled through the messages, feeling a mix of confusion and excitement.
Why were they suddenly interested in me?
And then it hit me—the party.
From Geek to Queen
I remembered going to Jake's party last night.
There was music, dancing, and that strange drink someone handed me.
It was a neon blue concoction that tasted like nothing I'd ever had before.
I drank it down, thinking it was just some weird punch.
Could that drink have done this to me?
I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts.
This was insane.
But as I looked at myself in the mirror again, I felt a surge of confidence.
Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing after all.
I grabbed my backpack and headed downstairs.
Mom was already gone for work, so I didn't have to worry about explaining this to her—yet.
As I walked to school, I noticed people staring at me.
Some whispered to each other, while others openly gawked.
For once, I didn't feel invisible.
When I reached the school gates, I took a deep breath and stepped inside.
The hallways were buzzing with activity as students rushed to their classes.
I spotted Sarah and her clique by the lockers, their eyes widening as they saw me.
From Geek to Queen
"Emily? Is that you?" Sarah asked, her voice tinged with disbelief.
"Yeah, it's me," I replied with a confident smile.
"You look... amazing!" she exclaimed. "What did you do?"
"Just decided it was time for a change," I said casually.
Sarah's friends nodded in approval, and for the first time ever, they invited me to sit with them at lunch.
This new identity was opening doors I'd never imagined.
As the day went on, more and more people approached me, wanting to talk or hang out.
It was like I'd become an overnight sensation.
By lunchtime, I was sitting at the popular table, laughing and chatting like I'd always belonged there.
But deep down, I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right.
As we finished eating and started heading back to class, I felt a tap on my shoulder.
I turned around to see Jake standing there, his eyes wide with shock.
"Emily," he said slowly. "We need to talk."
From Geek to Queen
Jake's eyes darted around, ensuring no one was listening.
"That drink was Brat X," he whispered urgently.
My mind spun with confusion and fear.
"Brat X? What does it do?" I asked, my voice trembling.
Jake glanced around again before leaning in closer.
"It causes physical transformation and personality alteration," he explained, his tone serious.
I felt a surge of anger boiling inside me.
"Why did you give it to me?" I demanded, clenching my fists.
Jake looked guilty, his eyes filled with regret.
"It was meant for someone else," he admitted quietly.
I could feel my new cruel side surfacing, the anger taking over.
"Fix this, or you'll regret it," I hissed through gritted teeth.
Jake's face paled as he nodded quickly.
"I promise I'll find a solution," he said, his voice shaky.
But I wasn't convinced.
Without another word, I turned on my heel and stormed off, my confidence masking the inner turmoil that churned within me.
The hallways seemed to blur as I walked, my thoughts racing.
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I couldn't believe this was happening.
How could Jake be so careless?
As I reached my next class, I took a deep breath and tried to focus on the lesson, but my mind kept drifting back to the conversation with Jake.
The rest of the day passed in a haze of confusion and frustration.
Every time someone complimented me or treated me differently, it only reminded me of the unnatural change I'd undergone.
By the time the final bell rang, I was exhausted both mentally and emotionally.
I headed to my locker to grab my things when I felt another tap on my shoulder.
This time it was Sarah, her expression curious and concerned.
"Hey Emily, are you okay? You seemed a bit off today," she said gently.
I forced a smile and nodded.
"Yeah, just a lot on my mind," I replied, trying to sound casual.
Sarah frowned but didn't press further.
"Well, if you need to talk, I'm here," she offered before walking away with her friends.
As I left the school building, I spotted Jake waiting by the entrance.
He looked anxious and fidgety.
From Geek to Queen
I walked up to him, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Did you find anything?" I asked bluntly.
Jake shook his head.
"Not yet, but I'm working on it. Just give me some time," he pleaded.
I narrowed my eyes at him.
"You better hurry up. I'm not going to wait forever," I warned before turning away and heading home.
The walk home felt longer than usual as I replayed everything in my head.
The changes in my appearance, the newfound attention from classmates, Jake's confession—it all felt surreal.
By the time I reached my house, I was determined to find out more about Brat X myself.
I went straight to my room and powered up my laptop.
I started searching for any information on Brat X, hoping to find something that could help reverse its effects.
Hours passed as I combed through forums and articles, but there was little useful information.
Frustrated and exhausted, I finally closed my laptop and lay back on my bed.
My phone buzzed with a message from Jake: "I'm still looking into it. Hang in there."
I tossed my phone aside and stared at the ceiling.
From Geek to Queen
I admired my reflection in the mirror, feeling a surge of power and superiority.
The new Emily was here to stay.
I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door, ready to face another day at school.
As I walked through the school gates, heads turned, and whispers followed me.
I reveled in the attention, a stark contrast to the old days when I was practically invisible.
I strutted down the hallway, my heels clicking against the linoleum floor.
People parted like the Red Sea as I passed by, their eyes filled with a mix of admiration and fear.
Jason approached me near my locker, concern etched on his face.
"Emily, can we talk?" he asked softly.
I rolled my eyes and brushed him off with a wave of my hand.
"Not now, Jason. I'm busy," I said coldly, not even bothering to look at him.
His shoulders slumped as he walked away, but I didn't care.
Sarah appeared next, her usual confident demeanor replaced with uncertainty.
"Emily, what's going on with you? You're acting so different," she said, her voice trembling slightly.
I smirked and looked her up and down, taking in her plain outfit and messy hair.
From Geek to Queen
"Sarah, maybe you should worry about your own appearance before questioning mine," I mocked.
Her eyes widened in hurt, and she quickly turned away, tears forming in her eyes.
A rush of satisfaction washed over me as I realized how many people were beneath me now.
My new status was intoxicating.
I continued to strut through the halls, basking in the admiration and fear that surrounded me.
The old Emily seemed like a distant memory.
As I made my way to class, I noticed more people staring and whispering.
Some of them even dared to approach me with compliments or invitations to hang out.
I dismissed most of them with a flick of my wrist or a sharp comment.
It felt good to be on top for once.
In class, I sat at the back of the room, ignoring the teacher's droning voice.
Instead, I focused on the reactions of my classmates as they glanced back at me with awe and envy.
I could get used to this.
During lunch, I sat at the popular table again, surrounded by people who once wouldn't have given me a second glance.
They laughed at my jokes and hung on my every word.
It was like I'd finally found where I belonged.
But deep down, a small part of me wondered if this was really what I wanted.
Was this newfound power worth losing myself?
From Geek to Queen
I quickly pushed those thoughts aside as Sarah walked by our table.
"Hey Sarah!" I called out loudly enough for everyone to hear. "Nice outfit. Did you get it from a thrift store?"
Laughter erupted around me as Sarah's face turned red with embarrassment.
She hurried away without saying a word.
I leaned back in my chair, feeling triumphant.
This was my world now, and everyone else was just living in it.
As the final bell rang and students began to file out of the building, I felt someone grab my arm.
It was Jason again, his expression more determined this time.
"Emily, we need to talk. Now," he insisted.
I sighed dramatically but followed him outside to an empty corner of the schoolyard.
"What do you want?" I snapped impatiently.
Jason took a deep breath before speaking. "This isn't you. The Emily I know would never treat people like this. What's happened to you?"
For a moment, his words pierced through my facade, but I quickly regained my composure.
"People change, Jason. Get used to it," I replied coldly.
He shook his head sadly. "No, this isn't change. This is something else."
Before I could respond, he turned and walked away.
From Geek to Queen
The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the asphalt.
I spotted Sarah by her car, wiping away tears.
A smirk formed on my lips as I approached her.
"Hey, Sarah," I called out, my voice dripping with mock concern.
She looked up, her eyes red and puffy.
"What's wrong? Did you finally realize how pathetic you are?"
Sarah straightened up, trying to compose herself.
"Leave me alone, Emily," she said, her voice shaky but defiant.
I laughed, a cold, harsh sound that echoed in the empty parking lot.
"Why should I? It's not like you have any friends to back you up."
Her face crumpled at my words, and she took a step back.
From Geek to Queen
"That's not true," she whispered, but the doubt in her eyes betrayed her.
I leaned in closer, my eyes boring into hers.
"Face it, Sarah. You're nothing. No one cares about you. You're just a sad little girl with no friends and no future."
She tried to hold back her tears, but they spilled over anyway.
Satisfied with her misery, I turned away and noticed Jake waiting by his car.
He looked anxious, his fingers tapping nervously on the hood.
I walked over to him, my heels clicking against the pavement.
"Jake," I demanded sharply. "Any updates on reversing Brat X's effects?"
He stammered, his eyes darting around as if searching for an escape route.
"I-I need more time," he finally managed to say.
Frustration boiled over inside me.
From Geek to Queen
I grabbed his collar and pulled him close, my face inches from his.
"You better find a solution soon," I hissed. "Or you'll regret it."
Jake's eyes widened in fear as he nodded quickly.
"I-I promise I'll figure it out," he stuttered.
I released him with a shove and stepped back, my anger still simmering.
"You better," I warned before turning on my heel and walking away.
As I reached my car and unlocked it, I glanced back at Jake.
He was still standing there, looking shaken and scared.
Good. He needed to understand the urgency of the situation.
I got into my car and started the engine, the roar of the motor echoing in the quiet parking lot.
As I drove away, I couldn't help but feel a twisted sense of satisfaction.
From Geek to Queen
I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins as I imagined the new outfits I would buy.
The city lights blurred past me, casting a neon glow inside the car.
I pulled into the parking lot of a trendy boutique and stepped out, my heels clicking against the pavement.
Inside, the store was a paradise of bold colors and daring designs.
Mannequins dressed in edgy outfits lined the walls, and racks overflowed with clothes that screamed confidence.
I made my way to the nearest rack and began sifting through the garments, my fingers brushing against leather, silk, and lace.
A sales clerk approached me, her smile bright and welcoming.
"Can I help you find anything?" she asked.
"I'm looking for something bold," I replied, my eyes scanning the store.
"Something that makes a statement."
She nodded eagerly.
"Follow me; I have just the thing."
She led me to a section filled with daring dresses and provocative tops.
I picked out a few pieces, including a tight red dress and a black leather jacket adorned with studs.
From Geek to Queen
As I tried them on in the fitting room, I couldn't help but admire how they accentuated my new figure.
Stepping out of the fitting room, I caught the attention of other shoppers.
Their eyes followed me as I walked to the mirror, their whispers barely audible but filled with admiration.
I reveled in their attention, feeling more powerful with each approving glance.
Satisfied with my selections, I made my way to the checkout counter.
The total was astronomical, but I didn't care.
I handed over my credit card without hesitation, watching as the clerk swiped it through the machine.
"You're going to look amazing in these," she said as she bagged my purchases.
"I know," I replied confidently.
With my bags in hand, I headed to a nearby piercing studio.
The sterile smell of antiseptic greeted me as I walked in.
A heavily tattooed man behind the counter looked up and smiled.
"What can I do for you today?" he asked.
"I want piercings," I said firmly. "Something that stands out."
He nodded and motioned for me to follow him to a back room.
I chose a nose ring and multiple ear piercings, each one adding to my new image.
The pain was sharp but brief, replaced quickly by a sense of exhilaration.
From Geek to Queen
When it was done, I admired myself in the mirror once more.
The piercings added an edge to my look that matched perfectly with my new wardrobe.
Driving home, I felt invincible.
The thrill of spending and transforming myself had left me buzzing with energy.
Back at home, I laid out all my purchases on my bed and admired them.
Each piece represented a step further away from who I used to be and closer to this new version of myself—confident, powerful, ruthless.
The next morning, sunlight streamed through my window as I woke up feeling even more determined than before.
I got out of bed and walked to the mirror, eager to see my reflection.
What stared back at me was almost unrecognizable—a confident woman with piercing eyes and an air of authority.
I smirked at myself, pleased with what I'd become.
Dressing in one of my new outfits—a tight black dress paired with the leather jacket—I felt ready to take on anything that came my way.
My reflection mirrored my thoughts: today would be another day where Emily Hart ruled her world without mercy or hesitation.
With one last glance in the mirror, I grabbed my bag and headed out the door.
The world outside awaited its new queen.
From Geek to Queen
Heads turned as I walked through the gates, and whispers followed me like a shadow.
I felt invincible, ready to take on anyone who dared to challenge me.
I spotted a group of boys huddled near the entrance, their laughter echoing through the courtyard.
With a smirk, I made my way over to them.
"Hey boys," I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "What are you laughing about? Your pathetic lives?"
Their laughter died down as they turned to face me, confusion and discomfort evident in their eyes.
One of them, Mark, tried to muster up some courage.
"We were just talking about the game last night," he said, his voice wavering slightly.
"Oh really?" I replied, stepping closer. "And who won? Not that it matters. You all look like losers anyway."
The boys shifted uncomfortably, avoiding my gaze.
I could see the discomfort in their faces, and it fueled my sense of power.
"Maybe next time you should focus more on your studies instead of wasting time on pointless games," I added with a sneer.
Satisfied with their silence, I turned my attention to a group of cute girls standing nearby.
They were giggling and chatting amongst themselves, completely unaware of my approach.
From Geek to Queen
"Hey girls," I called out sweetly. "You all look so adorable today."
Their faces lit up with surprise and delight at my compliment.
"Thanks, Emily!" one of them, Lily, replied eagerly.
"You know," I continued, "I was thinking we should all hang out sometime. Maybe this weekend?"
Their eyes widened with excitement at the prospect of spending time with me.
"Really? That would be amazing!" Lily exclaimed.
I smiled, knowing that they were falling right into my trap.
"Of course. But only if you promise to be on your best behavior," I added with a wink.
As I walked away from them, I spotted the leader of the popular girls' clique, Jessica, holding court at her usual spot by the fountain.
She was surrounded by her loyal followers, all hanging on her every word.
A wicked idea formed in my mind as I made my way over to her.
"Jessica," I called out loudly enough for everyone to hear. "We need to talk."
She looked up at me with a mixture of surprise and annoyance.
"What do you want, Emily?" she asked coolly.
"I just wanted to let you know that your reign is over," I said sharply. "It's time for someone else to take charge."
Her eyes narrowed as she stood up to face me.
"And who exactly do you think that someone is?" she challenged.
From Geek to Queen
"Me," I replied confidently. "You're nothing but a fraud. Everyone knows it."
Gasps echoed around us as her followers exchanged shocked glances.
Jessica's face flushed with anger and embarrassment.
"You don't know what you're talking about," she snapped defensively.
"Oh really?" I retorted. "Let's talk about how you constantly put others down to make yourself feel better. Or how you're so insecure that you can't stand anyone else getting attention."
Her eyes widened in shock as my words hit home.
"That's not true!" she protested weakly.
"Face it, Jessica," I continued mercilessly. "You're just a scared little girl hiding behind a facade. And everyone here can see it now."
Tears welled up in her eyes as she struggled to maintain her composure.
Unable to handle the humiliation any longer, Jessica turned and fled from the scene, her sobs echoing through the courtyard.
Her followers stood frozen in place, unsure of what to do next.
I stepped forward and took Jessica's seat at the head of the table.
"Well," I said with a satisfied smile. "Looks like there's been a change in leadership."
The girls around me nodded quickly, their expressions filled with fear and admiration.
As I basked in my newfound power, I couldn't help but feel a surge of satisfaction.
From Geek to Queen
There were more exciting things to do downtown.
I needed a change, something that screamed power and control.
The city was alive with the hum of traffic and the chatter of people going about their day.
I walked briskly, my heels clicking against the sidewalk, until I reached a high-end salon.
The glass doors opened with a soft chime, and the scent of expensive products filled the air.
Stylists in sleek black uniforms moved gracefully around the room, attending to their clients.
I strode up to the reception desk, where a woman with perfectly coiffed hair greeted me with a professional smile.
"Welcome to Luxe Salon. How can we help you today?" she asked.
"I want the most expensive treatments you offer," I said, my tone leaving no room for negotiation.
Her eyes widened slightly, but she quickly composed herself.
"Of course. Right this way."
She led me to a plush chair in front of a large mirror framed with soft lights.
A team of stylists gathered around me, their hands moving expertly as they began their work.
From Geek to Queen
As they washed, cut, and styled my hair, I pulled out my phone and started planning my next move.
The screen lit up with notifications, but I ignored them all.
Instead, I searched for the most exclusive places in town—places where only the elite could go.
I found an upscale café nearby and decided it would be my next stop.
The stylists finished their work, and I admired my reflection.
My hair was sleek and shiny, cascading down my shoulders in perfect waves.
My nails were painted a deep crimson, adding to my fierce new look.
"Thank you," I said as I stood up, tossing a generous tip onto the counter.
They nodded appreciatively, clearly relieved that I was pleased.
I made my way to the café, its elegant façade standing out among the other buildings on the street.
Inside, the atmosphere was sophisticated and serene.
Soft music played in the background as well-dressed patrons sipped their drinks and chatted quietly.
I approached the counter and ordered lavishly—a cappuccino with gold flakes, a slice of decadent chocolate cake, and a sparkling water infused with exotic fruits.
The barista, a handsome young man with dark hair and bright eyes, smiled as he took my order.
From Geek to Queen
"Coming right up," he said with a wink.
I leaned against the counter, watching him work with practiced ease.
"So," I said casually. "Do you always make drinks this beautifully?"
He chuckled. "Only for special customers like you."
Just as I was about to respond, I noticed Jason entering the café.
His eyes scanned the room until they landed on me.
His expression was one of concern mixed with frustration.
Ignoring him completely, I continued to charm everyone around me.
The barista handed me my drink with a flourish. "Enjoy."
"Oh, I will," I replied with a smile.
Jason approached my table hesitantly. "Emily, we need to talk."
I looked up at him briefly before turning back to my cake. "Not now."
"But it's important," he insisted.
I sighed dramatically. "Jason, can't you see I'm busy?"
He stood there helplessly as I dismissed him coldly.
"Fine," he muttered before walking away dejectedly.
I took a sip of my cappuccino and relished its rich flavor.
The barista returned to check on me.
"Everything alright?" he asked.
"Perfect," I replied smoothly.
From Geek to Queen
"So," I said, my voice dropping to a sultry tone, "do you always make drinks this beautifully?"
He blushed, clearly taken aback by my forwardness.
"Uh, only for special customers like you," he stammered.
I smirked, enjoying his reaction.
"Well, aren't I lucky?" I replied, letting my fingers brush against his as I took my drink.
His eyes widened slightly, and he swallowed hard.
"Y-yeah, I guess so," he managed to say.
I leaned in closer, lowering my voice to a whisper.
"You know," I began, "a handsome guy like you must have girls lining up for your attention."
He chuckled nervously, glancing around as if looking for an escape.
"I-I wouldn't say that," he said.
"Oh, come on," I teased, "don't be modest."
From Geek to Queen
He fumbled with a napkin, clearly flustered.
"Really, I'm just doing my job," he insisted.
I tilted my head and gave him a playful smile.
"Well, you're doing it very well," I said.
His face turned an even deeper shade of red.
"Thanks," he mumbled.
I took the napkin from his hand and scribbled my number on it.
Sliding it back to him, I whispered, "Call me sometime. You won't regret it."
He stared at the napkin, then back at me, his eyes wide with anticipation.
"I-I will," he stuttered.
I straightened up and gave him one last lingering look.
"Good boy," I said with a wink before turning on my heel and walking out of the café.
As I stepped outside, the cool breeze hit my face, invigorating me even more.
The city buzzed around me—cars honking, people chatting on their phones, street vendors calling out their wares.
From Geek to Queen
I felt unstoppable.
My confidence soared higher than ever as I strutted down the sidewalk.
Every step was a declaration of my newfound power.
People glanced at me as I passed by, some with admiration, others with envy.
It didn't matter; they all noticed me.
I reached into my bag and pulled out my phone to check the time.
There was still plenty of day left to conquer.
Maybe I'd hit another boutique or perhaps find a new spot to flaunt my dominance.
The possibilities were endless.
As I walked past a group of young professionals gathered outside a trendy bistro, one of them caught my eye and smiled appreciatively.
I returned the smile with a confident nod before continuing on my way.
The world was mine for the taking.
Suddenly, a loud crash echoed from behind me.
From Geek to Queen
From Geek to Queen
A car had crashed into a pole, the front end crumpled like an accordion.
Smoke billowed from the engine, and the driver stumbled out, his face pale and streaked with blood.
He looked around frantically before his eyes locked onto mine.
"You did this!" he screamed, pointing directly at me.
His voice was filled with panic and rage.
My heart raced for a moment, but then I felt something shift inside me.
A laugh bubbled up from my chest—a sinister, cold laugh that echoed in the chaos around us.
It was as if his accusation had given me a strange sense of validation.
I felt emboldened, almost proud.
Ignoring the crowd that was beginning to gather around the wreck, I turned away and started walking.
My heels clicked against the pavement with a newfound sense of purpose.
The city seemed to blur around me as I focused on the thrill coursing through my veins.
My phone buzzed incessantly with messages from classmates and admirers, but I paid them no mind.
They were distractions, insignificant compared to the power I felt growing within me.
From Geek to Queen
I reveled in the fear I could instill in others, the control I could wield over them.
As I walked, I noticed people stepping aside to let me pass, their eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and apprehension.
It was intoxicating.
I reached a busy intersection and paused, watching the cars zoom by and pedestrians hurry along their way.
The world seemed to move in slow motion as I stood there, feeling invincible.
A group of teenagers loitered near a bus stop, their laughter grating on my nerves.
I approached them with deliberate steps, my gaze unwavering.
"What's so funny?" I demanded, my voice cutting through their chatter like a knife.
They fell silent, their expressions shifting from amusement to unease.
One of them, a lanky boy with messy hair, tried to muster a response.
"We were just joking around," he said weakly.
"Joking around?" I repeated mockingly. "You think your pathetic jokes matter?"
They exchanged nervous glances, unsure how to respond.
I could see the fear in their eyes, and it only fueled my sense of superiority.
"Maybe you should find something more productive to do," I suggested coldly. "Before you embarrass yourselves any further."
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Without waiting for a reply, I turned on my heel and continued down the street.
The adrenaline surged through me as I left them behind, their stunned silence echoing in my ears.
My phone buzzed again, but this time it was different—a call from an unknown number.
I hesitated for a moment before answering.
"Hello?" I said curtly.
"Emily," a familiar voice replied. It was Jason. "We need to talk."
I rolled my eyes. "What now?"
"Meet me at the park," he insisted. "It's important."
Against my better judgment, I agreed and made my way to the park.
The sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows across the grass.
Jason stood by a bench, his expression serious as he watched me approach.
"What is it?" I asked impatiently.
"Emily," he began cautiously. "People are starting to notice... things about you."
I raised an eyebrow. "And?"
"And it's not good," he continued. "You're scaring people."
A smirk tugged at my lips. "Good."
Jason's eyes widened in shock. "This isn't you. What's happening?"
I stepped closer, my voice dropping to a menacing whisper. "Maybe you don't know me as well as you think."
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