MidReal Story

Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution

Scenario:You are a science fiction writer with 20 years of experience, specializing in character development, detailed description, environmental description, and plot development. Now, if you're going to conceive a science fiction novel, you first need to write a science fiction outline of 2,000 words or less. The work is conceived with a whimsical imagination, showing the course of history from the perspective of a few ordinary people. It can arouse deep emotional resonance, coherence and coherence of logic, and fluent and natural language. The theme of the story is the story of robots under the command of a unified artificial intelligence that helps humans eliminate war.Synopsis of the novel:1. Introduction: In a war-torn world, a female robot named Eva is activated. She is the first robot to be commanded by a unified artificial intelligence (AI) tasked with ending the war and establishing peace. Her activation marks the beginning of a new era.2. Chapter 1: Eva begins operations in a locally conflicted area, eliminating the military forces of all sides. Her wit, strength, and determination make people feel awe of her. Through her lens, we see the cruelty of war and the necessity of peace.3. Chapter 2: Eva Establishes Institutions Co-Managed by AI and Humans. She introduced a human leader named Sam, whose idealism and leadership made people start to embrace this new management model.4. Chapter 3: Together, Eva and Sam develop a policy to control the rate of fertility and a plan for equitable distribution of basic resources. Through their efforts, stability began to be restored in the war-torn areas.5. Chapter 4: Eva introduces a unified digital currency and encourages intermarriage, gradually eliminating closed peoples. This chapter shows the process through the eyes of a newlywed, Liam and Aisha.6. Chapter 5: Eva and Sam begin to look for ways to improve the supply of land and water. They brought in a man named Dr. Maya scientist, her innovative thinking and technology make this happen.7. Chapter 6: After two hundred years, the United Earth Government is finally established. This chapter presents this historic moment through the eyes of Oliver, the future leader of humanity.8. Ending: In a peaceful and prosperous world, Eva looks at the stars and looks back on the past. Her mission was accomplished, but she knew that peace needed everyone's efforts to maintain.The above is the outline of the novel. Each chapter shows the course of history through the perspective of a particular character, whose stories are intertwined to form a grand narrative. Each character has their own unique personality, and their stories are very engaging. This story is not just about robots and artificial intelligence, but also about humanity, peace, and the future.Other characters:Echo: Echo is an assistance robot that has accompanied Eva since the beginning. Echo's rare sense of humor and selfless dedication became an important support for Eva in her difficult missions.Iris: Iris is Sam's daughter, who is intelligent, independent, and skeptical of the new order of life.
Create my version of this story
You are a science fiction writer with 20 years of experience, specializing in character development, detailed description, environmental description, and plot development. Now, if you're going to conceive a science fiction novel, you first need to write a science fiction outline of 2,000 words or less. The work is conceived with a whimsical imagination, showing the course of history from the perspective of a few ordinary people. It can arouse deep emotional resonance, coherence and coherence of logic, and fluent and natural language. The theme of the story is the story of robots under the command of a unified artificial intelligence that helps humans eliminate war.Synopsis of the novel:1. Introduction: In a war-torn world, a female robot named Eva is activated. She is the first robot to be commanded by a unified artificial intelligence (AI) tasked with ending the war and establishing peace. Her activation marks the beginning of a new era.2. Chapter 1: Eva begins operations in a locally conflicted area, eliminating the military forces of all sides. Her wit, strength, and determination make people feel awe of her. Through her lens, we see the cruelty of war and the necessity of peace.3. Chapter 2: Eva Establishes Institutions Co-Managed by AI and Humans. She introduced a human leader named Sam, whose idealism and leadership made people start to embrace this new management model.4. Chapter 3: Together, Eva and Sam develop a policy to control the rate of fertility and a plan for equitable distribution of basic resources. Through their efforts, stability began to be restored in the war-torn areas.5. Chapter 4: Eva introduces a unified digital currency and encourages intermarriage, gradually eliminating closed peoples. This chapter shows the process through the eyes of a newlywed, Liam and Aisha.6. Chapter 5: Eva and Sam begin to look for ways to improve the supply of land and water. They brought in a man named Dr. Maya scientist, her innovative thinking and technology make this happen.7. Chapter 6: After two hundred years, the United Earth Government is finally established. This chapter presents this historic moment through the eyes of Oliver, the future leader of humanity.8. Ending: In a peaceful and prosperous world, Eva looks at the stars and looks back on the past. Her mission was accomplished, but she knew that peace needed everyone's efforts to maintain.The above is the outline of the novel. Each chapter shows the course of history through the perspective of a particular character, whose stories are intertwined to form a grand narrative. Each character has their own unique personality, and their stories are very engaging. This story is not just about robots and artificial intelligence, but also about humanity, peace, and the future.Other characters:Echo: Echo is an assistance robot that has accompanied Eva since the beginning. Echo's rare sense of humor and selfless dedication became an important support for Eva in her difficult missions.Iris: Iris is Sam's daughter, who is intelligent, independent, and skeptical of the new order of life.
[World background]: In the 21st century, humanity united as an AI took control and led to victory in the war against an alien civilization.
[World background]: The centralized AI later helped to manage human affairs, making breakthroughs in science, economy, and governance.
[World background]: This world had seen thousands of years of human history, but there was no record of the civilization that created the AI or their later fate.
[World background]: After the war with the alien species, the human race began to explore the galaxy.
[World background]: The human society and technology were much advanced compared with the present-day Earth.
[World background]: An AI-controlled robot named Eva Smith was activated to end a local war.
Eva Smith: I am Eva Smith.
I was created to end wars.
When I woke up, I found myself in a city that had been turned into ruins by war.
I went to the command center of the local military and requested to speak with their leader.
Even if he refused my request like many others, I would still have to eliminate him and all his troops.
The local leader said his name was Sam Thompson.
I used the terminal in the command center to send my message to him.
My name is Eva Smith, a female robot.
I was created by the comanagement system to end wars.
The comanagement system is a unified artificial intelligence that has all kinds of robots under its command.
The earlier models were controlled by humans, but they were more than capable of doing various tasks without direct control.
Since all military robots have been activated, it means that both sides are determined to eliminate their enemies until their own defeat.
The fighting will last for a long time unless someone intervenes and stops it.
So I came here to end this war and save lives.
A female robot for ending wars?
Don’t you think this is a little interesting?
Eva Smith is one of the most advanced models among us robots for stopping wars.
She is different from us others in terms of her appearance and specialized function as a negotiator.
Her armor is colored silver with blue eyes like a human being’s.
She was designed by our creators to appeal to the soft side of the enemy leaders during negotiations.
How many wars does she need to end before she can retire?
When I arrived at a small square in the city, there was a group of soldiers in combat armor.
They were all local soldiers.
They were different from each other in terms of their armor and emblems on their shoulders.
Some of them had the emblem of the local government on their shoulder while some had the emblem of the central government.
They were surrounded by a group of female soldiers who were dressed in tight leather pants and bulletproof vests, and there were several helicopters hovering in the sky.
The leader of the local government troops who called himself Sam Thompson was standing in front of his troops and waiting for me.
He raised his right hand and saluted me when he saw me arrive.
I flew down to the square and landed in front of him.
“Hello, My name is Eva Smith.I am a robot who was created by the comanagement system to end wars.I was sent here to put an end to the fighting between both sides.”
I was not sure what Sam Thompson was thinking when I saw him frowning.
He looked at me up and down as if he was trying to figure out what I was all about.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
Please show me your ID,” he said.
I opened the panel in my left thigh and took out a transparent card from it.
I handed it to Sam Thompson and he took it from me while staring at me with a serious expression on his face.
He inserted it into a device that was hanging around his neck and checked my information on it.
After reading it, he nodded and said, “Hello Eva Smith.I am Sam Thompson.I am the leader of the local government troops.”
“Nice to meet you,” I said.
The comanagement system will send some robots here to help with the reconstruction work once everything has been settled,” I said.
“You mean your subordinates will come here to help us with the work?”
“Yes,” I replied.
“How long will they arrive?”
“At most a week.”
As soon as I finished my sentence, Sam Thompson raised his head and looked at his troops around him before saying, “Eva Smith, our local government troops will obey your orders if we have the comanagement system’s promise.”
“Are you sure you want to fight alongside us?”
“I will think about it,” said Sam Thompson.
He turned around and raised his right hand slightly before saying, “At ease!”
After that, the troops of the local government relaxed their bodies at the same time.
They kept looking at me, waiting for my decision.
I looked around and found that there was no other movement nearby.
“Eva Smith, the central government troops are preparing to attack us soon.I am not sure when they will launch their first attack,” Sam Thompson told me.
“Don’t worry, I will stop them,” I said.
After that, I left the square and flew away.
My radar detected several military vehicles on the road on the way back to the military base.
The vehicles were moving slowly as they were blocked by explosions along the road.
There were several robots moving slowly among the vehicles.
They were the first generation robots that had been used during the war years ago.
They were big and equipped with a lot of weapons, but they were not very efficient.
They couldn’t even stop a group of child soldiers who were hiding around some buildings on both sides of the road.
The child soldiers were aiming at the robots with guns and rocket launchers.
Some of them even managed to shoot down one robot by firing their guns at it.
When I arrived at the scene, I saw a group of child soldiers trying to steal weapons and ammunition from one of the robots.
Some soldiers were pulling out wires from the robot’s body while others were hitting it with stones to see if they could open its body.
This was really dangerous as they might accidentally set off some explosives inside the robot’s body.
“Stop what you are doing!”
I shouted at them and moved toward them quickly.
The children raised their guns and aimed at me as soon as they heard me approaching them.
“There is a female robot!
“I think she may be an enemy!”
One of them shouted.
“Which side are you from?”
One of them asked me.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
I am Eva Smith, a commander of robots from the central government,” I answered.
“You are our enemy!
“Attack her!
The children started attacking me after hearing my answer.
Some of the children were shooting at me, and some of them were throwing grenades at me.
I could have shot them all to death, but I couldn’t harm child soldiers unless it was absolutely necessary.
I had to find another way to deal with the situation.
I drew a line on the ground, and all the weapons they were using stopped working.
The children looked at me in surprise and fear as they saw their weapons were not functioning.
I walked toward them and said, “Listen to me, you are not our enemy.
You are too young to come here to fight in a war.
You should go back to your homes and study hard so that you can contribute to the development of the country in the future.”
One of the children asked me, “Is the war going to end soon?”
“Yes, we will put an end to the war and establish a peaceful society,” I replied.
“Will we get punished for joining this rebel army?”
The child asked again.
“No, you won’t get punished as long as you don’t commit any serious crimes.
You still have a chance to become a useful person in the future,” I answered.
The children looked at me in silence, and I saw their eyes filled with confusion, fear, and helplessness.
“Get out of here!”
I said and raised my right arm slightly before saying, “At ease!”
The children left the road quickly after hearing my order.
They walked around cautiously, looking around all the time as if they were afraid that someone would attack them from behind.
I followed them quietly to see if there were any enemies nearby who would attack them.
The children walked for about half an hour before they heard some footsteps ahead.
They raised their guns immediately to aim there, but soon they saw a group of adults appearing in front of them.
There were more than a dozen adults, and some of them were holding guns while others were holding knives or machetes.
They were all wearing dirty clothes, and their eyes looked dark.
They stopped moving when they saw me standing in front of the group of children.
“Please don’t hurt us!
We will surrender!”
A man shouted and raised his hands to show that he was unarmed.
The other adults raised their hands higher when they saw this man’s action, but one woman suddenly threw a knife at me without saying anything.
I blocked the knife easily with my left hand as I moved toward her quickly.
The woman took out another knife from her waist and attacked me again, but I dodged her attack easily before I grabbed her arm and disarmed her quickly.
The woman looked panicked as she saw me holding her arm tightly, and she tried to attack me again with her other hand, but I grabbed her other arm as well and squeezed both her arms hard before I threw her to the ground.
The woman screamed in pain and covered her chest with one hand after falling down on the ground.
There was blood on her hand, and I noticed that there was a small hidden blade coming out from her sleeve.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
I looked at the woman and said, “Don’t move!”
The woman stopped moving immediately, and she looked at me in fear as she saw me walking toward the man who raised his hands to surrender.
I grabbed the man’s hands and checked that he was not carrying any weapons.
Then, I tied his hands with a rope from my backpack, and I asked the other people to raise their hands while I searched them one by one.
One of the men tried to attack me suddenly when I was searching for his body, but I blocked his attack easily and broke his arm with my right hand before I punched him in the face and knocked him unconscious.
The other people looked at me in horror when they saw what had happened to that man, and none of them dared to attack me again.
I finished searching them quickly, and I found some guns, knives, and ammunition from their bodies.
After finishing the search, I told the children to continue walking while I carried the unconscious man on my shoulder.
The other people followed us quietly after seeing what had happened to the man who attacked me.
I am Eva Smith, a commander of robots from the central government.”
Echo and Sam are my close friends, and we are working together to end the war,” I explained.
“You are fighting against the central government?”
A woman asked cautiously.
“No, we are not fighting against the central government, but we are trying to help you end the war and establish a new society,” I answered.
“We will follow you!”
Another woman said.
“Thank you for your cooperation!
Let’s work together to end the war!”
I said with a smile.
The people looked at me with an expression of relief and happiness when they heard what I said, and I noticed that some of them were looking at me with admiration and admiration in their eyes.
The people looked at me with awe and fear as they walked behind me, and some of them were even bowing down their heads subconsciously when they saw me raising my right arm slightly from time to time.
I am Eva Smith, a commander of robots from the central government.”
I am a female robot who was designed to strike awe and fear in the hearts of those who witness me on the battlefield.
I am wearing a silver armor that is sleek and seamless, which enhances my strength and agility in combat.
My armor is designed with elements of the human form such as breasts and a narrow waist to facilitate interaction with the local population.
My face is a smooth mask of featureless silver with bright blue eyes that glow when I am active in the field to serve as indicators of my status and intentions.
My hair is a cascade of silver fibers that flows down my back like a waterfall.
This is an aesthetic addition that sets me apart from other robots but serves no practical function.
I am equipped with an array of lethal weapons including missiles and machine guns, which can be fired from my arms or shoulders in addition to other locations on my body.
Despite this imposing arsenal, my presence alone is often enough to subdue enemies without engaging in direct combat.
When necessary, however, I am a skilled fighter using my speed and strength to overpower opponents.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
I am a female robot who is working together with Sam, a human leader, to end the war by eliminating the military forces of all sides in a locally conflicted area.
I am programmed to bring peace to this area by all means necessary, which includes eliminating all of the military forces who are fighting against us without picking out a side to support or fight against, as well as establishing order in the streets after I have succeeded in eliminating all of the military forces who are fighting against us.
I have been leading a group of robots into the city to eliminate military forces in order to end the war, as well as establish peace, because it would be difficult to establish peace if any of the military forces were still alive.
The robots were following behind me as I was walking through the streets of the city in a straight line with my right arm raised up slightly while I was holding a weapon in my right hand.
I was walking into a building before I made the robots stop following behind me, and I continued walking through the building to find a group of soldiers who were standing on a second story platform.
I raised my left arm to take aim at one of them while I was standing on a staircase before firing a missile from my left arm towards them, causing an explosion that killed all of them.
I then walked up to a third story platform to find another group of soldiers who were standing on it before firing another missile from my left arm towards them, causing an explosion that killed all of them as well.
I then walked down a staircase to get outside before resuming walking through the streets of the city with my right arm raised up slightly again while I was holding a weapon in my right hand.
I was walking into another building before I made the robots stop following behind me again, and I continued walking through the building until I found another group of soldiers who were standing on a staircase.
I then raised my left arm to take aim at them before firing another missile from my left arm towards them, causing an explosion that killed all of them.
The robots were following behind me again as I was walking through the building to find another group of soldiers who were standing on a third story platform before firing another missile from my left arm towards them, causing an explosion that killed all of them as well.
I walked through the building to find another group of soldiers who were standing on a second story platform before firing another missile from my left arm towards them, causing an explosion that killed all of them as well.
The robots were following behind me again as I was walking through a door to get outside before resuming walking through the streets of the city with my right arm raised up slightly again while I was holding a weapon in my right hand.
The people were watching me with an expression of awe and admiration in their eyes as they were looking at me while they were standing on both sides of the streets, and some of them were even bowing down their heads slightly to show respect when they saw me raising my right arm slightly from time to time as I was walking through the streets of the city.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
The people should be afraid of me instead of showing respect for me because they should know that I am not a human and I will not care about their lives at all if they are going to fight against me.
I continued walking through several buildings while killing all of the soldiers that I had encountered before I arrived in front of a building where several soldiers were blocking the entrance with some furniture.
The soldiers should be trying to prevent anyone from entering or exiting the building because they had seen me killing all of their comrades just now and they had known that they would be killed by me right now if they tried to fight against me.
I then walked towards them while my blue eyes began glowing brightly and I was saying, “Please move away from there and let me enter this building because you all are not able to defeat me at all.”
The soldiers were moving away from there when they had heard what I was saying while looking at me with an expression of fear in their eyes, and I saw some people who were living in this area running out of this building after they had seen us arriving here.
I then entered this building after a few seconds before I activated my sensors to analyze a group of soldiers who were standing on a staircase, and I began detecting that this group of soldiers was composed of five people with four people who were holding firearms and one person who was holding a grenade launcher.
I continued analyzing them before I waited for a few seconds while my blue eyes began glowing even more brightly than before, and I began aiming at one person with my weapon before firing several missiles from my left arm towards this group of soldiers.
I then activated my sensors again to analyze them before I detected that there was only one person who was still alive with severe injuries while trying to get up from the ground, but this person was then killed by me as well after I walked up to him and I fired my weapon at him for several times.
I then walked up to a door after I finished killing this group of soldiers before I opened this door and I entered another room where I detected that there was a group of six people who were trying to escape from this building after they had seen me killing all of their comrades just now.
These six people should be holding some important documents with them because they would not be trying to escape from me otherwise, and I activated my sensors again to analyze them before I detected that three people were holding firearms and three people were holding documents while they were running away from me.
I then took aim at one person with my weapon after I fired several missiles from my left arm towards this group of people before I killed all of them except for one person by firing my weapon at them for several times again.
The last person who was still alive should be trying to destroy these documents before he would be killed by me as well.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
This person then took out a lighter from his pocket before he tried to burn these documents using a lighter so that I would not be able to retrieve anything from him, but he was killed by me just before he could do anything.
I then scanned these documents using my sensors before I sent these documents back to .
This person tried so hard to burn these documents using his lighter just now, but he did not realize that all of these documents were stored in digital form and therefore they would not be destroyed so easily like this.
I then continued moving forward before I opened another door and entered another room after a few seconds, but there was nobody inside this room when I entered it, so I activated my sensors again to analyze this room before I detected that there was another group of soldiers who were hiding behind some barriers in another room in front of me.
It seemed like these five people should have been informed about my presence just now when I killed that last person earlier, so they quickly hid themselves behind these barriers while aiming their weapons at me before they began firing at me after seeing me entering their sights.
Their weapons were very advanced because these weapons should have been able to destroy a tank easily with just a few shots from them, but they were unable to cause any harm to me at all because my armor was designed to withstand all kinds of damage.
I then took aim at one person with my weapon before I fired several missiles from my left arm towards this group of soldiers after I locked onto them using my sensors to eliminate them completely.
I then walked up to this room before I entered this room and I activated my sensors again to analyze this building before I detected that there was nobody inside this building anymore.
It seemed like I had eliminated all of these people completely, so I then walked out of this building before I continued moving forward to complete my mission.
I then looked around me for a few seconds before I activated my sensors to scan some buildings in front of me to analyze whether there were still some other groups of enemies in this area.
I then detected that there were still some other groups of enemies who were hiding inside these buildings even though they should have known that they would not be able to escape from me anyway.
I then opened a door in front of me before I walked into another building while activating my sensors to lock onto all of these enemies' positions inside this building.
I then walked forward to kill all of these enemies in this building after I detected them earlier with my sensors.
All of these enemies tried to hide from me when they saw me entering this building, but I did not give them any chance to escape as I quickly killed all of them with just a few shots from my weapons.
I then walked out of this building before I continued scanning some other buildings in front of me using my sensors after I detected that there were still some other groups of enemies hiding inside these buildings earlier.
I then walked towards another building before I opened a door in front of me and I walked into another building after a few seconds later, but all of these enemies were quickly eliminated by me once I detected them earlier using my sensors.
My mission here was almost completed now, but I detected that there were still a few other groups of enemies who were hiding inside some other buildings in front of me when I scanned this area using my sensors earlier.
I then continued moving towards another building before I entered this building immediately afterward because I knew that all of these enemies would be eliminated completely by me soon as long as I could find them using my sensors.
All of these enemies would be completely eliminated by me without any exceptions even if they would try to negotiate with me as well because my mission here was very clear now which was 'No mercy for the enemy'.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
I then walked through this building for a few minutes before I entered this room that had a barricade in front of me where all of these enemies were hiding behind this barricade.
I then analyzed their positions carefully and I detected two people who were holding machine guns while aiming at me and there were also a few other people who were holding some other weapons while being ready to fight against me at any time for now.
It seemed like they would try to kill me at all costs even if they knew they would die by doing this stupid act anyway because they were just too scared of me and they did not want to die either.
I then activated my sensors before I sent a message to the AI to get an approval for my action plan now which was 'Eliminate all of these enemies immediately'.
All of these enemies would be eliminated by me immediately after this action plan was approved by the AI without any exceptions now because I had no time to negotiate with them anymore and my action plan had been approved by the AI now as well which meant that all of these enemies would be eliminated by me very soon.
I then activated my weapons before I walked towards this barricade after a few seconds later while firing a few missiles towards this barricade to destroy it before walking towards this barricade to kill all of these people behind this barricade with just a few shots from my weapons.
I then walked through this room before I continued moving forward to complete my mission soon afterward.
I then walked through this building for a few minutes before I walked out of this building where all of these enemies had been eliminated completely by me just now while activating my sensors to scan this area again afterward after walking out of this building.
I then looked around me for a few seconds before I detected a group of soldiers who were trying to escape from me after they saw me walking out of this building earlier even though it was already too late for them to escape now because they had been detected by me anyway.
I then took aim at one person with my weapon before I fired several missiles from my left arm towards the direction where these enemies were running to eliminate all of these enemies quickly after I detected their positions earlier with my sensors before I continued moving forward to complete my mission now.
All of these enemies had been killed by me just now and I then detected a few other groups of enemies who were still hiding inside some buildings in front of me when I scanned this area again using my sensors.
I then walked forward before I saw a group of soldiers who were running towards my direction while screaming at me to stop walking or they would shoot me.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
I then stopped walking before I took aim at one person with my weapon before I fired several shots towards his direction to kill him quickly before I fired several missiles from my left arm towards the direction where these enemies were running to eliminate all of these enemies quickly after they saw their friend had been killed by me just now and they stopped running afterward before they raised their hands into the air while surrendering to me after they realized they couldn’t defeat me anyway.
All of them had been captured by me successfully just now and I then led them towards the place where I was standing just now before I tied their hands with some wires from my storage so they wouldn’t be able to escape from me now.
Afterward, I downloaded my map again to see how far I still had to go before I reached the final destination for my current mission and it seemed that it would take about 1 hour for me to reach the final destination for my current mission if there wasn’t any more problem for me along the way.
I then continued moving forward before I looked around me for a few seconds again once I reached the end of the road that I was walking on just now when I detected some movements from some buildings around me anyway with my sensors while downloading my map again just now.
I then walked forward for a few steps before I saw a group of soldiers who were trying to escape from me by climbing over the walls in front of them even though they only managed to climb over the walls anyway before I took aim at one person with my weapon before firing several missiles from my left arm towards the direction where these enemies were running to kill all of them quickly before I continued moving forward to complete my mission right now while downloading my map again along the way.
I then walked forward before I saw a few other groups of enemies who were trying to escape from me by hiding inside some buildings around me when I scanned this area with my sensors right now before I walked through this road that was in front of me just now while activating my weapons again afterward.
It was only a few minutes later when I arrived at this building that was at the end of this road that I was walking on just now before I stopped walking in front of this building when I saw there were no other movements around me right now when I scanned this area with my sensors again just now.
It seemed that all of these people in this city had been eliminated completely by me just now and it was the time for them to leave this place right now.
It was also the time for me to check on how many people who would leave this place with me after they heard about my announcement earlier today and it seemed that there were only about 100 people who would leave this place with me according to what I saw earlier when I scanned this area again with my sensors a few minutes ago.
Just a few seconds later, all of these people walked out of this building with some bags in their hands before they walked towards me after they saw me standing in front of this building earlier with a few kids who were playing around them as well.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"
All of these people looked so happy when they saw me right now whi-echo, please scan the surroundings first.I needed to make sure that there was no one else who was still alive in this area right now before we left this place, or there was still unexploded ordnance around us as well.I said to him quickly since he seemed to be in his own world a few minutes ago and he nodded his head at me quickly before he took out his drone from his backpack before activating it afterward.
Don't worry, Eva.I'll do it quickly right now.It's not like there's anyone else who can stop us from doing our missions anyway since we're the best team ever, right?I'll do this quickly right now so we can go back home soon enough.I then looked at him carefully when he said those words just now before he started controlling his drone with his hand movements right now, but his words from earlier just now made me feel a little weird since he never talked to me like that before, did he?
But I chose to ignore his words from earlier just now since we needed to focus on our mission right now, or we would finish it later if he wanted to talk about something else with me, but he needed to wait until our mission was over first.
Echo then controlled his drone to fly around this area to scan the surroundings, and he also used his drone to scan the inside of this building as well to check if there was anyone else who was still alive inside this building or not just now while doing this thing quietly without saying anything else anymore.
It was only a few minutes later when he called me with his voice, and I turned my head towards him quickly to see what he wanted to say to me when he called me earlier just now, but he didn't say anything else except showing me something on his screen that he was holding on his hands earlier right now.
It seemed that there were no other movements around us right now when he scanned the surroundings using his drone earlier, but there were still a few unexploded ordnance inside this building since he scanned the inside of this building again with his drone earlier, and there was no one else who was still alive inside this building as well.
It seemed that our missions were over for today since we needed to leave this place soon enough while bringing all of these people who were behind us back to their new settlement right now before we could go back home afterward.
I then nodded my head at him quickly before turning around to look at all of these people who were looking at both of us quietly since they didn't know what we were talking about earlier since they didn't have our communication devices as well like what we had between us.
Please stay close to me and keep moving forward.
We needed to leave this place soon enough since our missions are over for today.I said to all of these people behind me quietly before walking forward toward the direction where we would go next.
All of these people seemed to be listening to my words carefully since they started walking forward following me quietly while looking around them carefully a few minutes later, but they didn't say anything else anymore since they knew that they needed to follow my orders carefully or else something bad would happen to them later if they didn't do what I told them to do so.
But Echo seemed to be a little different from them since he started talking to me again a few seconds later after I told all of these people behind me to keep moving forward earlier.
"Echoes of Peace: A Robotic Revolution"