MidReal Story

Eternal Fallout

Scenario:A postapolyptic world where a nuclear war happen were only survivor living in the wasteland 300 years has past in USA
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A postapolyptic world where a nuclear war happen were only survivor living in the wasteland 300 years has past in USA
Elena had developed a cough, and I could see worry in her eyes as she rubbed her chest, clearly uncomfortable.
She’d been coughing for weeks now, and it seemed to be getting worse rather than better.
The first time we heard the rumors, we didn’t believe them.
I knew she was doing everything she could to treat it, but there were no hospitals or pharmacies left in this world, and her healing skills could only go so far.
We’d heard stories like that before, and they’d always turned out to be just that—stories.
But the rumors persisted, and eventually we decided it was worth checking out.
Mark put a hand on my shoulder, giving me a reassuring squeeze.
We had nothing to lose, after all.
“Don’t worry,” he said, echoing my thoughts.
So we packed up our gear and headed out into the wasteland, following the coordinates that had been passed along to us.
“We’ll find her something to help with that cough.
And when we got there, we found it.
It’ll be all right.”
An underground bunker, untouched by time or scavengers.
I smiled weakly, grateful for his support.
I just wish I could believe him.
A bunker that was rumored to contain enough food and water to last a small group of survivors for years.
A bunker that was rumored to contain weapons and ammunition, medical supplies and tools, everything a group of survivors would need to rebuild after the war.
Our search for food and water had been fruitless, and hope was dwindling among us.
We couldn’t believe our luck.
The journey had taken its toll on all of us, and I could see the exhaustion in Elena’s eyes as she struggled to keep up with us.
I wanted to stop and rest, to give her a chance to recover, but I knew we had to keep moving if we wanted to stay ahead of the creatures that roamed this land.
We’d been on our own for so long, scrounging for scraps in the ruins of what used to be the United States of America.
So I pushed myself to go faster, hoping that we’d find something—anything—that would make it all worthwhile.
It was almost too good to be true.
And that’s when I heard it—the sound of voices up ahead, coming from somewhere in the distance.
And that’s when the shooting started.
We’d been so focused on the bunker, we hadn’t noticed the other survivors lurking in the shadows.
I stopped in my tracks, listening intently as they grew louder and more distinct.
“Please,” one voice said, “you have to help us.We don’t have anywhere else to go.”
They’d been following us, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.
And now they were here, guns blazing, trying to take what was rightfully ours.
“Calm down, son,” another voice replied.
We fought back, of course.
“We’ll figure something out.”
I didn’t know who they were, but I knew they needed help—and I knew we had to do something about it.
We were outnumbered and outgunned, but we were also smarter and more determined.
“Come on,” I said, motioning for Mark and Elena to follow me.
We’d survived this long, and we weren’t about to let some strangers take that away from us.
“Let’s see what’s going on.”
We fought like hell, and eventually we won.
The closer we got, the more I could see of them—a small group of survivors, huddled together in a small clearing.
The other survivors fled into the night, leaving their dead and wounded behind.
An old man was standing in front of them, his arms raised as he tried to calm them down.
And we were left standing there, staring at the bunker we’d fought so hard to protect.
“It’s all right,” he was saying, his voice filled with compassion.
It was still there, still untouched and unspoiled.
But at what cost?
“We’ll get through this together.”
We approached cautiously, not sure what to expect.
We’d lost people in that fight, people who’d been with us since the beginning.
And for what?
The old man noticed us and gave us a nod of recognition before turning back to his group.
These people are here to help us,” he said, motioning for us to come closer.
A few cans of food and some dusty old weapons?
It didn’t seem worth it.
“They’re good people, just like us.”
We hesitated for a moment before continuing on, not sure what to make of him.
But it was too late to turn back now.
The bunker was our only chance at survival in this godforsaken wasteland.
But he seemed sincere, and we didn’t have much of a choice.
And we were going to make the most of it.
He studied us for a moment, taking in our weapons and supplies before nodding in approval.
“You’re survivors, just like us,” he said.
The United States of America had been a beacon of hope and prosperity for centuries—until the bombs fell and the world changed forever.
A nuclear war had wiped out the country’s infrastructure, decimating its population and leaving behind a barren wasteland that was barely recognizable as the place we’d once called home.
“You know how hard it is out here, how dangerous it can be.
It had been three hundred years since the bombs fell, and much of the land was still too toxic to support life.
And that’s why we need to stick together.
We need to help each other out, share what we have so that we can all make it through this alive.”
But somehow, a few of us had survived.
“Of course,” I replied.
We’d banded together in small groups, sharing information and resources in order to stay alive.
It wasn’t easy, but it was all we knew.
“We’d be happy to help in any way we can.
What do you need?”
Life went on, day after day, and we did our best to adapt to our new reality.
Our group was small, just three of us—my sister Elena, our friend Mark, and me.
The old man smiled at that, and I could see relief in his eyes as he motioned for us to sit down around the fire.
We’d been together for as long as any of us could remember, looking out for each other and doing whatever it took to survive.
“There are rumors,” he said, once we were settled.
Elena was our healer, using her knowledge of herbs and plants to treat our wounds and cure our illnesses.
“Rumors of a place—a bunker—that’s still intact.
A place where no one has been able to get in or out for three hundred years.” He paused for a moment, letting that sink in before continuing.
Mark was our scavenger, searching for food and water and other supplies in the ruins of the old world.
“And there are rumors that inside that bunker, there are supplies—enough food and water to last a small group of survivors for years.
And I was our leader, making the tough decisions and keeping us safe from harm.
Eternal Fallout
We’d made a pretty good team over the years, and I knew we could handle whatever came our way.
Life in the wasteland was hard, but we’d learned to adapt.
“Now, I know what you’re thinking—that it’s just a rumor, and that there’s no way to know if it’s true or not.
We traveled light, carrying only what we needed to survive.
During the day, we scoured the land for food and water, moving from place to place in search of anything that might help us stay alive.
“And it probably is just a rumor,” Elena said, cutting him off.
At night, we huddled together around a small fire, listening to the cries of mutated creatures as they roamed the land in search of prey.
“But there’s no way to be sure unless we go there and check it out.”
“Exactly,” Jacob replied, turning to face her.
Eternal Fallout
“It’s probably nothing, but we can’t afford to ignore it—not when we’re on the brink of extinction.”
Elena studied him for a moment, then shook her head in disbelief.
“I can’t believe we’re actually considering this.”
“I know how you feel,” I replied.
“But we don’t have much of a choice, do we?
If there’s any chance that this place exists, we owe it to ourselves—and to everyone else out there—to find it before it’s too late.”
“So will you help us?”
Jacob asked, turning to face me again.
I hesitated for a moment, then nodded in agreement.
“We’ll do it,” I said, my voice filled with resolve.
The old man gave me a grateful smile, then reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper.
“I don’t know if this is true or not, but it’s the best lead we’ve got.” He handed it to me, and I studied it for a moment before passing it around to Mark and Elena.
It was a set of coordinates—a location in the middle of nowhere, far away from anything else.
“We’ll need to leave first thing in the morning,” I said, once everyone had gotten a chance to see it.
“It’s going to be a long journey, and I don’t want to waste any more time than we have to.”
Everyone nodded in agreement, and I could see the determination in their eyes as they got up and started to gather their things.
We were all tired and hungry, but we didn’t care.
This was our chance—the only chance we had left.
And we weren’t about to let it slip away.
The journey to the coordinates provided by Jacob was long and arduous, filled with uncertainty and the constant reminder of our dwindling resources.
As the sun dipped below the horizon on our final night before arrival, I called for us to stop.
We were close enough that we could reach our destination by morning.
There was no reason to push ourselves any further when we needed all the energy and rest we could get.
That night, I took first watch.
The cold desert wind nipped at my skin as I stood guard over our makeshift campsite.
Every so often, I’d hear the sound of a cry or a whimper coming from one of the others as they tossed and turned in their sleep.
They were cold and tired—and hungry, too—but they knew what was at stake.
And they knew they had no choice but to push forward, no matter how hard it got.
Dawn came all too soon.
We got up and packed our things before continuing on toward the coordinates that Jacob had given us.
The closer we got, the more excited I became.
We were almost there—I could feel it.
But when we finally arrived at the location, my heart sank.
There was nothing there—just an empty field, with nothing to see for miles in every direction.
I looked around in confusion, wondering if maybe I had gotten the coordinates wrong or if there was something I had missed.
Eternal Fallout
No food supplies, medical kits or weapons.
Nothing except for the supplies we had brought with us.
I turned to Mark and Elena, but they just shrugged and shook their heads.
“This is the place,” Jacob said, as he walked up beside me.
“I know it doesn’t look like much, but the bunker is here—I swear it.”
“How do you know that?”
I asked, trying to keep the frustration out of my voice.
“Did you go inside?”
“No, I didn’t,” he replied with a small frown.
“But I know someone who did.”
“Who?” Elena asked, stepping forward to join us.
“A friend of mine—he used to work for the government back before the war,” Jacob explained.
“He said that there’s an underground bunker here.
Or at least there was one—it’s been three hundred years since he last saw it.”
“So how do we find it?”
Mark asked, looking around with an exasperated sigh.
“There has to be some kind of entrance around here somewhere.”
“There is,” Jacob replied with a nod.
“It’s hidden—so hidden that no one’s ever found it before.
But my friend told me where it is.
So where is it?”
I asked, cutting him off.
He hesitated for a moment before answering.
“It’s underground,” he replied with a small frown.
“About a mile or so beneath us.”
Mark and I exchanged a skeptical look.
“You want us to dig our way down there?”
he asked with disbelief.
“There has to be an easier way.”
“Maybe,” Jacob said with a small shrug.
“But I don’t know what it is.
This is the best lead we’ve got.
If we want to survive—if we want to have any hope of rebuilding our world—then we need to go down there and find out what’s inside.”
There was no arguing with that.
The truth was that we had come too far to give up now.
We had sacrificed too much already.
And we knew that we would do whatever it took to find what we were looking for.
We had no other choice.
As we made our way back to the surface, I couldn’t shake the feeling that we were being watched.
I paused at the top of the stairs and looked around anxiously, but I couldn’t see anything or anyone nearby.
I shook my head in disbelief and started to walk back toward my friends.
The rain was still coming down hard outside, and I was eager to get moving again before it got too dark to see anything in front of us.
But just as I was about to reach them, I heard a noise coming from behind me—a creaking sound like someone was opening a door or stepping on an old floorboard somewhere nearby.
I froze in place and listened carefully for a moment, but I didn’t hear anything else.
There was nothing there—just an empty field with nothing to see for miles in every direction.
“Everything okay?”
I heard Mark call out from behind me, his voice muffled by the pouring rain.
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” I replied with a small frown.
“I thought I heard something—that’s all.”
“Don’t worry about it,” he said with a shrug as I turned back to face him.
“It’s probably nothing.”
Eternal Fallout
The coordinates took us to an empty field.
There was nothing there but dirt and rocks and a few scraggly bushes growing off in the distance.
If there had ever been a sign or a marker to show us where to go, then it was long gone now.
We were completely on our own.
“What do you think?”
I asked, looking back and forth between my friends.
“This doesn’t look like much of anything.”
“Not yet,” Mark said with a small shake of his head.
“But we’ll figure it out.
We always do.”
He narrowed his eyes and scanned the area around us, as if he was trying to pick up on some clue or pattern that the rest of us had missed.
“There’s something here,” he said after a moment.
“I can feel it.”
“There has to be something here,” Elena agreed.
“Why would Jacob lie to us about this?”
“I don’t know,” I said with a frown.
“And I don’t think he was lying—exactly.
But maybe he got some of the details wrong.”
“Like what?”
I hesitated for a moment before answering.
I didn’t want to be the one to say it out loud.
But we all knew that I was right.
“It’s supposed to be an underground bunker,” I reminded them.
“Maybe we need to look below the surface—if we want to find what we’re looking for.”
The two of them exchanged a skeptical look as they considered my words.
But after a moment, they both nodded in agreement.
It was worth a shot.
“Okay then,” Mark said with a small shrug.
“Let’s get to work.”
It only took us about an hour to search the entire area.
We didn’t find anything that looked like an entrance or a way inside—but that didn’t mean there wasn’t one there somewhere, hidden from view.
“If I were a secret underground bunker,” I mused as we walked back to the center of the field, “where would I hide?”
“Underneath that pile of rubble,” Mark said with a small grin as he pointed at the remains of an old building just off to the side of us.
“Come on—you know I’m right.”
I rolled my eyes and followed him over to the pile of rocks and debris.
It didn’t take long to find the entrance.
It was buried underneath a thick layer of dirt and old concrete, but if you looked closely enough, then you could see the outline of a metal door just a few feet below the surface.
“How did we miss this?”
Elena asked as she looked down at the hidden entrance in disbelief.
“It was well-hidden,” I reminded her as I reached down and started to dig away the dirt with my hands.
“It’s not like it was going to be easy to find.”
It only took a few minutes to clear away enough debris that we could see the edge of a ladder leading down into the darkness below.
Once we found the entrance, it wasn’t hard to uncover the rest of it.
It was just a matter of moving everything out of the way—and being careful not to make too much noise while we did it.
“Ladies first,” Mark said with a small grin as he stepped back and motioned toward the ladder.
“It’s all yours.”
I raised an eyebrow and flashed him a small smile as I reached for my flashlight.
Eternal Fallout