MidReal Story

from engaging in any more bachelor activities . Rose ,


May 3
Scenario:from engaging in any more bachelor activities." Rose, despite the disgust she felt towards the man, was determined to offer him financial stability in exchange for his presence in their son's life.
Create my version of this story
from engaging in any more bachelor activities." Rose, despite the disgust she felt towards the man, was determined to offer him financial stability in exchange for his presence in their son's life.
The moment I’d been dreading and hoping for at the same time arrived all too quickly.
My hands clenched Oliver’s tighter and I closed the file on my lap.
“Hey, buddy, do you want to play with the iPad for a while?”
He shook his head, his big green eyes never straying from the window.
“Are we there yet?”
I gave him a sad smile.
“The next time we stop, we’ll be at our hotel for the night.”
He nodded and finally turned to me, looking up with a smile that almost made my resolve crumble.
“Can I have a cookie?”
I narrowed my eyes at him.
“We had lunch an hour ago.
You can have a cookie after dinner.”
He pouted for a few seconds, then shrugged and settled against the car seat.
“Okay.” He paused. “I’m hungry.”
“Of course you are,” I muttered to myself.
Gathering my courage, I got out of the car and walked around to Oliver’s side.
I unbuckled him from his seat and took his small hand in mine.
Another few steps and I was standing in front of the door.
James Anderson’s door, a man who’d never laid eyes on the son he’d helped me create.
The father of my child.
The man who’d broken my heart into tiny pieces four years ago.
I wasn’t even sure he was still living in this house.
What if he’d moved out?
What would I tell Oliver then?
That I’d been a coward and hadn’t even bothered to try?
To give him a chance to know his father?
My hand shook as I lifted it to knock on the door, but I squeezed Oliver’s hand tighter, pulling strength from his tiny body.
He deserved this much at least.
I could be brave for him.
For us both.
I’d spent too much time being angry with James for what he’d done.
All those wasted tears and hours spent wondering what I’d done wrong or if he ever thought of me at all.
The truth was—and it had taken me years to realize this—James Anderson just wasn’t a father.
Not that that made what he’d done okay, but it made it easier to understand.
And to forgive, even if just a little bit.
Maybe he’d changed over the years and he wanted to finally meet Oliver, even if just once.
from engaging in any more bachelor activities . Rose ,