MidReal Story

Forbidden Kingdoms: Love Defying Enmity

Scenario:A Prince named Jisung Han who fell in love with a Prince named Minho Lee from the opposite kingdom even though it was forbidden. Minho is older than Jisung. Very sad story.
Create my version of this story
A Prince named Jisung Han who fell in love with a Prince named Minho Lee from the opposite kingdom even though it was forbidden. Minho is older than Jisung. Very sad story.
The Eastern Kingdom and the Western Kingdom had been at enmity for centuries.
The two kingdoms were separated by a vast mountain range, and the only time they ever met was during diplomatic events, where the two kings would meet to discuss peace.
The princes of both kingdoms were never allowed to meet each other, and they were forbidden to have any kind of relationship with each other.
It was said that if a prince of the Eastern Kingdom fell in love with a prince of the Western Kingdom, it would bring about the end of the world.
Jisung Han was the youngest prince of the Eastern Kingdom, and he had always been a little bit of a rebel.
He didn’t like being told what to do, and he didn’t like being told who he could and couldn’t love.
So when he met Minho Lee, the oldest prince of the Western Kingdom, at a diplomatic event, he knew that he was in trouble.
Minho was handsome and regal, with dark hair and piercing eyes that seemed to see right through Jisung.
My father, the king, warned me that this diplomatic event was to be taken very seriously.
I got it—our kingdom and the Western Kingdom were at each other’s throats.
If someone did something wrong, there would be war.
My father stressed that I had to be on my best behavior.
The only way for the two kingdoms to see each other was through these events, and they would be constantly watched by the advisors and guards.
This wasn’t my first time attending a diplomatic event, though.
I had gone to many of them since I was old enough to walk, and they were always the same.
The two kings would meet and discuss some useless things, such as the weather and how their wives were doing.
Once the meeting came to an end, my father would invite them to have some tea in the palace.
But when I arrived at the grand hall, I saw that the other king wasn’t there yet.
Instead, there was a young man, who looked about my age, standing with his father.
He had dark hair, and his eyes were like two black diamonds that gleamed under the sunlight.
His lips were a little thin, but they didn’t make him look any less handsome.
He was wearing a white robe that showed off his long legs.
Everyone around him looked at him with respect and adoration in their eyes.
Even his father seemed to be in awe of him as well.
He patted him on the shoulder and said something to him, but he didn’t reply.
He just gave him a polite nod before turning his attention back to the entrance of the grand hall, where our king was going to arrive from.
The oldest prince of our kingdom was a lot like me.
We were both lively and talkative, and we loved making friends with all kinds of people.
But the oldest prince of the Western Kingdom was very different from his father and looked like he could care less about all of this.
I couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed after taking a few more glances at him.
I heard that their king had a few sons and daughters with different women, so it seemed that the oldest prince was nothing special after all.
The oldest prince of our kingdom looked a lot better than him, even though he was only seven years old.
I was about to turn around and leave when the prince turned around at the same time as me.
Our eyes met by accident, and my heart skipped a beat.
His eyes were colder than winter, but there was a hint of playfulness in them.
What he didn’t know was that his eyes were a lot more attractive than a pair of warm eyes.
I chuckled inwardly when I thought about this, but when I looked at him again, his eyes were still as cold as before.
It was as if he was going to see right through me, so I quickly turned around and left.
I couldn’t help but think about him again after I returned to my room.
He was probably the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life.
He was also very different from all the other people I had seen here before.
The Western Kingdom was a lot more traditional, so all of its citizens were very formal.
But that prince was different from them.
Forbidden Kingdoms: Love Defying Enmity
And for some reason, I couldn’t seem to tear my gaze away from him at all.
I lay down on my bed with my hands behind my head, deep in thought.
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that I fell asleep.
As soon as I woke up, I went straight to the grand hall for breakfast.
When I got there, I saw that everyone was looking at the entrance of the grand hall in awe.
I turned around in confusion and saw that there were two people standing there.
One of them was our king, while the other one was the prince from yesterday.
He was even more handsome than he had been yesterday, so much so that everyone in the grand hall seemed to be completely enchanted by him.
“He’s really so handsome!”
“Yeah, it’s not just his looks—his aura is very attractive as well.”
“Don’t you think he looks a lot like his father?”
“Yes, they look exactly alike when his father was younger.”
I had heard all sorts of things being said about him since yesterday, but none of them mattered right now.
I didn’t know if it was my imagination, but it seemed like he was looking at me.
I quickly turned around and pulled a chair out to sit down.
I took a few deep breaths to calm myself down before I turned around to look at him again.
He had already taken a seat with his father.
The two kings were talking to each other, while the two princes were sitting next to them, listening closely to the conversation.
This must have been so boring for him.
I chuckled inwardly when I thought about this, but when I turned around to look at him, his eyes were already fixed on me.
My heart skipped a beat, but he quickly turned his gaze away.
He seemed very different from all the other people here.
When I thought of this, I couldn’t help but look at him again.
His hair was black, just like what I had read in the books, while his eyes were very sharp, like a pair of daggers that could pierce through anything.
His cheeks were very sharp as well, which made him look a little cold.
But his lips were very red, which made him look more attractive than he already was.
All of the princes were wearing white robes, but his robe was different from ours.
It was decorated with a few golden dragons that were embroidered on the hem of his robe.
There were a few black dragons on top of them as well.
His father must be very proud of him for being able to wear a robe like this.
But it must have been very uncomfortable for him to wear all of this in summer.
When I thought about this, I couldn’t help but feel a little sorry for him.
But when I took a closer look at him, I saw that his forehead was covered in sweat.
I quickly turned around and told one of my servants to get a handkerchief for him.
The two kings were still talking to each other when the prince received the handkerchief.
He gave me a nod to thank me before wiping off his sweat.
I couldn’t help but feel my face heat up when I saw that he had accepted it.
But I quickly turned around to hide my embarrassment.
It was then that I finally understood why the princes from both kingdoms were never allowed to interact with each other.
Because even though I had only met him once, I already knew that I wanted to be friends with him.
Forbidden Kingdoms: Love Defying Enmity
Not that it mattered; after all, we would never be able to see each other again anyway.
Minho was the oldest prince of the Western Kingdom, while I was the youngest prince of the Eastern Kingdom.
I had always thought that I was just an ordinary and unremarkable prince, but I soon realized that I was wrong about that after meeting Minho.
I had never met anyone as handsome and charming as him before, and I’m sure that I would never be able to meet anyone like him again either if we really had to go our separate ways after this event ended.
But even if I knew that, it didn’t stop me from being hopelessly attracted to him either way.
I quickly followed after Minho and made my way over with him when I heard this.
We soon found ourselves standing inside one of the rooms that had a sliding door by the side of it, which led to a small garden outside.
Minho quickly made his way over and opened the sliding door before he turned around and looked at me expectantly.
I quickly made my way over to him and stepped outside with him when I heard this.
The two of us soon found ourselves standing outside in the small garden together.
The two of us were both taller than most people our age, so I could see Minho’s face clearly when I looked up at him like this from such a close distance away.
But even though we were so close to each other, he seemed to be looking at me with an aloof look on his face, like he didn’t want me to be here at all.
I quickly looked away from him when I noticed this and stared off into the distance instead without saying anything else.
We stood there like this for a long time before Minho finally spoke up again.
His voice was much softer than before this time around.
Of course you would be feeling like this right now.”
I quickly turned around and looked at Minho in confusion when I heard this.
He was looking at me with an indifferent expression on his face, but he seemed to have some kind of hidden meaning behind his words.
I quickly opened my mouth to ask him what he meant by that, but before I could do that, a voice suddenly called out to me from behind.
I quickly turned around and realized that it was one of my friends, Yangyang.
He quickly made his way over to us, but he didn’t stop until he was standing right next to me.
The two of us were still quite a distance away from Minho, so he wouldn’t be able to hear us even if we were talking right now.
But even though that was the case, Yangyang still spoke in a low voice when he spoke to me.
“Don’t forget about what we talked about earlier on.”
I quickly nodded in response when I heard this.
But before I could say anything else, Yangyang had already walked over to us and started talking to Minho.
Forbidden Kingdoms: Love Defying Enmity
By now, it was already late into the night.
The grand feast that marked the end of this diplomatic event was about to begin soon, so the servants were all busy preparing for it.
Since I didn’t want to help out with any of this, I decided to sneak away from my guards and go look for Minho instead.
There were still quite a lot of people walking around in the grand hall when I made my way over there, but I couldn’t find Minho among any of them anywhere no matter how hard I tried.
Of course, it wasn’t like I had expected things to be this easy in the first place.
But even though that was the case, I still couldn’t help but feel a little bit disappointed after not being able to find Minho even after looking around for such a long time.
When am I even going to get a chance to see Minho again now?”
As I stood there thinking about all these things, a loud voice suddenly called out to me from behind.
I quickly turned around and realized that it was one of my friends, Renjun.
He was walking towards me with his hands on his hips, but he quickly stopped in front of me as soon as he saw me turning around.
What are you doing here?
I thought that you had gone to help out with the preparations for the grand feast?”
He quickly asked me in confusion.
I quickly looked over at the group of people who were getting ready for the grand feast once he said that and realized that they were already finished with everything.
I quickly opened my mouth to respond to Renjun, but before I could do that, Minho suddenly appeared from the far end of the corridor.
My eyes immediately lit up when I saw him, but Renjun quickly grabbed onto my shoulder before I could run off to find him.
“Stop right there!Do you want to get caught or something?”
He scolded me in a low voice.
If one of the other nobles sees you like this, then everyone is going to think that you are some kind of idiot.”
I quickly looked over at the group of people who were still getting ready for the grand feast once he said that.
But the only person who was still there was Minho.
I quickly pulled myself out of Renjun’s grip and started running over to where Minho was without saying anything else.
“Hey!Stop right there!”
He called out to me from behind, but I didn’t stop.
I soon found myself standing right next to Minho as soon as I turned around the corner of the corridor.
The two of us were still quite a distance away from the grand hall, but Minho was already on his way over there.
I quickly started running after him as soon as I realized this, but before I could even take a few steps, someone suddenly grabbed onto my shoulder from behind.
I quickly turned around and realized that it was Renjun.
“What are you doing?How can you just run off like this?”
I quickly turned around and looked over at the corridor where Minho had gone through earlier on when I heard this.