MidReal Story

Eternal Secrets: Zheng Wei's Interstellar Odyssey

Scenario:Novel Setting: During the Ming Dynasty, when Zheng He was on his voyages to the Western Seas, he entered a foggy sea area while pursuing pirates. When they emerged from the fog, they discovered that there were two suns in the sky, and they were no longer on Earth. Later, people found out that from this foggy sea area on Earth, one could reach another planet using an ordinary ship. That planet also had a similar foggy sea area, and these foggy sea areas connected countless planets. The Ming Dynasty quickly rose to power by relying on this discovery, and the country's territory became vast. They established a special organization called the "Sea Guard" to manage everything along this route. Behind the scenes, they used this route to continually search for methods of immortality on various planets. Later, the Ming Dynasty was defeated in a war and suddenly disappeared, and the Sea Guard also vanished without a trace. Hundreds of years later, a young man named Zheng Wei found a black jade pendant given to him by his father, along with a sea chart that recorded the secrets of immortality. He set sail for the planets along the route, embarking on his adventure. Requirements: The novel's style should be a combination of science fiction and tomb-raiding adventure themes. The protagonist needs to follow the clues in his father's sea chart and notes, constantly exploring various planets in search of divine artifacts, immortality elixirs, and ancient structures, while pursuing the traces of gods and ghosts.
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Novel Setting: During the Ming Dynasty, when Zheng He was on his voyages to the Western Seas, he entered a foggy sea area while pursuing pirates. When they emerged from the fog, they discovered that there were two suns in the sky, and they were no longer on Earth. Later, people found out that from this foggy sea area on Earth, one could reach another planet using an ordinary ship. That planet also had a similar foggy sea area, and these foggy sea areas connected countless planets. The Ming Dynasty quickly rose to power by relying on this discovery, and the country's territory became vast. They established a special organization called the "Sea Guard" to manage everything along this route. Behind the scenes, they used this route to continually search for methods of immortality on various planets. Later, the Ming Dynasty was defeated in a war and suddenly disappeared, and the Sea Guard also vanished without a trace. Hundreds of years later, a young man named Zheng Wei found a black jade pendant given to him by his father, along with a sea chart that recorded the secrets of immortality. He set sail for the planets along the route, embarking on his adventure. Requirements: The novel's style should be a combination of science fiction and tomb-raiding adventure themes. The protagonist needs to follow the clues in his father's sea chart and notes, constantly exploring various planets in search of divine artifacts, immortality elixirs, and ancient structures, while pursuing the traces of gods and ghosts.
I found myself standing on the deck of a ship, my gaze fixed on the horizon.
The sea stretched on endlessly, its waves rolling over one another as they made their way toward the shore.
The wind was cool against my skin, and my hair fluttered in the breeze.
I was about to set off on an adventure, a grand voyage across the unknown.
Li Na stood beside me with a map in her hands.
I had known her since we were both children, and she was an expert navigator.
She had memorized the map long before we even set foot on the ship.
The captain ordered the crew to unfurl the sails, and soon we were gliding smoothly along the waves, leaving the harbor behind us.
Despite the urgency of the situation, I couldn’t help but marvel at the scenery before me.
This was my first time setting sail on the open seas, and it was an exhilarating experience.
“Big Brother Zheng,” Li Na called out to me as she walked over.
She had put away the map and was now looking up at me with her bright eyes.
“Are you sure this is the right way?”
“Yes,” I replied without hesitation.
Li Na had been my navigator for many years now, and I trusted her implicitly.
She returned my nod and smiled back at me.
“Alright then, I’ll go check on something first.”
With that, she walked away, her petite figure disappearing into the distance.
I sighed as I looked out at the sea.
How I wished she could stay by my side forever!
But I knew that was impossible.
After all, this wasn’t just any normal voyage.
This was a grand adventure that would take me across many planets as I searched for divine artifacts and immortality elixirs that lay beyond our world.
It was a journey that no ordinary person could hope to survive.
But I wasn’t an ordinary person.
I carried the blood of a great and powerful ancestor in my veins, and it was my destiny to leave my mark on this world!
As I stood there lost in thought, the ship continued its journey across the vast sea.
The waves rolled on and on as they moved toward the shore, and the wind carried the scent of salt and seaweed.
I looked around at the crew as they went about their business.
They were just a bunch of rough and rowdy sailors who cursed and drank too much, but they were also brave and strong men who would never back down from a fight.
They were my trusted companions on this journey, and I knew that I could rely on them to have my back when things got tough.
I walked over to the starboard side of the ship and peered out into the horizon.
The map in my hands was a tattered old thing that had been passed down to me by my mother many years ago.
Eternal Secrets: Zheng Wei's Interstellar Odyssey
It was a sea chart that showed the route to our destination, but it was also so much more than that.
There are many different ways to navigate the open seas, and many different tools that sailors can use to help them find their way.
Some sailors follow the stars, while others use compasses or maps to plot their course.
But for us, this map was all we needed.
It was a treasure that had guided us through perilous waters and unknown territories for many years.
It was a relic that marked our path with waypoints known only to a select few.
And it was a map that only Li Na could read.
She was an expert navigator who had spent many years studying this ancient chart, and she was the only person who could decipher its cryptic markings and find our way to our destination.
As she unrolled the map before me and showed me where we were going, I couldn’t help but marvel at the intricate patterns and designs that covered its surface.
It was a work of art in its own right, and it was clear that whoever had created this map was a master navigator in their own right.
Li Na traced her finger along the map as she showed me where we were going.
“You see, we are here,” she said, pointing to a small island in the middle of the sea.
“And we need to go here,” she added, pointing to another island far off in the distance.
I nodded as I looked at the map.
It was a long and arduous journey, but I was determined to see it through to the end.
After all, I had come too far to turn back now.
“Don’t worry, Li Na,” I said.
“We’ll get there soon enough.”
Li Na gave me a smile and nodded back at me as she packed up her things.
“Alright then,” she said.
“Let’s set sail!”
The sun was high in the sky as I stood on the deck of the ship and looked out at the horizon.
The wind was warm against my skin, and the waves gently rocked the ship to and fro as it cut through the water.
I was surrounded by my crew, a group of rough and rowdy sailors who were more like brothers than anything else.
They were laughing and joking as they went about their business, and I could tell that they were all in high spirits.
I turned my attention to the bow of the ship, where Li Na was standing with her map in hand.
She was a short, delicate girl with bright eyes and a mischievous smile, and she was also one of the best navigators that I had ever met.
She had been my navigator for many years now, and I trusted her implicitly.
I knew that with her by my side, we would be able to reach our destination without any trouble at all.
I took one last look at the map in my hand before I folded it up and put it away.
It was an ancient sea chart that showed the route to our destination, but it was also so much more than that.
It was a relic that had guided us through perilous waters and unknown territories for many years.
And it was a treasure that marked our path with waypoints known only to a select few.
As I thought back on everything that we had done to prepare for this journey, I couldn’t help but marvel at how meticulous we had been in our planning.
We had spent many days studying the ancient maps and deciphering their cryptic markings so that we could find the hidden waypoints that marked our path.
And we had spent many more days training and preparing ourselves for the long and arduous journey ahead.
Eternal Secrets: Zheng Wei's Interstellar Odyssey