MidReal Story

Emma Johnson is hosting her brother's wedding and trying


Apr 3
Scenario:Emma Johnson is hosting her brother's wedding and trying to make sure everything goes perfectly, including hiding the mistake she made with the best man, Ethan Anderson, during a weak moment last spring, but Ethan may have other plans.
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Emma Johnson is hosting her brother's wedding and trying to make sure everything goes perfectly, including hiding the mistake she made with the best man, Ethan Anderson, during a weak moment last spring, but Ethan may have other plans.
Six months ago
“Michael, I swear to God, if you don’t handle this—”
I pause and take a deep breath, counting to three before I continue.
It’s not a good idea to be losing my temper when my brother is about to get married.
Michael lets out a long-suffering sigh and pulls the phone away from his ear for a moment before returning it to his ear.
“Okay, okay.I’ll take care of it.” He pauses again as I imagine him shaking his head, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
And then he adds, “Sorry, Em.”
I press my fingers to my temple and try to push away the headache forming.
This has been my life for the past six months.
Coordinating Michael’s wedding.
He’s the groom and I’ve been working double time to make sure everything goes off without a hitch.
But it’s worth it.
My brother deserves an unforgettable day and I plan on making it happen.
I glance at my watch and realize I have ten minutes before I have to be at the venue for the final walk-through before the big day.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to relax and calm my nerves.
“I have to go,” I say quickly.
“Give Sarah my love and I’ll see you at the venue.”
“Will do, Em.Thanks again for doing all of this.”
I smile even though he can’t see me and reply, “Of course.You’re my brother.You’re worth it.”
Michael chuckles and I end the call as I slide out of my car and head into the venue where I’ll be working closely with the florist today, mapping out all of the final details so we can get our order in on time.
The ceremony will take place in our backyard, which has a winding stone path that leads to a gazebo that sits next to the pond in our backyard.
It’s surrounded by gorgeous trees with hanging moss and stunning greenery.
It’s quaint but also absolutely perfect for their ceremony.
We’ll be setting up chairs along the path, with plenty of room between them so no one feels crowded.
We have over two hundred guests attending this wedding, after all.
After the ceremony is finished, the guests will head over to the grand tent we’ve set up behind the gazebo.
It’s huge and will hold everyone just fine.
The caterers are setting up long tables that will be covered in white tablecloths and topped with simple centerpieces that consist of a variety of flowers Michael picked out.
Simple but elegant.
I’ve already coordinated the lighting with the lighting company and they have gorgeous string lights set up above us.
It’s going to look like something out of a storybook.
I’m excited to see everything come together.
But first things first.
I head over to the florist who has the order form in hand.
We spend the next two hours going over every detail, making sure everything is perfect before we finalize everything.
I check my watch as I climb into the driver’s seat of my car.
I have an hour of downtime before my next appointment with the cake baker.
I have plenty of time to head home so I can grab something to eat.
Emma Johnson is hosting her brother's wedding and trying