MidReal Story

Engraved Destiny: Scarlet's Power Unleashed

Scenario:The earth was struck with a meteor, causing it to double in size. The protaganist named, Scarlet, was born into this world, as well as hundreds of more children during the New Age. The New Age was when the rich were able to freeze themselves in order to survive the meteor and were awaken into the new Earth, all of the sudden, all of the women became pregnant, which includes Scarlet. Once Scarlet was born, her mother and many others notice that they all had a strange engraving on their wrists. After a few years, People explored the new world and discovered these artifacts called relics. They also found out that the kids that were born with the engravings, they're being has become enhanced. These relics allow people to preform magic and have powers wilding them. Scarlet was able to obtain the most powerful one... or she thinks.
Create my version of this story
The earth was struck with a meteor, causing it to double in size. The protaganist named, Scarlet, was born into this world, as well as hundreds of more children during the New Age. The New Age was when the rich were able to freeze themselves in order to survive the meteor and were awaken into the new Earth, all of the sudden, all of the women became pregnant, which includes Scarlet. Once Scarlet was born, her mother and many others notice that they all had a strange engraving on their wrists. After a few years, People explored the new world and discovered these artifacts called relics. They also found out that the kids that were born with the engravings, they're being has become enhanced. These relics allow people to preform magic and have powers wilding them. Scarlet was able to obtain the most powerful one... or she thinks.
I was born in the year 2020, the year that the meteor struck Earth.
It was a catastrophic event that changed everything.
The meteor was so large that it doubled the size of Earth, and it brought with it a new age.
An age of magic and wonder, an age of relics and abilities.
The meteor was not just a rock from space; it was a vessel carrying ancient relics that granted magical powers to select individuals.
No one knew how these relics worked or why they chose certain people, but everyone who received one was changed forever.
I was just a child when I first discovered my relic, and I had no idea what it would mean for me or for the world.
It all started with an exploration mission.
My mother was part of a group that noticed the engravings on their wrists, and they decided to go out into the world to see what they could find.
I begged my mother to let me come with her, and after much pleading, she finally agreed.
The relic on my wrist was unlike any other.
It seemed to amplify my powers, making me stronger and more in tune with the world around me.
It was that relic that would eventually change everything.
It was a warm spring day when my mother, along with a group of other children bearing the engravings, set out into the forest.
We were all excited to see what lay beyond the trees, what mysteries the world had in store for us.
We all shared similar engravings on our wrists, and we knew that we had been chosen by the relics from the meteor strike.
We all had some kind of power or ability that we could wield in this new age, but none of us knew what the future held or what dangers we would face.
The purpose of our mission was to explore the world and discover more about the engravings and relics that had appeared on our skin.
As we made our way through the forest, my mother raised her hand, and a small ball of light appeared before her.
She had the ability to manipulate light, making it brighter or dimmer at will.
As she moved her hand, the light followed, illuminating the path before us.
The forest was dense and shadowy, and without her light, we would be unable to see where we were going.
“Wow,” I heard one of the other children whisper.
“She’s amazing.” My mother smiled as she continued to lead us through the forest.
This way,” she said, pointing in the direction of the light.
As she moved forward, the light followed her, casting an ethereal glow around her silhouette.
I could feel my heart pounding in my chest as we walked through the forest, each step bringing us further and further away from home.
We walked for what felt like hours before we finally reached something significant.
It was a cave, hidden away beneath the trees.
But this cave was different from any other I had ever seen.
It emitted a faint glow that no one could have missed, even from a distance.
And I knew that there was something inside it waiting for us—something ancient and powerful that only those who were marked by the relics could find.
“Wow,” one of the other children said as she ran toward the cave.
“Look at that.” My mother smiled as she watched the child run forward.
She looked at me and squeezed my hand gently.
“It’s amazing, isn’t it?”
“It is,” I said with a smile.
“And we’re going to find out what’s inside.” My mother nodded as she looked ahead at the cave.
“Yes,” she said with determination.
Engraved Destiny: Scarlet's Power Unleashed
Once we reached the edge of the forest, we saw a dark aura emitting in front of use, " That must be the relic." My mother said, not able to see the sinister aura. I pull her hand, holding her back, " What's wrong." She asked. I point at the relic, " Evil." She smiled and reassured me. Feeling a chill down my spine I rushed to the relic and picked it up from where it was. I was able to get a good look at it, a scythe, before I could react, I was engulfed in the aura.
The moment we stepped out from the forest and into the clearing in front of the cave, we all stopped in our tracks.
I had seen this place before—on the map that my mother’s group had been studying.
But the existence of this place was only theory.
No one had ever seen it in person.
And now that I was standing here in front of it, I could hardly believe it was real.
The entrance to the cave blended seamlessly with the rock face around it.
The walls and floor were smoother than they should be.
It was a testament to the relics’ powers on perception and reality that only those of us with enhanced senses had been able to find it.
But now that we were standing here, we knew that there was something waiting inside.
And I knew that my mother had led us here for a reason.
She had told me that I should lead the way and take everyone inside.
At first, I had been nervous and scared—what if something went wrong?
Or what if we couldn’t find our way back?
But my mother had smiled at me and told me that everything would be all right.
She had chosen me for a reason.
Now that I could feel her energy beside me—reassuring me—I felt a surge of confidence.
My mother put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently as she looked at the group of children beside us.
“You were all born into this New Age for a reason,” she said, her voice strong and firm.
“You were all given these engravings for a reason.”
She held up her wrist to show them the engraving that they all shared.
“We don’t know what will happen once we go inside this cave… But if you’re willing to take the risk,” She looked at me and smiled before turning back to the group of children and said, “Then let’s go inside together.”
She turned back toward the entrance of the cave and began to walk forward.
And without another moment’s hesitation, I turned and began walking after her.
As we stepped into the cave, the first thing that struck me was how dark it was inside.
The walls seemed to drink in the sunlight and cast shadows across the entranceway.
But as we walked further into the cave, I saw my mother raise her hand and create a small ball of light in front of us.
It was bright, and it always seemed to know where we were going.
The light seemed to be an extension of my mother, and as long as she was here, nothing could stop us.
We walked deeper and deeper into the cave, and as we did, my heart began to pound in my chest.
I had no idea what was waiting for us inside, but I couldn’t wait to find out.
As we walked, I could feel the air around us growing damp and musty.
It smelled like a cave.
But this cave didn’t smell like any cave that I had ever been in before.
This one smelled fresh, almost alive.
My mother’s light revealed walls that seemed to be breathing.
They pulsed with energy as we walked past them.
I could feel my hair standing on end as we continued deeper into the cave.
And when we reached the very center of it, my mother’s light revealed a relic sitting on a pedestal in front of us.
It wasn’t just any relic, though.
It was alive and pulsating, sending waves of energy through the cave.
Engraved Destiny: Scarlet's Power Unleashed
In that moment, I felt a strong wave of fear
I had never been this close to a relic before, let alone one that was still alive.
And as we stared at it, my mother turned toward me and said, “Do you remember what you need to do?”
My heart began to race in my chest as I looked at the relic sitting in front of me.
As we stood there, its glow seemed to brighten, enveloping me in its warm energy.
It almost felt like it was calling out to me, asking me to come closer.
But there was something about it that was different from all of the other relics I had encountered before, and it made me hesitate.
My mother put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed gently as she looked down at me.
“You can do this,” she said softly.
“I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t believe in you.”
Her words sent warmth flowing through me, chasing away all of my fears and doubts.
With a nod, I turned back toward the relic and took a deep breath.
My mother stepped forward and put her hand on my shoulder once more.
She held up her wrist to reveal the engraving that she shared with me.
“Together,” she whispered.
As she spoke, she held up her other hand and created a small ball of light.
It glowed brightly in the darkness and drove away the shadows that threatened to obscure our sight.
And with my mother’s hand on my shoulder and her light in front of me, we stepped forward into the darkness.
As we walked, the light revealed walls that were covered in strange markings and runes.
My mother paused for a moment and studied them.
She had learned how to read these markings and had even begun to teach me how to read them, too.
Her voice was soft and gentle as she translated the words in front of us, and as she did, I could feel the air around us growing warmer.
I could feel the energy from the relic pulsing through me, stronger than ever before.
But there was something different about this relic.
I could feel its energy swirling around me, but there was no dangerous energy coming from it at all.
When we reached the center of the room, I could see the relic clearly now.
It was a small orb, about the size of my hand, and it was floating in the air above a small pedestal.
But unlike any other relic I had ever seen, this one was completely smooth with no engravings at all.
It was pulsating with a soft light that filled the air around us with its gentle glow.
My mother’s readings had told us that this relic wasn’t dangerous at all.
It was alive, yes, but it was also benign, and it meant us no harm.
And so I stepped forward and reached out my hand to touch it.
As soon as my fingers brushed against its surface, I felt a strong connection forming between us.
I could feel the energy inside me responding to the relic’s energy, almost like two halves of a whole coming together for the very first time.
The energy within the relic seemed to brighten at my touch.
It glowed even brighter than before, casting waves of light across the cave.
And just like that, I knew that it had accepted me.
Engraved Destiny: Scarlet's Power Unleashed