MidReal Story

Lily Chapman receives a surprise visit from Cole Marino ,


Apr 24
Scenario:Lily Chapman receives a surprise visit from Cole Marino, an old friend of her boyfriend Ethan Thompson, who is looking to reconnect with Ethan and potentially rekindle their relationship.
Create my version of this story
Lily Chapman receives a surprise visit from Cole Marino, an old friend of her boyfriend Ethan Thompson, who is looking to reconnect with Ethan and potentially rekindle their relationship.
I stretch my arms, groaning as my back cracks.
I wipe the sleep from my eyes, and then freeze when I hear a knock at the door.
I glance at the clock on the wall—ten in the morning.
Who in the world is at my door this early?
I stand up, pulling my shorts down before walking to the door.
I take a deep breath and unlock it, pulling it open to find a very attractive man standing there, hands stuffed in his pockets.
My eyes wander over his body, clad in a black T-shirt and shorts that are riding very low on his hips.
When my eyes finally reach his face, I see a smile waiting for me.
He has a strong jawline covered with a few days of stubble and messy hair that looks like he rolled out of bed, but it only adds to his appeal.
“Can I help you?”
I ask, my voice catching in my throat.
He raises an eyebrow and I flush when I realize that I’m standing there in a ratty old T-shirt I swiped from Ethan, and my panties.
The man smiles at me and I feel my knees weaken from his sexy grin.
“Miss Lily Chapman?”
he asks and my eyes widen.
He knows my name?
“How do you know who I am?”
I ask, my voice sharp.
I can’t help but wonder if he’s some kind of stalker or something.
“Ethan told me about you,” he says, nodding his head in greeting.
My heart flips at the mention of Ethan’s name and I flush even further.
This guy knows Ethan?
And what did he mean he told him about me?
I have so many questions swirling around in my head, and this man is only making me more confused.
“Can I help you?”
I finally ask when he doesn’t say anything else.
The man smiles at me, but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
“I was looking for Ethan,” he tells me, and suddenly it clicks in my brain who this man is.
He’s one of Ethan’s friends from when they were both growing up here in town.
I’ve never met him before, but Ethan has mentioned him on a few occasions over the years.
“Who are you?”
I ask, my voice cold.
“I’m Cole,” he tells me with a little bow of his head.
“Cole Marino,” he says as if that’s supposed to mean something to me.
“Well, Ethan isn’t here right now.
He had to work a double shift today,” I tell him, pushing my hair out of my face.
I can feel the heat of my cheeks from my embarrassment.
Here I am standing in the hallway of my apartment building in my underwear—and panties that have seen better days—and talking to a very attractive stranger.
“Is there something I can help you with?”
I ask, trying to get rid of him as soon as possible.
“I was just in the neighborhood,” he says, his smile widening.
“And I thought I’d stop by to say hello.”
“I don’t think so,” I tell him, taking a step back into my apartment.
“I don’t know you, and you shouldn’t be here when Ethan isn’t home.”
I move to close the door in his face, but he puts his hand out to stop me.
Lily Chapman receives a surprise visit from Cole Marino ,