MidReal Story

Forgotten Powers: Unveiling Truths in a Supernatural World


May 19
Scenario:I'm pretty sure you at least three"~He looks around nervously. "Are you sure you want to hear something?"
Create my version of this story
I'm pretty sure you at least three"~He looks around nervously. "Are you sure you want to hear something?"

Lily Chen

skilled hunter and friend to Ethan, has a complex relationship with her family, petite with sharp features, brave and loyal.


Gabriel Reyes

powerful vampire leader who mentors Ethan, has a history with Lily's family, imposing figure with charismatic aura, secretive yet protective.


Ethan Clarke

amnesiac with mysterious powers, friends with Lily and mentored by Gabriel, tall with dark hair and silver eyes, resilient and curious.

I woke up in a city I didn’t recognize, with no memory of how I got there.
The last thing I remembered was a woman’s voice telling me to run.
I had no idea who she was or what she was warning me about, but I had listened to her.
I’d run as fast and as far as I could, until my legs gave out and I collapsed on the ground.
When I woke up again, I was here.
The city was called Haven, and it was home to vampires, werewolves, and other supernatural beings.
It was also home to Lily Chen, the girl who saved my life.
She found me lying unconscious on the street and took me in without question, even though she didn’t know who I was or where I came from.
She fed me and clothed me and gave me a place to stay until I got back on my feet.
And when the creatures came for me in the dead of night, she fought them off with nothing but a wooden stake and a silver knife.
I didn’t know whether to believe her at first, but my doubts vanished when I saw the vampires.
They were fast, faster than anything I’d ever seen.
They were also strong, much stronger than me.
But the most terrifying thing about them was their eyes.
Their eyes were blood red and feral, and they seemed to glow in the dark.
They were the eyes of predators, and I was their prey.
I don’t know how long Lily and I ran, but it felt like forever.
The streets were a blur as we raced through the city, with the vampires hot on our heels.
I could hear their inhuman snarls and growls as they chased us, and I knew that if they caught us, we were dead.
I didn’t want to die, and I didn’t want Lily to die either.
I wanted to live, and I wanted her to live too.
So I ran faster and harder than I’d ever run before, until I thought my heart would burst from my chest.
And when I finally looked back, I saw that the vampires were gone.
I was alone in an alleyway, with no sign of Lily or the creatures that had chased us.
My lungs burned and my legs felt like jelly, but I was alive.
I’d made it through the night, and so had she.
But where was she?
And how had she managed to evade the vampires?
I looked around for her, but she was nowhere to be found.
My heart sank as I realized that she was gone, and that I was all alone in a strange city with no idea of what to do next.
I knew that I couldn’t stay here—not after what happened tonight.
The vampires would come for me again, and this time, they wouldn’t stop until they had me.
So I forced myself to my feet and stumbled out of the alleyway, into the deserted street beyond.
The city was still asleep as I made my way through its dark and empty streets.
There were no cars or people around, just the occasional flickering streetlight casting eerie shadows on the ground.
I had no idea where I was going or what I was looking for.
All I knew was that I needed to get away from here, and fast.
But as I walked, a creeping sense of unease began to take hold of me.
It wasn’t just the vampires that scared me, or even the thought of being alone in a strange city with no one to turn to.
It was something else—something darker and more sinister than anything I’d ever encountered before.
It was everywhere around me, in the very air that I breathed, and it made my skin crawl with dread.
I didn’t know what it was or where it was coming from, but I knew that I didn’t want to stick around to find out.
So I quickened my pace and tried not to think about what lay ahead of me—or behind me.
if you’re out there, please help me!”
I was crying now, tears streaming down my face as I called out into the darkness for a savior who would never come.
Forgotten Powers: Unveiling Truths in a Supernatural World
Or so I thought until I heard the hiss of a vampire behind me and knew that I wasn’t alone after all.
I spun around and saw the vampire lunging toward me, its fangs bared and its eyes blazing with hunger and malice.
I tried to run, but my legs wouldn’t move, and all I could do was stand there and wait for the creature to strike—until a figure stepped out of the shadows and drove a stake through its heart.
The vampire screeched and disintegrated into a cloud of dust, and I saw that it was Lily Chen who had saved me once again.
She looked pale and haggard, with dark circles under her eyes and blood on her clothes, but she still held herself with the same fierce and unyielding determination as before.
“Are you all right?”
she asked me, her voice hard and cold, as if she were angry at me for being here.
“You shouldn’t have come back here.”
“I-I didn’t mean to,” I stammered, still in shock from the vampire’s sudden attack.
I don’t know how it found me.”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said.
“What matters is that we get out of here.”
And then she took my hand and started running again, with me stumbling along behind her as she led me through the city’s dark and empty streets.
I don’t know how long we ran or how far we went, but it felt like forever until we finally stopped in another alleyway and turned to face the creatures that had been chasing us.
There were three of them this time, two males and one female, and they were all snarling and hissing at us with their fangs bared and their eyes blazing with bloodlust.
But instead of cowering in fear, I stood my ground and faced them with the same fierce and unyielding determination as before.
I may not have known who I was or how I got here, but I knew that I wasn’t going to let them hurt me—or Lily—without a fight.
I grabbed one of the vampires and plunged my makeshift stake into its chest, aiming for its heart as Lily had taught me.
The vampire screeched and writhed in pain as I drove the stake deeper, and I felt its skin turning to dust under my fingers.
I looked up just in time to see Lily stabbing the other male through the heart with her silver-bladed knife, before driving her wooden stake through his chest as well.
The female vampire lunged at her from behind, but Lily sidestepped her attack and countered with a swift kick to the stomach that sent her sprawling on the ground.
She didn’t wait for the vampire to get back on her feet before striking again, this time plunging her stake into her heart with a vicious jab that took the creature down for good.
She looked up at me and smiled.
“Not bad,” she said.
“I didn’t think you had it in you.”
“I didn’t either,” I admitted, feeling a rush of adrenaline as I looked down at my trembling hands.
“But I guess I do.”
“Good,” she said.
“Then stay close and follow my lead.”
And with that, she turned and walked away, leaving me to catch up with her once more.
Forgotten Powers: Unveiling Truths in a Supernatural World
Lily must have sensed my growing unease because she suddenly stopped running and turned to face me.
“I can’t keep doing this,” she said.
“You have to keep up with me or we’re both going to die.”
I nodded and tried to slow my breathing, but it was hard when my heart was racing so fast it felt like it might explode out of my chest at any moment.
I had never been so scared or so exhausted in my entire life, and I wasn’t sure how much longer I could keep going.
All I wanted to do was lie down and sleep—and maybe eat something, too—before I fell over dead on the spot.
Lily seemed to realize this too because she reached into her bag and pulled out a blood bag before handing it to me.
“Here,” she said.
“You need to drink this if you want to survive in this city full of vampires.”
I stared at the bag in horror, even though I knew she was right.
I could feel the hunger gnawing at my insides like a living thing, and I knew it wouldn’t be long before it got the better of me if I didn’t do something about it soon.
I took the blood bag and held it to my lips, trying not to think too much about what—or who—I was drinking from as I took my first hesitant sip.
The blood was warm and metallic, with a faintly sweet aftertaste that was oddly satisfying, and before I knew it, I was drinking greedily from the bag and gulping down every last drop.
When I was done, Lily took the empty bag from me and tossed it into the trash can before taking my hand and leading me away once more.
“There’s no time to rest,” she said as we ran.
“The other vampires will be here any minute now, and we need to find a place to hide before they catch up with us.”
“Why can’t we just kill them?”
I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
“Because there are too many of them and not enough of us,” she said grimly.
“And besides, it’s not our job to fight them—it’s our job to survive.”
We ran for what felt like hours until we were finally forced to stop when we reached a dead-end alleyway.
The vampires were right behind us now, and they had brought reinforcements with them this time, at least a dozen or more creatures that were all running at full speed towards us with their fangs bared and their eyes glowing like twin balls of fire.
Lily looked around frantically for a way out and finally spotted a fire escape ladder leading up to the roof of one of the buildings.
“Up there,” she said, pointing to the ladder.
“Follow me and don’t look down.”
And with that, she started climbing the ladder up to the roof while I hurried after her as fast as my tired and aching limbs would allow.
I could hear the vampires closing in behind us, their footsteps echoing through the alley like a drumbeat that grew steadily louder and faster with every passing second.
Despite my exhaustion, I somehow found the strength to climb faster than I had ever climbed before, and by the time we reached the top, Lily was already inside the building and pushing open the door for me to follow.
I did as she said without question, even though my legs were shaking so badly that I could barely stand anymore.
The building was dark and empty inside, with only a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling that cast a pale yellow glow over everything.
Forgotten Powers: Unveiling Truths in a Supernatural World