MidReal Story

The main character , Sophie , is about to move


Apr 10
Scenario:The main character, Sophie, is about to move in with her boyfriend and has a chance encounter with a charismatic rock star named Jasper who sparks her interest.
Create my version of this story
The main character, Sophie, is about to move in with her boyfriend and has a chance encounter with a charismatic rock star named Jasper who sparks her interest.
I’m standing on the edge of an abyss.
The thin line between my life as it is and the life I know it’s about to become is getting thinner and thinner.
My heart beats so hard it feels like a drum, keeping time to the music that’s pounding from the live band on stage.
I know that in five minutes, the band will wrap up their act, and the DJ will take their place to spin some tracks, but I can’t help but feel like something is ending right along with this gig.
My life is changing, and I wish I could stop it.
I’ve just finished my pint of beer, and I set the empty glass on the bar just as the band finishes up their last song.
The lead singer thanks everyone for coming, and the crowd goes wild.
I crane my neck, trying to see past the sea of bodies, but I have no idea how far I’d have to look to catch a glimpse of the stage.
So I turn back to the bar and wait for my favorite bartender to notice me.
He does, but it takes a while, because he’s got a lot of other people vying for his attention.
Or maybe it just feels that way because he knows me too well.
Either way, when he finally catches my eye, he sends me a tired smile and comes over to where I’m standing.
“What can I get you?”
I lean across the bar and order a gin and tonic.
Then I fish in my purse for some money to pay him.
“On me,” he says, and smiles at me again.
“Just trying to save you from being cut off tonight.”
I laugh, thanking him again before picking up my drink and turning back to face the room.
It’s cramped in here, with people shoved shoulder-to-shoulder and shouting just to be heard over the music.
I love it, though.
Being in a place this crowded makes it easy to feel like no one is paying attention to me, which is just the way I like it.
I don’t know what came over me tonight, deciding to go out all on my own like this.
It’s not like me at all.
But then again, maybe that’s exactly why I’m here tonight.
I’ve been feeling a little bit oppressed lately, like there’s a weight on my chest, and coming out for this gig was my way of shaking it off, even if just for a little while.
I don’t have many nights out left as a single woman, after all.
In a couple of weeks, I’m moving in with Alex, and we’ll finally have our own place together, no roommates or anything getting in our way.
That’s what he wanted, and it was what was supposed to happen, so that’s what I agreed to do.
But that doesn’t mean it’s not terrifying, standing on the edge of this new precipice and looking down at what might be waiting for me at the bottom.
It’s supposed to be a good thing, moving in with your boyfriend, right?
It means we’re serious about each other and our relationship, and we’re ready to take it to the next level.
The main character , Sophie , is about to move