MidReal Story

Enslaved Hearts

Scenario:Un hombre castaño de veinte años, espera a entrar en la oficina del jefe. Éste último corta un puro con la guillotina y se sienta. Es un hombre moreno de cuarenta años. -Juan, has hecho un excelente trabajo con >>las finanzas. <<Pues menuda la que nos va a caer como >>venga "Hacienda" >>. —Gracias señor. -Esta noche te daré un regalo por los >>esfuerzos realizados. El oficinista arquea una ceja y se despide. Cuando llega a casa, enciende la luz y se encuentra una chica adolescente rubia de doce años vestida como una gatita. -Te he esperado toda la noche, amo. —Dice acariciándole la nalga derecha. Seguidamente, Juan se baja los pantalones y le penetra la boca paulatinamente. <<Hay que limpiar esta casa>, —medita. Tras ésto, sale de la cavidad y se tumba. -Hazme una "vaquera invertida". -Sí, amo La sumisa lo guía hacia el interior de espaldas y comienza a embestirla mientras Juan le pasa las manos por el trasero. -Sigue metiéndome la polla por el culo. —Dice la esclava. Finalmente, Juan sale de ella y le cubre la cara con la semilla. A la mañana siguiente, ambos desayunan en la mesa. -¿Cómo te llamas? -Krystal, amo -¿De dónde eres? -No lo sé, me criaron en una mazmorra, >>amo. -¿Sabes algo de tus padres? -No, amo, sólo he conocido a mi >>entrenador. -¿Qué vas hacer ahora? -Soy tuya, amo, así que ya dirás. -Puedes vivir conmigo, veré si puedo hacer >>un arreglo con Júlvez.
Create my version of this story
Un hombre castaño de veinte años, espera a entrar en la oficina del jefe. Éste último corta un puro con la guillotina y se sienta. Es un hombre moreno de cuarenta años. -Juan, has hecho un excelente trabajo con >>las finanzas. <<Pues menuda la que nos va a caer como >>venga "Hacienda" >>. —Gracias señor. -Esta noche te daré un regalo por los >>esfuerzos realizados. El oficinista arquea una ceja y se despide. Cuando llega a casa, enciende la luz y se encuentra una chica adolescente rubia de doce años vestida como una gatita. -Te he esperado toda la noche, amo. —Dice acariciándole la nalga derecha. Seguidamente, Juan se baja los pantalones y le penetra la boca paulatinamente. <<Hay que limpiar esta casa>, —medita. Tras ésto, sale de la cavidad y se tumba. -Hazme una "vaquera invertida". -Sí, amo La sumisa lo guía hacia el interior de espaldas y comienza a embestirla mientras Juan le pasa las manos por el trasero. -Sigue metiéndome la polla por el culo. —Dice la esclava. Finalmente, Juan sale de ella y le cubre la cara con la semilla. A la mañana siguiente, ambos desayunan en la mesa. -¿Cómo te llamas? -Krystal, amo -¿De dónde eres? -No lo sé, me criaron en una mazmorra, >>amo. -¿Sabes algo de tus padres? -No, amo, sólo he conocido a mi >>entrenador. -¿Qué vas hacer ahora? -Soy tuya, amo, así que ya dirás. -Puedes vivir conmigo, veré si puedo hacer >>un arreglo con Júlvez.
Hello, my name is Juan.
I'm 24 years old and I want to tell you a story.
It's a little strange, but it happened to me, so I know it's true.
I live in Mexico City, the biggest metropolis in the world.
It's a crazy place, but it's my home.
I have a pretty normal life.
I work from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at an office in the center of the city.
I'm a nobody in this huge urban jungle.
Just another face in the crowd trying to make a living.
My job is boring, but I have big aspirations.
One day I want to be rich and powerful.
Right now though, I'm just a small cog in a machine.
My life is pretty ordinary until something strange happens on my birthday, February 27th.
It's a Friday and I'm looking forward to the weekend.
Enslaved Hearts
The clock strikes 5:00 pm, and I pack up my things, eager to leave the office.
"Happy birthday, Juan!" my coworker Maria calls out as I pass by her desk.
"Thanks, Maria," I reply with a smile.
I step into the elevator, pressing the button for the ground floor.
As the doors close, I feel a slight tug on my jacket pocket.
I turn around, but the elevator is empty.
Shrugging it off, I exit the building and head towards the subway station.
The streets are bustling with people heading home for the weekend.
I weave through the crowd, my mind already on the plans for tonight's celebration with friends.
Reaching into my pocket to check my phone, I feel something unfamiliar.
A small envelope.
I pull it out and examine it.
It's plain white with no markings or address.
Curiosity piqued, I tear it open and unfold the single sheet of paper inside.
"Meet me at El Zócalo at midnight. Come alone."
No signature. No explanation.
Enslaved Hearts
My heart races as I read it again.
Who could have left this?
And why?
I glance around, but no one seems to be paying any attention to me.
Shoving the note back into my pocket, I continue walking towards the subway station, thoughts swirling in my head.
By the time I reach my apartment, I'm more confused than ever.
I toss my bag on the couch and sit down to think.
Should I go?
It could be dangerous.
But then again, it could also be an opportunity for something exciting.
After all, nothing interesting ever happens in my life.
I decide to go.
A quick shower and a change of clothes later, I'm ready.
I grab a jacket and head out into the night.
The city is alive with lights and sounds as I make my way to El Zócalo.
Enslaved Hearts
When I arrive, it's almost midnight.
The square is nearly empty except for a few late-night wanderers.
I stand near the center, looking around nervously.
Minutes pass and nothing happens.
Just as I'm about to give up and leave, a shadowy figure steps out from behind a column.
Enslaved Hearts
The figure moves closer, and I can make out a hooded cloak obscuring their face.
"Juan Martinez?" the figure asks in a low, gravelly voice.
"Yes, that's me," I respond, trying to keep my voice steady.
The figure nods and reaches into their cloak, pulling out a small, ancient-looking key.
"This unlocks your destiny," they whisper, pressing the key into my hand.
I stare at the key, its intricate design catching the faint glow of the streetlights.
"What do you mean?" I ask, but the figure is already backing away.
"Wait!" I call out, but they disappear into the shadows as quickly as they appeared.
I look around, bewildered.
The key feels heavy in my palm, its cold metal sending a shiver up my spine.
I slip it into my pocket and decide to head home.
As I walk back through the empty streets, my mind races with questions.
What door does this key open?
What destiny are they talking about?
Back at my apartment, I sit down at the kitchen table and examine the key more closely.
It's old, with ornate carvings that look like ancient symbols.
Enslaved Hearts
I have no idea what any of it means.
Frustrated and exhausted, I decide to sleep on it.
The next morning, I'm still thinking about the key as I get ready for work.
I tuck it into my pocket before heading out the door.
At the office, it's business as usual.
Maria greets me with a cheerful "Good morning!"
"Morning," I reply absentmindedly.
Throughout the day, I can't focus on my tasks.
My mind keeps drifting back to the mysterious key and the figure's cryptic words.
During lunch break, I pull out my phone and start searching for anything that might give me a clue about the key's origin or purpose.
Hours pass with no useful results.
By the time I leave work, I'm more frustrated than ever.
As I step outside, an idea hits me: maybe someone at one of the city's antique shops could help identify it.
I head to a small shop I've passed by many times but never entered.
The sign above reads "Antiquities & Curiosities."
Enslaved Hearts
Inside, it's dimly lit and filled with shelves of old books, trinkets, and artifacts.
An elderly man behind the counter looks up as I enter.
"Good evening," he says with a warm smile. "How can I help you?"
"I was hoping you could tell me something about this," I say, pulling out the key and placing it on the counter.
He picks it up and examines it closely with a magnifying glass.
"Hmm... interesting," he murmurs. "Where did you find this?"
"It was given to me last night," I explain. "Someone said it unlocks my destiny."
The man raises an eyebrow. "Unlocks your destiny? That's quite a claim."
He turns the key over in his hands. "This is very old. Possibly from the 16th century. The symbols are Aztec."
My heart skips a beat. "Aztec? What does it mean?"
He shakes his head. "I'm not sure. But there's someone who might know more."
He scribbles an address on a piece of paper and hands it to me. "Go see Dr. Ramirez at the National Museum of Anthropology. He's an expert in Aztec artifacts."
"Thank you," I say, taking the paper. "I'll go right away."
As I leave the shop and head towards the museum, excitement and anxiety churn in my stomach.
When I arrive at the museum, it's nearly closing time.
I rush inside and find Dr. Ramirez's office.
Knocking on the door, I hear a voice from within. "Come in."