MidReal Story

Forgotten Powers: Space's Secret Mission


May 23
Scenario:Sci-fi fantasy where 110 people of various ages have been experimented on, had their memories erased were sent into space 10 of those 110 people wake up on the ship have to figure out what's happening, regain their memories, learn to use their powers fight back against the enemy who happens to be the leader of the organization that did this to them. The leader of the organization wanted to lead a new world because Earth was dying and the existence of life on other planets had been discovered a century ago but the governments of earth wouldn't allow it so she decided to start her organization set out to experiment on 110 test subjects to prepare their bodies for space travel life on other planets main characters are the 10 test subjects who first wake up on the ship a 15 year old girl named Emi, a 34 year old man named Aden who happens to be Emi's uncle a 29 year old woman named Ava a 16 year old boy named Luke a 17 year old boy named Carter a 19 year old girl named Allison a 10 year old boy named Leo &his twin sister Sophia 28 year old man Drew & his sis8 year old Issabelle
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Sci-fi fantasy where 110 people of various ages have been experimented on, had their memories erased were sent into space 10 of those 110 people wake up on the ship have to figure out what's happening, regain their memories, learn to use their powers fight back against the enemy who happens to be the leader of the organization that did this to them. The leader of the organization wanted to lead a new world because Earth was dying and the existence of life on other planets had been discovered a century ago but the governments of earth wouldn't allow it so she decided to start her organization set out to experiment on 110 test subjects to prepare their bodies for space travel life on other planets main characters are the 10 test subjects who first wake up on the ship a 15 year old girl named Emi, a 34 year old man named Aden who happens to be Emi's uncle a 29 year old woman named Ava a 16 year old boy named Luke a 17 year old boy named Carter a 19 year old girl named Allison a 10 year old boy named Leo &his twin sister Sophia 28 year old man Drew & his sis8 year old Issabelle
I wake up to the sound of a girl screaming.
My eyes snap open, and I sit up in bed, my heart racing.
Where am I?
I look around the room, but nothing looks familiar.
The walls are white, and there’s a small window on the far side of the room that shows nothing but darkness.
The girl screams again, and I realize it’s coming from the room next to mine.
I jump out of bed and run to the door, but it’s locked.
“Help me!”
the girl screams.
“Please, let me out!”
I bang on the door with my fists, but no one comes to help us.
“Hang on,” I tell her.
“I’ll find a way to get you out of there.”
I run back to my bed and grab the pillow off of it.
Then I rush back to the door and start hitting it with the pillow as hard as I can.
It doesn’t take long for me to realize that this isn’t going to work, so I throw the pillow down in frustration and look around for something else to use as a weapon.
I’m about to smash it into the door when I hear a voice behind me.
“Emi, what are you doing?”
I turn around and see a tall man walking toward me.
He has dark eyes and sharp features, and there’s something about him that makes me think he’s related to me somehow.
“Who are you?”
I ask, even though I’m pretty sure I already know the answer.
“My name is Aden,” the man says.
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
I think about the question for a moment, but nothing comes to mind.
I remember my name, but not much else.
“I don’t know,” I tell him.
“I can’t remember anything.”
He looks at me for a moment, then his expression softens.
“It’s okay,” he says gently.
“Do you know who I am?”
I think for a moment, then shake my head.
“Well,” he says with a small smile, “I’m your uncle.
Your name is Emi Thompson, and you’re fifteen years old.”
“Thompson,” I say, testing out the name.
It sounds right, but I don’t know why.
I nod at him, then gesture to the door that leads into the room next to mine.
“There’s a girl in there,” I tell him.
“She needs our help.”
Aden looks at the door for a moment, then nods.
“What do you want me to do?”
he asks me.
“Break it down with that chair.”
He hesitates for a moment, then nods and walks over to the door with the chair in his hands.
He swings it at the door a few times before it finally splinters and falls away from its frame, revealing a small, empty room on the other side.
The girl isn’t there anymore, but I can hear her crying in the hallway beyond the door.
Aden steps through the doorway and looks around, then holds out his hand to me.
I take it and follow him into the hallway, where I see dozens of other people standing around in various states of distress.
They all turn to look at us when we step out of our rooms, and I realize that we all have one thing in common: we have no idea who we are or why we’re here.
Except for my locket.
I reach up and touch it for reassurance as we make our way down the hall to join the others.
Ava Lin wakes up slowly, her head pounding and her vision blurry.
She sits up in bed and rubs her eyes, then blinks a few times to clear her vision.
When she finally opens her eyes all the way, she finds herself looking at a tall man with dark eyes and sharp features who is sitting on the edge of the bed next to hers.
She screams and scrambles away from him, her heart racing as she tries to figure out where she is and how she got here.
The man holds up his hands and takes a step back from her, his expression worried.
She looks at him for a long moment before shaking her head and looking around the room again, trying to figure out where she is and how she got here, but nothing looks familiar.
She clutches the locket around her neck, the only thing she has to remind her of who she is, but it doesn’t help much because she can’t remember anything about herself, not even her own name.
The man looks at her for a long moment, then shakes his head.
“It’s okay,” he says gently.
“My name is Aden Thompson, and I’m your uncle.”
Ava looks at him for a moment, then frowns as she realizes that she recognizes him, even though she can’t remember who he is or how they’re related.
Thompson,” she says slowly, testing out the name, but it doesn’t mean anything to her.
Aden looks at her for a long moment, then nods at her locket, which she has opened to reveal a picture of a man and woman holding a baby girl who looks just like her.
“Do you know who they are?”
he asks her gently.
She shakes her head, but she’s lying because she knows that they’re her parents, even if she can’t remember anything about them or what happened to them.
She doesn’t want Aden to worry about her any more than he already is, so she tucks the locket back under her shirt and turns her attention back to him, hoping that he can explain where they are and what’s going on, even though she knows that he can’t.
Aden looks at her for a long moment before shaking his head again and standing up so that he can look around the room.
“I don’t know where we are,” he says after a moment, “but I think it’s some kind of spaceship.”
Ava looks around the room again, but all she sees are white walls and a small window with bars on it that shows nothing but darkness beyond it.
She realizes that he’s right, but she can’t bring herself to believe it, not when she knows that there’s no way that something like this could actually exist.
But then again, she doesn’t have any better ideas, so she nods at him and stands up so that she can look around the room as well.
There’s a desk in the corner with a computer on it, so she walks over to it and turns it on.
It takes a few minutes for the computer to boot up, but when it finally does, she sees that there’s an email program open on the screen.
She clicks on it, but there are no messages in the inbox, so she closes it and opens up the internet browser instead.
She types in the address of one of her favorite websites, but nothing happens, so she tries another one, but still nothing.
Frustrated, she closes the browser and turns around to tell Aden what she found, but he’s not in the room anymore.
There’s an open doorway next to the bed, so she walks over to it and looks out into the hallway, where she sees Aden standing next to another girl who looks like she might be about fifteen years old.
"Forgotten Powers: Space's Secret Mission"
She walks out into the hallway to join them, but before she can say anything, Ava starts talking again.
“There are one hundred ten test subjects aboard this ship,” she says.
“Most of you were given superhuman abilities so that you could survive in the harsh conditions of the new worlds you were sent here to colonize.”
Emi listens as Ava rattles off some of these abilities, which include telekinesis, flight, enhanced strength, x-ray vision, heat vision, invisibility, time travel, shapeshifting, super speed, super reflexes, super durability, weather control, and mind control.
When she’s finished listing all of them, Emi looks at Aden to see if he knows what any of them are, but he just looks back at her blankly before turning his attention back to Ava.
“So what do these abilities do?”
she asks after a moment.
“How do they help us survive?”
“It varies depending on the ability,” Ava replies.
“For example, the people on this ship who were given telekinesis can use it to create force fields around themselves to protect themselves from harm, while the person who was given flight is able to fly around and see what’s coming from above so that he can warn the others in case there’s something dangerous nearby.”
She pauses for a moment and looks at Emi before continuing.
“The people who were given enhanced strength have fists like hammers, and the person who was given x-ray vision can see through walls and other obstacles so that they can see what’s on the other side, which is especially useful in situations where one person is trapped on one side of a wall while the other person is trapped on the other.”
Emi frowns and raises an eyebrow at Ava, but before she can say anything, a door opens behind them, and they all turn around to see several other test subjects coming out into the hallway as well.
Most of them look just as confused as Emi and Aden do, but one of them—a boy who looks like he might be about sixteen years old—steps forward and speaks up before any of them can say anything.
“Who are you?”
he asks Ava as he walks over to join them.
“What are you?”
Emi watches as Ava looks down at the boy and smiles at him even though she knows that she doesn’t really have a face for him to see, which means that she must be smiling with some kind of emotion instead.
"Forgotten Powers: Space's Secret Mission"