MidReal Story

Feline Hearts: Love and Whisker Woes


May 4
Scenario:A world where Cats are Intelligent as humans and deal with the ups and downs of dating and other life choices.
Create my version of this story
A world where Cats are Intelligent as humans and deal with the ups and downs of dating and other life choices.
Every cat has a special talent.
Some are excellent hunters, able to track down the smallest insect and take it out in a single bound.
Others are more skilled in the art of relaxation, able to sleep for hours on end without a single care in the world.
And then there are cats like me, who are social butterflies, always looking for love in all the wrong places.
Don’t get me wrong; I have plenty of friends, and I’m not looking for a new best buddy.
I’m just looking for someone to spend my days with, someone who will curl up on the couch with me, watch bad TV, and share a bowl of kibble.
Is that really so much to ask?
I had lost track of the number of times I had asked myself that question over the years, and I still couldn’t figure out the answer.
All I knew was that I wasn’t going to give up until I found it.
In fact, I had even started online dating in an attempt to make things happen.
It was a bit terrifying, but I was determined to find my purr-fect match (pun intended).
As I sat there in front of my laptop, my eyes darting around as I tried to figure out what to do next, I couldn’t help but think back on how much things had changed.
It seemed like only yesterday that Mittens and Paws were just friends.
They were always hanging out together, but he was never anything more than her buddy; at least, not until she finally got up the courage to tell him how she felt about him.
He felt the same way, and now they were one of those happy couples who were always doing everything together.
It was enough to make me sick … well, not really, but you get the point.
I was so happy for them (and a little bit jealous, if I’m being honest), but all it did was remind me that I didn’t have any cat who would feel that way about me.
Not yet, at least.
It wasn’t like I hadn’t been looking, either.
I had been out to every bar, club, and café in the neighborhood, but I just couldn’t seem to find the right one, no matter where I looked.
And don’t even get me started on what happened when I tried online dating for the first time.
That was a disaster waiting to happen, and there was nothing I could have done to stop it.
I had been out at a local coffee shop and thought I had finally met the cat of my dreams, so I did what any good kitty would do: I went over to say hello and introduce myself.
He seemed nice enough, but I was far more interested in the milk he had ordered than in him himself, and things quickly went downhill from there.
I didn’t mean to be rude, but I’m not one to pass up an opportunity to drink straight from the carton, especially when it’s organic and locally sourced.
Feline Hearts: Love and Whisker Woes
I had been so eager that I didn’t even stop to introduce myself before diving into his glass of milk, and by the time I came up for air, he was already halfway out the door.
Before I could do anything to stop him, he was gone, and all I could do was sit there in stunned silence as I watched him walk away.
When I got home later that day, I couldn’t help but think about what had happened and wonder if there was anything I could have done differently to keep him from leaving so soon.
That’s when it hit me: online dating!
If all of my friends could find love on The Purrfect Match app, then so could I.
With my curiosity piqued, I turned on my computer and logged onto the site, my whiskers tingling with anticipation as I thought about all of the potential matches who might be out there just waiting for me to swipe right on their profile.
As soon as my profile loaded, I couldn’t help but start licking my lips as I looked at all of the delicious options available to me.
As I scrolled through each page, my mind raced with questions.
How was I supposed to choose between so many potential matches?
Was I really going to swipe right on everyone, hoping that at least one of them would do the same for me so we could start talking?
What if I didn’t like any of them?
Surely, that couldn’t be possible, right?
Somewhere out there, my purr-fect match was waiting for me, and all I had to do was find him so we could live happily ever after (or maybe just spend our days watching bad TV together while snacking on kibble).
As soon as I thought that, I couldn’t help but start giggling to myself.
I had always been an optimist, and this time was no exception.
So what if things hadn’t worked out in the past?
That didn’t mean they wouldn’t work out in the future.
If I wanted to make it happen, I just had to put myself out there, and everything else would fall into place.
But before I could do that, I had to create a profile of my own.
I had always hated writing, but as I sat there trying to come up with a witty bio, I couldn’t help but feel like it was going to be one of the hardest things I would ever have to do.
Sure, I could always get Mittens or Paws to help me, but that wasn’t the point.
If I was going to find love, I had to be able to put myself out there on my own, one hundred percent unfiltered.
I was nervous, but I refused to let that stop me.
I was determined to make it happen, and nothing was going to stand in my way.
So, I did what any good kitty would do: I took a deep breath, jumped onto the keyboard, and started typing away as fast as my paws would allow me to go.
Username: WhiskerWonderland97 (I wanted something that would catch their eye, and what better way than by giving them a sneak peek at what our life together would be like?
Plus, I was born in 1997, so it just made sense).
Feline Hearts: Love and Whisker Woes
About Me: I always hated writing these things, but here goes nothing!
“Tell us a little about yourself,” I read aloud, trying to muster up all of my courage before taking another deep breath and diving right in.
There was no turning back now, so I just had to make it work, no matter what.
I was born Whiskers McFluffy, but you can call me Whiskers for short.
Some people say that I’m a lot like my name: fluffy, curious, and always on the go (but not necessarily in that order).
When I’m not pouncing around the house or basking in the sun, I love to cuddle up with my favorite humans, Mittens and Paws, and watch bad TV for hours on end.
But while I enjoy spending time with them, I know that I’m ready to venture out on my own and find someone special who will appreciate all of my quirks (even though there are a lot of them).
So, if you think you have what it takes to keep up with me, swipe right and let’s see where things go!“That wasn’t so bad,” I thought to myself as I sat there staring at the screen with a big smile plastered across my face.
But before I could stop myself from thinking about all of the worst-case scenarios, a little notification popped up across my screen: “You’ve got mail!”
I clicked on it, only to realize that it was Mittens who had messaged me asking for some advice on where she should go with Paws for their upcoming anniversary dinner.
I wanted to help her, but at the same time, I couldn’t help but feel my heart sink into my stomach when I realized that she had been the one to message me first, and not the other way around.
Sure, I had been the one to make the first move with Paws (and that had worked out well), but what did it say about me if no one wanted to talk to me now?
Instead of getting too caught up in my own head, or ignoring her completely, I decided to take a deep breath and help her in any way that I could.
After all, she was my best friend, and this was her big day (even if it was also their anniversary).
So take your time and think about what you want to do with him, and then meet me at home so we can get ready together!Good luck, and let me know if you need anything else!”
Feline Hearts: Love and Whisker Woes