MidReal Story

Family Deceit: Unmasking Greed


May 16
Scenario:Madhukar Pawar, presumed dead, is actually alive and returns in multiple avatars to protect his wealth and expose the greed of those around him. Each disguise he adopts leads to a series of comedic and chaotic events as he interacts with his family members and acquaintances, who are all trying to claim his inheritance.
Create my version of this story
Madhukar Pawar, presumed dead, is actually alive and returns in multiple avatars to protect his wealth and expose the greed of those around him. Each disguise he adopts leads to a series of comedic and chaotic events as he interacts with his family members and acquaintances, who are all trying to claim his inheritance.
Madhukar Pawar was a wealthy man.
He had a big house, a huge bank balance, and a lot of land.
He also had a big family, which included his wife, two sons, two daughters, his brother Ramesh, and his sister-in-law Sushila.
One day, Madhukar decided to play a prank on his family.
He told them that he was going to die soon and that he wanted to see which of them would cry the most at his funeral.
So he decided to fake his death.
He hired a makeup artist and asked him to make him look as if he had died of old age.
When the makeup artist was done, Madhukar looked like a walking corpse.
He then went and lied down in the middle of the road, where everyone could see him.
A few minutes later, a crowd gathered around him.
Someone called the police and informed them that an old man had died on the road.
The police came and took Madhukar’s body to the morgue for postmortem.
As I lay down in the middle of the road, my entire body started to itch.
My family had applied makeup all over my body, so that each part of my body would look like a part of a corpse.
I had made sure that the makeup artist did a good job, so that when people see me on the road, they think I’m already dead.
Some people started to gather around me and whispered to each other.
Looking at their faces, I knew that they were thinking, “Oh, another person has died on the road.”
Then, someone finally called the police.
“Hello, police station?
I have found an old man lying dead on the road.” A man was speaking on the phone.
I had already placed a hidden camera on a nearby tree to see my family’s reaction when they receive the news of my death.
Thus, I could see everything clearly from the phone.
Some people stopped by to see me, but most of them just went on with their own work.
They probably have seen too many corpses on the street that they were not interested in seeing one more.
I thought that I would not attract much attention this way.
However, I was wrong.
A police car soon arrived and two policemen got out of it.
They started to push away the people who were gathered around.
I heard one of them say, “Don’t worry.
He’s already dead.”
Then they carried me into their car and drove away.
The news of my death spread quickly after that.
Even though I was not alive to see how my family was reacting, I could imagine it clearly in my mind.
My wife Meera would be crying and saying, “Oh no!
It can’t be true!
Why did you leave me alone?”
My older son Arjun would be crying too and saying, “Don’t worry Mom!
I will take care of you from now on!”
My younger son Vikram would be crying in silence and thinking about how to use his tragic death for his own advantage.
My older daughter Radhika would be crying also and saying, “Oh no!
What am I going to do now?
How am I going to live without you?”
My younger daughter Ayesha would be crying and saying, “No!
How can it be true?”
My brother Ramesh would be crying and thinking about how he can use this opportunity to get money from me.
Finally, my sister-in-law Sushila would be crying and asking Ramesh, “What are we going to do now?
How are we going to get all of his money?”
They would all go to the hospital together in tears, except for Sushila who would stay at home and start planning with Ramesh on how to divide my wealth.
I could imagine it so clearly that I even wanted to laugh.
It was all too perfect.
After the police had taken me away, the people who were gathered around finally dispersed.
Then, the hidden camera I had installed on the tree fell off and stopped working.
My family didn’t know that it was a fake, so they would be frightened by the suddenness of my death.
I couldn’t wait to see their reactions after they hear that it was all a prank.
I laid down in the car and thought back on what I had done today.
It was all really just a prank.
Family Deceit: Unmasking Greed
I couldn’t stop it from itching all over my body.
I was going to die soon, so I didn’t need this body anymore.
I took off my clothes and scratched myself, then threw my clothes out of the window.
I put on my sunglasses and hat, then opened the car door and stepped out of the car.
I had already been lying down for a long time.
Now that I had just gotten up, my legs felt numb and weak.
I slowly walked towards my house with a walking stick in my hand.
I was looking forward to seeing their reactions.
Sushila’s POV: As soon as we received the call from the police, Ramesh and I were both stunned.
But then we quickly realized what it meant.
We both had huge smiles on our faces.
We were so happy that we couldn’t even speak.
We started jumping around in joy.
When we finally calmed down a little bit, Ramesh said, “It’s all because of you, Sushila!
It’s all because of you!”
I laughed and replied, “Oh, come on!
Don’t be so polite!
It was actually because of both of us!”
Then I continued, “I can’t believe it!
We are finally going to get all of his money!
That old man is finally dead!
Ramesh was also very excited.
He said, “I can’t believe it!
I thought he was going to live forever!”
“With him dead, all of his money will be ours!”
I said, “I know, right?
Everything is finally going to be ours!
The entire property, the business, everything!”
Ramesh was so happy that he kept laughing.
“I know, right?
I can finally live my life without worrying about anything!”
Then he looked at me and said, “I’m so glad that you were smart enough to think of this plan!
If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t have gotten any of his money!”
I laughed again.
“Of course!
That’s right!
Now that he is dead, we can finally live our lives without any worries!”
I didn’t really care about Madhukar’s death.
I was just happy that we would get his money.
Ramesh and I had been thinking about how to do this for a long time.
We had done a lot of research before we made our move.
So when we finally heard that he was dead, we were both very excited.
Sushila’s POV: After Ramesh and I were done celebrating, we started to think about how we should divide his money.
We were in such a hurry that we didn’t know what to do.
But then we calmed down and started talking about it seriously.
I said, “Let’s talk about how we should divide his money first.”
Ramesh replied, “Okay, let’s do it.”
I continued, “All of our children are already married, so we don’t need to give any of them any dowry money.”
“So let’s give them as little as possible.”
“And let’s make sure to give some of the money to our parents too.”
Ramesh replied, “Okay, Mom!
Don’t worry.
We won’t forget you!”
I thought in my mind, “Of course you won’t.”
After we finished talking about how to divide the money, Ramesh asked me again, “Is there anything else you want to add?”
I replied, “Nope!
That’s it!So when are we going to get all of his money?”
Ramesh answered, “I’m not sure.
It will probably take a few months.”
Then he continued, “Are you in a hurry?”
I replied, “Of course I am!
I can’t wait to buy some nice jewelry for myself!
Also, our house is so small.
Family Deceit: Unmasking Greed
My plan was to observe their reactions from a hidden camera I had set up in the house.
If they showed genuine care and concern for me, I would reveal myself and ensure they were taken care of for life.
However, if they displayed greed and happiness at the thought of inheriting my wealth, I would teach them a lesson they wouldn’t forget.
This elaborate ruse was designed to expose the real faces hiding behind their masks of sorrow and to safeguard my hard-earned wealth from falling into the wrong hands.
As I laid on the ground, I watched from a distance as Ramesh and Sushila walked into my house.
My wife, Meera, was sitting on the sofa and crying very loudly.
When she saw them come in, she quickly ran over to them and asked, “Is it true?
Is he really dead?”
Ramesh replied, “Yes, sister!
He’s gone now.”
Meera started crying even more loudly after hearing him say those words.
She said, “Oh no!
I can’t believe it!
Our poor Madhukar is no more!”
My daughters were also very sad after hearing the news and started crying too.
My elder daughter, Radhika, asked, “How could this happen?”
And my younger daughter, Ayesha, also asked, “What’s going to happen to us now?”
Sushila and Ramesh pretended to be sad and started to console them.
Ramesh said, “Don’t worry, everything is going to be fine.”
And Sushila also said, “Yes, don’t worry.
We are here to take care of all of you.”
My wife was crying so much that she couldn’t talk.
She just kept saying, “Oh no!
I can’t believe it!
Family Deceit: Unmasking Greed
Family Deceit: Unmasking Greed
He’s gone now!
What am I going to do?”
The women of the house were all in the living room, while the men, except for Ramesh, had all gone to the hospital to complete the formalities they needed to do.
There were a lot of people in the living room, so they had to sit on the floor.
My wife was sitting on one side with the women of the house, while Ramesh was sitting on the other side with the men of the house.
He was very happy because he was finally going to get all of my money.
I wanted to go up to them and tell them that I was still alive so that they wouldn’t have to be in so much pain.
But I knew that I couldn’t.
I had installed a hidden camera in my room so that I could watch them from there.
I had also installed a microphone so that I could hear everything they were saying.
The plan was that if they really cared about me, I would reveal myself and give them everything they needed for their whole lives.
But if they didn’t really care about me and just wanted my money, I would make sure that they would never forget what happened today.
I was watching them from my room and noticed that Sushila didn’t really look like she was sad.
In fact, she looked like she was happy because she was finally going to get all of my money.
I felt very angry when I saw her like this.
I wanted to go down there and tell them that I was still alive.
As I laid there watching them on the camera, I knew that I had to be patient.
Family Deceit: Unmasking Greed