MidReal Story

Sophia Collins , a paralegal in Chicago , has an


Apr 11
Scenario:Sophia Collins, a paralegal in Chicago, has an encounter with famous rockstar Ethan Brooks at a coffee shop, and despite their initial animosity, they are both intrigued by each other and wonder if there is a chance for something more.
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Sophia Collins, a paralegal in Chicago, has an encounter with famous rockstar Ethan Brooks at a coffee shop, and despite their initial animosity, they are both intrigued by each other and wonder if there is a chance for something more.
I’m a paralegal in downtown Chicago.
My life is pretty ordinary.
But I yearn to make it more exciting.
Every day I work hard, and every night, I come home and watch my favorite soap opera.
I think I’m more into the romance than the drama.
Although I love my job, sometimes it’s boring.
I don’t want my life to be boring, though.
I have a boyfriend, but that relationship isn’t all that fulfilling, either.
I guess you could say I’m not very satisfied with my life right now.
Maybe that’s why I like watching others live theirs.
I like to dream about what life would be like if I was brave enough to do something unordinary.
Like date a rockstar.
One morning I woke up late and didn’t have time to make my usual cup of coffee.
I usually make it at home so that I can save money.
Today I felt like treating myself, though, so I headed to the Starbucks across the street from my office building.
The line was long, but I was determined to get my latte.
I wasn’t going to let this line stop me from getting my morning fix.
So you can imagine how annoyed I was when I stood in line for five minutes with no movement at all.
Then I saw him.
He was standing at the back of the line, his hands in his pockets, glancing around the place like he’d never seen anything like it before.
He looked so out of place but so incredibly sexy.
There was something mysterious about him, and he oozed charisma and sex appeal.
He had tattoos on his arms and neck, and his blond hair was sticking up in all directions as if he’d just rolled out of bed.
But even with all those things making him look rough and tough, his blue eyes were soft as he gazed around the shop.
I knew who he was immediately, even though he didn’t look like himself at all today.
He was Ethan Brooks, a famous rock star who had been in a band called Royal Inclination for years now.
He was definitely not your typical guy next door, but that didn’t stop him from making me feel all kinds of things down there just from looking at him.
I wasn’t the only one who noticed him, either.
The baristas were whispering to each other and giggling the whole time he waited in line.
I rolled my eyes at them and tried to concentrate on my phone, but I could still feel him watching me as he waited for his turn to order something.
It was finally my turn, and I was relieved to be able to get my coffee and go back to the office before I got into trouble for being late.
I ordered a venti latte and a butter croissant, not wanting to spend any more time here than I needed to be, and paid for my order before heading over to the pickup counter to wait for my coffee to be made.
Sophia Collins , a paralegal in Chicago , has an