MidReal Story

Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story

Scenario:My name is Olivia, and I am Don's sweet and loving girlfriend. Don is a CEO of a tech-startup who loves me so much. He works hard, is passionate about what he does, and works insanely hard. I used to be a party-girl, dated several men before him and have a higher body-count compared to Don. We have amazing sex, especially with MDMA, LSD, or Shrooms. We love each other so much, and hope to get married one day. I happen to be a high-class escort. While Don doesn't like what I do, he loves me so much and allows me to continue my work, as long as I am truthful, transparent and never compromise our relationship. Besides, I started before I had even met Don. It's my job, and I'm a professional. I even manage a CRM of clients! Don has been ok with this arrangement. While it makes him jealous, it also spices up our relationship whenever I tell him of my dates. As long as I keep reassuring him of my love for him, and that he can trust me. The problem is, I haven't been completely honest with Don. Besides the fact that he believes I've only slept with 15 men before him (when in reality, my number was around 300+), he believes that most of my dates are simply me accompanying rich powerful men for dinner, events, etc. He believes that I do fuck them extremely rarely, and only with his permission, and always with condoms. In reality, I ALWAYS fuck my clients. I am known in the industry as the escort who fucks raw and lets clients cum inside her. And I love it, especially while on drugs, as it makes me cum much faster. And what's worse is that I love being intimate with them too. From cuddling, to kissing, to saying sweet things that only couples would do. I've gone on week-long sex cruises with clients, gangbangs in swingers clubs, drug orgies, and many other filthy things one can't imagine. And I really mean it when I say I LOVE WHEN MEN CUM INSIDE ME and the feeling of their warm semen filling me up, and then dripping out of my pussy. I take birth control pills, and always require an STD test from my clients. But I've had pregnancy scares, and even unfortunately had to terminate pregnancies. But I mean it when I say that my heart belongs to Don, and I always come back to him, with my cute smile, sweet kisses, and a warm embrace, as if nothing happened. If he ever finds out the truth of what I do, he'd surely leave me. And I would hate to hurt him, but I also love what I do, and it pays well too. My story revolves around my challenges in living this double life, my loving relationship with Don, hiding the truth, and my very detailed sex experiences with my clients. I won't hold back, as only I will ever read this. It is told only from my perspective, in first-person.
Create my version of this story
My name is Olivia, and I am Don's sweet and loving girlfriend. Don is a CEO of a tech-startup who loves me so much. He works hard, is passionate about what he does, and works insanely hard. I used to be a party-girl, dated several men before him and have a higher body-count compared to Don. We have amazing sex, especially with MDMA, LSD, or Shrooms. We love each other so much, and hope to get married one day. I happen to be a high-class escort. While Don doesn't like what I do, he loves me so much and allows me to continue my work, as long as I am truthful, transparent and never compromise our relationship. Besides, I started before I had even met Don. It's my job, and I'm a professional. I even manage a CRM of clients! Don has been ok with this arrangement. While it makes him jealous, it also spices up our relationship whenever I tell him of my dates. As long as I keep reassuring him of my love for him, and that he can trust me. The problem is, I haven't been completely honest with Don. Besides the fact that he believes I've only slept with 15 men before him (when in reality, my number was around 300+), he believes that most of my dates are simply me accompanying rich powerful men for dinner, events, etc. He believes that I do fuck them extremely rarely, and only with his permission, and always with condoms. In reality, I ALWAYS fuck my clients. I am known in the industry as the escort who fucks raw and lets clients cum inside her. And I love it, especially while on drugs, as it makes me cum much faster. And what's worse is that I love being intimate with them too. From cuddling, to kissing, to saying sweet things that only couples would do. I've gone on week-long sex cruises with clients, gangbangs in swingers clubs, drug orgies, and many other filthy things one can't imagine. And I really mean it when I say I LOVE WHEN MEN CUM INSIDE ME and the feeling of their warm semen filling me up, and then dripping out of my pussy. I take birth control pills, and always require an STD test from my clients. But I've had pregnancy scares, and even unfortunately had to terminate pregnancies. But I mean it when I say that my heart belongs to Don, and I always come back to him, with my cute smile, sweet kisses, and a warm embrace, as if nothing happened. If he ever finds out the truth of what I do, he'd surely leave me. And I would hate to hurt him, but I also love what I do, and it pays well too. My story revolves around my challenges in living this double life, my loving relationship with Don, hiding the truth, and my very detailed sex experiences with my clients. I won't hold back, as only I will ever read this. It is told only from my perspective, in first-person.
I met Don two years ago at a party.
We had mutual friends and hit it off pretty quickly.
The thing that originally caught my eye about him was that he was the only person at the party not drinking, and I liked that.
I was always the life of the party—blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, and beautiful.
I loved to dance and have a good time.
He, on the other hand, preferred to watch.
He was tall and handsome, with dark brown hair and sea-green eyes.
He was dressed in a nice suit, and I liked that about him too.
I was a little bit nervous, but he made me feel at ease and put me in a good mood.
I normally don’t give my number out to guys, but I gave him mine after we talked for a while because he seemed smart and interesting, and I wanted to get to know him better.
He called me the very next day and asked me on a date.
Our first date was at a fancy restaurant, but we both knew right away that we’d see each other again.
We were inseparable from then on.
He’s the CEO of a tech startup now and works all the time, but I love that about him.
Most people wouldn’t want to put up with his long hours, but he’s my perfect match and I don’t mind at all.
He’s driven and passionate about what he does.
I’ve known this since our first date when I asked him what he liked to do for fun.
He answered without hesitation, “Work.” And it’s still true today when I ask him the same question.
I like that about him because I know how hard it is to find something you’re passionate about in life and pursue it.
Don is one of those people who has figured it out early in life.
He’s not only successful at what he does but also very smart and creative too.
I sometimes tease him for being a workaholic, but deep down I admire him for it.
Hey, you work too much!”
I tell him every time I see him because he spends most nights in the office until 3 or 4 in the morning, even on weekends.
But he always laughs and says, “I know, but you love me for it.” And he’s right.
I wouldn’t have him any other way.
We’re both very independent people, and we understand and appreciate that about each other.
Don is my best friend and lover.
There is no one else in this world who knows me better than he does.
I can be myself in front of him without worrying or pretending.
In short, he is perfect for me, and I feel incredibly lucky to have him in my life.
I’ve known this since the day we met and still believe it to this day.
Pairing: Don & Olivia
Summary: This is a novella about an escort who leads a double life, balancing her romantic relationship with her boyfriend and her secret profession.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
I am absolutely in love with my boyfriend Don.
And yes, you heard me right—I’m in love.
I know what you’re thinking: how can an escort have a real boyfriend?
It’s not easy, but it’s possible.
In my case, he’s the one who doesn’t know about me and my secret life.
We had only been dating for less than two months when he asked me to be his girlfriend.
It was too soon for me to tell him the truth back then, so I lied and said yes.
We haven’t spent more than 24 hours apart since then.
We moved in together less than six months after we started dating, and it was the best decision we ever made.
I’m not going to lie; it was tough at first keeping my other life hidden from him and making sure he never found out the truth, but eventually, I got used to it.
Lucky for me, he works all the time and loves spending his nights at the office putting together new business plans for his start-up, so I get plenty of time to myself during the week.
Don is the sweetest, most loving man on this planet.
He has a big heart and is kind to everyone.
We rarely fight or argue, and when we do, we make up quickly.
As for our sex life, it’s amazing!
I can’t get enough of him, and he feels the same way.
We have sex almost every day and make love pretty much every night before bed, and it’s always great!
He’s not selfish in bed at all like some of the other men I’ve been with before him and loves to go down on me or fuck me hard from behind while we watch porn on his computer or TV screens in the bedroom.
He’s also very attentive and affectionate, always making sure to kiss and caress me gently before and after sex, which I love because it makes me feel cared for and appreciated.
Another thing Don loves is to party and experiment with drugs during sex, which we do pretty much every time we make love.
His favorite is MDMA, but we also sometimes take LSD or shrooms if we’re feeling adventurous.
He says it makes the experience more intense and pleasurable, and he’s right.
The first time he asked me to try it with him, I was hesitant because I had never done it before, but eventually, I gave in, and I’m glad that I did.
It was one of the best sexual experiences of my life.
We were at his house when we tried it for the first time, and he played some electronic music while we made love on his big soft bed.
I remember feeling very warm and happy while he fucked me from behind, and my orgasm felt like it lasted for minutes instead of seconds.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
The more we did it afterward, the more we started experimenting with different substances and different ways of taking them.
He sometimes uses drugs during sex as well, but he is always in control and makes sure we’re both safe and comfortable the entire time.
I feel truly blessed to have him in my life.
Don isn’t just my boyfriend; he’s also my best friend and soulmate.
We tell each other everything and never keep secrets from one another.
If he knew about my other life, he would probably leave me, which is why I’ve kept this part of me hidden from him all this time.
It’s not easy living this double life, but living without him would be even harder, which is why I do what I do.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
Before Don, I was a bit of a party girl and had dated several men.
I had tried more things than he had, which initially made me self-conscious when it came to our shared sex life.
However, when Don found out that his number was lower than mine, he told me that it didn’t matter at all.
He said that he loved me for me and that the past was in the past.
He even joked that maybe he should catch up with my number so that we’d be on the same level— which made me laugh and feel less insecure about it all.
Don is the first man who has made me feel like I don’t have to apologize for who I am or what I’ve done in the past.
When we’re together, he makes me feel like the most important woman in the world, and because of that, I haven’t felt the need to seek attention from other men ever since we got together.
I love him with all of my heart, and even though it’s only been two years since we met at that party, I can tell that he’s the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
He loves me unconditionally and would do anything for me, just as I would for him.
Before Don, however, I was what most people would call a slut or a whore; someone who loved to party and sleep around with different men.
But that changed after Don found out about me because I knew that if we were going to be together, that side of me couldn’t exist anymore.
And so despite our incredible sex life together, those days are long gone now because Don is the only man who has ever been able to satisfy me in every single way possible.
He’s everything that I could ever want in a partner and more.
The kind of guy that makes you realize how much you truly love someone by simply being themselves around you.
As for our sex life, it’s incredible!
We make love almost every day and always experiment with different substances every time we do.
It makes the experience more intense and pleasurable for both of us, which is something that we both really enjoy.
We both get a huge kick out of doing it this way and wouldn’t have it any other way.
Don is my lover and best friend all rolled into one.
He’s the kind of man who isn’t afraid to push my buttons or try new things with me when we make love.
He has always been very open about his desires and fantasies from the beginning.
The first time he asked me if I would be willing to try drugs with him during sex, I immediately said yes because I knew how much it meant to him.
I wanted him to know that he could share anything with me without feeling judged or ashamed of himself for feeling the way he did.
It was one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made because the first time we did it together was one of the best sexual experiences of my life.
He’s also very good about making sure that I’m always satisfied whenever we make love.
He loves going down on me or fucking me hard from behind while we watch porn on his computer or TV screens in the bedroom.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
And yet, I continue to fuck other men.
I need to tell Don something… It’s been on my mind for a while now, but I’ve never been sure how to go about it.
Don is the kind of man who needs to know everything about me, even if he doesn’t like what he hears.
It’s one of the reasons why we get along so well together.
He’s always been upfront with me about his feelings, his past, and his desires, which is one of the main reasons why I love him so much.
He’s my rock, my best friend, my lover, and the one person who knows me better than anyone else alive.
And yet, there’s something that he doesn’t know about me yet… And I’m not sure how to tell him.
I know that I need to confess, but I’m afraid of what will happen when he finds out…
The truth is, I haven’t only been with 15 men before him.
That’s what I told him when he asked me two years ago, but the truth is, my number is much higher than that— around 300+.
But I didn’t lie to him!
Don never asked for specifics; he just assumed that my number was low because I had only been with 15 men before him.
He doesn’t like to think about my past sexual encounters; it bothers him, and he can be a little possessive at times, so I’ve always been careful not to mention it around him as much as possible.
I know that he knows I used to be a party-girl before we met; I was always very open with him about my past relationships when we first started dating.
He knows that I had dated several men in the past before him, but I don’t think he knows the full extent of what I did before we met either…
And yet, I have always been honest with him about everything we’ve talked about over the years, or at least I believe so anyway.
He’s never asked me how many men I had been with before we met, so I never told him the truth either.
He just assumed that my number was low, so I let him believe it.
I’m not sure if he would have liked the answer if I had given it to him either way, but I didn’t want to lie to him, so I didn’t.
I don’t like lying to Don because he’s one of the most important people in my life and the man that I want to spend the rest of my life with.
I want him to know everything about me because I love him so much, which is why I’ve always tried to be as open and honest with him as possible.
He knows secrets about me that nobody else in the world does, and yet, there’s still one thing that he doesn’t know… And I don’t know if I should tell him or not.
It’s been bothering me for a long time now, and I know that if I don’t say anything soon, it will only get worse over time…
The truth is, Don is the best thing that ever happened to me.
I have never loved anyone the way that I love him, and I know that he feels the same way too.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
My story begins with a client...
“Don, you’re the one who got away…”
He laughs at my comment and shakes his head at me.
“I can’t believe you’re telling me this, Liv… You’re such a dork.”
I grin at him in response, snuggling up against his side as we lay together in bed.
It’s late, and we’ve just finished watching our favorite show on Netflix.
Don is tall, with short black hair and dark brown eyes, while mine are blue.
He’s handsome in an exotic way, which makes him stand out from the rest of the guys that I have dated in the past, but he’s also hardworking and caring too.
He always puts me first, taking care of my needs before his own whenever we’re together.
He makes sure that I’m happy and comfortable at all times, being the attentive boyfriend that every girl dreams of having.
He’s also very intelligent, running his own tech startup in the city right now, which keeps him very busy most days of the week.
When he met me at a party two years ago and asked for my phone number, he knew that I had already dated several men before him.
I’ve always been open with him about my past relationships, telling him everything he wanted to know about them whenever he asked.
Don has never really asked for specifics about my exes though; he just knew that I had been with several men before him because I had told him so.
He didn’t like thinking about it at first, especially when he realized that I had been with more men than he had been with women before we met each other, but he also wasn’t surprised by it either…
It’s one of the things that he loves about me because I’ve always been honest with him from the very beginning too.
I’ve never given him any reason to doubt my fidelity over these last two years; he knows my heart belongs to him and only him.
I’ve never cheated on him with any other man and wouldn’t ever think of doing so either.
He’s the love of my life; I want to spend the rest of forever with him if he’ll let me.
Sometimes he can get a little jealous of my exes because he knows that I’ve been with more men than he has, but it’s only natural when you think about it…
I was always open with him when I first met him about my past and what I used to do before.
As much as he didn’t like it at first, he also didn’t want to hold it against me either because he saw something special in me that he couldn’t find in anyone else.
He knew right from our very first date that we were meant to be together.
And so did I…
Ever since then, our relationship has only gotten stronger over time too.
We’ve built it on trust and understanding, despite how different our backgrounds are from each other in so many ways too.
Don is not just my boyfriend; he’s my best friend too.
He’s the only person that I can turn to whenever I need someone to talk to or share my feelings with because he’s always there for me when I need him.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
But there is also a part of me that Don doesn't know about either, a secret life that I’ve been leading long before I even met him…
It’s a part of me that I’ve always kept hidden from him because it's something I've always been ashamed of.
I’ve never told him about it either because of how much he loves and respects me.
Don would be devastated if he ever found out what I was doing behind his back, not to mention how much it would hurt him too.
But it’s not something that he needs to know about because it doesn't have anything to do with him or our relationship together.
That’s just how things are, and they always will be…
I love Don with all of my heart.
But at the same time, there is also a part of me that he's never going to be able to fulfill too…
A part of me that craves something more, something different, something forbidden and dark…
A part of me that belongs to no one else but myself alone.
When I’m with Don, it's everything that I could ever hope for in a man and more.
Being with him is my greatest joy; it's something that I look forward to every day and every night.
We go out together all the time, spend all of our free time together, and do everything together.
It's a wonderful relationship that I wouldn't want to give up for anything else in the world.
But at the same time, I also have a craving that is buried deep inside of me too, a craving that Don is never going to be able to satisfy for as long as I live.
Don is not just my boyfriend, but he’s also my best friend too, and I love him more than anything else in this world as well.
I wouldn’t want to do anything that could ever hurt him or break his heart in any way either.
Even if it means that I have to keep this part of myself hidden away from everyone else around us too…
But at the same time, it’s also something that I can't change or deny too…
It’s a craving that I have no control over, one that I can’t just ignore either.
It's a craving that I've been living with ever since I was a little girl and first discovered it too.
Ever since then, it’s become a part of who I am and what I do for a living…
A part of my life that I can’t just walk away from because it’s something that I need in order to survive and live the kind of lifestyle that I’m accustomed to living too.
Being an escort is something that I’ve been doing long before I even met Don two years ago and will probably continue doing for many years after we’re gone too…
Sometimes when I’m alone at night and don’t have anything else to do, I can’t help thinking about all of those men that I’ve been with before, all those nights that we spent together and all those moments that we shared between us alone…
The deep connection that I had with them and how much they wanted me even though they had never met me before too…
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
Being an escort is a little bit like being a porn star in a way too…I guess you could say…
It’s the thrill and the excitement of spending time with someone who you don’t know and doing things together that you’ve never done before either.
It’s about experiencing new things and seeing what kind of reaction you get from them too…
And it’s also about the satisfaction and the rewards that you get after you’re finished too…
But most importantly, it’s also about the money and how much you can make in a very short amount of time too…
After I met Don and we started dating each other exclusively, I thought that I would be able to walk away from this life once and for all and start over fresh too…
But once you start living a double life like this for a while, it gets more and more difficult to stop…
Even though I knew that I had to and that I should have stopped before it was too late too…
I guess you could say that I’m addicted to being a high-class escort in a way too…
The money is so good and the thrill is even better!
It’s like being an addict in a way too…I just can’t walk away from it because it’s always there in the back of my mind and calling my name too…
It’s always there waiting for me whenever I need it…No matter where I am or what I’m doing at any time or place as well…
And as much as I know that I shouldn’t be doing this behind Don’s back like this, I just can’t help myself because it's something that I feel like I have to do as well…
Being an escort is a little bit like being an amateur psychologist or a sex therapist in a way too…
They come to you for advice and guidance on how they should handle their problems and issues in their lives or how they can improve their sex lives at home too…
And sometimes they come to you just for the pleasure and the satisfaction as well…
As an escort, you’re there for them no matter what they need or want from you at any time or place…
And you’re willing to do whatever it takes to satisfy them and make them happy and comfortable at any time as well…
It’s something that I’ve learned to do very well over the years that I’ve been doing this and have come very good at doing so also…
Some of my clients are Wall Street hotshots who are used to getting whatever they want and whenever they want as well…
While others are politicians who need a little bit of TLC after a long day at work and being on the road for weeks at a time too…
I manage my clients through a CRM system that I set up myself and have been using for many years as well…
Sometimes I get new business through other clients who have referred me to their friends or family members…
But most of the time, I get new business through my website that I created and maintain by myself too…
When I first started doing this, I was worried that someone would find out about what I was doing behind their backs and tell my secret…
But now, I don’t worry anymore because I know that my system is set up so that it’s impossible for anyone else to know what I’m doing either…
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
I’ve been doing this for a long time now and have made a lot of money from it as well…
In fact, I’ve made so much money that I could probably retire right now and never have to work another day in my life as well…
But the truth is that it’s not really about the money for me anymore either…
And it’s something that I’ve come to realize and accept as well.
Sure, the money is nice and it’s definitely something that keeps me coming back time after time again…
Especially when you live in New York City and the cost of living is so expensive to begin with too…
It’s definitely something that you need to have on your side in order to survive and get by living here as well…
But the truth is that if I was financially secure and didn’t have to worry about money at all, then I would still be doing this too…
I know that it sounds a little bit crazy and insane to say out loud like that, but it’s the truth and there’s no sense in denying it either…
Over the past year or so, I’ve been doing a lot of really dirty things with my clients behind Don’s back and it’s something that I’m not proud of either…
But at the same time, it’s something that I can walk away from either…No matter how hard I try or how much I know that I should be too…
I’ve done everything from drug-fueled orgies to unprotected sex with complete strangers who could be carrying God knows what or anything else too…
And even though it’s dangerous and it could potentially ruin my life or even worse give me an STD, it’s just something that I can’t help myself from doing too…
You see, ever since I started having sex for the first time when I was sixteen years old, I’ve always had a thing for unprotected sex in general…
There was just something about being able to let a man cum inside me without having to worry about anything at all too…
It was something that made me feel special and like he was mine and only mine too…
I know that it sounds a little bit silly and stupid to say out loud like that, but it’s the truth and there’s no denying it either…
And over the past year or so, I’ve been doing it a lot more often too…
And I have been getting paid very well for it too…
It’s just something that I can’t seem to resist or walk away from no matter how hard I try as well…
And as much as I know that I shouldn’t be doing it, I just can’t help myself because it feels so damn good too…
It's just a little bit like being an addict in a way too…
I’ve had a few pregnancy scares from time to time too…
And have definitely had my fair share of close calls as well…
But it’s never stopped me before from continuing down this path too…
Even though I take precautions like being on the pill and requiring STD tests before any sexual encounter with any of my clients, I still enjoy it…There's just something about feeling their semen inside me when they cum that I can't replicate with condoms too…
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
The feeling of them filling me up as they cum is just something that I can never seem to resist either too…
It's like being loaded up with them and their love, which I enjoy so much too…
It’s just something that I absolutely love doing no matter what as well, especially when they’re paying me so much money for it too…
It’s always been one of my favorite things about being an escort in general…
Being able to have unprotected sex with my clients whenever I want, feeling them cum inside me and fill me up has always been one of my favorite things about being an escort in general…
It's just something that I truly can't resist no matter how hard I try or how much I know that I shouldn't be doing it, but at the same time, I can't help myself either.
As much as I'd love to tell you otherwise, there really is nothing better than being an escort who gets paid to have unprotected sex with her clients for money.
And over the past year or so, I’ve been doing it more often than ever before too.
In fact, I’ve even started doing it more often than ever before too.
I even had one client who filled me up a few times in one night too, which was incredibly intense for me.
He was a very wealthy and powerful man in his late forties who worked in finance, who wanted me to come to his hotel room one night when he was in town on business.
I made him pay double my usual rate for the night since he knew what he wanted from the beginning too.
I didn’t mind either.
It was more money than I would have made otherwise too.
He was well dressed and had a very nice hotel room which was very clean, so I felt safe with him too.
At least as safe as one could feel under the circumstances anyway, but it’s not like there was any other choice either.
After taking care of the business part, we got down to the fun part, which involved him fucking me without a condom for a few hours.
He came inside me at least three or four times, if not more in total, which was very intense for me because it made me cum very hard every time he did.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
It was so much fun for me that I didn’t even mind losing a little bit of sleep for it too.
At least it was a fun way for me to lose sleep too.
I woke up the next morning with a little bit of a belly ache for some reason, but I didn’t think too much about it then either because it wasn’t even close to the worst one I’d ever had either.
The first thing I did was go pee, and I was very surprised when I saw a little bit of his cum, or at least what I thought was his cum, come out of me either too.
He must have came inside me again while I was sleeping.
It was a very strange sensation for me, but I liked the idea of him doing it even more than I liked the idea of having his cum inside me too.
It felt very good for some reason and made me very excited too.
So much so that I remember going back to bed and playing with myself until I had another orgasm too.
I remember lying on my back with my legs spread wide open and my fingers buried deep inside of my pussy, thinking about him fucking me without a condom while I played with myself too.
It was such a fun experience for me at the time and is still one of my favorites to remember now too.
I was so excited by the experience that I knew I would never forget it either, which is why I wrote in my journal about it afterwards so that I wouldn’t either.
It’s why I always write in it afterwards too.
It helps me remember all of the details much better than I would otherwise.
I like being able to remember all of the different times and all of the different men too, so I can think about them whenever I want to.
I like being able to remember all of the hot and sexy times we have together too, so I can think about them whenever we’re not together too.
I got to the hotel room on time and went inside, just like he told me to do.
His note said that he would be there already and to not worry about knocking.
The first thing I did when I went inside was take off my coat and lay it down on the bed.
He likes it when I don’t wear anything under my coat, so that he can see my whole body as soon as he opens the door.
I made sure my lingerie looked good and went to check the clock to see what time it was.
I saw that it said 10:07, which meant that it was time for us to get started.
He pays extra for a full hour, which is why he always schedules for ten o’clock on the dot.
I walked over to the bathroom and checked myself in the mirror to make sure that everything looked good.
I ran a brush through my hair and put on some lip gloss before leaving to go back into the living room either.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
He was waiting for me in the living room, just like he said he would be.
He stood up when he saw me walk in and started walking towards me.
I turned to face him and watched as he came closer and closer.
He stopped just a couple of feet in front of me and looked down at me from his taller height.
The first thing I noticed about him was how incredibly sexy he looked standing there in front of me.
The next thing that caught my attention were his eyes, which were a beautiful shade of green that always made my heart race whenever I saw them looking into my own eyes like they were right now.
They were so beautiful and looked so amazing staring down at me like they were now too.
They were one of my favorite things about him too.
The third thing that caught my attention about him was his body, which looked so amazing and sexy even though he was naked right now.
He had such a strong and masculine body that looked so good too.
His chest looked so wide and strong, with dark brown hair covering it completely.
It was such an amazing contrast to his tanned skin, which looked so smooth and hairless.
His arms were so muscular and powerful looking too.
They were clearly very strong and worked out all of the time.
His legs were so long and strong looking too.
They were clearly in very good shape too.
I could tell that he worked out a lot to keep in shape.
I wanted to see what he was packing down there too.
I was sure it was thick and long.
I could tell just by looking at him like this.
He was so sexy and handsome standing there in front of me like this.
And I wanted him so bad right now.
What I really wanted was for him to fuck me without a condom like he had before.
It made me feel so good to let him do it to me without anything on either.
I was so excited to let him do it to me again tonight too.
He grabbed me by my arm and pulled me over to him before I could take a step back.
He pulled me up against his body so that our chests were touching each other before wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me hard on the lips at the same time.
It felt so good for him to kiss me like this too.
It made me feel like he really wanted me right now too.
Like he couldn’t wait to fuck me right now either.
Like he was as desperate for my pussy as I was for his cock.
It made me feel so hot thinking about how much he wanted me right now too.
Our lips moved together for just a few seconds before he pulled away from me and took a step back again.
He smiled at me before grabbing me by the shoulders so he could turn me around until I was facing away from him instead of towards him like I had been before.
He pushed down on my shoulders gently but firmly until I got down on my knees in front of him, just like he wanted me to.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
I thought of Don of couse. But...
I knew what he wanted me to do so I reached out and grabbed his pants in both of my hands before pulling them down past his knees until they were around his ankles instead of his waist.
His cock was so hard and thick looking, just like I knew it would be when I saw it.
I could tell that it was already covered in a lot of precum, which was dripping down off of his cock and onto his balls and legs too.
I loved how big and thick his cock was though, even though it was covered in so much hair down there too.
I thought it was so hot that he was so manly looking down there, even though I usually preferred when a guy was smooth and hairless instead of hairy and manly looking down there though.
But I didn’t mind this time, since he was still so hot looking anyway.
I could tell that he really wanted me to do this to him right now, just from how hard and big his cock looked already.
So I reached out with one hand and wrapped it around his base so that I could stroke up and down his shaft a few times before leaning down until I could take him into my mouth instead of keeping him in my hand anymore.
I felt his hand on the back of my head as soon as I took him into my mouth, which made me feel even hotter inside than I already did.
I wanted to make him cum in my mouth so badly right now too.
I loved how good it made me feel to have a guy fill my mouth with his cum, even though I didn’t usually get to swallow it when that happened anyway.
It still felt so good to have a guy empty himself into me anyway, even if I couldn’t taste it then.
And that’s what I wanted to do with him tonight too.
He pulled me back up to my feet as soon as I got him all of the way hard inside of me before he turned me around so that I was facing him again.
He gave me a short but passionate kiss on the lips before he pushed me back until I was laying down on the bed in front of him.
I was so excited to have his cock inside of me right now.
I couldn’t wait to feel him filling me up in just a few seconds.
I spread my legs apart as far as I could since I wanted him to go inside of me so badly right now.
But he didn’t go inside of me right away like I thought he would.
Instead, he just kept staring at me and touching himself like he was trying to decide if he wanted to do this or not.
I didn’t want him to change his mind about this though.
I wanted him to fuck me so badly right now.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
“Please go inside of me right now,” I begged him with a soft moan.
I could tell that he really wanted to fuck me tonight from how much he wanted me to suck his cock just now.
And that made me want this so much more than I already did too.
So I spread my legs apart even farther as a silent invitation for him to go inside of me before I started running my hands all over myself.
I knew that he liked it when I touched myself like this while he watched me, especially when I was paying special attention to my boobs and pussy like I was doing right now.
It always made him want to fuck me so much more whenever I did this anyway.
And that’s why I did it as much as I possibly could whenever a guy was watching me do this then.
Because I knew that it would make him want me even more than he already did anyway.
And that’s what happened this time too.
He didn’t change his mind about this at all.
Instead, he got down on his knees in between my legs so that he could lean forward and start kissing me all over my body.
I felt his hands on my boobs first since that’s where I was focusing most of my attention anyway.
His touch felt so good on my skin that it made me want to feel him touching me everywhere else instead too.
So I used my hands to pull him closer to me so that he could do just that.
He started kissing me even more passionately once our bodies were pressed together like that too.
I loved feeling his lips on mine in addition to feeling his hands on my body.
It made me feel so much hotter than I already did to have him doing this to me anyway.
But I didn’t want to just make out with him right now.
I wanted him to fuck me instead.
So I reached down between my legs so that I could guide him inside of me before I pulled back from our kiss so that I could let him know what I wanted too.
“Please go inside of me right now,” I begged him with another moan.
His fingers felt so good inside of me that it made me want to cum already too.
I loved how good it felt to have a guy touching me down there like this anyway.
But it felt especially good to have his fingers doing this to me since they felt like they were meant just for me anyway.
So it felt so good to have him fucking me like this with his fingers since it felt like they were going in and out of me in all of the right places at once then.
I couldn’t help moaning his name since it felt so good to be touched like this right now.
And it felt even better when he started kissing me again while his fingers were fucking me like this then.
He knew exactly what he was doing with them too.
His touch felt so good on my body that it made my breath quicken and my heart race in a rhythm of pure lust since it had been such a long time since a guy had touched me like this then.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
So I returned his kiss just as passionately as he was kissing me anyway.
I knew that it was something he loved about me anyway.
But I loved how it made me feel so hot and horny for him too.
I was still hoping that he would fuck me instead though.
So I reached down between my legs so that I could guide him deep inside of me again.
I knew that it was something he loved about me anyway.
But I loved how it made me feel so hot and horny for him too.
I was still hoping that he would fuck me instead though.
So I reached down between my legs so that I could guide him deep inside of me again.
I was already so wet for him by then.
So it was so easy for me to do it when I wanted him so bad like this anyway.
It felt so good to have his fingers going in and out of me like this then.
So good, in fact, that it made me start cumming really hard anyway.
I couldn’t think about anything else at all once I started cumming then.
It felt so good to have a guy fucking me like this anyway.
I loved the way his fingers felt when they were going in and out of me like this then.
It made me want him so much more than I already did too.
“Mmm, you feel so fucking good,” he whispered into my ear with a moan once we pulled apart from our kiss again then.
But instead, he just started kissing down my body so that he could spend some time playing with my tits instead.
It still felt so good to have his hands on my skin anyway though.
I loved the way he paid attention to every little detail about me, from the way he looked at me to the way he touched me as well too.
It made me want him so bad as a result since it just felt so damn sexy to have a guy looking at me in such an appreciative way like this anyway.
And it felt even better having his hands on my skin when they went down there as well too.
They were so precise with their touch that it made me want him all the more as a result.
I couldn’t help but start moaning his name even louder once he started playing with my pussy then.
It just felt so damn good to have a guy paying attention to me in this way anyway.
But it felt especially nice having him playing with me down there since he was just making me feel so hot and horny for him as a result then.
I couldn’t help but start cumming really hard on his fingers again either since it just felt so damn nice having them playing with me down there in all the right places at once then too.
I knew I would be able to cum over and over again with him if he kept fucking me like this anyway.
So I just lay back and let him continue doing whatever he wanted to my body since it just felt so damn nice having him doing this to me anyway.
I loved how his touch felt on my skin since it just made everything feel so damn hot and horny for me as a result then.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
He asked me what my boyfriend would think.
And that was when it occurred to me that my boyfriend was right next door at that very moment.
I paused for a moment and then said, “Fuck him.”
I was really surprised that the words came out of my mouth.
But it was just so damn hot and horny having him talking dirty to me in that way too.
It just made me want him even more than I already did then.
I started kissing him back some more too.
And then we both went over to the bed so that we could continue playing with each other there instead.
I wasn’t sure what we were going to do next.
But I knew that it was going to be something that would make us both feel really good then.
We were both so hot and horny that it was already starting to feel good just having him play with my pussy in the way that he was then.
I just couldn’t wait for what else was about to happen next.
Since it was already starting to feel so good for us both then.
I just couldn’t keep my hands off of him anymore either.
It was just so damn sexy having him touch my body in the way that he was.
I loved the way his hands on my skin made me feel so damn good about myself too.
It was just so damn nice having him do whatever he wanted to my body like that.
So I just let him continue doing whatever it was that he wanted to do with my body too.
And then we were playing together on the bed again soon after that too.
It was just so nice having his body against mine as well too.
It made me want him even more than I already did at that very moment too.
And then he started kissing down my body some more until he was playing with my tits again too.
I wasn’t sure what else it was that we were going to do next.
But I knew that whatever it was, it was going to be something that would make us both feel really good too.
It was already starting to feel so amazing for us both then too.
And then we were playing together on the bed some more soon after that too.
I loved the way his skin on mine felt when we were touching each other in that way too.
It was just so nice having him play whatever way it was that he wanted to in the process too.
The things he was doing to my skin were making me feel so damn hot and horny for him too.
I couldn’t help but start playing with his body in the same way that he was playing with mine either.
It was just so nice having him play with my body in the way that he was anyway.
We were both feeling so good about each other by then as well.
And then we were making love together soon after that too.
He entered me slowly and gently at first.
Then he started moving faster and harder after a while then too.
I loved the way his cock on mine felt when we were fucking each other in that way anyway.
It made me want him even more than I already did then too.
We were both feeling so good by then too.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
I was getting ready for my next date with Client 12 today too.
My heart was racing with excitement and nerves at the same time too.
But I knew I was going to have a really good time with him today too.
I had a special outfit picked out just for the occasion as well too.
It was a really sexy dress with some really sexy lingerie underneath it too.
The dress was super short and see-through too.
It was tight against my skin and showed off my figure really well too.
There was no way he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off me when he saw me wearing it either.
I was going to look super hot in it too.
It was just the kind of thing he liked to see me wearing anyway too.
I couldn’t help but smile as I checked myself out in the mirror again too.
I looked like a total babe in the dress I’d picked out for myself too.
No wonder he liked seeing me wear it anyway too.
It was super hot and sexy, but also elegant and classy at the same time too.
But I had to focus on getting ready for my date with Client 12 today before long as well too.
I was starting to get really turned on just thinking about him like that as well too.
The thought of seeing him today was making me feel so excited for it anyway too.
So I started getting my hair and makeup done soon after that as well too.
And before long, I was all ready for my date with Client 12 today as well too.
I couldn’t wait for him to get here soon enough now as well too.
I wanted him to be here with me right now more than anything else at that very moment as well too.
Because I knew we were going to have such a good time together today too.
He loved my dress too, just as much as I’d known he would when I put it on for him then too.
It was sheer and showed off my toned body underneath perfectly too.
He couldn’t take his eyes off me when he saw me walking up to him then as well too.
I knew I would look super hot in the dress like that anyway too.
It barely showed anything at all anyway either.
Just enough to make him excited for what he was going to see later at that moment as well too.
And I wanted to see him excited like that too anyway too.
I loved the look on his face when he saw me wearing such a sexy outfit just for him then as well too.
He couldn’t take his eyes off me either as I walked into the room with him then as well too.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
I loved being able to turn my clients on so much like that too, just by walking into the room dressed up for them like that too.
That’s always the best part about being an escort like this, being able to turn my clients on so much like that too, just by looking sexy for them as well too.
I smiled at my client and walked up to him then as well too, loving the look on his face as I walked over to him then too
And before long, we were locked in a passionate kiss together at that moment as well too, one that took my breath away completely then as well too.He has always been so good at kissing me just right like that too, making me feel so amazing whenever I’m around him at all too
His hands were roaming my body now, making my skin come alive at all around his fingertips at this moment too
I loved the feel of his touch on my skin at this point too
He always knew just how to touch me just right like that at this point as well too
And before long, I found myself being lifted up onto the bed by my client now at this moment too
He was pinning my body down on the bed, his hands all over my body now too
I loved the way his hands felt on my skin at that point too
They always made my body come alive whenever he touched me like that at all too
He was a true master at touching my body just right like that too
I knew I would have an amazing time with my client today like this too
Because I could tell he was super excited to be with me like that too
He looked like he was ready to get down and dirty with me right now too
I couldn’t wait for that either at this point too
I wanted to feel him inside of me already now at this point too
I was getting really turned on at this point now too
Just from thinking about what we were doing right now together too
I was so horny for my client now at this point too
I loved being with him like this too
He was all over my body now at this point too
His hands were roaming my curves now at that moment as well too
It was driving me absolutely wild to feel his hands on me like that too
I wanted to feel his hands all over my body even more at that very moment as well as I already knew then as well too
I loved the way his touch felt on my skin like that as well too
My client’s touch always made my skin come alive like that at all anyway either.
I knew I would have an amazing time with my client today like this too.
Because he was super excited for us to be together now as well too.
I loved feeling his hands exploring my curves like that then as well too.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
He finally removed his pants.
He climbed onto the bed with me, getting on top of my body then too.
He was pinning me down on the bed too
He was making sure I wouldn’t go anywhere either too
I knew I wouldn’t want to go anywhere now either way at all anyway too
Not when he had his hands all over my body like that either way at all too
I loved feeling his hands all over my body like that then and there either way at all at all too
It made my body come alive when he touched me like that then and there either way anyway either way at all too
I couldn’t help but let out a small moan when his hands started exploring my curves even more again anyway either way too
He took off my lingerie then finally after a moment or two or so when we were on the bed together then and there and things started getting really hot and heavy between us two as well too
He undid the straps on my bra then.
He removed it from my body then as well.
He had exposed my breasts to him then as well.
He stared at them for a moment or two or so before he actually got down to business with them at that point then as well.
He was undressing me and exposing my body to him like that because he wanted all of it.
He started undressing himself then as well.
He didn’t waste any time taking off his clothes either way either way either.
He was eager to be with me then and there at that very point then as well.
I was eager to be with him like that too.
We were both ready to get down and dirty together then and there as well too.
He finally got rid of all of his clothes then.
He was standing there completely naked in front of me now.
I let out a gasp of surprise when I finally saw him completely naked then like that.
He looked absolutely amazing like that then as well.
He was one beautiful man then as well.
Client 12 took that as an invitation to do whatever he wanted with the rest of my body now as well.
He climbed on top of the bed again then.
He pinned down my body again then as well.
There was no stopping us now at that point now either way either way either way at all.
We were already getting down and dirty together now either way now as I already knew we would be quite some time ago now anyway either way anyway either way now or later on now either way anyway either way now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on now or later on.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
We lips locked together in a deep and passionate kiss right then and there like that as well too.
He had already kissed me once before when we had first met outside of the building we were in together right then and there like that already too already.
But that kiss had been nothing compared to this kiss then as well too.
This kiss was even deeper and more passionate than the first kiss he had given me back then right then and there right then and there right then take kiss had been just a little peck of the lips right then and there as far as I was concerned back then at that point then as well.
This kiss was something else entirely different from that one though right then and there back then though right then again from that one though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then though right then thorn through right then through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through right through rightright through rightright through rightright through rightright through rightright through rightright tthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough rthrough tthrougtthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug tthroug thtClient 12 was absolutely amazing at kissing me like that too.
He was even better than I had remembered him being back when we had first met outside of the building we had been in together back when I first met him there back there as I had mentioned before already back earlier back back beforehand back earlier back back earlier back earlier back earlier back earlier back earlier back earlier before back earlier before back earlier before back earlier before earlier before earlier before earlier before earlier before earlier before earlier before earlier before already back already back already back already back already back already back already back already back already back already back already back already back already .
He was an amazing kisser.
He was even better at it than I had thought he would be back when we had first met outside of the building we had been in together that day back there.
I threw myself into the kiss that he was giving to me at that point back there.
He was doing the same back there at that point back there.
We kissed each other like that for a long while of time at that point back there.
But at some point, we both broke apart from each other after that at that point back there.
I didn’t know who did it first.
But I didn’t care either way either way either way either way at all.
It didn’t matter who broke apart from who first.
What mattered was what happened next after that at that point back there.
I didn’t waste any time getting down to business with him after that at that point back there.
I threw my arms around his neck after that at that point back there.
I brought his face down towards my own face after that at that point back there.
And I kissed him again after that at that point back there.
But I wasn’t satisfied with just kissing him like that after that at that point back there.
I started kissing him all over his body after that at that point back there.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
And then we fucked.
He had me pinned down next to him after he flipped us over like that after we had just gotten done having sex with each other like this again.
He was so close to my ear while he was talking to me like this again.
And the things he was saying were just the sweetest things I could have ever asked him to be saying to me like this again.
“You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
he whispered in my ear after he had just gotten done fucking the shit out of me again.
He was whispering in my ear while he had me pinned down next to him like this again.
“You belong to me, don’t you?”
he whispered in my ear after he had just gotten done fucking the shit out of me again.
He was whispering in my ear while he had me pinned down next to him like this again.
My heart was pounding in my chest so hard while I listened to him say those things to me like this again.
My breaths were coming in and out so hard after he had just gotten done fucking the shit out of me like this again.
But my heart wasn’t the only thing that was pounding in my chest while he was talking to me like this again.
My breaths weren’t the only thing that was coming in and out so hard after he had just gotten done fucking the shit out of me like this again.
It felt like my entire life was pounding away in my chest while he was talking to me like this again.
It felt like everything that made me who I am was coming in and out so hard while he had me pinned down next to him like this again.
But it didn’t matter either way at all either way at that point back there.
Both my heart and my breaths were his.
And so was everything else about me as well.
And I knew it, too.
I didn’t want to know it either way either way at all.
But I did at that point back there.
I knew deep down inside of me that everything about me was his.
Both my heart and my breaths were his.
And so was everything else about me as well.
But that didn’t bother me so much at that point back there.
It did scare me, though, if you want to know the truth about it.
It scared me a lot, if you want to know the truth about it.
But it didn’t bother me so much, though, if you want to know the truth about it.
Not as much as it should have bothered me anyway, at any rate.
After we had just gotten done talking to each other like this, he flipped me over onto my back while he was still pinning me down to the bed next to him like this.
And then he started fucking the shit out of me all over again.
All of those feelings that I had had earlier came rushing back inside of me all over again when he did that.
The pain, the pleasure, the excitement, the passion, the electricity, the connection, the fulfillment, all of them came rushing back inside of me all over again when he did that.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
I felt him getting closer to cumming.
He was doing it harder, faster, rougher than he had been doing it just a few seconds ago when we were talking to each other like this.
I felt myself getting closer at the same time as well.
I could feel an orgasm coming on inside of me when he was doing it harder, faster, rougher like this.
I could feel a big one coming on inside of me when he did that.
I couldn’t help myself from letting out some soft little moans when he did that either.
I couldn’t help myself from letting out some longer and louder ones as well when he did that too.
I felt my entire body starting to shake a little bit when he got closer.
I felt myself starting to tighten up a little bit when he started going harder, faster, rougher like this too.
And then he started doing something even more intense than that.
And I felt myself getting closer even more at that point when he did.
I felt myself getting closer even more when he got closer as well.
I started letting out some even longer and louder moans when he did that.
I couldn’t help myself from doing that either.
I was doing it before I even realized that I was doing it at all.
I was doing it before I even realized that I had been doing it for a while now either.
But I didn’t care about that at that point back there either way at all.
I let them keep coming out of me for a while, knowing that I would never really be able to stop at that point back there.
But then something else happened at the same time as well.
Something else happened inside of me at the same time as I was doing this.
Something else was happening inside of me while I was doing all of this other stuff at the same time.
Before I knew what was going on, he was letting himself cum inside of me.
I felt him shooting deep inside of me while he was doing it as well.
I felt him shooting deep inside of me while I was cumming all over him at the same time as well.
It felt so good, having him do this to me like this, having him cumming deep inside of me like this, having him fucking the shit out of me like this.
It felt so good, having him making me feel so good like this, having him making me feel so good in general, having him making me feel so good about everything in general as well.
I could feel that big orgasm coming on deep inside of me at that point back there as well.
It had been building up inside of me for a while now at that point back there.
It had been building up for a while now, ever since we had first started talking to each other like this in the first place anyway.
And now it was starting to come on deep inside of me as well.
It was starting to come on deep inside of me quickly as well.
He did something else that made it come on even more quickly than it would have otherwise too.
He didn’t even know that he was doing this at that point back there.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story
And then right at that moment, I remembered Don.
I remembered Don, and what it was going to be like when I got back home with him later on tonight.
I remembered what it was going to be like when I finally got back home with him later on tonight, when we were finally able to go to sleep together in the bed together once again later on tonight.
But at that moment, I didn’t really care about any of that stuff either way too much either.
I wasn’t thinking about any of this stuff, about what Don was going to want or what Don was going to do once I got back home with him later on tonight.
Right now, I was only thinking about this guy right here, and only about what he wanted to do with me tonight as well.
That’s all that I was thinking about at that moment right there.
That’s all that I cared about at that moment right there as well.
That’s all that I needed at that moment right there as well.
And then he did something else too.
He held up his hand and showed it all off right in front of me like this too.
He showed off the stuff that he had on his hand like this too.
And then he told me that it was some Mandy also known as MDMA or Molly or Ecstasy or whatever you wanted to call it out there.
He told me that it was some Mandy and he wanted me to take some of it too before we went on further and continued on with this stuff like this too.
And then he told me that this stuff was going to be great for us tonight and for this stuff right here tonight too like this also too.
He said that it was going to help us get along even more than we already were and have even more fun doing all of this stuff right here tonight also too like this also too.
He said all of this stuff, and then he put the stuff down on the table right next to the bed too like this too also too as well.
Then he laid back down on the bed with me and he started kissing me all over my body some more down through here as well too at the same time too also too as well too also also too.
And then after a little bit more time had passed by like this too, he started doing some other things as well also too at that point back there also too at the same time also too at the same time also too also too at the same time as well also too at the same time also too also too also too.
Forbidden Desires: A Double Life Story