MidReal Story

Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand


Apr 23
Scenario:In a magical world, medieval scenario, where differents tribes live, constantly in wars between good against evil, i am a human warrior, master in sword and martial arts ,medium hight and strong, general of the kingdom that figths against the evil forces
Create my version of this story
In a magical world, medieval scenario, where differents tribes live, constantly in wars between good against evil, i am a human warrior, master in sword and martial arts ,medium hight and strong, general of the kingdom that figths against the evil forces
I am the general of the kingdom’s army, John Smith.
I am known throughout the realm for my prowess in battle.
I have trained many soldiers to fight alongside me, and I have earned their respect with my command on the battlefield: “If you see an enemy, kill him.
If you see a friend in trouble, help him.”
My height is medium, and my build is very sturdy.
I have spent years training for any battle at any moment, and I have endured numerous injuries as a result.
My hair is short and my eyes are brown.
My swordsmanship and martial arts are unmatched throughout the kingdom.
Countless battles have honed me into a veteran warrior.
I have slain countless evil beings, including goblins, orcs, and a few dragons.
I have also been on the losing side of battles, but I have never been defeated.
I have led my troops through some of the darkest hours of the kingdom, and we have emerged victorious each time.
When I was younger, I was a lowly foot soldier in the army.
Now, I am the general.
It is an honor to command these brave men in battle and protect our kingdom from the evil that threatens us.
The time has come to face a new threat from the northern tribes, and I am ready to defend my nation with the same strength and determination that has brought me victory on every other battlefield.
There are only two warriors as skilled as me in all the realm: Jane Doe and Jack Johnson.
Jane Doe is a tall woman with long red hair.
She is quick-witted and very loyal to me personally.
Jack Johnson is a tall man with piercing blue eyes.
He is wise beyond his years and knows more about magic than any wizard I have ever met.
Together, we will face this new threat, no matter what it may be, and we will emerge victorious as we always do.
I stand at the forefront of our defenses as we prepare for an onslaught from the northern tribes that could occur at any time.
I am used to being in the front lines, leading by example and not asking any of my men to do something that I would not do myself.
My sword is in its sheath, but I can draw it faster than any other man in this army if necessary.
I am ready for anything, and if an enemy dares to challenge my might, I will unleash my fury upon him like a tornado of death and destruction until he is nothing more than a pile of flesh and bones at my feet.
Despite the harshness of war, my men adore me and are proud to fight beside me in battle because they know that I am strong both in body and spirit, and that I will take care of them in every way possible as their general.
I am both fair and just in how I treat them, which is another reason why they love me so much.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
The flap of my tent opens, and a young page enters with a message for me.
He stands there, shaking as if someone were holding a dagger beneath his throat.
He looks as though he wants to take flight and run away from me, but he knows better than anyone that fleeing your general’s tent during wartime without permission is punishable by death, regardless of how important your message may be.
“Speak!” I order, keeping my voice low so as not to disturb the rest of camp as they prepare for battle, which could break out at any moment now.
The page takes a deep breath and speaks with a trembling voice, “General Smith, sir, I have a message for you from His Majesty.”
The page looks away as he speaks, which tells me one thing: this boy is not used to delivering messages on his own behalf or relaying things directly from our king, who does not look kindly upon those who spread rumors or hearsay about His Majesty’s business or personal affairs.
I stand up and walk toward him, my hand resting on my sword hilt as I do so, which makes him even more nervous than he already is, as he looks like he might faint at any moment while standing there in front of me.
He looks me in the eye as I approach, which is a good sign; not many pages can do that when their general looks upon them with such fierce determination in their eyes, but this boy is not just any ordinary page, as I am about to find out when I ask him what this message is all about and why it had to be delivered by someone who looks like he might be sick with fear at any moment now.
The young page takes another deep breath and stands up straighter than before, despite the fact that his face has turned white as chalk and there are beads of sweat gathering on his brow, “General Smith, sir, His Majesty wished for me to tell you that I have brought news of an ancient prophecy that was found hidden deep within the walls of our castle’s library.”
I ask, raising an eyebrow as I do so, “What sort of prophecy?”
The page looks down at the ground as he speaks, “It is a prophecy that foretells of a great battle that will decide the fate of our kingdom, as well as the fate of the entire magical world as we know it, sir.”
“A great battle?”
I ask, looking him in the eye as I do so, which only makes him more nervous than before, “What kind of great battle?”
The young page takes another deep breath and swallows hard before speaking once again, “A great battle between good and evil, light and darkness, sir.”
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
The young page leads me down the hallway and into the castle archives where the history of our kingdom has been kept for centuries, then he leads me up the stairs to the second floor where few have ever been allowed to go before, for fear that they might damage the priceless artifacts that are kept here; most of these artifacts are magical in nature, and some are even cursed, but they are all on display here for study by those who are wise enough to know what they are seeing when they look upon them with their own eyes.
The young page leads me down a long hallway and into a secluded corner where there are no windows and only a few dim candles to light our way; then, he leads me over to a small reading table where a single piece of parchment has been laid out in the center of the table.
I take a seat at the table and look over at the page who is standing next to me; he looks like he is about ready to faint at any moment now, so I tell him to sit down in the chair on my right side and ask him to tell me what this message is all about.
The young page looks me in the eye once again and takes another deep breath as he begins speaking (he seems to be getting better at this, thankfully), “General Smith, sir, this message was found by me while I was going through the archives and organizing the library for His Majesty; it was found hidden within the pages of an old book that was written in a language that dates back centuries.”
“Let me guess,” I say, raising an eyebrow as I do so, “you want me to read this prophecy and tell you what it means?”
The page nods his head, “Yes, sir, General Smith.”
“Very well, then,” I say, reaching out for the piece of parchment that is lying on the table before me, “it is time for me to see what this message is all about, but don’t blame me if it turns out to be nothing more than a bunch of gibberish that was written by some old fool many centuries ago who had nothing better to do with his time than write down his thoughts for someone else to read someday, thinking that they might have some sort of hidden meaning or power that could save us all from a fate worse than death itself.”
The young page looks at me with a blank stare as I pick up the parchment and look at it closely for the first time, then he leans back in his chair as he waits for me to speak once again.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
I take another deep breath as I begin reading the prophecy that was written many years ago; as soon as I start reading it, I find myself nodding my head in agreement with the words that are being spoken here.
“Prophecy of the One True General: The Kingdom will fall if he does not come in time; the darkness will consume us all if he does not rise again; the blood of the innocent will be spilled across the land if he does not take a stand; but if he comes in time, then he will save us all from certain doom; if he rises against them, then he will defeat them once and for all; if he takes a stand, then he will lead us all back into the light; for he is the One True General who will save us all from falling into darkness forevermore.”
Once I finish reading this prophecy, I look over at the young page who is sitting next to me; he looks like he is about ready to cry at any moment now, but he doesn’t say anything else as he looks at me.
I fold up the piece of parchment that was just read before my eyes and put it into a pocket on my shirt; then I turn my attention back over to the young page who has just delivered this message before me.
“Very well,” I say as I look him in the eyes once again, “you can go now; if there is nothing else that you need from me at this time.”
The young page looks at me with a blank stare once again before getting up from his chair and giving a slight nod of his head as he stands up from his chair.
“Thank you, sir,” the young page says as he bows before me once more.
Then he turns around and leaves the room without another word being spoken by either one of us.
I don’t know what has just come over this boy or what has given him this strength that he is showing today, but it is clear that he has done something that he believes needed to be done at this time.
The young page returns back down to his room where he is seen by another young page who was working in this area when he returned; this new young page sees his friend’s face and rushes over as fast as possible.
“What happened out there?”
the new young page asks as soon as his friend is within earshot of him.
The first young page takes a deep breath before speaking once again, “I did what I had to do; I showed General Smith that message and read it before his eyes; I don’t know what will happen next.”
The new young page looks at his friend with a wide-eyed look on his face before taking another deep breath and looking around at all of their other friends who are working in this area right now.
“Then it is all up to us now,” the new young page says with a serious look on his face.
The first young page nods his head in agreement and takes another deep breath before speaking once again, “Yes, it is up to us now; we have seen too many battles being fought before our eyes in these last few years; we have seen too many of our friends being slaughtered in front of us; we cannot let this continue any longer; we must rise up and fight back against these monsters who have taken over our land.”
I nod my head in agreement with the words that the young page just spoke before leaving the room and going back to his own room to rest and prepare for the battles that lie ahead.
Once the young page leaves the room, I am left alone to ponder the words that were just read before my eyes; this prophecy seems to be speaking directly about me, but what could it mean, exactly?
There are many who would rise up against us in order to take our kingdom from us, but they have all failed in their attempts to do this in the past.
Now that we have a new enemy who threatens our land, it seems that we must defend ourselves against them before it is too late.
The city of the capital has been fortified and more soldiers have been trained in order to defend the city from outside invaders, but it seems that we are still outnumbered by these evil forces that are attacking us from all directions right now.
These attacks have been happening on an almost daily basis for the last few months, but they seem to be getting worse with each passing day; just yesterday, I saw one of those demon-like creatures flying overhead and attacking the city from above, while dozens of others were attacking the walls of the city itself.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
“I am the city’s general so I must do everything in my power to defend my land,” I think to myself and pace back and forth throughout my chambers.
The prophecy specifically mentioned three key figures: a master of archery, a powerful wizard, and a warrior who is skilled in swordplay and martial arts.
It seems that they will all play a big role in the upcoming battles, but who could they be?
As I pace throughout the room, I think about the current state of the kingdom once again.
There are many wizards who live in the kingdom, and they are all powerful in their own right, but there is one in particular who is more powerful than all the others; his name is Jack Johnson and he is a tall man with piercing blue eyes; he has lived in the kingdom for many years and has spent a lot of time studying ancient magic and learning how to control his powers.
There are also many warriors who live in this city and they are all skilled at swordplay and martial arts, but there is one who is more skilled than all the others; his name is John Smith and he is a medium height man with a strong build.
As I think about this for a moment, I realize that there is only one person who could be the master of archery that this prophecy is talking about.
Her name is Jane Doe and she is one of the best hunters in the kingdom.
She has long red hair and piercing green eyes; she also tall for a woman and has a strong build, which makes her an expert archer.
She is also quick-witted and loyal to me more than anyone else.
I cannot think of anyone else who could possibly fit this description, so I quickly run to my desk and write a letter to Jane asking her to come here immediately.“If she really is the master of archery that this prophecy is talking about, then she must be the archer,” I think to myself while writing this letter.
After I finish writing the letter, I quickly seal it inside an envelope and hand it to the same young page who delivered the last message to me earlier today.
“Deliver this message to Jane Doe as fast as you can,” I say to him with a serious look on my face.
The young page nods his head in agreement before taking the envelope from me and rushing out of the room.
A few minutes later, he returns back inside of the room with Jane Doe following behind him; her long flowing hair is covering her face, so I am unable to see what kind of expression she currently has on her face.
After the young page leaves the room, she slowly walks over to me until her face is only a few inches away from mine.
We stand in this position for several seconds and look into each other’s eyes before she reaches her hand inside of her pocket, pulls out a small piece of paper, and hands it to me.
I take this piece of paper from her hand, open it up, and look down at its words.
After reading these words for a moment, a look of concern crosses her face, but there is no fear in her eyes, only determination.
She knows that we have fought in many battles like this before, so we will continue to fight until we die or until our enemies are all defeated.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
I can see that Jane is standing beside me and she is holding her bow and quiver with an arrow nocked and ready at all times, so I know that she is prepared for battle.
“Are you ready for this?”
I ask her before looking back at the piece of paper in my hand.
I can see that she is still looking at me with the same look of concern on her face, but I know that she will not hesitate to fight by my side if the need arises.
“I have been preparing for this day my whole life,” she says as she reaches up and pushes her hair away from her face before nocking another arrow and aiming it at the door.
She is always very careful and disciplined when it comes to using her bow, so I know that she is really not going to shoot this arrow unless it is absolutely necessary.
I look at her for a moment and then nod my head in agreement.
I know that everyone in the kingdom will have to do their best in order for us to survive this war; if we don’t, then our kingdom will be destroyed by our enemies.
“Good,” I say as I walk over and sit down at my desk.
We sit in silence for several more minutes before Jane finally speaks again.
“Are you really sure that this prophecy is true?”
she asks me before looking back at the door again.
She is still holding her bow in one hand with an arrow nocked and ready, so I can tell that she is really starting to get nervous about all of this.
“I’m not really sure if it’s true or not,” I answer while looking down at the piece of paper again.
“But we do need to make sure that we are prepared just in case something does happen.”
Jane looks down at the table for a moment before nodding her head in agreement.
She knows that we can never be too prepared when it comes to fighting our enemies, so we must always be on our guard.
“I think you’re right,” she says while looking over at me again.
“So we should probably go ahead and get started on our training then, right?”
I look over at Jane for a moment before nodding my head in agreement again.
“Yes, we definitely should, because all of our talents need to be honed to perfection now that we have such a grave situation on our hands,” I say while looking over at my best friend again.
I know that she is always willing to do whatever it takes in order to make sure that our kingdom survives, so I can always count on her to help me train for any battle that we may face in the future.
We both give each other one final nod before getting up and leaving the room.
As we are walking out of the room, I suddenly remember that there will be a big feast here tomorrow night, so I quickly turn to Jane and ask her if she wants to come.
She looks at me for a moment before nodding her head in agreement.
We both smile at each other before heading off to our separate rooms in order to prepare for tomorrow night’s feast.
After Jane leaves, I go inside my room and lay down on the bed, but I don’t fall asleep right away because I am too busy thinking about what is going to happen tomorrow night.
However, I don’t have much time to think about this because I am suddenly awakened by someone knocking on my door.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
I groan while getting up and grabbing my sword before walking over to the door and opening it.
To my surprise, it is my old friend Jack Johnson, and he is standing outside with his arms crossed and a serious look on his face.
He is wearing his usual long black cape with a large black top hat and black leather gloves, so he looks just like how he always does when he comes over here.
I am also surprised to see him here because he is known for being very unpredictable, so I never know when he is going to come over or not.
I step aside and let him inside, but as soon as he steps through the door, he suddenly starts glowing with all kinds of different colors of arcane energy, and he is also surrounded by the strong smell of sulfur.
I quickly cover my nose while trying to keep myself from vomiting before looking over at Jack with a curious look on my face.
“What’s going on, Jack?”
I ask him while trying to ignore the terrible smell.
He gives me a serious look before taking off his hat and sitting down at one of my tables.
“We have a big problem, John,” he says while looking down at the table with a sad look on his face.
“And it is unlike anything that our kingdom has ever faced before.”
I look at Jack for a moment before sitting down next to him and wondering what could be so serious that it would require his immediate attention like this.
“What do you mean?”
I ask him while trying to keep myself calm.
He takes a deep breath while shaking his head and looking down at the table again.
“The forces of evil are attacking our kingdom like never before, and they have already killed thousands of our people and destroyed many of our villages near our borders,” he says while bringing one of his hands up to his chin.
“But that’s not all, because our armies have been fighting against them for quite some time now, but they have not been able to push them back yet.”
I look over at Jack with a shocked look on my face before covering my mouth with one of my hands.
I can’t believe that our enemies are actually attacking us right now, and I am even more surprised that they have taken out so many of our villages already.
If they manage to take over one of our cities then they will be able to gain access to all of our resources, which means that we will be at a disadvantage when it comes to fighting against them in the future.
“How did this happen?”
I ask Jack while looking over at him with concern in my eyes.
He looks over at me for a moment before shaking his head again and continuing to talk.
“I’m not really sure, but what I do know is that their numbers seem to be growing by the day while ours seem to get smaller with each skirmish,” he says while holding one of his hands out in front of him.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
“They were attacking our forces from a different direction before, which is why we haven’t been able to send any reinforcements there yet, but now they have pushed themselves forward far enough that we won’t be able to stop them if we don’t act soon.”
I nod my head in agreement with Jack before looking down at the table for a moment, trying to think of what we can do next.
The armies of darkness have always been a problem for us, but we’ve never had so many of them attack us all at once before, which means that this will be a bigger problem than we’ve ever had in the past.
“What do you suggest we do then?”
I ask Jack before looking over at him with curiosity in my eyes.
He looks over at me for a moment before sighing and looking down at the table with a sad look on his face.
“I’m not really sure, John, but I do know that you need to get out there as soon as possible and start leading your troops,” he says while looking up at me with a serious look on his face.
“There’s no point in sending more troops right now because they won’t be able to stop them either, which means that you need to get out there and take as many of them out now as you can.”
I look over at Jack for a moment before sighing and nodding my head, knowing that he is right about this.
If all of their forces are actually pushing forward right now then we won’t be able to stop them all, but if I can make sure that I kill enough of them then their numbers will dwindle down over time, which should make it easier for us to push back their advance eventually.
“Okay,” I say while standing up and looking over at Jack for a moment.
“Tell me when you’re ready, and I will come back here so that we can prepare for our journey together.”
He nods his head in agreement with me before looking over at me with a serious look on his face.
“I’m almost ready now,” he says while standing up and walking over toward the door so that he can leave.
“But I need you to know one more thing before we leave.”
I nod my head in agreement with Jack before looking over at him with a curious look on my face.
“Okay,” I say with a sigh, knowing that whatever he has to say can’t be good.
“What is it?”
He turns around and looks at me for a moment before taking a deep breath and looking down at the table.
“I have heard from some of my sources that Malakar’s forces have already started preparing for their final assault against our kingdom,” he says while shaking his head again.
“So if you’re going to stop them, then you need to do it now.”
He puts his hand on top of my shoulder for a moment after saying that before looking into my eyes for a moment.
“But don’t worry,” he says with a smile on his face.
“You are a great general, and I am sure that you will lead your troops into battle with all of your strength and cunning.”
He pauses for a moment after saying that so that he can make sure that I am listening.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand
“And when the time comes for me to help you take Malakar down, I will use all of my power and magic so that we can defeat him together,” he says before taking his hand off of my shoulder.
I am filled with a mix of emotions as Jack says that last part.
Because I can hear in his voice that he is determined to fight alongside me even if it means risking his own life in order for it to happen.
And I can tell that he is not just saying this because we are friends or because he is actually confident in me, but because he knows that if we don’t find a way to stop Malakar then all of our kingdoms are going to fall anyway.
So instead of arguing with Jack right now I just nod my head in agreement with him and say “Okay.” He looks into my eyes for a moment after I say that as if he is trying to figure out what I am thinking right now.
And when he doesn’t say anything else right away I nod my head in agreement with him again so that he knows that I am listening.
“Thank you,” he says with a smile on his face after I do that.
He nods his head in agreement with me for a moment after saying that before walking toward the door again.
“I will be ready soon,” he says once he is standing next to the door.
“Okay,” I say before watching him leave the room.
And as I watch him leave I can tell that Jack is not just saying this because we are good friends or because he knows how much we need him, but because he has always felt like this was something he had to do in order for us to win this war.
So even if I don’t know exactly how we are going to pull this all off right now, I can tell from what Jack said before that we still have a chance of winning as long as we stick together.
And even if there are only three warriors who can stop Malakar from taking over our kingdoms like the prophecy says then I know for a fact that Jack and I are two of them, which means that as long as I can make sure that we find the last warrior before Malakar does then we should still have a chance of winning this war no matter what.
Jack Johnson: 8th day of Blood Moon
As I walk through the hallway on my way back to our meeting room I am filled with a mix of emotions after what I said to John back there.
But instead of being worried about what is going to happen next I feel like I am finally ready to see how this war is going to end after all of these years of fighting against each other like this.
Because John needs me now more than ever if he wants to be able to stop Malakar from taking over our kingdom, so no matter how many soldiers they throw at us right now I am sure that we will be able to take them down together as long as we never give up on each other.
Jack Johnson: 8th day of Blood Moon (twilight)
When we head back out into the hallway together I see that Jane is standing there waiting for us while holding onto her bow again like she was doing before.
And when she sees us come out she looks over at me for a moment before nodding her head in agreement with me.
Epic Battle: Kingdom's Last Stand