Scenario:La vie d'un lycéen se transforme lorsqu'une émeraude rouge lui confère des pouvoirs télékinésiques.
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La vie d'un lycéen se transforme lorsqu'une émeraude rouge lui confère des pouvoirs télékinésiques.
Mark Sullivan
Jason's rival and classmate, rivals with Jason and dislikes Emily, tall with blonde hair, arrogant and secretive
Emily Chen
Jason's best friend and confidante, friends with Jason and wary of Mark, long brown hair, intelligent and cautious
Jason Carter
high school student, friends with Emily and rivals with Mark, short black hair, curious and ambitious
I was rummaging through the shelves of my school's old library, searching for a book that could help me with my math homework, when I stumbled upon something strange.
It was an old leather-bound book with no title printed on the spine or the front cover.
I opened it, expecting to find some math problems inside, but instead I found a bunch of weird drawings and writings.
I couldn't understand what any of it meant.
As I flipped through the pages, a small red stone fell from between the pages.
I picked it up and held it in my hand.
It felt heavy for its size, and it was emitting a faint glow.
Suddenly I felt strange.
I closed my eyes and when I opened them again, everything looked different.
I could sense everything around me.
I could sense the air molecules bouncing off my skin.
I could sense the blood flowing through my veins.
I could sense the books on the shelves, the people outside the library, even the trees and birds half a mile away.