MidReal Story

Forbidden Desires

Scenario:A woman named Olivia (you) who has a loving husband named Don. Olivia loves him so much as well. But Olivia is also secretly a high-class escort who is known in the industry for allowing men to cum inside her. While she loves Don so much, she also loves fucking other men, attending sex parties, and allowing men to cum inside her every time. She loves hugging and kissing Don and being intimate with him, while the cum of other men drip down her pussy. She is conflicted at her loyalty and love for Don while addicted to the sex and the taboos of her secret life. The story is written from the point of view of Olivia (in first person) about her detailed encounters, her love for Don, and her struggles to keep both lives separate.
Create my version of this story
A woman named Olivia (you) who has a loving husband named Don. Olivia loves him so much as well. But Olivia is also secretly a high-class escort who is known in the industry for allowing men to cum inside her. While she loves Don so much, she also loves fucking other men, attending sex parties, and allowing men to cum inside her every time. She loves hugging and kissing Don and being intimate with him, while the cum of other men drip down her pussy. She is conflicted at her loyalty and love for Don while addicted to the sex and the taboos of her secret life. The story is written from the point of view of Olivia (in first person) about her detailed encounters, her love for Don, and her struggles to keep both lives separate.
I love my husband.
I love his touch, the way he feels when I press up against him.
I love the way he looks at me, like I’m the most beautiful woman in the world.
Don has brown hair, green eyes, and is six feet tall with beautifully toned muscles covering his whole body.
He’s also a lawyer, which is how we met.
I was the case he was working on, and I made his head spin.
I loved the way he looked at me then, and I still love the way he looks at me now.
Even after two children, and six years of marriage, he still can’t get enough of me.
It’s not cocky for me to say that because I feel the exact same way about him.
I love his face, his build, his legs—God, he has the best fucking legs I’ve ever seen.
And I’m not even biased about it.
They’re muscular, and lean, and long.
They look so good in dress pants, or jeans, and especially when he’s wearing nothing but a pair of boxer briefs.
And I love that he knows how much I love them.
That’s why he’ll occasionally wear them around the house for me when I’m in a mood.
And I get in moods often enough where it doesn’t seem weird or out of place for him to be wearing underwear when we have company over for dinner or a barbecue in our backyard.
I make sure to show Don how much I love him every day—multiple times a day.
We don’t fuck like rabbits; we make love like two people who are deeply in love with each other.
He brushes my hair away from my neck when he kisses it; I scrape my nails down his back when he’s deep inside me.
We know what we want and how to give it to each other, but that doesn’t mean we don’t like to experiment or try new things every now and then.
Like tonight with the ice cream.
Saturday was family day at our house.
Don would take the kids out for breakfast while I cleaned up after Friday night and got things ready for the weekend.
It was our one day to sleep in if we wanted to, but with two young kids, that wasn’t realistic.
We’d usually be up by seven, and the kids would be picking out clothes to wear before Don even made it back from the restaurant.
But other than that, the majority of our day was spent together as a family—sometimes with friends or other family members joining us—and at night, after we put the kids to bed, Don and I would have some time together.
We’d play games and watch TV together during the week to keep us connected since life could be so chaotic with work and children running around all over the place and demanding our attention twenty-four seven.
Forbidden Desires
I loved spending time with Don when we were alone because I could barely keep my hands off of him.
“Are you going to wash me down there?”
he asked as I lathered up the soap in my hands.
I looked down at his dick and balls and smiled.
“Yeah, I can wash there.”
The first time I tried to wash Don’s dick in the shower he got all weird about it, but I’d eventually convinced him that I wasn’t going to rip it off or attack him with a loofah.
Now it was a regular occurrence.
“Soap me up and wash all of this off,” he said as he leaned against the wall of the shower.
Don liked to take showers when he got home from the gym after his workout, but if I was home for lunch or something—and I always came home for lunch—he would wait until I got there to wash up after working out.
He’d let me strip him down first.
Sometimes I’d give him a quick blowjob in the kitchen before he even got into the shower, but other times I’d just wash him off.
I loved washing Don.
I loved knowing that no one else had ever been this intimate with him before.
He was mine and mine alone.
And I loved knowing that even though he was mine, he still wanted me like this.
Even after six years, he still thought about me all day; he still wanted my touch all over his body.
“Oh my God,” I moaned as I got on my knees in front of him.
“Don’t do that.” He closed his eyes and groaned as I took him into my mouth.
But I did do that.
I loved giving Don head; I loved everything about it.
I loved the way he tasted; I loved the way he felt in my mouth; I loved when he grabbed onto my hair or when he wrapped his hands around my face.
I loved that he knew how much I wanted to do this to him because of how much I loved him.
But Don loved when I washed him up too.
And right now, I wanted to wash him up.
He’d been out of town for a couple days and had only gotten in this morning, so we hadn’t had the chance to be alone together in a while.
But I was feeling needy.
And Don was always willing to indulge my every need.
Except for the time he was super tired and wanted to go to bed, but I talked him into getting up and giving it to me in the kitchen.
After I was done washing Don up, I hopped in the shower real quick and washed myself off.
When I got out, Don was drying off, and I was able to catch a glimpse of his body.
Don had a great body.
It wasn’t overly muscular, but it wasn’t skinny either.
He was tall and lean, but he had a nice amount of muscle on his body too.
His chest and arms were toned, but he didn’t have ridiculous biceps or visible abs like he went to the gym all day.
He looked like a normal guy who worked out and took care of himself, which is exactly what he was.
Me on the other hand…
Forbidden Desires
I was a high-class escort who had a gym in my house and worked out every day for at least an hour or two, but it wasn’t because of my clients—it was for Don.
I worked out because I knew Don loved the way I looked.
He loved my blonde hair and blue eyes, but he really loved my petite frame and perky little tits.
So even though I wasn’t doing it just for him, a big part of the reason I worked out so much was because I wanted Don to be happy with the way I looked.
And even though he always told me how beautiful I was, the truth was that Don didn’t know how good he had it.
I mean, yeah, I was pretty, but that wasn’t what made me special—I was special because I was an escort who could never get enough of sex, and instead of cheating on my husband, I convinced him to let me have sex with other men for money.
And the fact that Don would let me do that was what made him so special.
Well, that and the fact that he was super nice and caring and loving and funny and handsome and supportive and understanding and trusting…
As soon as I got out of the shower, Don left for work.
I had a couple hours before the kids had to get up for school, so I laid in bed for a bit doing some work on my computer before getting up.
I had a pretty long day at work; it wasn’t until after eight o’clock that I finished up and met Emma for a drink.
I knew she’d been craving some time away from her boyfriend, so we went out and had some fun catching up.
But then she started telling me about this new guy she’d been seeing and how great her sex life had been lately with both her boyfriend and this new guy.
I couldn’t help but feel a little jealous when she told me about all the fun she’d been having with the new guy, but then I realized how lucky I was because she didn’t know about all the fun I’d been having with all the guys—especially since one of those guys was her brother!
“So where is your brother these days?”
“Africa,” she told me.
I knew she missed him, but I also knew how strong their bond was and how much she looked up to him.
“I’m really happy for you,” I said.
“Yeah, he’s totally different from the kind of guy I usually go for, but it feels right, you know?”
I did know.
I was always in the mood for a bad boy, but instead of going after them and cheating on my husband, I got paid to have sex with them.
It was a win-win situation.
When I got home, I put the kids to bed and was just about to get into bed with my laptop when I saw I had a message from Mandy.
I really didn’t feel like going out tonight, but I knew I couldn’t say no.
I mean, this was my job.
I was a high-class escort, and if I wanted to keep my life as an escort a secret, then I needed to make sure my clients were happy and satisfied.
But even though I knew I shouldn’t go out tonight, part of me really wanted to go see Mandy.
Forbidden Desires
It was like that with sex too—I wanted Don all the time, but at the same time, every single moment that I wasn’t with him, I wanted other men to want me too.
I’d always been like that, but over time it only got worse.
I could never get enough sex with Don—no matter how much we fucked or how many times he made me cum in a night, by the next morning, I would be craving his cock again.
And so, even though I was super happy in my marriage and head over heels in love with my husband, part of me was always unsatisfied and looking for more.
I think that was the big reason why I started getting into trouble at work—I was always looking for more, and no matter how great or exciting my life became, I always wanted more.
And that was why tonight, even though the smart thing would have been to stay in bed and do some work on my computer like I planned, instead I went out with Mandy and had a fun night at work.
I had dinner with some clients and flirted with them the whole time.
They were all older men who were successful and interesting and attractive in their own ways, but none of them could hold a candle to Don.
One of them was a little more attractive than the others, and as we chatted over dinner, I couldn’t help but imagine what it would be like to fuck him.
He was smart and funny and charming and confident—and best of all, he had a really nice smile that made my panties wet every time he flashed it my way.
And so even though we were in a professional setting and it wasn’t appropriate for me to be thinking about fucking my colleague, I couldn’t help myself—I wanted him so badly and fantasized about what it would be like if we were alone in my bedroom and he was on top of me with his cock deep inside of me while we made eye contact and came together…
I was so turned on that by the time I left the restaurant and got into my car, I was so wet that my panties were soaked through and my fingers were sliding in and out of my pussy as I fantasized about him fucking me harder and harder until he came deep inside me.
“I love you,” Don told me right before he came inside of me.
“I love you too,” I said, looking deeply into his eyes as he came deep inside me for only the second time ever.
It was such a beautiful moment between us—the kind of vanilla sex that Don loved because it was slow and romantic and passionate—and it made my heart swell with joy as our bodies melted into one another while Don’s cock throbbed inside of me again and again.
It felt so good that part of me wished it would never end.
But then he came one last time and it was over—Don collapsed on top of me and we lay there for a while before he finally pulled out of me and rolled off to the side.
“Was that good?”
he asked, still breathing heavy.
“It was amazing,” I said, giving him a big smile before going down on him one last time for good measure before cleaning up and going downstairs.
It had been a really long day and I was exhausted—by the time Don came downstairs, I was practically asleep on the couch—and yet even though he’d come inside me twice tonight, for some reason, it wasn’t enough.
Forbidden Desires
I closed my eyes and let out a soft, contented sigh as Don kissed my neck and ran his fingers through my hair, and then I felt something warm and wet oozing out of my pussy as he fucked me for the third time in less than two hours, this time with his tongue instead of his cock, and I thought to myself, “Maybe I’ll let him come inside me again tomorrow morning…”
The first time I heard Don tell me he loved me was when he was coming inside me, just like it was tonight, and it was probably the most beautiful moment I could ever imagine in my life—and yet as much as I loved hearing him say it, part of me couldn’t help but wish that he would have said it to me during the day so I could have heard it more clearly instead of in the heat of the moment while he was making love to me and coming inside me for the third time in less than two hours.
As I lay there on my back with my legs splayed wide open and my hands gripping the sheets while Don’s cock throbbed inside me again and again, part of me wished he would cum one last time before pulling out and going down on me so I could have come too—and for a brief moment, I thought about letting him cum deep inside me and fill my pussy up with cum instead of pulling out—just like so many other men had done before—but then I remembered that was one line I couldn’t let him cross because as much as I loved the idea of having another man’s cum inside me, the last thing I wanted to do was get pregnant by another man and be stuck with a baby with someone who wasn’t my husband… not to mention how hard it would be to explain to him how I got pregnant by someone else when we’d been trying to have a baby for so long and he thought we couldn’t get pregnant under any circumstances…
The way Don was looking at me made it clear he had no idea what was going through my head and was just so happy to be fucking me again after fucking me twice already tonight, but part of me couldn’t help but feel guilty about what it was doing to him and how he was being hurt by my secret life, and yet at the same time, part of me couldn’t help but love how easily he could fall in love with me and tell me how much he loved me and how happy he was to be coming inside of me again.
When we were done making love and decided to spend the night together, I knew that I was in love with Don more than anything in the world and that he was the man of my dreams—the kind of man who loved me so deeply and unconditionally that there was no doubt in my mind that he would do anything for me and that we were going to be together forever.
”Don,” I said softly as we lay there together and held each other close, reluctant to let go of each other and fall asleep yet.
“Are you ever afraid that I might sleep with another man and let him cum inside me?”
Don asked as he held onto my hand and pressed his face up against mine, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he looked into mine and waited for an answer.
“Of course not,” I said as quickly as I could and tried to focus on his eyes as best as I could, even though part of me couldn’t imagine how it felt to be worried about losing someone to someone else when you’d only ever been with one person your entire life—and yet at the same time, part of me couldn’t help but understand how he felt because there were so many men out there who wanted to fuck me and were willing to pay good money for it “You have nothing to worry about.I’ll always be yours.”
“Are you sure?”
Don asked again as his eyes looked away from mine and filled with tears.
“Because there are so many men out there who want to fuck you and are willing to pay good money—”
“I could never sleep with anyone else,” I said quickly and felt my heart contract painfully as I thought about how I’d let other men pay me to sleep with them and fuck me in ways that Don would never understand.
“Because you’re everything I’ve ever wanted, and I don’t think I could ever find anyone else who loves me as much as you do.”
Even though I knew that I was telling him the truth, I couldn’t help but feel guilty about how easily I could lie to him while knowing the truth—and that was what worried me more than anything because part of me couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if he found out about my secret life and how he would react if he knew that I was an escort who let other men fuck her for money.
The thought of telling Don the truth crossed my mind, but it wasn’t long before I dismissed it altogether, not wanting to think about the kind of pain it would cause him to know what I did for a living or how he might react if he ever found out about it.
Not to mention how hard it would be to try and explain it to him in a way that he could understand—or at least learn to accept it for what it was.
Even though part of me wanted to tell him the truth and come clean with him, the other half of me knew better than to say anything at all, knowing that there was no way I could ever tell him the whole truth while keeping myself from falling apart at the same time.
Forbidden Desires
“I just want you to know that I love you,” I said, giving him a reassuring smile as I leaned in to kiss him, “and I never want anyone but you.”
We looked at each other for a moment, and I didn’t know what he was thinking, but I couldn’t help but worry that he saw right through my lie even though I knew that he would never understand the truth if I ever told him.
“I love you, too,” he replied with a smile, looking relieved by my response, and I gave him one more reassuring smile before I climbed out of bed so I could clean up.
I wished I could make him understand that what he said wasn’t true, but I knew that it was something I would have to live with for the rest of my life.
As I made my way to the bathroom, I couldn’t help but think about how our love was the glue that held us together, but it wasn’t enough to make up for the fact that Don couldn’t give me what I really needed in bed.
I’d known it before we’d even gotten married, but I’d fallen in love with him anyway and had never been able to bring myself to walk away from him—even though I knew that he would never be able to satisfy the darker needs burning inside of me.
Don was gentle with me in bed—never rough or aggressive—and it had always driven me crazy that he couldn’t be more dominant, even though he’d tried more than once over the years.
Even though I wished that he could be more aggressive in bed, part of me was afraid that it would scare him away if he knew the whole truth about my needs.
I’d tried to tell him what I needed before, but it had only made him uncomfortable, so I’d given up on trying to get him to be more dominant in bed—because it had always been easier than trying to force him into something that just wasn’t in his nature.
Of course, it was still frustrating to know that Don would never give me everything that I needed in bed—no matter how much we loved each other—and part of me couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be completely satisfied by my husband in every way.
But even though part of me wished that Don could be everything that I wanted and needed in bed, the other half of me would never be able to turn my back on him because he was everything to me.
He was the love of my life and the only man I’d ever wanted, and even though he could never be everything I wanted in bed, that was something I could live with for the rest of my life.
Don was the forbidden fruit that I could never take a bite out of—and even though it killed me to know that he could never give me what I needed in bed—I didn’t regret being with him even though he could never satisfy all of my needs.
“I wish you could be more aggressive sometimes,” I said as I looked over at Don and met his gaze from where he lay on our bed, watching as I cleaned myself up after us.
I knew it was wrong—and part of me felt guilty for wanting something like this—but part of me couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like if Don could be rough with me in bed.
Forbidden Desires