MidReal Story

Enchanted Rebellion: Captive Mage's Quest


May 15
Scenario:A magical rebel soldier is settled in her tent for the night. When screams and shouts sound. The rebel camp is under attack. Their enemies capture them placing collars around them to stop their magic. She helps one boy as they flee to escape blimps. She sees her leaders there and the prince she swore to fight with. She is the most power mage in a century. And she is their hope to defeat the royals who took thier kingdom 50 years ago. When she is about to board the blimp one of the leaders hits her. And throws her to the enemies.
Create my version of this story
A magical rebel soldier is settled in her tent for the night. When screams and shouts sound. The rebel camp is under attack. Their enemies capture them placing collars around them to stop their magic. She helps one boy as they flee to escape blimps. She sees her leaders there and the prince she swore to fight with. She is the most power mage in a century. And she is their hope to defeat the royals who took thier kingdom 50 years ago. When she is about to board the blimp one of the leaders hits her. And throws her to the enemies.
I was a fool to think I could ever escape.
To think that I could be free.
The collar around my neck is a constant reminder of the power they have over me.
Of the power he has over me.
I should have known better than to try and run.
But I was desperate, and desperation makes you do stupid things.
I should have known that he would find me, that he would hunt me down no matter where I went.
He always does.
He always will.
I should have known that I could never escape him.
I am his, and he is mine, and nothing will ever change that.
Not even death itself can keep us apart.
The air is thick with the smell of smoke and blood as I run through the camp, my heart pounding in my chest.
The enemy is everywhere, their black armor gleaming in the moonlight as they cut down anyone who gets in their way.
They’re coming, I try to warn them, but it’s too late.
The others hear me, but the leaders are too busy barking orders to pay attention.
I can sense the enemy now, their dark magic swirling around them as they prepare for the attack.
There are too many of them, I realize as I look out across the clearing.
We never stood a chance.
My hands start to shake as I raise them to the sky, calling on the power inside me to protect my people.
But as the first blast of magic leaves my fingertips, I realize that something is wrong.
The air shimmers around me, the magic I’ve summoned dissipating before it can even touch the enemy.
They’ve found a way to counter us, I realize with a sinking feeling in my stomach.
And now we’re going to die.
The enemy charges, their weapons raised as they cut through our defenses like they’re made of paper.
Our mages try to fight back, but it’s no use.
I watch in horror as one by one, my friends fall to the ground, their blood staining the grass beneath them.
I want to help them, but I know it’s futile.
There’s nothing more I can do here.
With one last glance at the destruction around me, I turn and run.
I won’t let them take me without a fight.
I won’t let him win.
But even as I tell myself this, I know that it’s only a matter of time before he catches up to me.
He always does.
He always will.
Maybe this time he’ll just kill me and be done with it.
But some small part of me hopes that he won’t.
Some small part of me hopes that maybe, just maybe, I’ll finally be able to escape him for good.
I’ve been running for hours when I finally stop to catch my breath.
I can hear the enemy behind me, their heavy footfalls echoing through the trees as they track me down.
They’ll be here soon, I realize with a sinking feeling in my stomach.
I need to hide, I think frantically as I look around for someplace safe.
But there’s nowhere to go, nowhere to run.
I’m trapped, and there’s nothing more I can do.
“Elara,” a voice calls out from behind me, and I whirl around in shock.
Soren is standing there, his eyes wide and panicked as he looks at me.
“You need to come with me,” he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me after him.
“We have to go.”
“But—” I start to protest, but he cuts me off with a shake of his head.
“There’s no time,” he tells me urgently as we start running again.
“They’re coming.”
And sure enough, when we reach the edge of the clearing, we find ourselves face-to-face with a group of enemy soldiers waiting for us.
There are too many of them for us to fight, and so we turn and run back the way we came, only to find more soldiers blocking our path this time.
Enchanted Rebellion: Captive Mage's Quest
I glance around wildly, looking for some way out of this mess.
But it’s no use.
They have us surrounded.
Soren looks at me helplessly for a moment before he draws his sword and steps in front of me.
“I’m sorry,” he says quietly.
And then he’s charging forward to meet the enemy head-on.
I watch in horror as they cut him down, his blood staining the grass beneath him.
I want to help him, I want to save him.
But I can’t.
There’s nothing more I can do here.
So I turn and run.
I won’t let them take me without a fight.
I won’t let him win.
I’m not sure how long I’ve been running when they finally catch up to me.
My legs are shaking, my lungs burning from the effort of trying to escape.
But it’s no use.
They’ve found me at last.
“Elara,” one of them calls out as they come crashing through the trees behind me.
“Stop running.”
I ignore him and keep going.
Maybe if I can just get far enough away…
My thoughts are cut off by another voice shouting from ahead of me.
She’s not going to stop,” it says urgently.
There are more of them ahead, I realize with a sinking feeling in my stomach.
They have me surrounded on all sides now, and there’s nowhere left for me to go.
I can feel the magic building inside me, ready to burst free and protect me from whatever they’re going to do next.
But when I try to summon it, I find that it’s gone.
They’ve taken it from me somehow, I realize in horror as the others start closing in around me.
And then before I can even think about what I’m doing, my hands are in the air and I’m dropping to my knees, my head bowed in submission.
Two soldiers come forward and grab my arms, dragging me to my feet before they start leading me away from the clearing.
I try to struggle, try to break free from their grasp, but it’s no use.
They’re too strong, and they’ve taken my magic from me so that I can’t fight back.
It’s over, I think numbly as they drag me away.
Maybe this time he’ll finally kill me, and I’ll be free at last.
The iron shackles around my wrists cut into my skin as they drag me onto the airship.
The others are already here, their hands bound behind their backs as they kneel on the floor, heads bowed in submission.
It’s not just soldiers that they’ve captured this time, I realize with a sinking feeling in my stomach when I see the women and children among us.
It’s everyone.
He’s going to kill us all, I think numbly as we’re led deeper into the ship.
He’s finally going to finish what he started all those years ago and destroy us once and for all.
A figure steps out of the shadows ahead of us, and my blood runs cold when I see who it is.
The man standing before us is tall and lean, with dark hair and piercing blue eyes that seem to see right through me.
He’s dressed all in black, with a long coat that flutters behind him like the wings of some great beast as he moves closer.
“Elara,” he says coldly when he reaches us.
Enchanted Rebellion: Captive Mage's Quest
“Or should I say Althea?We both know that’s your real name.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I tell him, trying to keep the fear out of my voice.
My father’s voice echoes in my head, reminding me of all the things he told me about our enemies when I was a child.
“The people who destroyed our kingdom were monsters, and their prince was the worst of them all.”
But this man is no monster, and he’s not a child anymore.
He’s a prince, and a powerful one at that.
And now that he finally has me, there’s nothing I can do to stop him.
“You can drop the act,” the prince says coldly, his eyes narrowing on me.
“I know who you are, and what you can do.I know that you’re the most powerful mage on this entire world, and that you’ve been leading the rebels this entire time.”
I meet his gaze defiantly, refusing to look away even though every instinct inside me is screaming at me to do just that.
I am a rebel, I remind myself.
“I don’t know what you think you’re going to accomplish by capturing me,” I tell him, trying to sound braver than I feel.
“You can threaten me all you like, but nothing you say is going to make me betray everything that I’ve ever believed in.”
The prince just stares at me for a long moment, his eyes flicking over my face like he’s trying to decide something.
Then he gives me a thin smile and takes a step closer.
“I don’t want to threaten you,” he says softly, reaching out to brush a strand of hair away from my face.
“I just want to help you.”
“Help me?”
I repeat dumbly, my heart pounding in my chest as his fingers trail down along my cheek.
“Yes,” he tells me, his voice low and gentle.
“I know what they did to your family.I know how they killed your parents and took your little brothers away from you, and I know how they forced you to watch while they bled them dry.”
“There are children among us, too,” I remind him, keeping my voice steady even though it feels like someone has just punched me in the stomach.
“Just like the ones that your soldiers enslaved.”
“Not anymore,” he tells me, giving me that thin smile again.
“Because I’m going to help them.By helping me, you can stop all of this from happening.You can stop the bloodshed, and the suffering, and the murders.”
“But at what cost?”
I demand, jerking away from his touch before he can touch me again.
“What do you want from me?What are you planning to do with us?”
He seems to consider his answer for a moment before he speaks again.
“We’re going to use your magic to restore our kingdom’s enchantments,” he tells me simply.
“And when we’re done, I’ll make you my queen.And we’ll rule side by side, just like we were always meant to.”
I stare at him in horror, trying to understand what he’s saying.