MidReal Story

Sakura , with the help of her inner voice ,


Apr 18
Scenario:Sakura, with the help of her inner voice, Inner Sakura, navigates the challenges of becoming a shinobi and forms a strong bond with her teammates.
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Sakura, with the help of her inner voice, Inner Sakura, navigates the challenges of becoming a shinobi and forms a strong bond with her teammates.
It’s the start of another day, and I’m ready to give it my all.
My name is Sakura Haruno, a kunoichi in the village of Konoha.
I may not be the strongest or most skilled, but I have the determination to make a name for myself and prove that I belong here.
Being on a team with someone like Sasuke Uchiha, who has long had a reputation of being a prodigy, and with the hero of the Hidden Leaf Village, Naruto Uzumaki, only makes things harder for me.
But I refuse to be left behind.
Every morning I wake up at the crack of dawn, ready to take on whatever challenges come my way.
The village is already bustling with activity as people prepare for the day ahead.
I’ve long since gotten used to this routine, even if I don’t always feel completely rested when my alarm goes off.
My body still aches from yesterday’s training and I just want a few more hours to sleep in, but I know that won’t happen.
I push back the covers and make my way out of bed.
My bedroom is small but cozy, and even though I’ve had the same room since I was a little girl, the pink walls and matching bedspread are still some of my favorite things about it.
I quickly throw on some clothes and brush my hair before heading downstairs for breakfast.
My parents are already in the kitchen, sipping their coffee as they talk softly with each other.
They both turn to smile at me when I come in.
“Good morning, Sakura,” my mom says, getting up from the table to make me some breakfast.
I give her a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down in her place.
My dad stands up as well so he can head off to work, but not before giving me a quick hug.
“Have a good day at training,” he says, ruffling my hair.
He does this every day, even though he knows it drives me crazy.
I smooth it back into place before giving him an exasperated look.
“I will,” I say, rolling my eyes at him.
He just smiles and shakes his head before grabbing his briefcase and leaving the house.
I finish eating quickly and head back to my room to grab my backpack.
I’m going to meet up with Naruto and Sasuke before we head out for our training session, which means I don’t have much time to waste.
Konoha is a large village, and it takes me a while to get to the training ground.
I pass by the Hokage monuments, which are some of the most recognizable things in the village.
They tower over everything else, a constant reminder of the people who have served as the leaders of Konoha over the years.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve dreamed of being honored with one of those statues, but I know I have a long way to go before that will happen.
I make my way down the busy streets, waving at familiar faces as I go.
Everyone knows each other here, which is another thing that makes Konoha so great.
Sakura , with the help of her inner voice ,