MidReal Story

Forbidden Desires: A Student-Professor Romance


May 11
Scenario:Your a lesbian and you've been eyeing your female professor for quite a while, and always go to her during office hour and when you do you never took your eyes off her and she realized that. (Kissing, bdsm, teasing, degrading. Etc)
Create my version of this story
Your a lesbian and you've been eyeing your female professor for quite a while, and always go to her during office hour and when you do you never took your eyes off her and she realized that. (Kissing, bdsm, teasing, degrading. Etc)
I had a crush on my professor.
It was the kind of thing that happened in movies or books, not in real life.
But there I was, sitting in Professor Anderson’s office for the third time this week.
I’d been trying to get her attention all semester, and now that I had it, I didn’t want to let go.
She was only a few years older than me, but she was so much more experienced and confident.
I couldn’t help but be drawn to her.
And I couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be with her.
I’d been trying to figure out how to make that happen for months now, and I still didn’t have a clue.
But I wasn’t going to give up.
I’d find a way to get what I wanted, no matter what it took.
Professor Anderson looked up from the paper she was grading and raised an eyebrow at me.
“Is there something else you need help with?”
I shook my head quickly, my cheeks turning red.
I’d been staring at her again.
I was supposed to be a straight-A student, but my grades had been slipping ever since I started taking her class.
I couldn’t focus when she was around.
It was like she was casting a spell on me.
“Sorry, Professor,” I said, looking down at the desk.
“I’m just trying to figure out this problem.
It’s really hard.”
I wasn’t even sure what the problem was about.
I’d been pretending to work on it for the past half hour, but I still hadn’t made any progress.
My mind was too preoccupied with other things.
It was bad enough that I’d been failing all my tests, but now I was going to fail this assignment too.
She’d never take me seriously if she thought I was stupid.
I had to think of something fast.
“Do you want me to explain it to you?”
she asked, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest.
Her gaze lingered on me for a moment.
I tried to meet her eyes, but I couldn’t hold her gaze for long.
“Come sit over here.”
She patted the chair next to her, and my heart leaped into my throat.
I’d never been this close to her before.
She smelled like vanilla and cinnamon, and I could feel the heat of her body radiating off of her skin.
I felt like I was going to pass out.
But at the same time, I couldn’t help but wonder if she felt it too—if she wanted me as much as I wanted her.
I’d been trying to get her attention all semester, but nothing had worked so far.
Maybe it was time to try something else.
She might think it was inappropriate for me to come onto her like this, but she wouldn’t be able to say no if I started kissing her right now.
No one would have to know what we were doing behind closed doors.
I smiled up at her and took a step forward.
My hand was shaking so badly that I almost dropped the pen.
Professor Anderson was right behind me.
Her breath was hot on my neck, and I could feel the heat of her body against my skin.
She was standing so close to me that I could barely breathe.
But still, she didn’t touch me.
And I didn’t move away.
We were both frozen in place as we stared down at the paper in front of us.
I hadn’t expected this to happen.
It wasn’t part of my plan.
But I wasn’t complaining either.
If anything, it was more than I’d ever hoped for.
And maybe it was just a matter of time before things went even further.
Things had been heating up between us for months now.
Forbidden Desires: A Student-Professor Romance
It felt like we were alone in the office.
As though we were the only two people in the world who mattered.
I tried to focus on the problem in front of me, but my mind kept wandering to other things instead.
Professor Anderson’s voice was nothing more than a soft murmur in my ear as she spoke.
It was almost hypnotic.
It made me want more than anything to lean back into her touch and let her have her way with me.
To let her see what she wanted to do to me and then do it again and again until she couldn’t take it anymore.
It was a silly dream and one that would probably never come true.
But still, that didn’t stop me from wanting it.
And wanting it badly.
It wasn’t like I’d ever been with a woman before, but Professor Anderson was different from other women.
She was strong and intelligent and beautiful, and there was something about her that made me want to see things through with her—no matter what that meant or where it would take us in the end.
I shook my head and tried to focus.
I had no idea what she’d just asked me.
My heart was pounding so hard in my chest that I could barely hear myself think.
It was like she knew what I wanted, and she was holding back just to torture me.
But I couldn’t let her see that.
I couldn’t let her know that I wanted her as much as I did.
She would never take me seriously if she did.
And she might even turn me away if she thought that I couldn’t handle what she wanted to do to me.
No matter what happened, I knew that I couldn’t let that happen.
I needed her more than anything, and no one could ever come between us—no matter how hard they tried.
I took a deep breath and looked up at her, trying to keep a straight face.
“I think I understand now,” I said, biting my lip as I spoke.
“But I have one more question for you.”
I hesitated for a moment, and she arched an eyebrow at me in response.
My cheeks turned red, and I looked away quickly.
“I know this is going to sound strange, but is there any chance that you could…um…fuck me instead?”
Professor Anderson stared at me for a moment, trying not to laugh, but she couldn’t hold it back for long.
She burst out laughing, and I couldn’t help but join in too.
“Don’t look so surprised,” she said as she caught her breath.
“You’re not the only one who’s ever fantasized about having sex with their professor before.”
I smiled up at her, my heart racing in my chest as my cheeks turned red again.
So maybe she did know what I wanted after all.
I hadn’t realized how obvious it was until now, but maybe it was just a matter of time before things went even further between us.
I was desperate for more of her attention.
And if that meant doing something like this again, then so be it.
Forbidden Desires: A Student-Professor Romance
It wouldn’t be the last time either.
I stared down at the blank page in front of me, trying to come up with a good answer.
The truth is that I had no idea what the question was anymore.
I hadn’t been able to focus on anything she said.
I couldn’t stop thinking about the way she laughed.
It wasn’t the first time we’d had a private session like this one.
But it was still hard to believe that she wanted me as much as I wanted her.
She was so beautiful, so perfect in every way.
I didn’t know how to act around her, whether to be myself or to try to impress her in some other way.
All I knew is that she made me feel something that no one else ever had before—and all of it made me want more.
“So what do you think?”
I blinked and shook my head, trying to focus on what she’d just asked me.
“I think it’s a good idea,” I said with a small smile.
“It would definitely be an interesting experiment.”
Her lips curved into a smile too, but she shook her head slowly.
“That’s not really the point of this lesson, is it?”
I smiled and shook my head, trying not to laugh too.
“I guess not,” I said as I bit my lip again.
“But it still sounds like fun.”
Professor Anderson laughed, but she quickly caught herself and tried to pull herself together again.
She didn’t want me to think that she wasn’t taking this seriously—or maybe she just didn’t want me to see how much fun she was having either.
Either way, it only made me want her even more than before.
“I’m glad you think so,” she said as she cleared her throat again.
“But don’t get any ideas about flirting with me during class either.”
I smiled and nodded, but I couldn’t help but laugh a little too.
She must have noticed the way I was staring at her—or maybe she just wanted to see how far she could push me before I broke down completely.
Either way, her expression softened and she reached out to touch my cheek again.
“You’re such a good student, Emily,” she said as she smiled down at me again.
“I’m so proud of you.”
My heart skipped a beat when she said that, and my cheeks turned red again too.
I was so happy to hear those words come out of her mouth, even if they were only meant to be academic compliments.
They made me feel so much better about myself, and they only made me want more and more of her attention too.
“Thank you, Professor Anderson,” I said as I looked up at her again.
“I know I can do even better next time too.”
She smiled down at me again and nodded slowly, but she didn’t say anything in response.
She didn’t have to, though.
I could tell that she was thinking the same thing too because her hand was trembling as she brushed a strand of hair behind my ear.
We both knew it had to end soon, but I didn’t want it to be over yet either.
If only I had the courage to tell her the truth—the real reason why I was here today—I knew that things could have gone further between us too.
Forbidden Desires: A Student-Professor Romance