MidReal Story

Envious Shadows: A Tale of Devotion and Betrayal

Scenario:This is a story of two brothers from the zamindaar family in Bengal where the family worshipped Maa Samshan Kali as their prime goddess. She was belived to be the one with extreme powers and can cure anyone and rescue in any situation. The elder brother was the big devotee of her and he worshipped her as his own mother but the younger brother was jeoulous about his elder brother's wisdom and respect in the society. So he took help from a tantric and asked him to help him from this place.
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This is a story of two brothers from the zamindaar family in Bengal where the family worshipped Maa Samshan Kali as their prime goddess. She was belived to be the one with extreme powers and can cure anyone and rescue in any situation. The elder brother was the big devotee of her and he worshipped her as his own mother but the younger brother was jeoulous about his elder brother's wisdom and respect in the society. So he took help from a tantric and asked him to help him from this place.
My younger brother, Arjun Mukherjee, and I are the sons of a zamindaar in Bengal.
Our family worshipped Maa Samshan Kali as our prime goddess.
She was believed to be the mother of the world and the original form of Mother Kali.
She was also called "Maa" by her devotees.
Our family’s devotion to Maa Samshan Kali was profound.
She had extreme powers and could cure anyone and rescue in any situation.
From my childhood, I had been very devoted to Maa Samshan Kali.
I believed that she was my mother and I would go to her temple every day to worship her.
In times of difficulty, I would go and sit at her feet.
And I would feel that my mother is listening to me, and my grief would be reduced.
Since I was a child, I used to go to her temple to worship her every day.
My devotion to her not only made me closer to the deity but also earned me wisdom and respect in society.
My family members and the people of the village considered me a wise person and sometimes came to me for guidance.
I advised them according to my mental ability and the teachings given by Maa Samshan Kali.
But Arjun did not share the same level of devotion as me.
He also belonged to our family, which had been worshipping Maa Samshan Kali for many generations, but he did not have the same devotion as me.
We both used to worship her as our family deity.
Although he grew up in the same environment as me, he did not have the same faith and respect for Maa Samshan Kali as I did.
He did not feel the same way as me about Maa Samshan Kali being his mother either.
Since childhood, he did not like that I got so much respect and wisdom from people due to my devotion to Maa Samshan Kali.
He was very jealous of this fact.
But he tried hard to become wise like me but could not achieve it.
He did not believe that one could gain wisdom through worshiping deities and reading holy scriptures, so he did not do it wholeheartedly.
He believed that he would have to work hard like me for many years if he wanted people to respect him and ask him for advice like they did with me.
This made him very upset because he wanted that kind of respect too but did not want to work hard for it.
So he started looking for shortcuts so that he could get people’s respect without working hard like me.
And then one day, just when he was about to give up, a Tantric appeared before him who promised him that he would have all those things that his elder brother Rajesh had in a short time if he worshipped him instead of Maa Samshan Kali.
The Tantric said that he would make him powerful enough to defeat his elder brother Rajesh so that everyone would start looking at him instead of Rajesh.
Arjun was pleased to hear this and agreed with the Tantric's offer, thinking that this was his only chance to become wise and respected like his elder brother Rajesh without doing any work.
Envious Shadows: A Tale of Devotion and Betrayal
The tantric gave him the knowledge about karn pisachini whom can seduce him, give him enough strength and materialistic powers as much as he wants. Arjun started learning about Karn Pisachini and started Yagya to gain that energy.
From childhood itself, it was evident to me that my younger brother Arjun was very envious of me.
He always thought that our family should love him more than me.
He considered himself more talented than me.
After all, he was fair and handsome while I was dark and tall.
But he could never understand why our parents loved me more than him and gave me more importance.
It was because they were well aware that I held a place in the hearts of people because of my wisdom.
While they were also aware that their own wisdom could never match mine.
So they wanted to ensure that if something went wrong in their absence, everyone would respect me and take advice from me instead of Arjun.
They did this because they knew that Rajesh would do the right thing according to his intelligence.
However, our parents were very kind-hearted people.
So they decided to never say a word against me in front of Arjun.
And whenever they found both of us fighting with each other, they would always scold Arjun instead of me.
Our parents used to say that just like Maa Samshan Kali was their fifth eye, I was their sixth eye.
This is why no one could come in the way of my charity towards the people or my devotion towards Maa Samshan Kali.
Although they were aware that if they always scolded Arjun instead of me, it would hurt his heart.
But they were also aware that it was essential for him to understand this before he became an adult.
However, one of the advantages of them rebuking him more than me was that it always allowed me to remain calm even when he tried to get angry at me.
When we were kids, I used to teach him a lot of things so that he could become a wise person like me in the future.
However, he also failed in his studies while trying to look better than me which made him very upset.
But I never taught him anything wrong or forced him to do anything against his will.
I always taught him good things because he was my younger brother.
And it was my duty to make sure that he never made a mistake in life or lost his way.
I always wanted to make sure that he had a good life like me.
Our childhood friend Tanvi Mukherjee, who lived in the palace next door, also played a big role in helping me teach good things to my younger brother as we grew up together.
Tanvi used to come to play with us every day as she lived in the neighboring palace.
It was said that Maa Samshan Kali had five eyes in total and could see everything happening around her.
Out of these five eyes, one eye was considered to be Tanvi’s eye as she had been born on the same day as Maa Samshan Kali’s idol had been consecrated by our ancestors.
This is why Tanvi has always been called Maa Samshan Kali’s fifth eye since childhood as she was born on the same day as Maa Samshan Kali’s idol had been consecrated by our ancestors.
Envious Shadows: A Tale of Devotion and Betrayal
Slowly and gradually Arjun obtained the powers of Karna Pisachini and he became the most powerful person in the village. She used to consummate with him everyday gave every single thing what he wanted everytime but little did he knew that his life was in danger and slowly he was going to be sacrificed due to this extreme negative energy.
Our family’s devotion towards Maa Samshan Kali became our habit, just like it was for other families in our village where every one of them used to offer prayers to Maa Samshan Kali before any significant event or anything else they did in their life or whenever they felt like they were in trouble or needed Maa Samshan Kali’s blessings in any way.
Just like all other people we also always offered prayers to Maa Samshan Kali before starting any good work or even if any small problem arose in our life, then also we used to go directly to her temple and asked her to help us solve it with her blessings as we were well aware of the fact that she was always there watching over us with her five eyes by residing inside our heart, soul, mind, body and everything else around us which is why she could see everything that happens around her among her devotees just like every other person in our village believed in her and offered prayers to her everyday just like us.
People believed that she was the protector of all her devotees who always bestowed blessings upon those who believed in her just like she also believed in helping everyone who needed her help without ever discriminating against them on any basis whatsoever which is why we also believed that she was always there for us whenever we needed her help.
Envious Shadows: A Tale of Devotion and Betrayal
Because Arjun was the son of the zamindar family, so the women of the village use to feel attracted towards him and this made karn pisachini extremely angry and she started killing them one by one.
“Rajesh, I have always wondered about the mysteries of life.” Arjun said out of nowhere after a long silence.
We were sitting outside on the terrace under the starlit sky with our childhood friend Tanvi and her family members who were busy preparing for the upcoming festival of Maa Samshan Kali.
The sky glittered in a display of twinkling stars and the full moon shone brightly with an illuminating glow of light upon us as we looked up at it in awe while sitting on the soft ground beneath the sky, wearing our traditional attire just like all other villagers who loved to wear them on such auspicious occasions.
“What do you mean by the mysteries of life, Arjun?”
I asked him curiously while looking at his young and charming face which resembled mine in every possible way except that I was tall with dark hair while he was short with light hair.
“Don’t you ever feel like knowing about what is going to happen next?”
Arjun asked me as he looked up at the sky with a look of wonder on his face.
I knew that he was feeling restless inside his heart, but I could not understand the reason behind it.
The same thing happened to me that day when I went to the temple and asked Maa Samshan Kali to give me the answer to all my questions that I had inside my heart.
“Life is always uncertain, Arjun.”
I said in a calm and relaxed tone as I looked up at the twinkling stars shining in the night sky.
“But you are certain about everything, right?”
Arjun immediately asked me with a look of envy on his face.
I could clearly see that his heart was filled with jealousy towards me, but I never wanted him to feel that way because he was my younger brother and just like all other elder brothers, I also loved him the most out of everyone else in this world.
“No, Arjun.” I said as I looked at him with a look of disappointment on my face which made him feel guilty for thinking that way.
Envious Shadows: A Tale of Devotion and Betrayal