MidReal Story

Eternal Flames: Love and Betrayal in the Tournament


May 11
Scenario:Goku enamorado de kefla, kefla sexy
Create my version of this story
Goku enamorado de kefla, kefla sexy
I was fighting against a warrior from Universe 6.
She was very strong, and I was having a hard time keeping up with her.
But I was having fun, and I could tell she was too.
I had been fighting in the Tournament of Power for what felt like hours, and I was starting to get tired.
But I couldn’t let that stop me.
If I did, my universe would be erased, and I couldn’t let that happen.
So I kept on fighting with all my might.
I had just finished dodging one of her attacks when she said something that caught me off guard.
“Wow, you’re really cute!”
she said with a smile on her face.
I blushed at her comment, but then she attacked me again, and I had to focus on the fight.
After a few more minutes of fighting, we both powered up our attacks and launched them at each other.
The impact of our attacks caused a huge explosion that sent both of us flying in opposite directions.
I was breathing heavily, and I could feel my heart racing.
But as exhausted as I was, I couldn’t help but feel excited, too.
This was the most fun I’d had in a long time.
I wished I could fight like this every day.
But then I looked up and saw my opponent get back to her feet.
She seemed to be alright, which meant she’d be coming back for more.
I got to my feet, too, and I took a deep breath.
I didn’t know how much longer I could keep this up, but I had to try.
I was fighting for the survival of my universe, after all.
As the Tournament of Power progressed, the arena we were fighting on had been reduced to rubble.
There were huge craters everywhere, and the ground was littered with debris from all the fighting that had taken place so far.
There were also a lot of people watching us fight now, and their cheers filled me with energy.
It was like they were cheering me on, encouraging me to keep going.
And that was exactly what I planned to do.
After catching my breath for a few seconds, I saw my opponent coming toward me, so I got into a fighting stance and prepared to resume our battle.
But just as she was about to reach me, someone else suddenly appeared behind me and tried to attack me from behind.
I quickly dodged out of the way and turned around to see who it was.
It was another warrior from Universe 6, but this one was wearing some kind of red suit and had long purple hair.
“Who are you?”
I asked him as he glared at me.
“I am the warrior known as Drakar,” he said.
“And I will not allow you to interfere in our plans any longer!”
He then charged at me, and we started fighting all over again.
Fighting in the Tournament of Power was like nothing I’d ever experienced before.
It was pure chaos, with warriors from different universes all fighting each other at once.
And that was exactly how I liked it.
I loved being in the middle of all that chaos, dodging attacks and fighting for my life.
It made me feel more alive than anything else ever had.
I was smiling as I fought, and I could tell that my opponents were too.
They seemed to be having just as much fun as I was, which only made me want to fight them even more.
As Drakar and I exchanged blows, I could see that he was very strong too.
But he wasn’t as strong as me, and it didn’t take long for me to gain the upper hand in our fight.
After a few minutes of fighting, I was able to knock him out with a well-placed punch to the stomach.
He crumpled to the ground and didn’t get back up, which meant he was out of the tournament.
I took a deep breath and looked around to see if there were any other warriors who wanted to fight me next.
Eternal Flames: Love and Betrayal in the Tournament
When my vision finally cleared, I saw that my opponent looked different now: she looked bigger and her hair was longer too.
“Who are you?”
I asked her as I got into a fighting stance and prepared to resume our battle.
“Don’t you recognize me?”
she asked with a smile on her face.
“I’m Kefla: the fusion of Caulifla and Kale!”
She then charged at me and tried to punch me again, but I quickly dodged out of the way and countered with a punch of my own.
But she was fast too, and she was able to dodge my attack with ease before kicking me in the chest and sending me flying across the arena again.
I hit the ground hard and skidded across it for a few feet before coming to a stop.
But then I got back up to my feet and smiled at her again.
“Impressive,” I said as I got into a fighting stance and prepared to resume our battle.
Kefla chuckled when she heard me say that and said, “You’re not bad yourself.”
She then charged at me again, and we started fighting all over again.
Kefla was very strong and very fast too.
I was doing everything in my power to try and hit her.
But she was just too fast.
She kept dodging all of my attacks effortlessly, and there was nothing I could do about it.
She also had a lot of power too.
She was able to block all of my attacks with ease and then counter with attacks of her own that were just as powerful.
After a few minutes of fighting, I was finally able to land a solid punch on her and make her take a few steps back.
But then she lunged at me and tried to punch me again.
This time I was ready for her, and I was able to dodge her punch before hitting her with one of my own that knocked her down onto the ground.
She quickly got back up to her feet and said, “You’re very strong!”
“Yes,” I said with a smile on my face.
Kefla chuckled when she heard me say that and said, “You’re also very cute!”
She then charged at me again and tried to punch me.
I was able to dodge her attack again and counter with one of my own.
This time she didn’t go down as easily as before.
She blocked my attack with one arm and then punched me in the face with the other one.
I stumbled backward and shook my head before rushing at her again.
We both powered up our attacks and launched them at each other at the same time.
The impact of our attacks caused a huge explosion that sent us both flying in opposite directions.
I hit the ground hard and skidded across it for a few feet before coming to a stop.
But after catching my breath for a few seconds, I got back to my feet and looked around.
The arena was in shambles now.
It looked like there had been an earthquake or something because everything was destroyed.
But despite all of that destruction, Kefla was still there.
She was smiling at me and clapping her hands together as if she was impressed by what she saw.
“You’re amazing!”
she said with a huge smile on her face.
“But you’re also way too serious!”
“I’m sorry,” I said as I got into a fighting stance and prepared to resume our battle.
Eternal Flames: Love and Betrayal in the Tournament
She asked as she started to walk toward me and hit me with a kick that sent me flying across the arena and crashing into the ground.
I quickly got back to my feet and looked at her in shock, wondering how she was able to hit me like that and why she did it in the first place.
“I thought you were going to ask me what you could do to make me feel better,” Kefla said as she put her hands on her hips and shook her head in disappointment.
“I guess I was wrong,” she added before chuckling and smiling at me again.
I had no idea what she wanted me to do, but I knew that I needed to keep fighting if I wanted to win this battle and stay in the tournament for as long as possible.
So after taking a deep breath and gathering up all of my strength, I charged at her and tried to hit her with a punch that would send her flying across the arena and crashing into the ground like she did to me before.
But just like before, she dodged my attack and hit me with a punch of her own before launching a kick that sent me flying across the arena and crashing into the ground once again.
But this time, she didn’t wait for me to get back up on my feet before attacking me again.
Instead, she rushed at me and tried to hit me with a punch that I was able to dodge before countering with a punch of my own that sent her flying across the arena and crashing into the ground as well.
After taking a few seconds to catch her breath and regain her focus, Kefla slowly got back to her feet and looked at me with a huge smile on her face.
“Impressive,” she said with a nod of approval before charging at me and trying to hit me with a punch that I was able to dodge before hitting her with a punch of my own that knocked her down onto the ground once again.
But this time she quickly got back to her feet and charged at me again, trying to hit me with another punch that I was able to dodge.
We continued to exchange attacks back and forth, neither of us able to get the upper hand over the other.
But then, out of nowhere, Kefla grabbed me by the arm and swung me around in a circle before launching me across the arena and sending me crashing into the ground once again.
After getting back to my feet and catching my breath for a few seconds, I looked up and saw that Kale was standing on the sidelines, cheering me on.
“Kale, you’re supposed to be helping me,” Caulifla said in a stern voice.
“I am,” Kale said as she continued to cheer me on.
“Goku’s amazing,” she added before looking up and smiling at me.
“Don’t let him beat you!”
she said before continuing to cheer me on.
But despite all of that cheering, Kefla still had the upper hand over me.
Eternal Flames: Love and Betrayal in the Tournament