MidReal Story

Eternal Heroes: Battling Gods and Demons


May 13
Scenario:Gods, Demons and Superheroes Written by: PD Loupee ([email protected]) Page 1 Panel 1 Big establishing shot of Earth. We don’t see all of it, we see it from the air, we can see it’s curvature and continents. Storm clouds roam above it. Caption: Earth. Caption: The beginning of times. Panel 2 Another big panel. Fire from the depths of Earth and wind from the skies battle against each other. The fire is shaped like a demon, the wind is like the Finger of God. Caption: Home of a battle that has lasted for ages… Panel 3 A village being swallowed by a wave. People run like cockroaches. Caption: A battle that lasted until the times of men… Page 2 Splash Page Big abstract composition, showing all the Gods in the sky and all the Demons on the ground. The caption goes in the middle. Caption: A battle between… Caption: Gods and demons. Page 3 Panel 1 Camera is placed at ground level, looking up at the sky, where terrifying looking angels come down on horseback to attack. Caption: Earth was their chess board. Panel 2 Demons riding monstrous horses come and approach the angels. Caption: A pavilion for their whims and wishes. Panel 3 A bunch of people crammed in an alleyway watch in fear as the demons and angels face off without attacking each other. Caption: And the human race, caught in the middle… Panel 4 People being slaughtered in the middle of the battle between angels and demons. Caption: Could do nothing but run. Page 4 Panel 1 Show the superheroes walking solemnly from the back. Caption: That was until Earth itself birthed its own personal saviors. Panel 2 Show the superheroes walking from the front, midriff down. Caption: People with special abilities, capable of feats no human could dream of. Panel 3 Over the shoulder shot of the heroes, looking at the ongoing battle. Caption: And they called them… Panel 4 Front view, full body shot of the heroes, ready to pounce at battle. Caption: Superheroes! Page 5 Splash Page Big sprawling shot of Paladin, flying upwards and knocking down several demons and angels with a single punch. Caption: Paladin. Caption: Flight, super strength, invulnerable skin. Caption: A hero of power and trust. Page 6 Splash Page Motion shot of Strident (like the ones of Spiderman jumping through buildings). She runs through the battle while turning invisible (we can still see her outlines). In the end she screams a sonic boom. Caption: Strident. Caption: Invisibility and a voice capable of breaking the sound barrier. Caption: Loyal and determined. Page 7 Splash Page Full body shot of Neter, floating various feet above the ground. Above him, energy from the void and all four elements attacks the demons and angels. Caption: Neter. Caption: Has the power of the black hole and the four elements. Caption: A mystery wrapped in a secret. Pages 8&9 - Double Spread Mister Vigor takes up a whole side of the page, as he hurls a semi-truck, fully loaded with giant metal pipes, at the attacking armies. Caption: Mister Vigor. Caption: The name and appearance tell it all. Caption: He was pivotal in winning the war. Caption: Which war? Pages 10&11 - Double Spread Panel 1 The heroes are in the middle of Times Square, battling ghostly tanks and airplanes, all color coded to signify demons or angels. Caption: None other than World War III. Panel 2 A huge army of human battles an army of demons. Caption: The armies of men allied themselves to the heroes… Panel 3 Paladin and Mr. Vigor attack the enemy armies along with the humans. Caption: Forming one mighty bond. Page 12 Panel 1 Human army planes drop bombs over the invading armies. Caption: A bond strong enough… Panel 2 A big mushroom cloud. Angels and demons fly everywhere. No dialog. Panel 3 The heroes stand in silence watching as demons run back into the crevasses of hell. The humans celebrate. Caption: To win the war. Page 13 Panel 1 The heroes walk into the sunset, the humans bid their goodbyes. Caption: The heroes left the battlefield, anointed in glory. Panel 2-5 Close ups of the heroes, determined and victorious. Caption: To find a bountiful rest in anonymity. Caption: However… Pages 14&15 - Double Spread A huge table with all the Gods and Demons listed reunited. The table has the world map illustrated on the board, and miniature demons and angles are over a few countries (send a nod to Brazil because it’s my country!). Caption: The enemy didn’t stop plotting. Caption: The enemy was determined to start all over again. Page 16 Panel 1 The leader of the Gods speaks. Caption: The Gods said that the demons and them could no longer tolerate the humans. Panel 2 Focus on the leader of the demons, the shadow of the gods cast over them. Caption: That they were destroying Earth, and soon there would be nothing for them to fight over. Panel 3 Side shot of both leaders. Caption: Why didn’t they focus on one target at a time? Page 17 Panel 1 The demon leader puts a hands on their chin, pensive. Caption: It went against a demon’s nature to cooperate with a god. Panel 2 The leader huddles the demons together as the gods watch. Caption: Could they possibly do it? Panel 3 We see under the huddle, they all talk at the same time. Caption: An agreement seemed far away. Panel 4 The huddle breaks, the leader of the demons approaches the gods. Caption: But an agreement was achieved. Page 18 Splash Page The leaders shake hand, a spark of thunder comes from it. Caption: Demons and Gods would join forces against the human race. Caption: If not to wipe them… Caption: To wipe each other out of existence. Page 19 Panel 1 Big panel. Angels mount demonic horses, coming down on Earth somewhere in China, in the middle of a parade. Caption: The conjoined attack came swift. Panel 2 An angel’s sword slices through several people. Caption: There was no way to escape it. Panel 3-6 Panels with the heroes receiving the news all around the world. Older, but still recognizable. TV, radio, Internet… Whatever fits the bill. Caption: But help was on its way. Page 20 Panel 1-4 The heroes run in aid of the people. Caption: They came out of retirement in the name of mankind. Panel 5 Big panel with the heroes reunited. Caption: Fast, strong, mighty! Panel 21 Panel 1 Gods and demons look down to Earth in anger, watching as the heroes fight. Caption: And for the first time in aeons galore… Panel 2 All the demons and gods manifest on Earth. Caption: The enemy decided to intervene themselves. Page 22 Panel 1 The heroes jump into battle without hesitation. Demons and Gods prepare to obliterate. Caption: The heroes were ready to die if that’s what it takes. Panel 2 The heroes craft a combined attack, it comes urging toward the camera. Caption: As they were also… Panel 3 Gods and demons take the blow of the attack, getting disfigured in the process. Caption: Ready to kill. Panel 4 Humans join forces with the heroes, carrying flags and standards with their symbols. Caption: Heralded as the Gods of Earth, the heroes guided the first ides of WWIV to a Pyrrhic victory. Panel 5 Battle worn, the heroes stand at the edge of a crater in the middle of the city. Caption: More would come. Caption: But they would be there for it all.
Create my version of this story
Gods, Demons and Superheroes Written by: PD Loupee ([email protected]) Page 1 Panel 1 Big establishing shot of Earth. We don’t see all of it, we see it from the air, we can see it’s curvature and continents. Storm clouds roam above it. Caption: Earth. Caption: The beginning of times. Panel 2 Another big panel. Fire from the depths of Earth and wind from the skies battle against each other. The fire is shaped like a demon, the wind is like the Finger of God. Caption: Home of a battle that has lasted for ages… Panel 3 A village being swallowed by a wave. People run like cockroaches. Caption: A battle that lasted until the times of men… Page 2 Splash Page Big abstract composition, showing all the Gods in the sky and all the Demons on the ground. The caption goes in the middle. Caption: A battle between… Caption: Gods and demons. Page 3 Panel 1 Camera is placed at ground level, looking up at the sky, where terrifying looking angels come down on horseback to attack. Caption: Earth was their chess board. Panel 2 Demons riding monstrous horses come and approach the angels. Caption: A pavilion for their whims and wishes. Panel 3 A bunch of people crammed in an alleyway watch in fear as the demons and angels face off without attacking each other. Caption: And the human race, caught in the middle… Panel 4 People being slaughtered in the middle of the battle between angels and demons. Caption: Could do nothing but run. Page 4 Panel 1 Show the superheroes walking solemnly from the back. Caption: That was until Earth itself birthed its own personal saviors. Panel 2 Show the superheroes walking from the front, midriff down. Caption: People with special abilities, capable of feats no human could dream of. Panel 3 Over the shoulder shot of the heroes, looking at the ongoing battle. Caption: And they called them… Panel 4 Front view, full body shot of the heroes, ready to pounce at battle. Caption: Superheroes! Page 5 Splash Page Big sprawling shot of Paladin, flying upwards and knocking down several demons and angels with a single punch. Caption: Paladin. Caption: Flight, super strength, invulnerable skin. Caption: A hero of power and trust. Page 6 Splash Page Motion shot of Strident (like the ones of Spiderman jumping through buildings). She runs through the battle while turning invisible (we can still see her outlines). In the end she screams a sonic boom. Caption: Strident. Caption: Invisibility and a voice capable of breaking the sound barrier. Caption: Loyal and determined. Page 7 Splash Page Full body shot of Neter, floating various feet above the ground. Above him, energy from the void and all four elements attacks the demons and angels. Caption: Neter. Caption: Has the power of the black hole and the four elements. Caption: A mystery wrapped in a secret. Pages 8&9 - Double Spread Mister Vigor takes up a whole side of the page, as he hurls a semi-truck, fully loaded with giant metal pipes, at the attacking armies. Caption: Mister Vigor. Caption: The name and appearance tell it all. Caption: He was pivotal in winning the war. Caption: Which war? Pages 10&11 - Double Spread Panel 1 The heroes are in the middle of Times Square, battling ghostly tanks and airplanes, all color coded to signify demons or angels. Caption: None other than World War III. Panel 2 A huge army of human battles an army of demons. Caption: The armies of men allied themselves to the heroes… Panel 3 Paladin and Mr. Vigor attack the enemy armies along with the humans. Caption: Forming one mighty bond. Page 12 Panel 1 Human army planes drop bombs over the invading armies. Caption: A bond strong enough… Panel 2 A big mushroom cloud. Angels and demons fly everywhere. No dialog. Panel 3 The heroes stand in silence watching as demons run back into the crevasses of hell. The humans celebrate. Caption: To win the war. Page 13 Panel 1 The heroes walk into the sunset, the humans bid their goodbyes. Caption: The heroes left the battlefield, anointed in glory. Panel 2-5 Close ups of the heroes, determined and victorious. Caption: To find a bountiful rest in anonymity. Caption: However… Pages 14&15 - Double Spread A huge table with all the Gods and Demons listed reunited. The table has the world map illustrated on the board, and miniature demons and angles are over a few countries (send a nod to Brazil because it’s my country!). Caption: The enemy didn’t stop plotting. Caption: The enemy was determined to start all over again. Page 16 Panel 1 The leader of the Gods speaks. Caption: The Gods said that the demons and them could no longer tolerate the humans. Panel 2 Focus on the leader of the demons, the shadow of the gods cast over them. Caption: That they were destroying Earth, and soon there would be nothing for them to fight over. Panel 3 Side shot of both leaders. Caption: Why didn’t they focus on one target at a time? Page 17 Panel 1 The demon leader puts a hands on their chin, pensive. Caption: It went against a demon’s nature to cooperate with a god. Panel 2 The leader huddles the demons together as the gods watch. Caption: Could they possibly do it? Panel 3 We see under the huddle, they all talk at the same time. Caption: An agreement seemed far away. Panel 4 The huddle breaks, the leader of the demons approaches the gods. Caption: But an agreement was achieved. Page 18 Splash Page The leaders shake hand, a spark of thunder comes from it. Caption: Demons and Gods would join forces against the human race. Caption: If not to wipe them… Caption: To wipe each other out of existence. Page 19 Panel 1 Big panel. Angels mount demonic horses, coming down on Earth somewhere in China, in the middle of a parade. Caption: The conjoined attack came swift. Panel 2 An angel’s sword slices through several people. Caption: There was no way to escape it. Panel 3-6 Panels with the heroes receiving the news all around the world. Older, but still recognizable. TV, radio, Internet… Whatever fits the bill. Caption: But help was on its way. Page 20 Panel 1-4 The heroes run in aid of the people. Caption: They came out of retirement in the name of mankind. Panel 5 Big panel with the heroes reunited. Caption: Fast, strong, mighty! Panel 21 Panel 1 Gods and demons look down to Earth in anger, watching as the heroes fight. Caption: And for the first time in aeons galore… Panel 2 All the demons and gods manifest on Earth. Caption: The enemy decided to intervene themselves. Page 22 Panel 1 The heroes jump into battle without hesitation. Demons and Gods prepare to obliterate. Caption: The heroes were ready to die if that’s what it takes. Panel 2 The heroes craft a combined attack, it comes urging toward the camera. Caption: As they were also… Panel 3 Gods and demons take the blow of the attack, getting disfigured in the process. Caption: Ready to kill. Panel 4 Humans join forces with the heroes, carrying flags and standards with their symbols. Caption: Heralded as the Gods of Earth, the heroes guided the first ides of WWIV to a Pyrrhic victory. Panel 5 Battle worn, the heroes stand at the edge of a crater in the middle of the city. Caption: More would come. Caption: But they would be there for it all.
The year is 2025.
The world is in chaos.
Gods and Demons are battling for supremacy, and Earth is their battleground.
In the midst of this eternal conflict, a new breed of humans are born with unique powers.
They are called superheroes.
I am one of them.
I am Paladin, and this is my story.
The year is 2025, and the world is in chaos.
Gods and Demons are battling for supremacy, and Earth is their battleground.
In the midst of this eternal conflict, a new breed of humans are born with unique powers.
They are called superheroes, and they have one mission: to prevent an apocalyptic war that will destroy humanity.
I am one of them, and this is my story.
It was a dark and stormy night when I first discovered my powers.
I was walking home from work when I heard a loud explosion in the distance.
At first, I thought it was a thunderstorm, but then I realized it was something much worse.
The world was at war.
Supernatural beings called Demons had invaded Earth, and they were destroying everything in their path.
The humans fought back, but it was no use.
The Demons were too powerful, and we were losing the war.
That’s when the superheroes emerged.
We had powers that no one could explain, and we used them to defeat the Demons and save the world.
We were hailed as heroes, but we knew it was only a matter of time before the Gods and Demons returned.
So, instead of waiting for them to come to us, we went into hiding.
We found a small town in the mountains, far away from prying eyes, and settled down there.
We thought we could finally live in peace, but we were wrong.
The Gods and Demons knew about us, and they were afraid of what we could do if we joined forces.
So, they decided to curse us instead.
It started small at first.
We began to feel weak and tired all the time, like our powers were draining from us.
We didn’t think much of it at first, but then things got worse.
Our powers disappeared completely, and we became bedridden.
It felt like we were dying, and that’s when we knew something was wrong.
But by then, it was too late.
The Demons attacked our town in the middle of the night.
We fought back as best as we could, but without our powers, we were no match for them.
They captured me and Neter and would have taken Strident too if she hadn’t gone invisible.
I watched from my prison as Neter unleashed his powers on the Demons.
He created a black hole that sucked them in and destroyed them one by one.
But then, he aimed it at me, and I realized he had lost control of it somehow.
I tried to move out of the way, but the chains around my arms kept me in place, and I felt my soul being pulled into the black hole along with the Demons.
It was a strange sensation, like falling into an endless void, and I didn’t know if I would ever come back out again.
I screamed Neter’s name, hoping he would stop the black hole before it was too late, but he didn’t listen.
He just stood there with his arms outstretched, his eyes glowing with an eerie light as he continued to pull me in.
I begged him to let me go, but he shook his head sadly and muttered something under his breath that I couldn’t hear over the noise of the black hole.
Then Strident appeared beside me, her hand on my shoulder as she looked up at Neter with tears in her eyes.
Eternal Heroes: Battling Gods and Demons
I didn’t know how I got there or where I was, but I could feel the energy around me vibrating with power, as if it were about to explode at any moment.
The sky was dark, but it wasn’t night, and I saw flashes of light in the distance that looked like stars exploding.
Time seemed to be moving backward, and I watched as the world around me shifted and changed, showing me images of what had happened before.
I saw myself fighting against the Demons, my friends by my side, as we tried to protect Earth from being destroyed.
I saw Neter creating a black hole that sucked in everything around him, including me, and destroying it all.
I saw Strident going invisible to escape from our enemies, but being hurt in the process.
I saw how he had been captured by them, and how I had been too.
And I saw how we had lost our powers, making us weak and vulnerable.
But then something changed, and I found myself standing in front of a being so powerful that I couldn’t even look at it without feeling my head spin.
It was made of pure energy, with no real shape or form, but I could feel its presence all around me, enveloping me in its warmth.
“Paladin,” it said, and its voice echoed in my head like a thousand voices speaking at once.
“I have been waiting for you.”
I didn’t know what to say, and for a moment, I just stood there, staring at it in shock.
How did you know my name?”
I asked finally, and it laughed, a sound that made me shiver in fear.
“I know everything about you,” it said, and I realized that it was true.
It knew who I was and what I could do, and it had been watching me this entire time, waiting for me to come to it.
“I need your help,” it said, and I frowned, not understanding what it meant.
“What do you need me to do?”
I asked, and it smiled, a blinding light that made me close my eyes in pain.
“You are the Key,” it said, and its words echoed in my mind, making me tremble with their power.
“They cannot win without you, and you cannot win without them.
You must go back and help your friends.”
And before I could say anything else, it raised its hand and touched my chest, sending a bolt of energy through me that made me gasp in pain.
I felt myself being pulled away from it, moving faster and faster through time and space as it sent me back to where I belonged.
And then I was standing in front of Strident and Neter again, just as Neter unleashed his power on the Demons.
I raised my arms to protect me from the blast and saw Strident doing the same beside me, but it wasn’t enough.
The black hole kept growing bigger and bigger until it swallowed everything in its path, dragging us all toward it.
I tried to move out of the way, but the wind was too strong, and I felt myself being pulled closer to the singularity with every step I took.
The Demons were screaming in terror as they were sucked into its depths, but there were so many of them that they couldn’t stop themselves from being devoured anyway.
Eternal Heroes: Battling Gods and Demons
I tried to move my arms and legs, but they wouldn’t respond to my commands, the force of the black hole keeping me pinned in place as I hurtled toward the singularity with nothing to slow my descent.
Strident called my name again, his voice filled with pain and regret as he reached out his hand to me one last time, but he was too far away for me to reach him now.
I wanted to tell him that I was sorry, that I should have stayed with him instead of going away to fight the Gods on my own and getting myself killed in the process.
But it was too late for that now.
The pull of the black hole was so strong that I couldn’t even open my mouth to speak as I hurtled through the air and into the singularity’s depths where everything went dark one last time.
The black hole disappeared in a brilliant flash of light, leaving nothing behind but the sound of my own breathing echoing in my ears as I stood there with nothing but death and destruction all around me.
The Demons had been wiped out completely by Neter’s sacrifice, but so had Paladin and half of the town we had been trying to protect from them.
I wanted to fall to my knees and cry for all the people we had lost today – for all the people we would never be able to save – but there wasn’t time for that now.
There were still Gods left alive on the battlefield, and they would come after us next if we didn’t destroy them first.
I turned around to face them and raised my hand to attack them with my power of sound, but before I could unleash my attack the Goddess of Love stepped forward and grabbed my wrist to stop me.
“Don’t,” she said as she looked up at me from beneath her long black hair.
She was crying too, her tears shining like diamonds in the sun as they streaked down her pale cheeks.
“Please don’t kill us,” she said.
“We didn’t want to do this.We had no choice.”
I glared down at her and wrenched my hand free from her grip as I stepped back to gather my strength for the final blow.
This was the moment I had been waiting for – the moment I could finally avenge Paladin’s death by destroying every God who had ever dared to hurt us.
“Do you call this love?”
I asked as I raised my hand to smite her down.
“How could you love us and still do this to us?”
She didn’t answer me.
Eternal Heroes: Battling Gods and Demons