MidReal Story

Echoes of Destiny: A Timeless Rebirth


May 15
Scenario:I was reincarnated but I returned to the past 8 years before my death and 5 before the great disaster
Create my version of this story
I was reincarnated but I returned to the past 8 years before my death and 5 before the great disaster
I was dying.
I could feel it.
The pain was excruciating, and I was so cold.
I could hear my friends calling my name, but I couldn’t answer them.
I couldn’t move, and I could barely breathe.
I felt someone grab my hand, and I tried to squeeze it, but I couldn’t even do that.
I was so tired, and I just wanted to sleep.
I knew that if I did, I would never wake up again.
James’ voice sounded so far away.
“Stay with me, Em!
You have to stay with me!”
“I can’t…”
My voice was barely a whisper, and I didn’t even know if he heard me.
“You have to!
You have to fight this!
Don’t you dare leave me!”
He sounded so desperate, and I wished that there was something that I could do for him.
But there wasn’t anything anyone could do for me now.
The darkness was pulling at me, and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before it consumed me completely.
I wanted to answer him, but I was losing the battle to stay conscious.
I could hear the beeping of a heart monitor, and I knew that it was my own.
The steady rhythm was slowing, and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before it stopped completely.
“Please, Em,” James whispered.
I felt him grab my other hand, and I tried to squeeze it, but my fingers wouldn’t move.
I managed to say his name, but it was barely a whisper.
But he must have heard me, because he tightened his grip on my hand.
“Em, you have to stay with me,” he said.
“You have to.”
I closed my eyes and tried to focus all of my energy on staying conscious.
I had to stay with him.
I couldn’t leave him.
I had promised him that I would always be there for him, and I always kept my promises.
I couldn’t break this one.
I couldn’t let him down.
That was the last thing I wanted to do.
“I’m trying,” I told him.
James reached out and brushed a lock of hair away from my face.
“I know you are, Em,” he said.
“I know you are.”
He was still holding my hands, and I knew that he wasn’t going to let me go.
But it wasn’t up to him.
It wasn’t up to me either.
It wasn’t up to any of us.
The only thing that mattered was what Fate had already decided for me.
“Please,” James whispered.
“You can do this…I know you can…”
He sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince me.
I wished that there was something that I could do for him, but I didn’t know what it was.
The darkness was pulling at me even harder now, and I knew that it wouldn’t be long before it consumed me completely.
Lily must have seen the look on my face, because she gasped and dropped the hand that she had been holding onto this whole time.
“No!” she cried as she reached out and grabbed my other hand again.
“It’s okay, Lily,” James told her as he started stroking her hair in an attempt to comfort her.
He sounded like he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince her.
But we all knew that it wasn’t true.
It wasn’t okay at all.
I didn’t want Lily to see me like this, but it was too late now.
There was nothing that any of us could do about it now.
I looked over at Lily and smiled at her as best as I could through the pain that I was in.
Lily’s eyes filled with tears as she looked down at me, and she reached out and took my hand again.
I wanted nothing more than to comfort her, but I didn’t know how long I could stay conscious for now.
I could see the darkness closing in on me again, and I wished that there was something that I could do to stop it.
The darkness was closing in on me, and I knew that I didn’t have much time left.
I was starting to feel numb, as though my body was shutting down, bit by bit, piece by piece.
It was hard to believe that I had been in so much pain earlier, when I couldn’t feel anything now.
I didn’t know how much time had passed since I had last felt anything, but even the pain that came with feeling like this was starting to fade away now.
It was getting harder to breathe, and I wondered how long I had left until I stopped breathing altogether.
I knew that I couldn’t live without air, so it wouldn’t be long until everything was over for me.
But I didn’t want to leave them behind.
James had been my best friend for so many years, and I loved him more than anything.
And I had grown to love Lily too, even though she was so much younger than me, and I had only met her recently.
I didn’t want to leave them.
I didn’t want to leave them alone.
James must have known what I was thinking, because he leaned over me until his face was only inches away from mine.
“You can do this,” he said.
His voice was filled with so much desperation and fear that it nearly broke my heart.
“But if you can’t…then please don’t let yourself suffer any longer…”
“I don’t want to,” I whispered.
“I don’t think I can…”
“You can!”
James said.
“You can do this!
Please don’t give up!”
“I’m trying,” I told him.
“I’m trying so hard…”
“I know you are,” he said.
“I know you are.”
He leaned even closer until his lips were almost touching mine.
“You can do this,” he whispered.
“I know you can.”
I tried to nod my head, but even that small movement felt like it was too much for me now.
It felt like the darkness was pulling at me, dragging me down into some kind of abyss that I would never be able to escape from.
“You can do this,” James said again.
“Don’t give up on me now.”
“I won’t,” I told him, even though I didn’t know how long I could keep my promise for now.
Lily cried as she grabbed his arm and started shaking him.
She must have thought that he was the one who was giving up now.
“You can’t give up!”
I could hear her saying.
“No!You can’t!”
But neither of us could do anything now.
It didn’t matter how much we wanted to.
It was out of our hands now.
The darkness was closing in on me, and I knew that I didn’t have much time left.
I could hear James and Lily calling my name, and I managed to turn my head toward them even though it felt like my neck was made of lead.
James and Lily were both looking down at me with tears streaming down their faces.
“Em,” James said as he leaned over me until his face was only inches away from mine.
“I don’t know what we would do without you…”
“It’s okay,” I managed to tell him.
“I’m not going anywhere…”
But we all knew that it wasn’t true.
I was dying, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.
I didn’t want to die.
I was only twenty-nine years old now, and I had my whole life ahead of me.
I had only just started living my dream of being a doctor in the ER and getting to save people’s lives every single day.
I had so much more that I wanted to do!
I wanted to fall in love!
I wanted to get married and have children of my own!
I wanted to grow old with James and Lily and watch their children grow up together!
I wanted everything!
I wanted all of it!
I didn’t want to die!
But the darkness was coming for me now anyway.
It was coming for me, and I didn’t know if there was anything I could do about it now.
I didn’t know if there was anything anyone could do about it now.
My muscles were getting weaker now.
It felt like I was holding up a ton of bricks with every single breath I took, and I knew that I was running out of time.
I was running out of time no matter how hard I tried.
I didn’t think there was anything else I could do now.
But I didn’t want James and Lily to know that.
I didn’t want them to think that I was giving up on them now.
So I kept trying even though I knew I wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer.
Even though I knew it was only going to be a matter of time before the darkness finally overcame me for good.
But I couldn’t let go yet.
Not when they were both here with me now.
“Just hold on,” James said as he leaned over me until his face was only inches away from mine.
“I need you to hold on.”
“I am,” I promised him even though we both knew that it wasn’t true.
“We’ll get through this together,” he said as he grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly in his own.
“We will.”
We won’t,” I told him as I squeezed his hand back as hard as I could now.
But he just shook his head as more tears spilled down his face.
“Yes we will,” he said anyway while he blinked away his own tears.
“We have to.”
He leaned over me until his face was right beside my ear now.
“It’s going to be okay,” he whispered before he kissed my temple and then kissed the top of my head before he held me even closer in his arms than he had been all along.
“I love you,” he said as he started stroking my hair back from my face until he was holding me as close as he possibly could without breaking any of my bones in the process.
“I love you so much…”
He was crying now, and I was too.
We were both crying even though neither of us could do anything about it now.
There was nothing either of us could do about it now.
The darkness was already here, and it was only going to be a matter of time before it finally managed to pull me under for good now no matter what I did or what anyone else did either.
I knew that I was running out of time now no matter what I did or what anyone else did either.
I knew that there wasn’t anything else I could do even though I wished that it wasn’t true with all of my heart and soul right now anyway.
“If I had one more chance…”
"Echoes of Destiny: A Timeless Rebirth"