MidReal Story

Flawless Hearts: Love on the Field


May 23
Scenario:Marcus. A pretty femboy cheerleader captain.
Create my version of this story
Marcus. A pretty femboy cheerleader captain.
I’m the cheer captain, and I’m a boy.
Not just any boy, but a pretty one.
I’ve got delicate features and a slender body, and I’m probably the best cheerleader this school has ever seen.
I’m also the biggest flirt… or at least I used to be.
Until Jason Reed decides to come to my game tonight, and he’s sitting in the front row.
He’s the hottest guy in school, and he’s been ignoring me for years.
He’s also my biggest rival on the football field.
We call him the beast, and I think I want to get devoured by him.
But what will our friends think?
And why is he here tonight?
Is it because of me?
Or is he just here to watch the game?
I’ll give him a show either way, but I hope I don’t get too distracted by his piercing eyes on me while I’m cheering my heart out.
I’m in my element.
My cheer squad, the Femme Fatales, is doing everything perfectly.
It’s the halftime of the football game, and I, as the cheer captain, am doing my job to make sure everything goes off without a hitch.
The players are in the locker room, probably getting screamed at by Coach.
My girls are all stunning, and we’re hitting every single move with precision and energy.
I can see Jason Reed out of the corner of my eye, sitting in the front row with his football friends.
He’s our team’s quarterback, and he’s as hot as they come.
No one is hotter.
And no one is more arrogant about it.
But he’s worked hard to get there, and I can’t exactly blame him for being proud of his perfect body and sharp features.
I just wish he’d pay more attention to me.
But he doesn’t know that I exist.
And I don’t exist to him… Or at least that’s what I thought until tonight.
I thought he was straight.
He has a girlfriend and everything.
But it doesn’t matter, because even if he were into boys, there’s no way he’d ever like me.
And even if he did like me, there’s no way we could ever be together.
We’re rivals on the field, and we go to school with all of our friends.
They’d never accept us being together.
That doesn’t mean I can’t watch him from afar and get a little hot and heavy while I imagine him doing dirty things to me after the game.
I’m not the only one watching him, either.
Leo Thompson is sitting next to me in his uniform, laughing at something funny that was just said by one of our girls in the back row.
He hits me on the shoulder and laughs louder this time when I look over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Pay attention!”
he says before he laughs some more.
“I am paying attention,” I say as we hit our last move before we start to walk toward the center of the field for our next formation.
“Then stop looking at Jason Reed’s dick.”
“I’m not looking at his dick,” I say as I realize my eyes were pulled back in his direction… again.
“I’m looking at his face so that I can pretend he’s my boyfriend when we have sex later.”
Leo laughs so loud that I think the audience might actually be able to hear him.
“You are so full of shit,” he says as he stands next to me in our formation so that we can start our next chant together.
I don’t know why I tell my best friend these things, because they always come back to kick me in the ass later on.
Leo Thompson is a stunning specimen of an athlete.
He’s got an athletic build with a friendly face and a personality that’s supportive and humorous.
"Flawless Hearts: Love on the Field"
“Those two things are mutually exclusive, you know,” I say as I do a high V as we land one more stunt before the end of the halftime show.
“No, they’re not.
You hate him so much that it’s kind of sad that you fantasize about him all the time.”
“I do not hate him.”
“Yes, you do.
You guys have been going head-to-head on the field since you were freshmen, and he always wins.”
“Not always,” I say as I roll my eyes at him, wishing that he would stop trying to analyze our relationship when he has no idea what it’s like to be me, or anyone else for that matter.
“I’ve won a few games, just like the rest of the team,” I say before I roll my eyes at him while I continue our cheerleading routine without missing a beat.
“Whatever helps you sleep at night, Marcus.”
I wonder what Jason looks like naked as we finish our cheerleading routine and line up at the front of the field so that we can dance our hearts out while the football team comes back onto the field one by one so that they can get ready for the second half of the game.
If I were ever to sleep with Jason Reed, I think it would be amazing.
I wonder what his cock looks like… If it’s big or small, cut or uncut.
Does it stick up in the air like a rocket ship, or does it hang low with a slight curve?
Does he get hard fast or slow?
Does he like to be on top or bottom?
Would he wrap me up in his arms, or would he fuck me from behind?
I’d want all of those things, but I’d want him to take charge… To make love to me in a way that I’ve never been made love to before.
And I’d give him everything that I had.
All of my heart, my soul, my body… everything.
But no one will ever get any of that from me, so why do I even bother?
We move into our routine right away as we start our dance.
I’m the squad’s choreographer and flyer, which means I have to do most of the stunts while making sure that all of my girls are hitting every single move with perfection.
We’re getting close to the end of our routine, so we need to hit everything perfectly so that we can win this competition.
And I need to make sure that I don’t get distracted by Jason Reed in the front row as we go into our final few moves.
“Stay focused,” Leo says as we get closer to finishing our routine.
“Jason’s here, but he’s not watching you… Or at least he wasn’t until a few seconds ago…”
My heart skips a beat as I look back over at him before I realize that Leo is just messing with me.
Jason’s blue eyes are locked onto mine with an intensity that I’ve never seen before.
We’re not on the football field.
And we’re not even off of it.
We’re getting ready for our final formation as I try my best not to have a mental breakdown while I realize my biggest fantasy is coming true right before my very eyes.
Because I think Jason Reed might actually like what he sees when he looks at me.
"Flawless Hearts: Love on the Field"
I look down at him as our pyramid hits and I see him clapping while hollering—probably because this is the first time that he’s actually noticed me, but I know for a fact that Jason Reed likes what he sees when he looks at me.
“Really?” I ask Leo with a sly grin.
“Because it looks like Jason is digging what he sees if you ask me…”
“Just be careful,” Leo says as I look back at him and stick my tongue out before I get ready for my next move.
“You don’t want your little crush to get you hurt…and you especially don’t want Jason Reed to be the one who breaks your heart…”
“I’m not going to do anything stupid,” I say as we get ready for our last few moves.
I’ve never taken any risks when it comes to Jason Reed, but maybe tonight is going to be different.
I know it seems crazy, but when you spend so much time thinking about someone who you know will never notice you, you start thinking of ways that you can make them notice you—even if they only notice you for a moment or two.
As we hit our final formation, I look down at him one more time before we hit our final move of the night.
He’s looking up at me with a look of wonder on his face like he’s actually amazed by what he sees.
Maybe tonight will be different after all…
Just like every other night, we hit every single move perfectly as I give everything that I have.
I put my all into every single move, and for once, I’m not worried about Jason Reed seeing me get hurt.
I’m worried about Jason Reed seeing me get hurt, but then deciding that it’s not worth it for him to come over and help me… even if just for a moment or two…
“Don’t let your feelings for Jason Reed affect what you know you need to do,” Leo says as we finish our last move and get ready for our final cheer of the night.
“You need to show him that you’re more than just a pretty face.”
“I’m more than just a pretty face,” I say defensively as I get ready for my next move.
“I know that.” He says with a smile as we get ready for our next few moves while we get ready for our next cheer, “But Jason Reed doesn’t know that… Not yet, anyway…”
But Jason Reed doesn’t know that… Not yet, anyway
“Just stay focused,” Leo says with a smile as we get ready for our final cheer of the night.
“Stay focused, stay fierce, and win this damn thing.”
My heart is racing as we finish up our last cheer of the night and get ready for our final move of the night.
I look down at Jason Reed with my breath hitching in my throat, but his blue eyes are locked onto mine with a fierceness that sends shivers down my spine.
I can feel his gaze on me as we finish up our routine with what might be the best performance of my life.
My heart is racing, my palms are sweating, and I’m scared out of my mind because there are so many things that could go wrong right now, but for some reason, I know that everything is going to be okay.
I make eye contact with him one more time as we hit our final pose before my girls run off of the field, leaving me up in the air so that I can hit my final pose of the night.
"Flawless Hearts: Love on the Field"