MidReal Story

Fluffy Surprises: A Bunny's Gift of Joy

Scenario:The sight of it all! Bunny's mom couldn't stop grinning; every crinkle by her eyes screamed joy. As for Long Ears, that little fluff of excitement, he bounced around like he'd won the bunny lottery. "Mom, are these all mine?" he squealed. "Every last ribbon and wrapping," she chuckled, and Long Ears beamed like the moon on a clear night.
Create my version of this story
The sight of it all! Bunny's mom couldn't stop grinning; every crinkle by her eyes screamed joy. As for Long Ears, that little fluff of excitement, he bounced around like he'd won the bunny lottery. "Mom, are these all mine?" he squealed. "Every last ribbon and wrapping," she chuckled, and Long Ears beamed like the moon on a clear night.
Christmas had come to their little home, and with it a mountain of gifts that beckoned him closer.
He could barely contain his excitement as he studied the packages, each one different from the others, and knew that one of those gifts was meant for him.
One for him!
His heart swelled at the thought, and he couldn’t help it when his long ears perked up even higher as he prepared to take another step toward the bounty.
The room was a kaleidoscope of colors, with the warm glow of twinkling lights inviting him closer and the scent of pine filling his nose.
Bunny’s mom stood off the side, watching him with joy in her eyes, and the love and magic that surrounded him was almost enough to make him forget about the presents.
Almost but not quite.
Each package was wrapped in beautiful paper with bright bows that looked as if they were made to be pulled off, and he almost groaned at the thought of having to wait to tear into them.
But he would wait.
He would be a good boy and wait for his mom to tell him it was time to open them.
Besides, he had one more gift to open first.
He turned to look at Bunny, who had followed him over and was now staring up at the mountain of bounty as well.
The little rabbit’s nose twitched and his whiskers wiggled with excitement, and Long Ears knew that Bunny was just as anxious to see what was inside those packages as he was.
They’d been good boys this year.
He knew they had been.
So there had to be something good hidden within all those wrappings.
Something just for them.
Together they took another step forward, and Long Ears felt as if they were on the threshold of something amazing—something so big it would change their lives forever.
And maybe they were.
They both stepped closer and closer to their prize until Long Ears was standing right in front of them so close he could almost touch them.
His eyes went wide at the sight—that pile looked even bigger from this close—and he could feel his heart begin to beat faster with excitement as he studied each present before him.
And there were so many!
But which one would be his?
Bunny had come to a stop beside him and mirrored his every move, even taking a hop forward so he could see better.
His little body quivered with anticipation, and Long Ears knew that Bunny wanted to dive in just as much as he did.
Fluffy Surprises: A Bunny's Gift of Joy
Before he could stop himself, he turned to look at Bunny’s mom and saw that she was watching them with a smile on her face.
It was a beautiful smile, a happy smile that lit up her face and made her eyes sparkle.
She had a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she watched them, and when she saw him looking at her, she held out her hand to them.
She gave them a little wave, and then with a tilt of her head, she beckoned them closer.
Long Ears couldn’t help but smile back at her.
It was hard not to when you were looking at Bunny’s mom.
She was such a good person and he loved her so much.
He wanted to make her happy and proud of them—especially today.
So he smiled at her and took a step toward her when she held out her hand to them.
He took another step and then another until he was right in front of her and could study her beautiful face once more.
He could feel that warmth radiating from her as she smiled down at him, and it filled him up as it enveloped him in its love.
He didn’t know how he could ever be sad when he had something like that in his life.
When he had someone like her.
She reached out and stroked his soft head once more and then turned to do the same to Bunny.
Her fingers were gentle on his fur, and he closed his eyes for a moment as she touched him because it felt so wonderful.
And then when she was done, she gave both of them another big smile and gestured toward the presents once more.
Long Ears knew that he couldn’t wait any longer.
He wanted to open his gift now!
He wanted to see what his mom had gotten for him.
The urge was almost too much to resist and he turned to look at all those bright packages wrapped in shiny paper with silk bows that looked like they were made to be torn off.
He studied each one in turn until he couldn’t help it anymore—he let out a small sigh of happiness because he knew that whatever lay inside those packages would be wonderful.
Fluffy Surprises: A Bunny's Gift of Joy
He smiled down at the top one, and then he turned back to look at Bunny’s mom so he could give her a happy grin because he couldn’t contain his joy any longer.
He looked at her, and then a surprise sound came out of him—a small squeal of delight that was filled with so much happiness it was almost too much to bear.
And then he gave her another happy grin, and then he hopped toward all those presents because he couldn’t wait any longer.
He wanted to see what was inside right now!
The anticipation was killing him, and Long Ears knew it was killing Bunny, too.
But it was also what made this moment so special.
It was what made this moment so wonderful, and he never wanted it to end.
It was a moment of pure joy, and one that Long Ears would remember forever.
Because there was a mountain of presents in front of them and each one was just for him.
Blue ones, red ones, green ones—so many colors!
Long Ears didn’t know where to look first, but before he knew it, he’d hopped forward and was standing in front of them.
There must have been a hundred presents piled up in front of him, and each one was wrapped in different paper.
Some were shiny, some were matte, some were striped, and some had little images on them.
Fluffy Surprises: A Bunny's Gift of Joy
Long Ears had never seen anything like it before in his life, but he knew that he loved each and every one.
And then Bunny’s mom spoke from behind him.
“They’re all for you,” she said.
Long Ears turned to look at her, sure that he must have misheard her words.
But she was smiling at him again, the funny little crinkles by her eyes deeper than ever.
“There’s someone here who loves you very much,” she said, “and she wanted to make sure that you had a very special day.”
Long Ears couldn’t believe it!
Had all those presents really been for him?
He let out a small sigh of joy as he turned back to look at the many gifts in front of him.
Because they were all for him!
Every single ribbon!
Every single wrapping!
They were all his to explore!
All his to enjoy!
And Long Ears felt his little body quivering with excitement.
It was a wonderful feeling, and it only seemed to grow stronger as time went on.
It kept growing stronger and stronger until Long Ears felt like he would explode.
He let out another small squeal as the feeling grew inside of him, and then he turned back to look at Bunny’s mom so he could give her another happy grin.
He’d never felt like this before in his life!
He’d never known such happiness!
And then Bunny’s mom laughed at the sound of his squeal and Long Ears felt his happiness swell even more!
He hopped forward and then threw himself at her and she picked him up into her arms and hugged him tight because she loved him and she knew how happy she’d made him and she was happy herself to see it because she loved nothing more than to make her little bunny happy.
Fluffy Surprises: A Bunny's Gift of Joy
And Long Ears’ heart swelled so much at the touch of her in his arms that it felt like it would burst for sure!
He wasn’t sure how it could get any bigger than it already was!
He wasn’t sure how it could swell any more than it already had!
But then it did!
Long Ears let out another small sigh of happiness before giving her another happy grin and then hopping down from her arms so he could hurry over to see all his gifts once more.
Because there were so many of them!
There were so many colors!
They were so beautiful!
And they were all for him!
There were so many, in fact, that Long Ears would have missed it if Bunny’s mom hadn’t been looking at him and smiling.
If she hadn’t seen the way his eyes grew wide when he saw the box that was hiding beneath all the other packages.
Fluffy Surprises: A Bunny's Gift of Joy
It was a big present but not so big as some of the others, and it must have slipped off the top of the pile when she’d carried them in here because it was on the floor in front of the rest of them—and it was wrapped in paper that shimmered like stardust.
Fluffy Surprises: A Bunny's Gift of Joy