MidReal Story

Forbidden Devotion

Scenario:Meitei man fall in love with with meitei prietess who work at temple devotees to God the man love her but the woman can't agree to him because she is a devotee but slowly fall for him but they can't marry
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Meitei man fall in love with with meitei prietess who work at temple devotees to God the man love her but the woman can't agree to him because she is a devotee but slowly fall for him but they can't marry
I first saw Ima Meitei at the temple.
She was a priestess, and I was a devotee.
I was there to pray to God, and she was there to serve Him.
But when I looked at her, I felt like God had answered my prayers.
I felt like I had found what I was looking for.
I felt like I had found love.
Ima Meitei was beautiful, with her slender frame and serene eyes.
She wore a white robe that covered her from head to toe, but even that couldn’t hide her beauty.
She had a grace about her that made me want to be near her, to touch her, to hold her in my arms.
I knew that I shouldn’t be thinking these thoughts about a priestess, but I couldn’t help myself.
There was something about her that drew me in, that made me want to be with her.
And so, every day, I went to the temple and watched as she performed the rituals of worship.
I watched as she gave her heart to God.
And I watched as my heart fell in love with her.
Nongpok Ningthou, a fellow devotee, was also fond of Ima Meitei, and he often talked about how beautiful she was.
But he was just a boy, and he didn’t know the first thing about love.
I was a man, and I knew that I was in love.
I knew that Ima Meitei was the one for me, and that I would do anything to be with her.
I didn’t know what it was about Ima Meitei that made me love her so much.
Maybe it was the way she moved, like a ghost gliding through the temple.
Or maybe it was the way she looked at me, with her deep brown eyes and her full red lips.
Or maybe it was the way she made me feel when she was near, like I was alive for the first time.
All I knew was that I loved her, and that I would do anything to make her mine.
Ima Meitei had been at the temple for as long as I could remember.
She had been there when I was just a boy, and she had been there when I became a man.
She had been there when my father died, and she had been there when my mother remarried.
She had been there when I lost my job, and she had been there when I found a new one.
She had been there through all of my hardships and all of my joys.
And now, she was here again, in all of her beauty and grace.
She was here again, and I knew that this time, I would make her mine.
The temple bells rang as I entered the temple, their sweet music filling the air as I made my way to the altar.
There were other devotees there, praying to God for this or that blessing.
But I didn’t care about any of that.
All I cared about was seeing Ima Meitei perform the rituals of worship.
All I cared about was being near her.
I took my place in front of the altar and waited for her to arrive.
And then she appeared, like an angel coming down from heaven to bless us all with her presence.
She was more beautiful than ever, with her long black hair pulled back in a tight bun and her white robe billowing around her like a cloud.
She looked so pure and innocent, like she had never known the touch of a man.
But I knew that wasn’t true.
I knew that she was a woman, with all of the desires and longings that came with it.
And I wanted to fulfill those desires more than anything else in the world.
I watched as she lit the incense and rang the bells and chanted the prayers.
I watched as she gave her heart to God once again.
And then I watched as she turned to leave, her work done for another day.
But this time, something was different.
Forbidden Devotion
She had taken a few steps to the side and knelt down on a mat behind the altar.
She had bowed her head and clasped her hands together in prayer.
She had closed her eyes and began to chant the sacred words of worship.
She had given herself to God once again.
But this time, I knew that she was doing it for me.
I knew that this time, I wanted her to be near me for as long as possible.
So I stayed there with her.
I stayed there with her until the sun went down and the moon came up.
I stayed there with her until the stars filled the sky with their light.
I stayed there with her until I knew that I would never be able to leave her again.
Ima Meitei had been at the temple for as long as I could remember.
She had been there when I was just a boy, and she had been there when I became a man.
She had been there when my father died, and she had been there when my mother remarried.
She had been there when I lost my job, and she had been there when I found a new one.
And now, she was here again, as beautiful as ever.
She had become an indelible part of the temple for me.
So much so that I couldn’t imagine being there without her.
The rituals of worship didn’t seem complete when she wasn’t around to perform them.
They seemed empty and meaningless without her radiant beauty to give them life.
Without her serene demeanor to guide us through them.
I always found myself watching her as she moved through the temple.
Her every movement etched itself into my heart like a chisel carving stone.
And I always found myself feeling something deep inside of me as she worked her magic.
Something that I couldn’t quite explain or understand.
Something that transcended the mundane world around us and touched on something more profound.
Something that connected me to her in ways that I couldn’t even begin to comprehend.
Ima Meitei was a priestess in our village temple, which meant that she was a woman of great importance in our community.
She was someone to be admired and respected by all who knew her.
Someone to be looked up to as a role model for all of the young women in our village.
Someone to be revered for her beauty and grace by all of the men in our village.
Except that wasn’t quite true for me.
I loved Ima Meitei more than anyone else in our village ever could.
I loved her more than anyone else had ever loved anyone before in history of our people.
I loved her with all of my heart and soul, and I would do anything to be with her forevermore.
I loved her because she was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life.
I loved her because she had a grace about her that made me feel like I was walking on air whenever she was near me.
Forbidden Devotion
But I had never felt anything like this before in my life either.
Ima Meitei was tall with sharp features that gave her an almost arrogant look when she wanted to be, but she never wanted to be anything other than serene when she performed her priestly duties.
Her body was slender and beautiful like a willow tree when it moved in the wind or the water or almost anything else, but it never moved because she didn’t want it to when we were in the temple.
Her eyes were a deep brown that seemed to go on forever when you looked into them, but I had never had the courage to try because they always seemed to be looking into your soul whenever she stared at you even for just a moment.
Her hair was a long black mane that tumbled down her back like a waterfall, but it always seems so dark and mysterious when it wasn’t pulled up into a bun on top of her head like it always was when we were in the temple together.
But more than anything else she was the embodiment of God’s grace and beauty in this world.
She was a living breathing example of God’s own handiwork.
And I loved her with all of my heart and soul.
It was something that I could not deny.
Something that I could no longer keep buried deep inside me.
Something that I couldn’t keep from showing on my face whenever I was near her.
Which was why I tried to keep some distance between us in the temple even though I could never bring myself to stay away from her for very long.
Ima Meitei performed all of the rituals of worship every day in the temple.
She sang all of the hymns and prayers as well.
She sang them with a voice as beautiful as anything else about her.
A voice that was soft and melodious and seemed to go on forever when she sang.
A voice that seemed to reach deep inside me and stir up emotions that I never knew I had.
Emotions that made me question all of the teachings of my faith.
How could our love be wrong?
Forbidden Devotion
Everything she did was beautiful too.
It was mesmerizing.
The way she danced and sang and prayed during all of the rituals every day.
It was hypnotic.
It was magical.
It made me feel things that I had never felt before in my life.
Things that made me question everything about myself and my beliefs as well.
I tried to tell myself at first that it was just a physical attraction to her beauty and nothing more than that.
Something simple and easy to deny.
But it wasn’t just her beauty.
It wasn’t just physical attraction either.
It was something much deeper than that too.
Much more profound too.
It was a connection between our souls that seemed to transcend both time and space whenever we were near each other.
A connection so strong it seemed almost tangible when we were standing close together too.
I knew this for certain because I had felt it before.
At least once so far.
During one of the longer rituals when she was singing one of the longer hymns we both seemed to get lost in the song together.
We were both singing and praying and dancing with all of our hearts and souls.
We were both performing the sacred rites with all of our being too.
When she was done the air was heavy with the smell of incense and other things as well, and I was so light headed and dizzy from it all that I had almost lost my balance when she walked by us on her way out.
I had managed to keep my feet, though.
I had managed to keep my wits about me enough too.
I knew that when she left the temple that day it was my only chance to talk with her alone so I had gone after her even though my friends didn’t know where I was going or what I was doing or why.
They were all looking at me funny, and calling after me, but they couldn’t stop me from going either.
Nothing could stop me at that point either.
I had followed her out of the temple and into the courtyard, and then out into the village as well.
Weaving my way through all of the other people who were coming and going at the time without even slowing down at all.
The courtyard was empty by the time I got outside, but I knew where she was going, and so I hurried along even faster after her too.
My heart was pounding like a drum in my chest, but I didn’t care at all either.
I didn’t care about anything else at all either.
The night was cool and quiet and dark, but there were oil lamps lit everywhere around the village, casting a soft glow over everything too.
I had positioned myself just inside one of the gates where I knew she would be coming out soon enough, and then waited for her to appear as well.
Forbidden Devotion
The fear was there too, mixed right in with the excitement, but it was a good kind of fear, not a bad one.
She was walking towards the gate, right towards me, holding a small pot of fresh water in her hands, when I first saw her.
I was standing right there in front of her too, blocking her path, blocking her way.
I was blocking her from moving on, from leaving the temple behind, from leaving everything behind as well.
Ima Meitei was looking down at the ground as she walked, holding the small pot of water carefully with both of her hands.
Her beauty was beyond description though, even then, even though I have had a lot of time to think about it since then as well.
The light from the oil lamps flickered and flashed on her face as she walked by them, giving it an otherworldly quality that I had never seen before.
And probably will never see again either.
She was slender with high cheekbones and a wide full mouth, but it was her eyes which were most striking of all to me.
They were dark and deep, deeper than the deepest part of the sea, and yet there was a kind of mystery to them as well.
Something only half seen, half hidden, half known, half unknown.
Her eyes were always so serene, though.
No matter what else was happening around her at all.
And there was a kind of smile on her face too, but only half of one.
It was like half of it had been hidden away, and yet I could still see all of it somehow.
The rest of her face was very beautiful too, but it was that smile which made it all complete for me.
She had a white robe wrapped around her body, and over her head which is what she wore when she was performing the sacred rites in the temple.
I had never seen her wear anything else before either.
She was barefoot also, but I didn’t even notice that at all either.
She was offering the pot of fresh water to the deity as she walked towards me and the gate.
She was holding it out in front of her and down by her waist and then up by her chest and then down by her waist again as she walked.
She moved it back and forth with both hands while she walked, so carefully and gracefully that I could hardly stand to even look at her at all.
It was like watching some kind of dance or something.
My eyes were following the small pot of water where ever it went and whatever it did.
Her white robe was swirling around on either side of her legs and body as she walked too, making it look like she didn’t have any legs at all.
She looked like she was almost floating along above the ground also, like an angel or something.
Ima Meitei looked like an angel or something to me just then too.
An angel from heaven or something who had come down to earth to visit me for just one night.
I couldn’t help myself at all either.
I couldn’t even stop myself from doing what I did next either.
Ima Meitei looked like an angel from heaven or something to me just then, but all I could think about was how beautiful she looked in that white robe.
She looked so beautiful in that white robe to me that I wanted to tear it right off of her body right there in front of everybody and take her in my arms right then and there too.
Forbidden Devotion