MidReal Story

Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life

Scenario:A woman named Olivia (you) who has a loving husband named Don. Olivia loves him so much as well. But Olivia is also secretly a high-class escort who is known in the industry for allowing men to cum inside her. While she loves Don so much, she also loves fucking other men, attending sex parties, and allowing men to cum inside her every time. She loves hugging and kissing Don and being intimate with him, while the cum of other men drip down her pussy. She is conflicted at her loyalty and love for Don while addicted to the sex and the taboos of her secret life. The story is written from the point of view of Olivia (in first person) about her detailed encounters, her love for Don, and her struggles to keep both lives separate.
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A woman named Olivia (you) who has a loving husband named Don. Olivia loves him so much as well. But Olivia is also secretly a high-class escort who is known in the industry for allowing men to cum inside her. While she loves Don so much, she also loves fucking other men, attending sex parties, and allowing men to cum inside her every time. She loves hugging and kissing Don and being intimate with him, while the cum of other men drip down her pussy. She is conflicted at her loyalty and love for Don while addicted to the sex and the taboos of her secret life. The story is written from the point of view of Olivia (in first person) about her detailed encounters, her love for Don, and her struggles to keep both lives separate.
I’ve been married to the man of my dreams for six months now.
I am so in love with Don Smith.
I don’t know if it’s possible to be more in love with someone than I am with him.
He is a lawyer, and he works long hours.
But when he’s home, he’s all mine.
And when he leaves in the morning, he takes a piece of me with him until he comes back.
The man is like a drug, and I am addicted to him, no doubt about it.
We’re as bad as newlyweds when it comes to spending time together.
We can’t seem to get enough of each other.
He always makes time for me, even if it’s just sitting on the couch watching TV or eating dinner together.
He makes me feel safe and cherished in a way no one else ever has.
And when we’re in bed, I’m consumed by him.
He gets lost in me, worshipping every inch of my body.
I can’t keep my hands off him either.
Every time I touch his skin, it’s like I’ve never felt it before.
And the sex?
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life
It’s always been amazing between us, but since we got married, it has become even better.
Our bodies fit together perfectly.
We’re like two halves of one whole, made for each other in every way possible.
It’s like we’ve known each other forever.
We know what the other needs before they even do themselves.
Don is like an animal in bed, so primal and fierce, but he is also incredibly gentle and tender with me at the same time.
It’s like he can read my mind; fulfilling all of my deepest desires, pushing me to new limits and heights, showing me things I never knew were possible but always wanted to try.
When we’re together, I lose all control, unable to think about anything other than his touch, how good he feels inside of me, how much I love him and how much he loves me back.
It’s like nothing else in this world matters when we’re together.
Don loves my body; every inch of it, from head to toe.
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life
In his eyes, I’m a goddess, the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, and he treats me as such.
But only when we’re alone, just the two of us behind closed doors.
In public or in front of others, he barely glances at me or touches me, almost as if he forgets that I’m there or who I am to him and how I make him feel and what I do for him.
But I know that’s not true because the second we’re alone again, he’s all over me like an animal, doing unspeakable things to me that make me feel things I never knew were possible and wanted until the moment that he gave them to me.
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life
When we’re together like this, nothing else matters.
I can’t think about anything else but the way his hands feel on my skin.
I’m lost to the pleasure he gives me.
He knows how to touch me.
He knows how to set me on fire with just one simple caress.
He knows how to make me his.
His hands are so soft to the touch.
They move over my skin almost as if they aren’t even there.
I can feel the heat they cause on my body even through the thin material of my nightgown.
He moves them in slow circles against my stomach, drawing them up to my breasts.
He cups them gently through the material of my nightgown.
I can feel my nipples pebble beneath his touch.
He knows how to drive me wild with anticipation.
He knows what I need before I do myself.
He moves them back down my body, slipping them underneath the hem of the silky material.
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life
He draws them down to my thighs.
His hands are so gentle; he doesn’t miss a spot.
How can he be so tender with me when he also touches me with such intense desire?
His hands are so warm as they move over my skin.
They leave a trail of fire behind them wherever they go.
My body aches for him to touch me more.
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life
I don’t understand how he can make me feel this way without even trying to do so.
It’s like he was made just for me.
“Olivia,” he whispers against my ear as his fingers slip between my thighs.
I gasp at the sensation as they move over my core.
“I love you so much,” he says again as if he knows that the words alone will drive me wild with desire for him.
I’m already so wet for him, and he hasn’t even touched me yet.
When his fingers move inside of me, I cry out at the intense pleasure that evokes from deep within me.
“Don,” I moan as he moves his fingers deeper inside of me.
He starts moving them in and out at an agonizingly slow pace that has me more frustrated than before.
It won’t take him long until he gets lost inside of me.
I don’t know how he does it, but he’s able to make me come faster than anyone else ever has.
And the best part is that he doesn’t stop until I’ve come so many times that I lose count.
I think that’s what I love most about Don. He’s always there for me, no matter what.
Even after we’re done having sex, he holds me close to him.
His arms wrapped around my body are the only thing keeping me sane right now.
He whispers sweet things in my ear until I fall asleep from exhaustion.
How did I get so lucky to find a man like him?
I don’t ever want this moment to end.
I want to stay here forever, wrapped up in his arms, feeling his touch against my skin, listening to him tell me how much he loves me.
Don is the only one who knows the real me.
The person that I hide from others and keep locked away deep inside of my heart.
I am completely at his mercy, both body and soul.
I truly do love him more than anything else or anyone else in this world.
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life
A sob escapes past my lips as I reach a climax more intense than anything I’ve ever experienced before in my life.
Don cries out my name as he buries himself inside of me and fills me with his warm seed.
My own orgasm continues to rock through my body as I feel his love for me spilling inside of my body.
It only makes my own pleasure more intense than before.
I don’t know if I can take it anymore.
I thought that I would be used to this by now, after all the times that we’ve done it together already.
But it seems like we only get more and more intense every time that we’re together.
Every part of my body aches for him to touch it and make it feel good again.
I don’t know if I can take it anymore.
I don’t know if I’ll be able to stand this pleasure for much longer without passing out from it all.
But Don isn’t anywhere close to being done with me yet.
I’m on the verge of tears from the pleasure as he starts moving himself in and out of my body once again.
It sends a jolt of electricity through my core that has me biting down on my lip so I don’t scream out in pleasure.
His hands are still moving over my body, but even he’s starting to lose control at this point.
His movements are getting more and more frantic as he tries to bring us both over the edge.
It doesn’t take long until we both go over the edge together and fall into a wild sea of pleasure all over again.
The only sound in the room is the two of us crying out each other’s names as we reach for another climax together at the same time.
We continue to move against each other until we can no longer stand the intense pleasure rocking through our bodies anymore.
When Don finally pulls out of my body, he rolls over onto the bed beside me, gasping for breath as he tries to catch it again.
I roll over onto my side so I can look at him while he’s catching his breath.
Too bad it’s already after one in the morning and we’re still going at it like teenagers who can’t keep their hands off of each other.
I know that I should be tired by now, but I can’t keep myself from wanting more of my husband, even after everything that we’ve already done together tonight.
Don looks over at the clock and frowns when he sees the time on it too.
“Do you want to stop now?”
he asks as he looks back over at me, his eyes filled with concern for my well-being even in the dim light of the room around us.
I’m touched by how much he cares about me, even when he’s caught up in the heat of the moment like he is now.
He’s always so careful around me because he doesn’t want to hurt the person that he loves most in this world.
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life
But I’m always so caught up in the pleasure myself that I can never seem to help myself when it comes to wanting more and more.
I shake my head at him as I reach over and place a hand on his chest, loving how hard it is underneath my touch.
“No,” I whisper back to him before I lean in and kiss him on the lips once again.
“I don’t want to stop.If you want to go to sleep, then I’ll let you.But I don’t know if I’ll be able to.”
He grins at me when I say that and reaches out a hand so that he can run it through my hair once again, loving the feeling of my soft blonde hair between his fingers as he does so.
“I don’t know if I’ll be able to either,” he admits before he rolls over onto his side and wraps an arm around my waist before pulling me close so that I’m pressed up against his side all over again.
I snuggle up against him as well so that I can rest my head on his chest as he holds me close to his body like he always does after we’ve made love together like this before.
He’s always so tender and caring towards me, even when he’s caught up in the heat of the moment like he is now.
I doubt that there’s anyone else out there who could stand having sex with me as much as Don does and still be able to keep his head about himself like my husband always can.
But then again, no one has ever been able to get me going the way that Don does whenever we’re together either.
It’s like he’s a drug that I need more and more of every minute that goes by, even after we’ve been together for years at this point.
I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to break free from his pull on me, but it seems like maybe that’s not such a bad thing either if it means that I’ll be able to have him all for myself forever too.
Forbidden Desires: Olivia's Double Life