MidReal Story

Feline Fury: Rise of the Superhero

Scenario:Apresenta uma viagem pelo espaço até encontrar um planeta habitado por seres meio humanos meio gatos. Quando se chega a esse planeta, entra-se por um conselho repleto desses seres para decidir qual será o próximo planeta a ser investigado, o planeta Terra. Ao nomear um astro gato, este viaja por meio de uma nave parecida a nave do filme da Disney, “ cat from auter space” da Disney, até ao planeta terra, e ao se transformar num gato comum, por meio de um feixe da própria nave, vai explorar o planeta terra. Kims Hill, um sargento militar que costumava fazer exercício ao sair a noite no Quartel. Uma noite, enquanto corria, ele encontrou o gato que veio do espaço . Por intermedio de um raio que caiu ao pé de uma árvore numa tempestade que havia começado, o gato assustou-se e, através do seu sistema de autodefesa Joimex, fez com que ele ficasse com superpoderes. Agora, nomeado como CATION é um super-herói com habilidades incríveis, incluindo saltos incríveis, visão noturna superforça e velocidade sobre-humana. CATION enfrenta vilões de mundos da DC e se junta à equipe de Batman, Super-Homem e Mulher-Maravilha para combater o mal. Juntos, eles lutam contra o crime e protegem o mundo de ameaças perigosas.
Create my version of this story
Apresenta uma viagem pelo espaço até encontrar um planeta habitado por seres meio humanos meio gatos. Quando se chega a esse planeta, entra-se por um conselho repleto desses seres para decidir qual será o próximo planeta a ser investigado, o planeta Terra. Ao nomear um astro gato, este viaja por meio de uma nave parecida a nave do filme da Disney, “ cat from auter space” da Disney, até ao planeta terra, e ao se transformar num gato comum, por meio de um feixe da própria nave, vai explorar o planeta terra. Kims Hill, um sargento militar que costumava fazer exercício ao sair a noite no Quartel. Uma noite, enquanto corria, ele encontrou o gato que veio do espaço . Por intermedio de um raio que caiu ao pé de uma árvore numa tempestade que havia começado, o gato assustou-se e, através do seu sistema de autodefesa Joimex, fez com que ele ficasse com superpoderes. Agora, nomeado como CATION é um super-herói com habilidades incríveis, incluindo saltos incríveis, visão noturna superforça e velocidade sobre-humana. CATION enfrenta vilões de mundos da DC e se junta à equipe de Batman, Super-Homem e Mulher-Maravilha para combater o mal. Juntos, eles lutam contra o crime e protegem o mundo de ameaças perigosas.
I was on my way home from the base when I saw it.
A storm was brewing, and I could hear the thunder rumbling in the distance.
I had always loved storms, so I decided to pull over and watch it roll in.
I sat on the hood of my car and watched as the dark clouds rolled in, covering the sky like a thick blanket.
The wind picked up, and I could feel the first few drops of rain on my face.
It was going to be a big one.
That's when I heard it.
It was a low, rumbling sound that seemed to be coming from all around me.
I looked around, trying to figure out where it was coming from, when I saw it.
It was a cat, or at least it looked like a cat at first glance.
But as I got closer, I could see that there was something strange about it.
Its eyes were glowing a bright green color, and its fur seemed to be shifting and changing right before my eyes.
I had never seen anything like it before, and I couldn't help but be curious.
The cat was staring up at the sky, its eyes fixed on something I couldn't see.
It let out another low growl, and then it happened.
A bolt of lightning shot down from the sky and struck the cat right in the chest.
I was too shocked to move, and I watched in amazement as the cat's fur started to glow and shimmer.
When the light faded, I saw that its fur was a deep black color, with bright red streaks running through it like veins of molten lava.
It was beautiful, and terrifying at the same time.
I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed, and I knew that this cat was something special.
Something more than just a stray cat caught out in a storm.
It was an alien cat.
I was on my way home from the base, eager to relax after a long day of training new recruits.
It had been a long week, and I was looking forward to spending some time with my wife and kids.
As I got into my car, I could hear the rain starting to come down.
The storm that had been brewing all day was finally here, and I could see lightning flashing in the distance.
I hoped it wouldn't get too bad before I made it home, but there wasn't much I could do about it.
I started my car and pulled out onto the road.
The rain was coming down harder now, pounding against my windshield as if trying to force its way inside.
I turned on my wipers and tried to focus on driving, but it was difficult with the rain coming down so hard.
Despite the weather, I decided to pull over and watch the storm from the safety of my car.
I rolled down the windows so I could hear the rain better, and then I just sat there and listened to it.
It was a strange thing, watching a storm from inside your car.
You could see all the power and fury of nature, but you were completely safe from it.
I closed my eyes and listened to the rain fall all around me, feeling almost like I was inside a small bubble of calm in the middle of a raging storm.
Suddenly, there was a flash of lightning, so bright that it seemed to light up the whole sky.
I opened my eyes just in time to see the bolt of lightning shoot down from the sky, and strike the ground just a few feet away from my car.
There was a loud crack of thunder, and the ground shook beneath me.
I looked out the window and saw that the rain was coming down harder than ever, and the wind was blowing so hard that I could barely see anything.
As I looked around, something caught my eye.
There was a small figure huddled under a tree, trying to take shelter from the storm.
I squinted my eyes and tried to make out what it was, and that's when I saw it.
It was the cat, or at least I was pretty sure it was the same one.
Its fur was a deep black color, and it seemed to blend almost seamlessly with the shadows cast by the storm all around it.
But what was strange was that it was still there, exposed to the elements, as if it didn't even notice the storm raging all around it.
Feline Fury: Rise of the Superhero
I hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not I should approach it.
I wasn't sure if it would be scared off or not, but I didn't want to just leave it there either.
I opened my car door and got out, grabbing my umbrella from the back seat as I did.
I opened it slowly, trying not to startle the cat with the loud flapping noise that always seemed to come with opening an umbrella.
The rain was really starting to come down now, and I could see that the cat was getting soaked.
It hadn't moved at all since I first saw it, and its eyes were still fixed on me with that same intense stare.
I started walking toward it, taking slow and deliberate steps so as not to scare it away.
But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't shake that feeling that something wasn't quite right about this cat.
Something about its eyes.
That's when I realized what was wrong.
Its eyes were glowing.
They were a brilliant shade of green, almost like emeralds, and they seemed to be pulsating, growing brighter and then dimmer in a rhythmic pattern that was both mesmerizing and unsettling.
I stopped in my tracks and just stood there for a moment, watching the cat as it watched me back.
The rain was streaming down my face, making it hard to see anything clearly, but I just couldn't look away from those eyes.
They seemed almost hypnotic, and I felt myself being drawn toward them almost against my will.
Without really thinking about it, I started walking toward the cat again, my feet moving almost of their own accord.
As I got closer, I saw that the cat was no longer looking at me.
Instead, its gaze was fixed on the sky above it, and it let out a low growl that seemed almost like a warning.
I stopped just a few feet away from it, not wanting to get too close and scare it off.
The cat didn't move at all, and I could see that its fur was soaked through and clinging tightly to its small frame.
It looked up at me and let out another low growl before turning its head slightly and nuzzling my hand with its nose.
I knelt down next to the cat and reached out a hand in an attempt to offer some form of comfort.
This time the cat didn't pull away or flinch as most cats would.
Instead, it leaned into my touch and let out a low purr that seemed to vibrate through my entire being.
I was surprised by this reaction but also strangely comforted by it as well.
The cat's purring seemed to have a calming effect on me, and I found that I wasn't nearly as scared of this strange creature as I probably should have been under normal circumstances.
I reached out my other hand and started stroking the cat's fur, running my fingers gently over its head and down its back.
The cat seemed to be enjoying this, purring even louder than before as I continued to stroke it gently.
I sat there for what felt like hours, petting the cat and watching the storm rage on around us.
But no matter how long I sat there, the cat never moved or tried to run away from me.
Feline Fury: Rise of the Superhero
I had almost forgotten about the cat entirely, so focused was I on the glowing orb in front of me that seemed to have appeared from thin air.
I reached out my free hand to touch it, but pulled back at the last moment as the orb pulsed violently once more, sending waves of energy cascading through the air around it.
The cat's purring grew louder still, almost drowning out the sound of the rain pounding against the pavement, and I could feel its body vibrating underneath my hand with the sheer force of it all.
The cat's eyes, no longer just glowing, were now pulsating in time with the orb, growing brighter and then dimmer with each pulse of light so that they almost seemed to be one and the same in that moment.
I had no idea what was happening or why, but I couldn't take my eyes off the light as it continued to pulse in front of me, growing brighter and then dimmer with each passing second until I felt like I was going to be blinded if I didn't look away soon.
And then, just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, there was another flash of lightning—a blinding one this time—and the orb exploded into a shower of sparks that rained down on me like confetti as the storm let loose with another deafening crack of thunder that seemed to shake the entire earth around me.
The cat let out a piercing cry that was so loud it sent me sprawling onto my backside, the force of its howl almost as powerful as the lightning bolt itself.
I landed hard on the pavement with an audible thud, the air knocked out of me from the fall, but somehow I managed to keep my eyes locked on the cat as the last echoes of its cry reverberated through the air around us.
And then I saw it—the creature before me was no longer a cat but something far more powerful and magnificent than I could have ever imagined in my wildest dreams.
Where there had once been fur there were now shimmering scales, each one glowing with an otherworldly light that was so bright it hurt to look at directly for more than a few seconds at a time.
The cat's eyes, which were now a blazing emerald green, glowed with an intensity that was both beautiful and terrifying all at once, and they seemed to be locked onto mine with a fierce determination that left me breathless in their wake.
The creature let out one final howl—a victorious scream that shook the entire earth around us—and then it was gone, disappearing into thin air as if it had never even been there in the first place.
Feline Fury: Rise of the Superhero
And then something else happened—I saw it running across the alleyway behind me, its fur streaked with brilliant splashes of color so vivid they almost glowed in the dim light of the streetlamp above my head.
I spun around to get a better look at it, but by the time I had turned my head, it was already gone—dashing through the alleyway as fast as its legs would carry it toward parts unknown.
I started to get up to follow it when I remembered the other creature—the one I had just seen transform from a cat into something far more powerful than I could have ever imagined—and I froze in my tracks, unsure of what to do next or how to react to what I had just witnessed with my own two eyes.
I felt torn in two different directions—as if part of me wanted to stay and investigate further, while another part of me wanted to run as fast as my legs would carry me in the opposite direction from whatever had just happened here tonight.
But before I could make up my mind about which way to go, I heard a faint rustling sound coming from somewhere behind me and spun around to see what was there in time to see a small black cat staring back at me with wide eyes that seemed to glow with a fierce light of their own in the darkness of the alleyway behind me.
The rain seemed to have stopped completely at this point, leaving nothing but silence in its wake as I stood there for what felt like hours staring at the cat in front of me—my heart pounding in my chest with a mixture of both fear and excitement that left me feeling like I had just run a marathon even though I hadn't moved a muscle in nearly five minutes now.
I took a cautious step forward, my head spinning so fast I could barely think straight enough to answer my own question—or even remember what it was that had made me ask it in the first place—and motioned for it to come closer.
"Hey there, little guy," I said, holding out my hand for it to smell my fingers like you're supposed to do when you meet a new cat for the first time.
The cat didn't move a muscle or even blink its eyes at me; instead, it just sat there in front of me staring back at me with those deep glowing green eyes that seemed to be piercing through my very soul with an intensity that was almost hypnotic in its power to draw me in and keep me there for hours on end without saying or doing anything else except looking back at them with an intensity of my own that matched theirs in every way except color.
Feline Fury: Rise of the Superhero
My heart was pounding so hard I could barely hear myself think as I turned back around to see if I could find a way out of this mess and tried to force myself to ignore whatever it was that had just happened—or was happening right now—directly in front of me as I wiped my face on my sleeve and waited for something—anything—to happen now that would help me make sense out of what I was seeing but when nothing else happened again either after what felt like forever—this time despite my body finally beginning to relax a little bit more now—I took another step back and turned around to leave again with every intention of getting as far away from here as fast as I could since I still didn't know what—or who—it was that I was dealing with either and headed back toward where I came from until something moving in my direction caught my eye and stopped me dead in my tracks.
I stood there in stunned silence as I watched a small black cat crawl out from behind a pile of trash cans and slowly make its way toward me across the alleyway with a strange stumbling gait that seemed almost as if it was trying to mimic—or learn how to walk like—a human being instead of moving like a cat on all fours as I saw most cats do when they were walking around like this one was now as my mind raced with a million different questions—most of which were just variations on what in God's name is happening here right now?
I stood there in stunned silence as I watched the cat move closer and closer to me with every step it took until I could swear I could see light coming from somewhere deep inside its chest that was shining through its fur and casting a strange otherworldly glow around it as I waited for something else—anything else—to happen next but when nothing did—this time despite my heart still pounding in my chest so hard I could barely breathe—I took another step back and forced myself to finally turn around again and leave this place for good now before something really bad happened here that I would never be able to forget no matter how hard I tried but just as I was about to take another step forward in that direction something moving in my peripheral vision caught my eye and stopped me dead in my tracks again.
I stood there with my heart pounding in my chest as I watched a dark shape appear on the ground in front of me and slowly take shape as it moved closer and closer to me until I could make out a small black cat lying on its side with a strange looking object lying next to it on the ground and waited for something else—anything else—to happen next but when nothing did—this time despite everything inside of me still screaming at me to get out of here before it was too late—I took a cautious step forward and carefully reached down to pick it up, not really sure what it was or how it had gotten there but determined to find out anyway and held it up in front of me to examine it more closely.
It was a small black cat, just like all of the other ones I had seen so far, but there was something different about this one that I couldn't quite put my finger on at first.
It was bigger and more muscular than any of the other cats I had ever seen before, and its fur had been replaced by a sleek metallic sheen that seemed to reflect the faint glow of the streetlights above as it shifted and changed with every step it took until it almost seemed to be moving on its own.
Feline Fury: Rise of the Superhero