MidReal Story

Forbidden Love: A Family's Turmoil


May 18
Scenario:middle aged man was in love with her daughter in law asking her to have a relationship. the daughter in law was an indian girl of age 35 years
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middle aged man was in love with her daughter in law asking her to have a relationship. the daughter in law was an indian girl of age 35 years
I’m in love with my daughter-in-law.
There, I said it.
It’s been a year since my son, Michael, married Emily Patel, and I still can’t get her out of my head.
She’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, and she’s so intelligent and reserved that it only makes me want her more.
I know I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts about her, but I can’t help it.
I’ve tried to move on, but every time I see her, I fall for her all over again.
The worst part is that she has no idea how I feel about her.
And she never will.
I would never do anything to hurt my son or ruin his marriage.
But sometimes, when we’re alone together, I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to kiss her or hold her in my arms.
I know it’s wrong, but the temptation is too much to resist.
I’ve been in denial about my feelings for her, but it’s impossible to ignore them now.
I’m hopelessly in love with my daughter-in-law, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
I know how ridiculous that sounds.
It’s been a year since Michael and Emily got married, and I still can’t get her out of my head.
When they first announced their engagement, I was in shock.
But I tried to be happy for them, and I thought that my feelings for Emily would eventually go away.
But they haven’t.
If anything, they’ve only gotten worse.
I’ve tried to avoid being alone with her, but nothing seems to work.
And now I don’t know how much longer I can keep myself in check.
I know what I’m feeling is wrong, but it’s impossible to ignore the way my heart races every time I see her or the way my body aches for her touch.
I don’t know how much longer I can keep pretending that I’m not in love with her.
I’ve been trying not to think about her, but it’s impossible.
Emily is all I ever think about.
I think about what it would be like to kiss her and hold her in my arms.
I think about the way she looks at me when she thinks I’m not paying attention and the way she smiles when she thinks no one is watching.
And I hate myself for feeling this way about her.
I know that nothing will ever happen between us, but that doesn’t change the way I feel.
In the past year, I’ve done everything I can to avoid being alone with Emily, only to fail miserably every time.
But this time is different.
This time, I refuse to give in to temptation.
I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my feelings for her in check, even if it means never being alone with her again.
It’s impossible not to love Emily Patel.
She has the most striking features and smoothest brown skin that make me think of chocolate.
She’s a gorgeous woman by any standard, with a perfect body and a smile that could light up any room.
She has long black hair that falls in waves down her back, and big dark eyes that always seem to sparkle when she’s happy or excited about something.
But what I love most about her is that she always puts others before herself and never brags about how smart or talented she really is.
Emily has always been a quiet woman who doesn’t seek attention or validation from others, which only makes me want her more.
The feelings I have for Emily are new and overwhelming, so much so that I don’t know how to handle them or what they mean.
There are days when I feel like I’m going crazy because I can’t get her out of my head.
And there are days when I feel like a fool because I know that nothing will ever happen between us, no matter how much we might want it to.
Forbidden Love: A Family's Turmoil
It’s hard to believe how much can change in just one year.
We’re all gathered around the table for Thanksgiving dinner, sharing stories and laughs as we enjoy each other’s company.
My heart aches as I watch Michael dote on his wife and take care of her every need before she even knows she needs something.
He’s so in love with her and still treats her like she’s his bride, even though they’ve been married for a year now.
It’s a beautiful sight to see and one that makes me so incredibly happy and sad at the same time.
I’ve missed them both so much this past year and am so grateful to have them home for the holiday.
But as much as it warms my heart to see them so in love, it also makes me long for what they have.
It makes me long for Emily.
I can’t help but stare at her as we eat dinner together at the table.
She’s sitting across from me and is even more beautiful than I remember.
My eyes roam over her body, taking in every inch of her perfect curves and flawless skin.
She’s wearing a simple black dress tonight that shows off her smooth brown legs and delicate collarbones.
I can’t help but wonder how they would feel against my lips and what she’d look like if the dress fell to the floor.
And I hate myself for feeling this way about her, especially with Michael sitting next to her, but I can’t help it.
No matter how much I try, I can’t get Emily out of my head.
I lean forward and try to engage in the conversation, but it’s hard to focus on anything other than the woman sitting across from me.
She’s so beautiful and graceful and intelligent, and I can’t help but wonder what’s going on behind those big dark eyes of hers.
She’s always been shy, but there are times when I can tell she’s lost in thought and thinking about something important.
And those are the times when I find her the most intriguing.
I wish I knew what she was thinking or what was going on behind her pretty exterior, but I know I’ll never find out.
I’m just her father-in-law, after all.
“Are you OK, John?”
I’m pulled from my thoughts by Michael, who is watching me with a concerned expression.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” I reply quickly, not wanting to worry him or let on that anything is wrong.
“I’m just happy to have you both home for Thanksgiving.”
He smiles at me, and I know he believes me.
But I also know he’ll be watching me now, looking for any signs that something is wrong.
And I don’t want him to worry about me tonight.
This is their first Thanksgiving as a married couple, and I want them to enjoy every moment of it.
I plaster a smile on my face and turn back to the table, pretending to engage in the conversation and feign interest in what everyone has to say.
But no matter how hard I try, I can’t shake the feeling of loneliness that washes over me as we celebrate together as a family.
It’s hard to believe that one year ago, Michael and Emily were saying their vows and starting their life together.
And it’s even harder to believe that one year later, nothing has changed.
Emily is still his wife, and I’m still head over heels in love with her.
Forbidden Love: A Family's Turmoil
“Every time we have a family gathering like this, she becomes a vital part of it.”
I’m not sure how long we sit around the table talking and laughing, but eventually everyone starts to make their way into the living room.
I want to go with them, but I also want to help clean up since it was our housewarming party.
I grab a plate from the table and make my way toward the kitchen to wash it when I see her standing at the sink.
I don’t know why she captivates me so much or why being near her makes me feel so alive.
But I do know that I’ll do anything just to be near her.
Even if it means doing the dishes just so I can catch a glimpse of her.
She turns and gives me a small smile before going back to work.
It feels different now when she smiles at me than it did when she was just Michael’s girlfriend.
Now she smiles like we’re family.
Like she actually cares about me and is happy to have me here.
But maybe it’s all in my head.
I’ve spent countless hours thinking about her and analyzing every look and every smile she gives me.
I try not to let her affect me like this, but there’s something about Emily that draws me in and makes it impossible for me not to.
Maybe it’s her intelligence or her striking features or the way she commands my attention without even trying.
I’ve tried to rationalize my feelings and remind myself that she’s married and off-limits.
But no matter how hard I try, I can’t seem to get her out of my head.
“Do you need any help with those?”
My wife asks as she enters the kitchen and starts loading the dishwasher.
“I’ve got them,” I tell her quickly, not wanting her to take over and steal my excuse to be in the kitchen with Emily.
I’m not sure how much longer I can keep up this charade or how much longer I can stay away from her before something has to give.
And I know I should stay away from her and keep my distance because she’s already taken.
But I also know that it can’t hurt anything if I’m here with her now and helping her clean up.
After all, it’s just the two of us in here with no one else around and no one watching us.
And there are worse things in life than helping my daughter-in-law do the dishes after Thanksgiving dinner.
Besides, I feel sorry for her since her parents are overseas and she doesn’t have anyone here with her tonight.
She must be feeling lonely and left out, and the last thing I want is for her to feel that way.
“I think Emily might be feeling a little lonely tonight,” I tell my wife as I make my way into the kitchen and put my plate in the sink before rolling up my sleeves and getting ready to help do the dishes.
“Her parents are overseas and weren’t able to make it home for Thanksgiving this year.”
“Are you sure?”
my wife asks as she watches me turn on the water and start scrubbing the plate in front of me.
“It would be nice to keep her company.”
“But they flew her sister in from California,” she says as she starts loading the dishwasher in front of me.
Forbidden Love: A Family's Turmoil