MidReal Story

Forbidden Kingdom Love

Scenario:Ancient islamic story...starts with two best friends aasiya and hajrah (main lead). Hajrah is of a royal family one of the 5 royal families that comes under the king. Aasiya is a commoner. Both the girls are very beautiful. They sneak out to the bazaar at night and suddenly there's an attack from the enemy kingdom. Hajra is intelligent and religious, aasiya is also relgious they both wear hijab and cover their faces. The enemy kingdom is where their love story starts
Create my version of this story
Ancient islamic story...starts with two best friends aasiya and hajrah (main lead). Hajrah is of a royal family one of the 5 royal families that comes under the king. Aasiya is a commoner. Both the girls are very beautiful. They sneak out to the bazaar at night and suddenly there's an attack from the enemy kingdom. Hajra is intelligent and religious, aasiya is also relgious they both wear hijab and cover their faces. The enemy kingdom is where their love story starts
I am Hajrah AlFarsi, a princess of one of the five royal families under King Abdullah AlFarsi’s rule.
That night, I was about to throw away everything my family and kingdom stood for.
I was about to embark on a journey that would change my life forever, all because of my best friend and future queen, Aasiya Khan.
Aasiya was a commoner of striking beauty with an unwavering spirit and a smile that could light up the darkest of nights.
She was also extremely persuasive and had managed to convince me to sneak out of the palace with her, a plan I wanted no part of.
But then she said the magic word: anonymity.
The concept was foreign to us as royals; we’d been raised to proudly represent our families at all times, with our identities on display for everyone to see.
The idea of blending in and roaming the streets as just another woman wearing a hijab intrigued me and sparked my interest.
Aasiya had been planning this adventure for days, but I wasn’t sold on the idea at all.
In fact, I’d done everything in my power to shoot it down when she first suggested it, which only made her more determined to get me on board.
My best friend was not one to back down from a challenge, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t admire that about her.
The palace corridors were dimly lit, with elaborate designs adorning the walls at every corner, hinting at the grandeur that lay beyond them.
Aasiya’s steps echoed through the empty hallways as she led me towards our destination.
Her excitement was palpable; she’d practically bounced out of bed this evening when I told her I’d changed my mind about sneaking out to the bazaar tonight.
It was the perfect opportunity for us to blend in with the crowd and have some fun without anyone recognizing us, since we’d be covering our faces.
The streets were bound to be packed this time of year, especially since it was the last week of Ramadan, which was always a cause for celebration.
The entire kingdom would come alive after the sun went down, with music, dancing, and food vendors lining the streets to feed the hungry crowds after the long day of fasting.
I couldn’t wait to let loose and enjoy something other than the boring palace parties I’d grown accustomed to over the years.
Suddenly, Aasiya stopped walking, causing me to bump into her back.
I looked around to see if we were near our destination, but all I could see was darkness ahead.
It would be another two minutes before we reached the walls surrounding the bazaar, so why had she suddenly stopped?
Forbidden Kingdom Love
As if reading my mind, Aasiya turned around and placed her finger over her lips, urging me to keep quiet.
“Shhh,” she said, her eyes wide as she motioned for me to hide behind her.
“What’s going on?”
I whispered back, not understanding why we were suddenly playing the silent game.
Aasiya turned towards the sound of footsteps growing louder by the second and pressed her back against the wall, pulling me along with her.
We watched in silence as two guards walked by us, their swords clinking against their armor with every step they took.
As soon as they were out of sight, Aasiya let out a sigh of relief and turned back towards me.
“Sorry about that.I didn’t realize they’d be doing rounds this late at night.”
“That’s okay,” I said.
I found myself lost in thought as I waited for her to tell me what we were doing next.
That was the story of our friendship—Aasiya doing whatever she wanted and me following along for the ride.
It had been that way since the day we met as children and would probably be that way for the rest of our lives.
We were complete opposites in every regard, but somehow it worked for us.
I’d been shy and reserved since I was young, while Aasiya was outgoing and wild.
She’d never once cared what people thought about her and had no problem speaking her mind, even if it got her into trouble.
I’d been wary of her the first time I met because she was so different from anyone I’d ever known.
I’d even refused to play with her when she approached me at the park because she was a commoner and it wasn’t fitting for someone of my status to associate with someone of hers.
But Aasiya hadn’t backed down.
She’d followed me around the playground until I’d finally gotten fed up and teased her about not having any friends and being too scared to play on the monkey bars.
I’d regretted those words instantly once they were out of my mouth; I’d been taught that it wasn’t polite to say such things and that I should always be kind to others.
But Aasiya only laughed in my face and said that I was the one who was scared because I wouldn’t go down the slide without my nanny’s help.
I’d insisted that I wasn’t scared at all and had followed her up the ladder, determined to prove her wrong.
We’d spent the rest of the afternoon taking turns racing down the slide and laughing until our stomachs hurt.
It was the most fun I’d ever had in my life—and it was all because of Aasiya Khan.
From that moment on, I’d been smitten with her fiery spirit and her unwavering confidence in herself.
Over the years, I’d come to admire her for so many different reasons and we’d become close friends.
We were practically inseparable as teenagers, despite my family’s disapproval over my obsession with spending so much time with a commoner like her.
Forbidden Kingdom Love
Talking about Aasiya was getting me nowhere with Aasiya; it was like trying to make a U-turn in the middle of a one-way street.
“You just never change, do you?”
I asked with a sigh as I crossed my arms over my chest and glared at her playfully.
“You’re the one who never changes,” she retorted with a grin as she looped an arm around my waist and pulled me to her side.
“I’m always trying to shake things up and get you out of your boring royal routine, but you’re the one who’s too scared to take the plunge.”
I rolled my eyes at her words and shoved her away from me so I could look at her properly.
Aasiya was always saying things like this; that I was too stuck in my ways and needed to start thinking outside the box more often.
But I couldn’t help it; it was the way I’d been raised and I didn’t know how to be any other way.
“If by ‘shaking things up’ you mean dragging me into situations where we could both get into a lot of trouble, then yes, you’re absolutely right,” I said as I raised an eyebrow at her mockingly and glanced down at the bags she was still holding in her hands.
“And thank you for pointing out the obvious,” I shot back before she could add anything else.
Aasiya just shook her head and chuckled lightly under her breath, as if she was used to me saying things like this by now.
She knew me too well; she knew that I always had to have the last word, even if we were just talking in circles around each other like we were now.
“You know I don’t care about all of that,” she said as she shrugged off my comment as if it didn’t bother her at all—which it probably didn’t, considering the fact that she didn’t seem to care about anything when she was with me.
“I just want you to have a little fun for once.”
“I do have fun,” I insisted as I narrowed my eyes at her and tried to keep from smiling at the way she was rolling her eyes at me, just like I’d done to her before.
She was too much sometimes, but I wouldn’t change a thing about her because that was Aasiya—that was what I loved about her more than anything else in the world.
“You have fun by following the rules and making sure you never step out of line,” she said with a scoff.
“Grow up, Aasiya,” I replied in an exasperated tone as I glared at her and shook my head at the way she was pouting at me now like a spoiled child who wasn’t getting their way.
“This isn’t some game for you to win; we’re talking about our lives here.”
“My life would be so much better if I had those jewels right now,” she said petulantly as she gestured to the bags on my wrists once more, which made me roll my eyes at her again as I pulled them out of her reach, even though they were starting to weigh me down now and I wanted nothing more than to drop them on the ground and be free of their heavy burden once and for all.
Aasiya would probably leave me behind if I did this, but I didn’t care anymore—I just wanted to get it over with already so we could go back home and pretend like nothing had happened between us tonight.
Forbidden Kingdom Love
“You know, there’s a story that’s been passed down through generations in my family,” I suddenly said as I found myself talking before I could stop myself.
Aasiya’s eyes lit up with interest as soon as the words left my lips, as they always did whenever I told her something she’d never heard before, which wasn’t all that often considering the fact that it was very hard to surprise her or catch her off guard, since she seemed to know everything there was to know already and wouldn’t shut up until she’d made her point about it.
“What is it?”
she asked eagerly as she leaned in closer to me and took the bags from my hands before I could protest or stop her, which made me sigh inwardly as she set them down on the ground next to her and crossed her arms over her chest as she waited for me to continue.
“It’s about a Persian princess who—”
“Was that you?”
I barely heard her question as soon as she cut me off in the middle of my story; my mind was already wandering off into another realm entirely as I found myself recounting the tale in my head as if it had happened to me instead of some long-lost ancestor from hundreds of years ago who probably never existed in the first place.
The Persian princess in the story had always been one of the most captivating characters from my childhood that my mother had ever taught me about, and that was saying a lot considering the fact that I’d been surrounded by stories of powerful and beautiful women who’d changed the course of history since the day I was born.
But this princess had always been different from the rest; she’d been special somehow, as if she’d come to life in front of me as soon as the words had left my mother’s lips and she’d started recounting the story to me in vivid detail.
It had been like watching a movie in my head; a movie that never failed to draw me in and make me forget everything else around me as soon as it began to play.
And as soon as I started thinking about it now, it was like an invisible force was pulling me into the story once more, as if it were begging me to tell Aasiya everything there was to know about this mysterious and beautiful princess who’d once lived in our world long before we’d ever been born.
I shook my head to clear it when I suddenly realized that Aasiya had asked me a question and I hadn’t heard it or even answered her yet.
“What are you talking about?”
Forbidden Kingdom Love
I asked her as my mind finally returned to the present and the invisible force that had been pulling me away from everything else seemed to lose its grip on me.
She beamed at me as if she knew I hadn’t been paying attention to her at all.
It was the same smile she always gave me whenever she knew that she’d been caught forgetting something important and she didn’t care one bit.
She always said that she couldn’t help but get lost in her own thoughts sometimes and forget everything around her when she started thinking about something interesting, but somehow, the smile never changed at all no matter what.
Not even when she told me to stop acting like a mother or a big sister and to let her have fun with what she was doing.
I’d never understood what had made her like this; all I knew for sure was that she’d been this way since the day we met when we were both five years old and our parents had arranged for us to meet for the first time.
And even though we were both fifteen now and so many years had passed since then, nothing had changed between us at all.
She was still just as carefree and impulsive as always.
She didn’t have a care in the world or so it seemed.
I didn’t know how that was possible considering the fact that she had more than enough things to worry about in her life with a family like hers who always seemed to be fighting with each other over something or the other, but somehow she managed to pull it off anyway.
She managed to pretend like she wasn’t affected by a thing despite all of the chaos surrounding her at home and no matter how much everyone around us tried to tell us that it wasn’t right for us to be friends at all.
It hadn’t taken more than five minutes for Aasiya to convince me to join her for another one of our adventures out of the palace; something that had always been so easy for her to do considering the fact that I’d never needed any convincing at all when it came to breaking the rules with my best friend by my side.
It was like an invisible string connected us no matter how far apart we were from each other; a string that bound us together no matter how many people tried to keep us apart or how many obstacles got in our way.
And even though I knew better than to believe what Aasiya had said earlier, I still found myself falling for it again despite all of my better judgment.
She had a way with words and a way with people in general that had always drawn them in no matter who they were or what they believed in, and as soon as I heard her voice, I found myself falling for her words even more easily than I ever had before.
I could see it in her eyes; I could hear it in her voice.
She was already so excited for our little adventure together and I was starting to feel it too.
I was already starting to feel my heart pounding in my chest and my hands trembling even though we hadn’t even left yet, and I was starting to wonder whether we were going to get into trouble before we even had a chance to get away from this place after all.
But as soon as Aasiya’s smile appeared before me, my fear was replaced with a warm feeling in my chest.
Forbidden Kingdom Love
The enemies come and since she's a princess that has been taught how to defend herself and use her intelligent brain she immediately tried to save herself but the royal pendant got her in trouble when one of the guards realised that she was a princess and they'd hit a jackpot and she prayed to ALLAH to save her
I knew what could happen if my father found out what we were up to and I knew what it could mean for us both if he were ever to find us outside of the palace during the night like this one again.
I knew what he would do if he caught us outside during a time like this or if he found out what we were doing, but I just couldn’t help myself.
I just couldn’t stop myself from following after Aasiya like I always did; like I always would.
After everything she’d said earlier, there was no way in which I was going to miss out on an opportunity like this one even though I knew that it was wrong considering who I was and where we were going.
But there was something about the look on her face and something about the sound of her voice that made me want to follow after her despite how dangerous it could be for us both if we got caught.
“You won’t regret it,” she promised, and I knew I wouldn’t.
I knew I wouldn’t regret it even if I wanted to.
She made it so easy for me.
She made it so easy for me even though I knew better than to believe all of the things she was saying, and I found myself giving in to her demands despite the fact that I knew better than to listen.
“I promise you, this is going to be something that you will never forget.”
It was like stepping into a dream, Hajrah; one where the moonlight turns everything into gold and the night becomes something truly spectacular.
You won’t believe your eyes.”
It was like she had me under some kind of spell, and I knew that there was no way in which I was going to get out of it.
There was no way in which I was going to stop myself from heading down this path with her despite all of the warnings I could hear swirling around inside of my head.
There was no way in which I was going to tell her no now.
There was no way in which I was going to stop myself from following after her even though I knew better than to listen.
Aasiya had already got me under her spell, and there was nothing more that I could do about it.
And as soon as we’d come up with a plan, we made our way out of the palace before anyone could see us leaving.
We moved through the abandoned corridors with nothing more than our footsteps echoing around us, but Aasiya’s movements were much quieter than mine could ever be despite all of the lessons I’d been taking over the years.
She was much lighter on her feet than I could ever be and much more graceful too; something that had always been one of the things I admired most about her considering the fact that she was nothing like any of the other girls around us at all.
We were nothing alike and yet we were still best friends even after all of these years together.
We were meant to be nothing more than strangers and yet we were still able to find our way back towards each other every time without any effort at all.
Forbidden Kingdom Love
And eventually, we emerged out of the hidden entrance that I had never even known was there, and I found myself stepping out from the shadows of the palace and into the heart of the bazaar, instantly surrounded by all that I had been warned about for so long now.
Aasiya led me out into the heart of the bazaar, and I found myself stepping into the moonlight for the very first time in my life, surrounded by a million different colors and sounds swirling all around me, and I found myself completely lost for words in a way that I had never expected to be.
The moon glowed in the sky above us, casting a mesmerizing light over the entire city that I had never seen before, revealing its beauty in ways that I had never even thought was possible, and I found myself falling in love with the world all over again as I looked out over everything that I could see.
There was something to be said about the city at nighttime, and there was something to be said about the fact that I had never even thought about seeing things like this before.
It was pure magic to be able to see the city like this, and I found myself completely lost for words in a way that had never happened before.
There was something truly magical about the way that everything glowed with an ethereal light, and I found myself completely mesmerized by everything that I could see.
The bazaar was alive with colors even though it was so late at night, and it was filled with people even though they could have been anywhere else at this moment in time, but they were here, shouting out their wares to anyone who would listen to them, trying to entice them to come over and take a look at what they had on offer for them all right now.
They were selling everything from silks to spices, perfumes to food; anything that anyone could ever want, they had it just waiting for them all right now, and I found myself staring out at everything that there was on offer for me all right then.
It was enough to take my breath away for a moment or two before I was able to get it back again.
I was struck momentarily by the sheer amount of things that I could see around me, and I was captivated by all of the different smells that were filling the air around me too.
I could smell spices from one side of the market, perfumes from another, and food being cooked on open flames somewhere else entirely.
The air was filled with them, and I was lost for a moment or two as I took everything in.
I was lost in the colors of everything that I could see around me, in the smells of everything that was filling the air around me right then, and I was lost for a moment or two as I tried to take it all in.
But Aasiya wasn’t lost at all.
She was still leading me through the crowds with her head held high and her shoulders pushed back in a way that I had never been able to master before.
Forbidden Kingdom Love