MidReal Story

Ethereal Secrets: Unraveling the Triangular Halo

Scenario:Huge realistic triangular halo hovering in the center of the scene,
Create my version of this story
Huge realistic triangular halo hovering in the center of the scene,
It was a warm night with the stars shining bright overhead.
Ethereal Secrets: Unraveling the Triangular Halo
The town was quiet, as it should be in a small town in the middle of nowhere.
I wasn’t exactly sure when it had happened, but I found myself standing on my front porch, staring at the center of town.
At first I thought I was imagining things because that could not be what I thought it was, but then the light caught my eye and I stepped off the porch for a better look at the center of town.
It was a huge, realistic looking halo just hovering in the center of town.
I didn’t know how to describe it any better, it was just a huge halo hovering there, casting an eerie light over the entire town.
It was so bright that even though it was late at night, I could see everything perfectly.
The halo itself wasn’t really bright, but it seemed to emit light from behind it, and that light lit up the entire town.
The buildings were all old and worn down, most dating back over a hundred years with their old brick and cobblestone streets.
Despite their age, everything looked brand new like it had been freshly painted or washed.
At first I thought maybe this was a movie set or something that had been set up without me knowing.
My town wasn’t exactly a hot spot for movies or anything, but every so often they would come through and film scenes from one of those Hallmark movies here.
Maybe that’s what this was.
It had to be, right?
I stood on the edge of my porch, trying to figure out how I could have missed something like this being set up, but after watching for a few minutes, I realized that it was definitely something else entirely.
This was real.
Whatever this huge halo was, it was real.
The halo itself looked almost like a mirror.
It reflected everything around it perfectly, giving the entire town an almost magical look to it.
The cobblestone streets looked wet like it had rained only they weren’t wet at all.
The old buildings in the background were reflected in it perfectly as well, and if I didn’t know any better, I would have sworn that I was looking at some kind of magic mirror or something reflecting everything around it perfectly back at me.
I had no idea what it was or how it had gotten there, but I knew one thing for sure; this was not normal and there was no way that this should be happening right now!
I quickly turned to go inside and grab my phone so that I could call Alex and let him know what was going on when I heard the front door open behind me.
Ethereal Secrets: Unraveling the Triangular Halo
“Emma, what are you doing?”
I couldn’t help but gasp, jumping a little when I heard my sister’s voice and spun around to face her.
I hadn’t even heard her coming, and she was standing only a few feet away from me with a concerned expression on her face as she looked at me.
“Sar, what is that?”
She asked, looking past me toward the center of town and I heard her gasp as well when she saw it for herself.
“I have no idea,” I breathed, turning back around to stare at it again.
There was no denying that it was there, just hanging in the center of town and casting an eerie glow over everything around it.
“It looks like a halo,” Sarah breathed out, her voice filled with wonder as she took a step off the porch and started walking toward it.
“What is it?”
“It looks like a huge halo, but how is that even possible?”
Ethereal Secrets: Unraveling the Triangular Halo
I asked, falling into step beside her as we walked toward it together, drawn to it by some invisible force that had taken over my body and wouldn’t let me turn away.
I didn’t know what it was, but I knew one thing for sure; I had to find out what this thing was and where it had come from because it was definitely not supposed to be there!
The closer we got, the more I could see the light it was shining out around it, illuminating everything around it like it was the sun or something, but it wasn’t hot at all.
The light almost looked alive as well as it seemed to dance around us, moving gently as if it had a mind of its own.
It wasn’t exactly bright either, but I found myself squinting as if it was or as if I was being blinded by it somehow, even though I knew that wasn’t possible.
Sarah took my hand and pulled me to a stop as we stood just outside the light of the halo and stared at it in silence for a moment as we took in the sight of it together.
“God, what is this?”
I asked, more to myself than anything or anyone else as I stared at it in wonder.
Ethereal Secrets: Unraveling the Triangular Halo
“I don’t know.” Sarah replied softly.
It didn’t make any sense to me; nothing about this made any sense at all; it was like something out of a movie, some alien invasion or something, but there were no aliens here; at least none that I could see even though we were definitely not alone here anymore.
The people who had been around us just minutes ago seemed to have vanished as I realized that we were now completely alone here.
I shivered again and took a tiny step back as I continued to stare at the halo.
It was so realistic looking; I almost thought it was a huge hologram or something until I remembered how big it really was.
It was much too big to be a hologram or a reflection of some sort; there was no way this thing was real!
But how could something like this be real?
Just then, the light all around us got brighter and suddenly everything around us seemed to light up like someone had turned on a million lights around us all at once.
I stared as the light bounced off of everything around us and almost blinded me as I tried my best to keep my eyes open and find out where it was coming from.
It was coming from the halo; I knew that much as I looked back up at it and saw that the light was now washing over everything around us as if it was trying to light up the entire town and everything in it all at once, but that was impossible; no light could do that or could it?
I opened my mouth to say something else when I realized that my voice was gone.
I tried to speak again but nothing came out as I stood there staring at the halo in wonder as I tried my best to make sense of what I was witnessing as I felt something shift around me all of sudden.
I blinked as I stared at the grass beneath my feet; something wasn’t right about it now as I looked down at it and saw that it was glowing or something as I bent down and touched it with my hand, but I couldn’t feel anything other than how cold it was now as I stared at it in confusion.
That was when I noticed that the flowers on the edge of the porch were glowing too as they began to bloom before my eyes as I watched them almost hypnotized by them as their petals suddenly unfurled into beautiful displays of color as they bloomed before me in total silence like they were dancing for me alone even though there wasn’t any wind here for them to move with or anything, but they were still moving somehow all on their own as if they were alive or something else entirely that I couldn’t begin to understand just yet.
I didn’t know what was happening here, but I knew one thing for sure; this wasn’t real, none of this could be real, but then what was this and where had it come from?
Ethereal Secrets: Unraveling the Triangular Halo