MidReal Story

Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union

Scenario:In a mystical realm where powerful Alpha shifters coexist with humans, our protagonist, Lila, finds herself entangled in a fateful bond with the enigmatic Alpha Panther Lord, Kael. Theirs is a contractual union, initially forged as a strategic alliance between their respective clans, yet Lila's heart betrays her, yearning for something deeper than the ink on parchment. Meanwhile, Kael remains stoic and emotionally guarded, his thoughts consumed by the memory of his lost love, a celestial nymph who vanished years ago. Lila, grappling with the devastating revelation of a terminal illness that threatens to claim her life within a mere three lunar cycles, chooses to honor her commitment to Kael and their clans, masking her pain behind a veil of resilience. As the sands of time slip away, she diligently executes her duties as his contracted companion, secretly hoping for a fleeting taste of the love she knows she can never fully possess. Kael, after an extended three-month sojourn in the forbidden forests seeking answers about his lost love, returns to their shared abode, his demeanor colder and more distant than ever. In the moonlit silence of their chambers, they engage in a fierce, passion-driven encounter, yet the tenderness and emotional intimacy Lila craves remain elusive. For once, Kael lingers after their union, his presence an unsettling anomaly in their routine. Awakening to find him brooding by the window, Lila detects a palpable rift in their already fragile connection. With a chilling finality, Kael informs her that her services are no longer required, effectively nullifying their contract. The weight of his words crushes Lila's remaining hopes, yet she accepts them with quiet dignity, her unspoken love for the aloof Alpha Panther Lord burning like a silent flame.
Create my version of this story
In a mystical realm where powerful Alpha shifters coexist with humans, our protagonist, Lila, finds herself entangled in a fateful bond with the enigmatic Alpha Panther Lord, Kael. Theirs is a contractual union, initially forged as a strategic alliance between their respective clans, yet Lila's heart betrays her, yearning for something deeper than the ink on parchment. Meanwhile, Kael remains stoic and emotionally guarded, his thoughts consumed by the memory of his lost love, a celestial nymph who vanished years ago. Lila, grappling with the devastating revelation of a terminal illness that threatens to claim her life within a mere three lunar cycles, chooses to honor her commitment to Kael and their clans, masking her pain behind a veil of resilience. As the sands of time slip away, she diligently executes her duties as his contracted companion, secretly hoping for a fleeting taste of the love she knows she can never fully possess. Kael, after an extended three-month sojourn in the forbidden forests seeking answers about his lost love, returns to their shared abode, his demeanor colder and more distant than ever. In the moonlit silence of their chambers, they engage in a fierce, passion-driven encounter, yet the tenderness and emotional intimacy Lila craves remain elusive. For once, Kael lingers after their union, his presence an unsettling anomaly in their routine. Awakening to find him brooding by the window, Lila detects a palpable rift in their already fragile connection. With a chilling finality, Kael informs her that her services are no longer required, effectively nullifying their contract. The weight of his words crushes Lila's remaining hopes, yet she accepts them with quiet dignity, her unspoken love for the aloof Alpha Panther Lord burning like a silent flame.
I stood in the opulent corridors that led to Kael Blackthorn’s private chambers, excitement and apprehension swirling in my belly.
It was rare for a contract to be made between two Alphas, and it was even rarer for said contract to be a contractual union.
The union was meant to strengthen the bond between our clans, and the council had thought it would be a good idea to involve me directly in the negotiation process.
Initially, Kael wasn’t happy about that arrangement.
He’d expected to do the exchange with my father, but he’d been away on a hunting trip when Kael had shown up at our estate unannounced.
“Tell me what you want, and I’ll see if I can deliver,” he’d said gruffly to the council, his golden eyes narrowing in suspicion.
Apparently, it had taken my father three days of convincing to make him agree to meet with me even though it would take a week for my father to return from his trip.
It seemed he really hadn’t been happy about being told what to do.
I didn’t blame him.
He was an Alpha.
Alphas didn’t take orders from others.
But we of the Evergreen clan were different.
We were more diplomatic.
Whereas the Blackthorn Panthers were known for their viciousness and strength.
“Just remember that this is a negotiation,” I reminded myself softly as I walked up to the two guards who stood on either side of his door.
I swept my gaze over them, noted their relaxed stances, and then knocked on the door confidently before stepping back and waiting for someone to answer.
A few seconds later, the door swung open, and the Alpha himself stood there, tall and imposing with his hands braced on his hips.
His eyes were narrowed in suspicion as he raked them over me from head to toe.
His long black hair was tied at the nape of his neck, but there were still some loose strands that framed his face, making him look even more rugged and dangerous than I’d heard he was.
I forced my gaze not to drop down to his large muscled chest or the dark tattoo that marked him as an Alpha.
His shoulders were so broad they took up most of the doorway, making me feel like I was standing in front of a brick wall.
He had to be close to seven feet tall if not taller, with a body honed by powerful muscles and a fierce predator’s grace.
He radiated strength and virility, but unlike what I’d heard of other Alphas, there was something almost cold and distant about him… something that made me want to wrap my arms around him and hold him until whatever haunted him went away.
“Alpha Blackthorn,” I said with a small bow of my head.
“I’m Lila Evergreen.”
He stared down at me with that same cold look on his face and then moved back into his chambers to let me enter.
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"
I took a deep breath, stepped past him, and walked into his chambers, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension.
I crossed to one of the plush chairs in front of his desk where a file of papers lay in front of him, waiting for me to sign them.
I sat down gracefully, my long cream gown pooling at my feet like a river of silk.
I crossed my hands in my lap and waited for him to sit down so we could begin our negotiations.
He gazed down at me with an unreadable expression on his face before he moved around to sit on the large chair behind the desk.
His large muscled body dwarfed the chair so he looked like a giant perched on a throne.
I stared at him with a sense of awe before I forced myself to look away so I could focus on business instead of staring at him like a lovestruck fool.
“What do you want?”
he asked gruffly before he leaned back in his chair and propped his feet up on his mahogany desk so he could study me with those golden eyes that seemed to flare with anger in the dim light of the room.
“I know you want a stronger alliance with our clan,” I said with a soft voice that was a stark contrast to his.
“I’m here to negotiate what you’re willing to give us in return for me becoming your contracted companion.”
His eyebrows rose at that.
“Just so we’re clear.
I’m not an Alpha who will treat you with kid’s gloves,” he said coldly.
“I expect you to stand on your own two feet and take care of yourself.”
“I will,” I said immediately.
“I know you will,” he said with a small nod.
“I just wanted to make sure we were clear on that point so there are no misunderstandings later on.”
I felt a rush of warmth flood my chest at those words before I quickly squashed it down.
It was probably just because I’d never had a man offer to lend me any kind of strength before.
It must be that sense of vulnerability that I was experiencing that was making me feel this way.
“Thank you,” I said softly.
“Now what do you want?”
My mouth grew dry as I met his gaze head-on and gave him a small smile.
“There are a few things I’d like to discuss first,” I said carefully.
“First of all, I’d like to be able to stay at the estate when you’re not on a mission or traveling.”
“No,” he said immediately.
I felt my chest tighten as his refusal made it clear that this was going to be nothing but a contractual union between us.
“If we’re going to have a strong alliance between our clans, it would be better if we got to know each other better,” I said carefully.
“I’d like to be able to spend time with you and your clan.”
“No,” he said coldly before he narrowed his eyes on my face.
“You don’t get it, do you?
This is just a contractual union.
I don’t want or need a companion or a wife.”
“But—” I started to say.
I didn’t understand why he’d agree to have a contractual union but refuse to have a relationship with me outside of the terms of the contract.
It just didn’t make any sense to me at all unless…
“Are you afraid that someone will take advantage of me and try to steal information from the Blackthorn Panthers?”
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"
His eyes flashed as he took a step closer to me so that there was less than a foot of space between us.
“I don’t need someone else looking out for my best interests.
I’m a grown woman who can take care of herself,” I said firmly.
“I’m not worried about that.
What worries me is that you’re going to try and make this strictly a physical relationship.
It clearly states in the terms of the contract that we must produce heirs during the time that we’re mated.”
“A contract is just a piece of paper with words on it.
It doesn’t mean anything,” he said coldly.
“That is the point of the contract—to ensure that we have an heir that is both of our blood lines.
If we don’t, your clan will be able to claim part of the Blackthorn territory when you take over as the Alpha Panther Lord.
Something that would not be in the best interest of our clan or yours.”
His eyes flashed dangerously as he took another step toward me so that there was only six inches between us now.
“The terms of the contract also state that we must have an heir together,” he said darkly.
“I don’t need your help.
I felt a shiver run down my spine as I met his gaze head-on.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I realized that this man would not be easy to convince that this was more than just a contractual union between us.
And if he refused to form any kind of emotional attachment with me, it would mean that I’d be nothing more than his bed slave while we were together.
It would take every ounce of strength I had not to fall for this man if that was what he wanted.
But I refused to give up hope yet.
I couldn’t give up hope.
“I understand what you’re saying,” I said carefully as I met his gaze head-on.
“But all I’m asking is that you give me an opportunity to get to know you better before you decide how you want our relationship together while we’re mated.”
He studied me for a moment longer before he gave a nod of his head.
“Fine,” he said with a small nod.
“And what else did you want to discuss?”
“What will my duties be during the time that we’re mated?”
I asked carefully.
My heart was pounding in my chest as I watched him study my face intently before he gave a small nod.
“Are you sure about this?”
he asked carefully.
“I don’t want you changing your mind after we’ve signed the contract.”
“I’m sure,” I said firmly.
“And in return, what do you expect from me?”
He asked carefully.
I felt my cheeks flush hotly at the thought of being this man’s bed slave for the next six months as he sated himself on my body every night if he wanted it.
“I expect you to be fair and treat me with respect during the time that we’re mated,” I said carefully.
“I expect you to spend time with me after we’ve mated so we can get to know each other better.
And if you only want our relationship while we’re mated to be physical, then so be it.”
Because there was no way that I wouldn’t fall for this man if he did decide that was what he wanted.
“And how often will you be taking your heat suppressant?
How many days will you need to be mated with me?”
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"
I felt my cheeks flush hotly at the question.
“I’m sorry, but those are things that are personal and private between myself and my physician,” I said firmly.
He studied my face for a moment before he gave a small nod.
“That’s fine,” he said softly.
“So, are we in agreement on the terms of the contract then?”
I asked carefully.
He studied my face for a moment longer before he gave a small nod of his head.
“Yes, we’re in agreement,” he said evenly.
“Good, then let’s go see your lawyer so he can draw up the contract for us,” I said as I tried to hide the relief in my voice.
There was something about being in this man’s presence that made me feel like I was being dragged down into an abyss and there was no way out.
He looked at me for a moment longer before he gave a small nod.
“Let’s go then,” he said firmly.
As we walked down the hallway, I couldn’t help but notice the way that my name sounded when it rolled off of his tongue in that deep, gravely voice of his.
It was almost like a caress against my skin, and I couldn’t help but feel a shiver run down my spine at the sound.
As we stepped into the office of his lawyer, I sat down across from him at the table and watched as he pulled out a contract and handed it to me for me to read over before I signed it.
I scanned the pages for a moment before I gave a nod and signed my name at the bottom of each page before I handed it back to him to sign his name at the bottom of each page as well, binding us together for the next six months as mated partners.
“Congratulations you two,” his lawyer said with a smile once Kael had finished signing his name and handed the contract back to him.
“We’ll file this with the council, and you can pick up your copy from me tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” Kael said evenly before he turned and walked out of the room without another word.
I felt a shiver run down my spine at the way he’d said it, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he’d meant it as more than just simple courtesy between two people who barely knew each other or if he’d said it with something more behind it.
I shook off the thought a moment later before I excused myself and quickly followed after him.
As soon as I stepped back into his chambers, I felt my cheeks flush hotly when I realized that he’d been waiting for me and was now standing just inside the door with his arms crossed over his chest and one eyebrow raised in question at me.
“I’m sorry, did I keep you waiting?”
I asked carefully as I moved further into the room so he could close the door.
I couldn’t help but notice the way that he tensed when he heard his given name on my lips instead of his title or surname like he had been called all of his life by everyone else around him.
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"
"No, I just want to know when you think our first mating should take place?" he asked with a smile that was not quite a smile.
I couldn’t help but feel my cheeks flush hotly when I realized he’d been waiting for me so we could discuss when our first mating would take place, but I forced myself to focus as I cleared my throat and sat down across from him at his desk so we could discuss my duties as his contracted mate when he wasn't using me as his contracted companion to get what he needed to finish up his negotiations with our clan’s council.
“Okay, so we’ve already discussed that I will be spending six months mated to you as your bonded mate, but I just want to make sure I understand exactly how much of my time this is going to take up in order to fulfill my duties as your contracted mate.”
"Your contract will be for six months, which means you will spend all of that time as my bonded mate,” he said evenly as he watched me carefully from where he was sitting across from me at his desk.
“We have already discussed this.”
"I understand that," I said carefully, "But I still want to know exactly what's going to be expected of me in order to fulfill my duties as your mated partner."
"I don't see how it’s any of your business,” he said evenly as he stared at me from across the desk in stoic silence, “You’re not expected to like or even want to be married to your mated partner.”
"I understand," I said carefully, “But surely there must be some things I’ll be expected to do for you while we’re mated?”
“There are plenty of things you’ll be expected to do for me while we’re mated,” he said evenly as he stared at me from across the desk without a single hint of what he might be thinking going on behind his eyes, “But I don’t want to discuss them with you now.”
“Why not?”
“Because I’ve asked you not to,” he said simply as he stared at me from where he was sitting across from me at his desk without a single hint of what he might be thinking going on behind his eyes.
I couldn’t help but feel my cheeks flush hotly when I realized that I wasn’t going to be able to get him to give me any kind of specifics about what would be expected of me while we were mated, but I forced myself to focus and continued with the negotiations despite the fact that I knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to get him to agree to anything in writing.
“So, do you have any specific requests for clauses in the contract regarding exclusivity or your duties while we’re mated?”
I asked carefully as I watched him carefully from where I was sitting across from him at his desk.
“Exclusivity is important,” Kael said evenly, “And so are my other duties as your mated partner.
I want a clause stating that I can complete them at any time during our mating period whenever I want.
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"
“I want a clause that states that I can complete my duties whenever I want during our mating period and if for any reason I am unable to complete them while the contract is still active then the contract will be extended until such time that I am able to fulfill my duties,” Kael said coldly as he leaned back in his chair and continued to watch me carefully with those dark eyes that seemed to look right through me and see into my very soul.
“As for exclusivity,” Kael continued as he sat up straight and stared at me coldly, “I expect it to be exclusive and I want a clause in the contract stating that there will be no other partners during our mating period.”
“Of course,” I said carefully as I nodded my head in understanding and made a note of the clause in my notebook.
It seemed almost ridiculous for him to include a clause about exclusivity seeing as how this whole thing was a business arrangement made between the two of us by our families and it wouldn’t even be possible for me to have another partner while I was mated to him without it being considered cheating, but I didn’t say anything.
“And what about your duties?”
I asked carefully as I watched him carefully from where I was sitting across from him at his desk.
“What about them?”
“I need to know exactly what you want from me so that we can come up with a clause in the contract detailing exactly what you’re expecting from me,” I said carefully.
“I expect nothing more than what is required of you by your mated partner,” Kael said evenly as he watched me carefully from across the desk with those dark eyes that seemed to see right through me and into my very soul.
I couldn’t help but feel a pang of disappointment when I heard him say that and knew that it was useless to try and get him to change his mind about what he wanted to happen between us during our mating period.
I knew that there was no way that he was ever going to agree to be anything more than just my mated partner and despite how much it hurt to hear him say that, I knew that there was nothing that I could do to change his mind or get him to give me any kind of specifics about what would be expected of me.
So, I forced myself to focus on the task at hand and did my best to appear professional despite how much it hurt to not be able to get him to open up to me about exactly what he wanted from me during our mating period.
“So, how many children do you want us to try and have?”
I asked carefully as I watched Kael carefully from across the desk in stoic silence.
“I think that perhaps three is a good number,” Kael said evenly as he watched me carefully from across the desk with those dark eyes that seemed to look right through me and into my very soul.
“And how long do you expect this arrangement to last?”
I asked carefully as I watched him from across the desk with those dark eyes that seemed to see right through me and into my very soul and did my best to appear calm and collected despite how much it hurt to know that there was no way that he was ever going to be able to give me any kind of specifics about exactly what he wanted from me during our mating period.
“The contract will be for six months,” Kael said coldly as he continued to watch me with those dark eyes that seemed to look right through me and into my very soul.
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"
I know that you won’t be able to keep your emotions in check while we’re together,” Kael said as he watched me carefully from across the desk with that blank expression on his face.
I couldn’t help but let out a quiet gasp when I heard him say that and knew that there was no way that I was ever going to be able to hide my feelings for him while we were together.
I know that it’s wrong for me to feel this way about him, but I can’t help myself when I’m around him because there’s just something about him that makes me want more.
I know that he will never return my feelings for him because he is unable to return them because of what happened with his former mate.
However, I can’t help but hope that maybe someday he will be able to overcome his grief over losing his mate so that he will be able to return my feelings for him.
I know that he won’t be happy when he finds out exactly what I’m feeling for him, but I can’t help myself because I know that I will be miserable if I keep my feelings for him a secret from him.
“Don’t worry about me,” I said evenly as I did my best to appear calm despite how much it hurt to know that there was no way that I was ever going to be able to hide my feelings for him while we were together.
I found myself immersed in the physical complexities of our contractual union with Kael Blackthorn, the Alpha Panther Lord.
Each encounter, charged with an undeniable attraction, left me both sated and yearning for more, as if nothing could ever be enough.
Kael had a way of drawing the deepest desires from me with his powerful touch—possessive yet tender—and leaving me breathless as he showed me exactly who he belonged to in the end.
He might be cold on the outside, but deep down I knew there was something more… or at least I hoped there was.
Kael’s eyes were dark and cold as they looked down at me with those dark eyes of his and stared down at me while I struggled to catch my breath as I stared up at him in shock with those dark eyes of his staring down at me with unbridled lust.
I couldn’t help but feel a shiver of pleasure when I felt his hand reach up and cup my cheek while I stared up at him in shock with those dark eyes of his staring down at me with unbridled lust.
He looked so handsome as he stood there with that dark hair of his falling into his face and those dark eyes of his filled with desire that I felt a surge of pleasure shoot through me and knew that I would do anything to be able to stay here like this with him forever.
I have no idea why I feel this way about him, but I can’t help myself because there is just something about him that makes me want more no matter how hard I try to resist him.
There was no way that I was ever going to be able to hide my feelings for him, but I forced myself to pretend not to care and did my best to keep up a professional demeanor despite how much I wanted to tell him exactly how I felt about him.
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"
The only thing that I could do was to smile back at him while I tried to ignore how much it hurt to have to pretend that I didn’t care about him the way that I did and tell him “I’ll be fine” before I forced myself to close my eyes as he leaned in to kiss me again and knew that I was lying through my teeth.
I have no idea how long it was before I finally found myself lying in bed next to Kael while he stared up at the ceiling with those dark eyes of his while I did my best to catch my breath.
I still can’t believe that we just did that, but there is something about being here with him that made me want to do whatever he wanted me to do while I was here with him even if it meant losing myself in him a little bit in order to do so.
I have no idea what it is about him that makes me feel this way, but there is just something about him that always makes me want more even though I know that I will never be able to have more than him than this contract between us allows us to have.
I have no idea when or where things changed, but somehow things changed between us and now there is no way for me to pretend that I don’t feel something for him even though I know better than to hope that he feels anything for me in return.
I couldn’t help but turn to look at Kael while I tried to ignore the slight tremor in his hand while I watched him stare up at the ceiling as if there was something there that he needed to find before I reached down to place my hand on his chest as I asked him “Are you okay?”
I knew that there was no way for me to ignore what just happened between us, or to pretend that I don’t care about him the way that I do.
I know that I signed a contract to be here with him, and I will honor the contract no matter what, but I still can’t stop caring about what happens to him while we are here.
He might be the reason I am here now, but I still care about what happens to him while we are here.
I have no idea why I care about him the way that I do, or to pretend like there is nothing more between us than a contract, but there is no way for me to pretend that things are the same between us now.
Kael didn’t say anything as he reached up to place his hand over mind as if he were trying to tell me something as he turned to look at me before his hand reached out to cup the side of my face as he leaned in to place a soft kiss on my lips.
I couldn’t help but sigh a little bit when I felt his hand cup the side of my face while his lips met mine and found myself closing my eyes as I reached up to cup his face in turn.
There was something about his touch that made me shiver even though there was no reason for me to feel this way about a man who doesn’t care about me the way that I care about him.
I have no idea why it is that I can’t stop thinking about what happened between us even though we both know that there is no way for us to change anything now, or to pretend like we don’t feel anything for each other after what we just did.
"Enigmatic Bonds: A Fateful Union"