MidReal Story

Enigmatic Love: Shy Girl, Villain's Heart

Scenario:I, Tiffany Shiroyama fell in love with Tomura Shigaraki
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I, Tiffany Shiroyama fell in love with Tomura Shigaraki
I never thought I’d fall in love with a villain.
But here I am, head over heels for the man who’s been my best friend since we were kids.
Tomura Shigaraki, the leader of the League of Villains.
I remember the first time I saw him on TV, when he was still a nobody.
He was so tall and cool, with his disheveled silver hair and his hand over his face.
I thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen.
And then I met him in person, and he was even better.
He was so kind to me, even though he didn’t have to be.
He treated me like an equal, even though I was just a little girl.
And he listened to me when no one else would.
I fell for him hard and fast, and before I knew it, we were in a relationship.
It wasn’t easy being with him, especially when he started getting more and more involved in the hero-villain world.
But I didn’t care about that.
I was so happy when he finally became a real villain, because it meant he was one step closer to his dream.
And I was so proud of all the things he’d accomplished.
He’d come such a long way from the nobody I knew as a kid.
And even though I knew he was destined for something great, I still worried about what his future might hold.
But I also knew he was strong enough to face whatever came his way.
I’m lucky to have him in my life.
There’s no one else like him in the world.
I love him with all my heart, and I wouldn’t change a thing about our relationship.
I’m just so grateful for all the time we’ve spent together and everything we’ve been through.
When I first met Tomura, he was just a kid, and so was I.
But over the years, we grew up together.
And as we grew up, my feelings for him grew up too.
Before I knew it, I was head over heels in love with him.
And when he told me that he loved me too, it was like all my dreams had finally come true.
I couldn’t believe that someone as amazing as him would want to be with someone like me.
It felt like a fairytale romance.
But of course, life isn’t always like a fairytale.
Tomura had his own battles to fight, and sometimes that meant we couldn’t be together.
But no matter what happened, we always found our way back to each other.
And every time we did, my love for him only grew stronger.
I would do anything for him, and I know he would do anything for me too.
Our relationship is what gives me the strength to keep going when things get tough.
Tomura has always been determined to follow his dreams, no matter what it takes.
And as his girlfriend, all I can do is stand by his side and support him in any way that I can.
It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.
Because being with him makes me happy in a way that nothing else ever could.
Even on the darkest days, he’s the light at the end of the tunnel that keeps me going.
Enigmatic Love: Shy Girl, Villain's Heart
"What are you thinking about?" Tomura asked me as we sat together one day.
"I was just thinking about how much I love you," I said with a smile on my face.
He gave me one of his rare smiles, and I could feel my heart melting inside my chest.
"I love you too," he said softly, and then he leaned over to kiss me on the forehead.
I felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have him by my side."
When I first saw Tomura on TV, I thought he was the most handsome man I’d ever seen in my entire life.
His disheveled silver hair and the hand over his face made him look so cool and unique compared to everyone else.
He wasn’t like anyone else around me at all, and that was part of what made me fall in love with him at first sight.
But it wasn’t just his appearance that drew me to him, either.
Sure, I had a crush on him before I ever met him in person, but it was his kindness that really made me fall for him so hard and so fast.
The first time we met in person, he treated me like an equal instead of a child, and he even shared his drink with me, even though I knew he didn’t have to do that at all.
I loved how he always treated me like an equal and never talked down to me the way that other adults sometimes did.
Even though I was just a kid when we first met, Tomura always made an effort to see me for who I truly am on the inside, and that made me fall in love with him even more than I already was.
As our relationship developed, I knew that we were meant to be together and that no one else would ever make me feel the way that Tomura did when we were together.
Everyone around us said that we weren’t supposed to be together and that we had no future as a couple, but Tomura never listened to any of them—and neither did I.
We both knew that our love would last forever and nothing could ever come between us, no matter what anyone else around us tried to say or do.
Enigmatic Love: Shy Girl, Villain's Heart
When we first met, I was a blind American exchange student who didn't speak any Japanese. I felt so lost and confused. But Tomura took me under his wing. Broken and hurt as he was, he still took the time to help me.
And then there was the issue of my Quirk, which wasn't particularly strong or suited for fighting.
It was just a fact of life—not everyone was cut out to be a hero, and I was one of them.
At first, I thought that meant I could never be with him.
But when I told him about my dream of being a hero, he didn't get mad or tell me my dream was foolish.
Instead, he said he would support me no matter what I wanted to do.
I already loved him with all my heart, but when he said that, it made me love him even more.
He saw me as his equal and respected me for who I truly am, and nothing could ever make me stop loving him.
I knew in my heart of hearts that nothing would ever change the way that I felt about him.
I loved Tomura Shigaraki more than anyone else in the world, and nothing would ever come between us, no matter what anyone else tried to say or do.
As an American exchange student, I grew up in the US before relocating to Japan.
While in America, I'd fallen in love at first sight when I saw Tomura on TV.
The moment I saw his silver hair and the hand over his face, I knew he was the one for me.
It might sound silly, but it's true!
And when we finally met in person, I found myself even more attracted to him than I ever thought possible.
Tomura is tall and has a very athletic build.
He has messy silver hair that’s always disheveled, no matter how hard he tries to smooth it down, and his skin is pale white, almost like chalk.
Most people think it’s because he’s always so anxious and nervous, but I find it cute regardless of what anyone else thinks.
He also has this very handsome face, even with the ugly hand over half of it.
Whenever we’re alone together, he always takes it off so we can talk.
I've always felt safe and secure around him.
Even though he’s a villain and does a lot of bad things, I know that he would never hurt me or let anything happen to me.
I trust him with my life.
He’s very kind and caring and always knows how to make me feel better when I’m feeling down or sad.
We first met when I was just a child, and I didn’t speak any Japanese at all.
But Tomura took me under his wing and helped me learn how to speak and write it so that I could fit in better with everyone else around me.
As time passed and our relationship deepened, I knew that there was nothing in the world that could ever come between us.
Even though I knew that I would never be able to become a hero because my Quirk wasn't strong enough for it, I still wanted to be by his side for as long as possible and do whatever I could to support him in his endeavors.
Enigmatic Love: Shy Girl, Villain's Heart
We talked for hours together on my bed.
It was getting late and it would soon be time for Tomura to leave.
But I didn’t want him to go so soon.
I loved him so much and didn’t want this moment to end.
We talked about everything under the sun.
Tomura told me about all of the new plans he had for his new life as a supervillain, and how he wanted to challenge All Might and take him down once and for all.
He also told me about how he’d been working on some new ideas for his costume so he could look cool when he went out in public.
I did my best to help him with his ideas and give him my opinions on what he should do next.
I wasn’t very good at coming up with ideas myself, but I tried my best because I knew it meant a lot to him.
Tomura smiled at me.
“You’re so cute when you’re shy like that,” he said.
“I wish you’d be more open with me Tiff.”
I blushed at the mention of my nickname.
Tomura called me Tiff, short for Tiffany.
I thought it was cute when he gave me a nickname, even though I didn’t like the way he pronounced it.
“Don’t make fun of me,” I said, pouting.
Ever since we met, Tomura always liked teasing me about being shy.
Even though I’d learned Japanese over the years, I still had a hard time talking with other people, especially strangers.
Tomura was the only person I felt comfortable talking with.
He knew that I had a hard time being open with other people and always encouraged me to come out of my shell more and try new things.
But he never made fun of me or picked on me for being shy.
He always did his best to help me get over it in his own special way, and I loved him for that.
“I’m not making fun of you,” Tomura said, pulling me closer to him.
“I just think you’re so cute when you’re shy like that.”
He leaned down and gave me another kiss on my forehead, then wrapped his arms around my waist.
I closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling of his arms around me as his warm breath washed over my face.
My heart skipped a beat as I looked up into his handsome face and gazed into his bright red eyes.
I smiled at him as he smiled back at me, then leaned in closer for another kiss.
I wrapped my arms around his neck and gently kissed his lips, then sighed as he pulled me even closer and held me tight in his arms.
He wiped the tears away from my eyes, then leaned in and kissed me again.
“Don’t worry Tiff,” he said.
“I know you’re not very good at coming up with ideas, but that’s okay.
You have plenty of other things going for you.”
I smiled at the mention of my nickname.
Tomura called me Tiff because he thought it suited me better than Tiffany.
I wasn’t very good at coming up with ideas or solving problems on my own, but Tomura always made me feel better about myself and encouraged me to try new things, even if I wasn’t very good at them.