MidReal Story

Emma Reynolds is hesitant about dating again but agrees to

Scenario:Emma Reynolds is hesitant about dating again but agrees to go on a date with Ethan Woods, a man who seems different from the successful men she usually dates, and must decide if she is willing to take a chance on love again.
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Emma Reynolds is hesitant about dating again but agrees to go on a date with Ethan Woods, a man who seems different from the successful men she usually dates, and must decide if she is willing to take a chance on love again.
I’m not sure when exactly dating became a part-time job, but like most jobs, it kind of sucks.
I mean, I’ve done pretty well for myself in terms of being successful at it, but I’m also thirty-one years old and still haven’t found the one—hell, I haven’t even found a one.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’m not some love-struck, desperate woman who spends her nights looking at her phone wishing a guy would call.
I’ve been around the block enough times to know that most likely won’t happen.
But still, I can’t help but wonder.
Is it me?
I mean, I’m not hard to get along with, and I like to think I’m pretty good in bed.
I make a decent living as an advertising executive in Chicago.
But maybe my success is what has held me back.
It’s a problem I’ve encountered more times than I’d like to admit.
Most men don’t seem to be able to handle a successful, independent woman, and it’s frustrating as hell.
If it’s not that, it’s something else.
In the end, the only person I can rely on to take care of me is me.
Enter my best friend Sarah Thompson.
If there was ever anyone who could prove that love is out there, it would be her.
She met her fiancé three years ago after leaving her job to chase after a man she barely knew two thousand miles away from home just because she thought he was the one.
And you know what?
He totally was.
Zach is perfect for Sarah.
He adores everything about her and loves her for who she is—a rare find in a man these days.
They’re an amazing couple and I couldn’t be happier for them—seriously, I’m thrilled they found each other.
But their love story is also a reminder that mine has yet to be written.
No matter how many times I go on dates or put myself out there, nothing seems to stick.
Sarah is the type of person who is full of optimism and hope for all things love-related.
She believes that there is someone out there for everyone and that you’ll find him when you least expect it.
And honestly, that might be true—I mean, look at her!
I guess that’s why I haven’t given up yet.
The truth is, as much as I hate to admit it, I love love.
I think it’s amazing to find someone who truly completes you.
Someday, I hope to find that for myself.
I’ve been putting myself out there a little more than usual lately.
Sarah’s engagement has been a wake-up call for me.
I mean, she found the love of her life and is building a future with him, so maybe it’s time to step up my game a little bit.
The only problem is I’m not sure I even know how anymore.
It’s been so long since I’ve been in a serious relationship that I don’t even know where to start.
The last thing I want is to end up in another bad relationship that ends with another broken heart.
The men I’ve dated over the years have all seemed to have some sort of problem with the fact that I make more money than they do, and it’s always been an issue for them.
I’m starting to get a little self-conscious about it, to be honest.
Emma Reynolds is hesitant about dating again but agrees to