MidReal Story

Eternal Secrets: A Virtual Odyssey


Apr 30
Scenario:In the near future, when the wave of technology swept every corner of human beings, a virtual world called "Fairy Land" came into being. It is not only an escapist paradise, but also a new field that integrates the ancient culture of cultivating immortals with cutting-edge technology. Here, history is written by the great pioneers of programming and digital explorers who used advanced virtual reality technology to create a world that is both mysterious and magical. This book revolves around the real-world programming genius entering the "Immortal Realm" to practice, and as he delves into the "Immortal Realm", he discovers that this world is not as simple as it seems, and a big secret about the future of mankind is waiting for him to uncover.
Create my version of this story
In the near future, when the wave of technology swept every corner of human beings, a virtual world called "Fairy Land" came into being. It is not only an escapist paradise, but also a new field that integrates the ancient culture of cultivating immortals with cutting-edge technology. Here, history is written by the great pioneers of programming and digital explorers who used advanced virtual reality technology to create a world that is both mysterious and magical. This book revolves around the real-world programming genius entering the "Immortal Realm" to practice, and as he delves into the "Immortal Realm", he discovers that this world is not as simple as it seems, and a big secret about the future of mankind is waiting for him to uncover.
I stood in front of a crossroad in my life.
As a child genius, I had been doing programming for more than twenty years and many people called me the best programmer in the world.
I was the first person to find a loophole in the game and get out of it.
I was the first person to crack the best encryption algorithm.
I was also the first person to understand the background data of the digital world that no one had seen.
It could be said that I never encountered any problems in the virtual world and I was always the first one to solve them.
However, I wasn't happy about this at all.
I repeated it over and over again in the virtual world, and I couldn't find any joy in it.
I began to wonder if my passion for programming was exhausted or if it was because there were no more interesting problems to solve.
In fact, I think it is the latter.
I had made millions of dollars doing what I loved and then co-founded Apple, a company that would change the world.
Now, Apple has become the world's largest technology company with a market value of over 1 trillion dollars.
However, as one of the founders, I found that the company no longer needed me.
My work has become repetitive every day, and even if I create something new, it is covered by the shadow of Apple's brand and doesn't attract attention from the outside world.
So I decided to leave Apple and leave this place full of money and technology, to find what truly makes me happy.
But where should I go?
As a child prodigy, I didn’t have many friends growing up.
My parents weren’t very good at getting along with me.
Of course I would like my parents, but we didn't have many common topics, so I wouldn't say we were close.
Over the years, many people have been attracted by my fame and wealth, but they were not friends who understand me and that is why I never wanted to interact with them on a daily basis.
At this point in my life, I realized that there was no one to worry about me even if I left everything behind.
So it’s time for me to go on a journey of discovery without any worries.
The real world was too boring for me, so I chose to stand on the balcony of my luxury penthouse in San Francisco.
On the other side of the bay, you could see Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz Island from here on a good day.
You could also see the tall buildings in Oakland across the bay.
This is one of the most expensive places in San Francisco, but it doesn't matter to me because I'm already rich enough.
Although there are many people who are richer than me in Silicon Valley, they are still employees of major companies or have major shareholders who restrict their freedom.
For me, money is just a number on the screen.
Eternal Secrets: A Virtual Odyssey
At the time, I was thinking about what I was going to do next.
I was about to make a decision when I received a message from my best friend, Lily Chen.
The message was the key moment in my life.
I couldn’t help but wonder whether Lily was the luckiest person in the world, or she was the most unlucky person in the world.
Because Lily was the first person who discovered that you could get out of the game and brought this discovery to the public.
Because of her discovery, we became famous all over the world.
But at the same time, she was the first person to be banned by the game and couldn't enter it anymore.
She once told me that she might be able to come back after ten years.
But those ten years have just passed and now, Lily's message made me feel like I was standing at the crossroads again.
"Lily, what are you trying to say?" I asked as I looked at my phone.
"Come and see the things I'm doing." Lily replied.
At first glance, this message didn't mean anything, but I knew that Lily wouldn't contact me if it wasn't important, so I quickly opened the link she sent me.
As I looked at the content of the page, my heart began to race.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
This was the first time that I had heard of this name.
As soon as I saw this page, I had a feeling that it was going to be something huge.
This is a new virtual reality game developed by a small company in California.
The company has adopted a completely open development model and has not limited any players to join.
According to their official description, it is not just a game, but a real world.
In this world, you can learn ancient cultivation techniques and at the same time use cutting-edge technology.
When you create an account, you can enter the game for free and there is no charge for using any services later on.
At present, this game has attracted the attention of many tech giants in Silicon Valley including Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg.
It is said that they have invested a huge amount of money in this project.
Of course, I know that it is just a rumor.
However, after I read the entire page and watched the promo video of the game on Youtube, I felt very excited.
I have played a lot of games before and I am not a person who likes to stay in a particular place for a long time.
This is why I chose programming as my career because I could do it on my laptop wherever I go without having to worry about where I am.
I have a lot of experience in virtual reality games and I know that in most cases the functions they claim in the promo video are not true.
However, this game seems to be different.
I don't know if it's true or not until I try it myself.
I quickly replied to Lily's message: "I'm going in. Are you there now?"
I started putting on my VR helmet and gloves as I waited for her reply.
When I was young, I used to play many virtual reality games and I spent most of my time in them.
Eternal Secrets: A Virtual Odyssey
My parents didn't like me playing games or staying at home all day, so they sent me to the military when I graduated from high school.
I didn't like being here at first because it was so boring and everyone had to follow orders.
However, after a while, I found that this place was special because I could play all kinds of VR games here without having my parents scold me.
In fact, when I was in the military, although we were busy during the day with various training programs and other things, we were usually free at night.
Sometimes, after we finished our training in the afternoon, we were allowed to play games for a few hours before dinner and sleep.
I spent two years in military service and I played so many VR games during that time that I forgot how many I played or how many levels I passed in those games.
Now that Lily invited me to join her in a new game that sounded very exciting, I couldn't help but feel excited and nostalgic at the same time.
I plugged all kinds of data cables into my laptop and made some final adjustments before putting on my VR helmet.
In the VR world, I could still feel the temperature of the air conditioning in my room, but I was no longer able to move my physical body as I did before, nor could I see anything except the scene displayed on the screen of the helmet I was wearing now.
I only need to adjust the environment when I enter the game so that the signals from the VR devices can be connected to each other smoothly without any interference from the outside world.
I quickly opened the game interface on my laptop and entered the password that Lily sent me a moment ago, then tapped the Enter key using my finger on the keyboard and closed my eyes as the system began to load the game scene data required for my first entry into Fairy Land.
After a while, I heard some rustling sounds coming from the speakers on both sides of the VR helmet, followed by a loud knock on the door of a house, which was what I saw when I opened my eyes.
I found myself standing on a snowy plain, with snow falling silently around me and a vast expanse of whiteness visible in all directions as far as I could see.
It felt as if I were really standing here, feeling the cold wind blowing on my face, which shocked me somewhat because I had never experienced such a realistic feeling when entering other virtual reality games before.
After I recovered from my shock, I turned around to look at everything around me and found that it was exactly the same as what was displayed on the screen of my laptop just now, without any difference at all.
I looked up into the sky, but found that there were only gray clouds hanging over me, without any sunlight or anything else visible at all, which made me feel somewhat depressed for some reason.
As soon as I thought about it, Lily's voice came through the headphones: "Are you there?"
Eternal Secrets: A Virtual Odyssey
I was slightly startled by her voice because I didn't expect her to contact me so soon.
I quickly replied: "Yes, I'm here now."
Lily said excitedly: "Great, let's meet at the gate of Aeararna, I'm already on my way there now."
After saying that, she cut off the connection with me.
As I stood on the snowy plain for a moment longer, I realized that I didn't even know where Aeararna was or how to get there.
I was just about to ask Lily for directions when a system prompt popped up in front of my eyes: "Do you want to return to Aeararna?"
I quickly tapped the Confirm button without thinking twice.
The next moment, I felt like I had been enveloped by a strong light and when the dazzling light disappeared from my eyes, I found myself standing at the gate of Aeararna.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as I looked up at the tall walls and grand gates that stood before me.
The walls were made of pale yellow bricks stacked together one by one.
The gates were painted red with a large golden door knocker on them.
The outer walls were protected by layers of barriers that seemed to be full of power.
There were also several statues of stone lions on both sides of the gates that looked very vivid and lifelike.
The entire city looked very grand and awe-inspiring from the outside, like an ancient city that had stood for thousands of years.
There were even some flying beasts hovering in the sky above the city from time to time.
It was only after looking at it for a long time that I found it hard to believe that what I was seeing was just an illusion created by the game because everything looked so real and lifelike.
The game interface on my laptop also displayed my current location as Gate of Aeararna with a blue dot blinking there.
I immediately felt more confident after hearing her voice because I knew that she was a very famous digital explorer who had been exploring the world for a long time.
I'm not as familiar with this kind of work as she is because I've been working on programming all these years instead.
That's why I immediately sent her a message: "Lily, I'm here now."
After a moment of silence, Lily replied: "I'm on my way there right now, wait for me at the gate first."
I replied again: "Okay."
After that, I stood at the gate of Aeararna and observed everything around me with great interest while waiting for her to arrive.
Despite my expectations, it didn't take long before Lily arrived at the gate, accompanied by a group of people who were all dressed in bright robes with various patterns embroidered on them.
I couldn't help but be slightly surprised when I saw them because they all looked so real and lifelike that they didn't seem like they were created by computer programs at all.
Lily looked up at me and said: "Hi Alex, welcome to Fairy Land."
At that moment, I suddenly realized that it wasn't an illusion or anything else at all. This city of Aeararna really did exist in reality!
I asked Lily curiously: "How can it be real?"
Lily explained to me with a smile: "You don't know much about this game yet, do you?
Eternal Secrets: A Virtual Odyssey
I nodded and said: "Yeah, I don't know much about it yet."
Lily said: "This is something you can learn slowly by yourself."
At that moment, a tall, beautiful blonde woman walked up to us with a smile on her face.
She smiled at me and said: "Hello, Alex, I'm Lily's cousin, Emma Thompson."
I was stunned when I saw her because she was so beautiful.
At that moment, she suddenly held out her hand to me with a smile on her face.
It was only then that I realized that she was holding out her hand for a handshake.
I reached out my hand to shake hands with her immediately.
Thompson is usually quite friendly, please feel free to call me Emma!"
I nodded and said: "Okay".
We shook hands for a while, then she let go of my hand and said: "You're already here, right?"
I quickly replied: "Yes, I'm here."
Emma said: "I'm a bit late today, sorry about that.
Do you mind if I join you?"
I quickly replied: "Of course not, the more the merrier!"
Emma smiled at me and said: "Thank you so much!"
Then she turned around and asked Lily: "Let's go inside right away."
Lily nodded and said: "Okay."
Emma said: "Wait a minute, I'll help him adjust some of the settings first."
Lily nodded and said: "Okay, you can do that!"
Emma turned around and winked at me with a smile on her face, then she reached out her hand towards my laptop screen, and the computer screen immediately displayed the word "Analyzing".
I asked curiously: "What are you doing?"
Emma smiled and said: "I'm helping you adjust the settings so that you can have a better virtual reality experience later on, of course!"
I nodded and said: "Oh, okay, thank you so much."
Emma smiled and said: "You're welcome, I'm always happy to help you with anything!"
It was only then that I realized that she was actually making fun of me, so I scratched my head and smiled awkwardly in response.
Lily couldn't help but laugh when she saw my reaction.
At that moment, Emma had already finished adjusting the settings for me.
She looked up and asked: "How is it?Is it good, right?"
I opened the computer screen and took a look.
The screen displayed in big red letters: "Welcome to Aeararna, Alex!
I quickly replied: "Thank you so much!"
Emma winked at me with a smile on her face and said: "You're welcome, just remember that you owe me one!"
She turned around and walked over to Lily's side with a smile on her face after she finished speaking.
Lily quickly teased her: "You're late today, you know?"
Emma pouted and replied: "No, I'm not!