MidReal Story

Emil and his group of warriors are tracking down thieves


Apr 2
Scenario:Emil and his group of warriors are tracking down thieves when they come across a gang of sinister creatures in the forest, but their focus is shifted when they encounter a young woman who is being pursued by the creatures and who possesses a mesmerizing scent that Emil is determined to claim for himself.
Create my version of this story
Emil and his group of warriors are tracking down thieves when they come across a gang of sinister creatures in the forest, but their focus is shifted when they encounter a young woman who is being pursued by the creatures and who possesses a mesmerizing scent that Emil is determined to claim for himself.
Bitter clouds of frost swirled around my mouth as I exhaled, my eyes narrowed to slits, my hand raised.
I could feel the tension of my warriors behind me, the men breathing hard, but keeping their silence as I signaled for them to halt.
We had been tracking the thieves for hours and we were getting closer.
I knew it.
The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end.
The village desperately needed this food—or they would starve before the winter even began.
My warriors and I had to find these criminals and bring them to justice.
No one would harm our people and get away with it.
Not if I had anything to say about it.
Wrapped in the traditional leather armor of our people, we moved swiftly through the undergrowth, our weapons ready.
It was dark—so dark that I could barely see more than a few feet before me, but I knew the terrain well.
I could sense the way forward even as my eyes strained in the darkness.
The night was silent around us—too silent—and I knew that we were not alone in this forest.
I glanced behind me, counting heads.
There were ten of us tonight—my top warriors.
All of them were loyal, brave, and deadly with a blade.
They would follow me anywhere.
They would die for me if they had to.
But I would do everything in my power to make sure that did not happen.
This village was too small for any of us to lose a single man—and I would make sure we got out of this alive.
The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end now and I could feel a strange buzzing in my ears.
I raised a hand to signal for my men to halt but it was too late—I could hear something moving in front of us: something big.
My heart pounded as my fingers tightened around the hilt of my sword, adrenaline shooting through me.
"Step out of the shadows!"I called out, my voice echoing through the trees, "Come out and face us like men!"
But when the figures did step out of the shadows, I realized they were anything but men.
They were huge dark creatures, their glowing red eyes narrowing as they caught sight of us.
My warriors all tensed, their hands tightening on their weapons as we took in the creatures’ size.
They were at least seven feet tall with huge muscular bodies covered in coarse fur that gleamed in the moonlight.
Their mouths opened and jagged teeth gleamed as they growled low in their chests.
I'd been fighting all my life, but I'd never seen anything like these things before.
Emil and his group of warriors are tracking down thieves