MidReal Story

Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey


Jun 4
Scenario:Jungkook and Taehyung were laying in bed cuddling. Jungkook was already fast asleep and Taehyung wa spooking over jungkook phone messages. It was something he did monthly jungkook wounds seem like the type to cheat but he always looked out on him. Taehyung was what you would consider a toxic partner always starring at your messages and getting mad and fighting with you when he would see just a small greeting from a girl on messages. However jungkook loved him deeply. You would think is crazy being that the submissive one in the relationship is the most toxic when it should be jungkook possessive and toxic he was at times but nothing comes close to tae
Create my version of this story
Jungkook and Taehyung were laying in bed cuddling. Jungkook was already fast asleep and Taehyung wa spooking over jungkook phone messages. It was something he did monthly jungkook wounds seem like the type to cheat but he always looked out on him. Taehyung was what you would consider a toxic partner always starring at your messages and getting mad and fighting with you when he would see just a small greeting from a girl on messages. However jungkook loved him deeply. You would think is crazy being that the submissive one in the relationship is the most toxic when it should be jungkook possessive and toxic he was at times but nothing comes close to tae
Chapter 1
I was never the type to get jealous.
In fact, I always thought it was a waste of time and energy.
But that was before I met Jungkook.
He made me feel things I never knew were possible, and with those feelings came an overwhelming sense of possessiveness.
I didn’t want anyone else to have him, to touch him, or to love him like I did.
And that’s why when I saw the message on his phone, my heart stopped in my chest.
"Hey babe! Can’t wait for our date tonight. 😉"
I was not only heartbroken but incredibly enraged when I saw a suggestive message from our mutual friend, Jimin Park, on Jungkook Jeon's phone.
The text hinted at a date that evening, and my mind swirled with doubts and insecurities as I confronted the situation.
Jungkook immediately dismissed my concerns, claiming it was just a joke they had planned earlier.
He tried to show me his phone to prove his innocence, but I couldn’t bring myself to look at it.
The thought of them exchanging such intimate messages made my stomach turn.
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey
Despite Jungkook’s reassurances, I felt an overwhelming anger and betrayal knowing he might be meeting up with Jimin behind my back.
Our heated argument escalated; I accused him of being naive about Jimin's intentions towards him, emphasizing that Jimin had always been interested in more than just friendship.
My jealousy and possessiveness over Jungkook consumed me.
This wasn’t the first time I caught Jimin trying to come between us, and each time, Jungkook seemed oblivious to the threat.
I couldn’t help but fear that one day, Jimin’s persistence might pay off, and he could lose interest in me.
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey
I didn’t want to lose Jungkook, not to anyone, not to something as stupid as a crush on his best friend.
It might’ve been a little pathetic, but it was how I felt.
And knowing that it could all be taken away from me in an instant made me furious.
"Taehyung, please."
Jungkook’s voice was desperate as he tried to calm me down.
"It’s not what you think. It’s just a joke we were planning to play on you."
I shook my head furiously, refusing to listen to his excuses.
"You’re so fucking naive, Jungkook. Can’t you see what he’s doing?"
"What do you mean?"
He asked, confusion clear in his eyes.
"I mean, it’s obvious that Jimin wants more than just friendship with you. He’s always trying to get close to you, and this is the last straw."
I couldn’t help it, even though I knew it wasn’t fair for Jungkook.
My anger was blinding me; all I could think about was how much I hated Jimin at this moment for sending such a message to my boyfriend.
It was one thing to flirt with him occasionally—I could overlook those things whenever we went out together—but it was a whole other thing to text him things like that when he knew very well we were dating!
What if Jungkook started having feelings for him?
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey
I said his name with all the love and affection in the world, but at the same time, it made me want to throw up.
Because if what I thought was happening was actually true, then it meant that Jungkook would be going on a date with Jimin tonight instead of staying with me like we planned to do.
And that thought alone filled me with so much jealousy that it almost suffocated me.
"Sweetheart, please. Just listen to me," Jungkook pleaded, looking so damn beautiful with his dark hair falling over his eyes like that and his big brown orbs filled with concern as he looked at me.
"We weren't planning on going out on a date. It's just a joke we've been playing together since this morning."
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey
I gritted my teeth, trying to calm myself down for Jungkook's sake even though the thought of him hanging out with Jimin made me feel like someone punched me in the gut and twisted their fist around inside of it.
I didn't want to lose control like this, not when he was so innocent, not when there really wasn't anything going on between them other than friendship… but fuck!
The idea of them texting each other behind my back about their little "joke" made me see red.
Jungkook must've noticed how much his words were affecting me because he quickly continued in an attempt to make me believe him.
"I swear to God, Taehyung. It's nothing serious."
He grabbed his phone from the coffee table right next to us where we'd dropped our things earlier before sitting down on the couch and unlocked it before shoving it in front of my face.
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey
But I couldn't bring myself to actually look at the screen.
All I could see was the image of a text bubble popping up on Jungkook's lock screen, and my mind immediately started replaying the message I'd read earlier in his inbox.
The thought of them joking around about going out together and having a date was enough to make me want to scream, even if it was all part of a stupid prank they were planning for me.
The way my stomach turned and coiled into tight knots made it so hard for me to believe Jungkook when he said nothing like that was happening between him and our friend.
I knew Jimin too well.
He'd always been into Jungkook, and I had no doubt that the moment he found out we were dating, he started plotting ways to steal him away from me just like he'd been trying to do with everyone else Jungkook dated before me.
As much as I didn't want to be, I narrowed my eyes at him, and a surge of anger washed over me when I noticed how calm he was despite everything we'd been through in the last few minutes.
Even now, he just sat there looking up at me with those big doe eyes as if what was happening between us wasn't breaking my heart.
"Jimin is just a friend!" he said again as if that would make things better.
But it didn't.
He could try and convince me all he wanted that there really wasn't anything going on between him and Jimin other than friendship but it wouldn't matter because deep down I knew Jimin had his sights set on Jungkook.
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey
And I wouldn't be surprised if Jungkook didn't have his sights set on Jimin too.
I've always known he was more attractive than I would ever be, and even though that thought had never really bothered me until now, it just wouldn't leave me alone.
Not when all I could see in my mind's eye was Jimin's lips against Jungkook's or his hand traveling up his shirt while they made out in some dark corner at a club or… or wherever the hell else they'd end up doing whatever it was they were planning to do together tonight when he should've been with me instead."He doesn't want to be your friend, Jungkook," I said through gritted teeth as the image of them making out became clearer in my head.
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey
The idea of Jimin kissing him and touching him the way only I should be made me want to scream.
And even though Jungkook kept insisting that there really wasn't anything going on between them other than friendship, it didn't make things better because now every time he went out with our friend or did something behind my back, I'd spend the entire time wondering if he was lying to me like this again.
If he was keeping more secrets from me the same way he'd been doing earlier today… before coming home to surprise him and finding him texting Jimin about having a date together.
It was driving me crazy; my jealousy had grown so much that it was taking over everything and making it impossible for me to think straight anymore.
Envious Hearts: A Love's Jealous Journey