MidReal Story



Apr 10
Create my version of this story
I sat in the corner of my room surrounded by photo albums, boxes, and bags.
As I stared at the date on the calendar, I couldn’t help but think about how quickly time had passed.
My eighteenth birthday was only a few days away, and I didn’t know how I felt about it.
I mean, I was happy to be getting older.
But then I was also sad that my mom wouldn’t be here to celebrate it with me.
I could hear my dad and brother laughing downstairs.
They were watching some stupid movie, and even though they’d both seen it a million times, they were still laughing.
It was a sound that I loved and hated at the same time.
Hated because it was a reminder of the fact that I’d never hear my mom’s laughter again.
The thing is, not a lot of people knew what she sounded like when she laughed.
Most of the time, she kept her laughter silent or quiet.
But every now and then, she’d let out a full-blown laugh, and it was music to my ears.
It’s been almost two years since she died, and even now, I can’t believe that she’s gone.
I can’t believe that I’ll never hear her voice again.
Or see her smile.
Or feel her arms wrapped around me in a hug.
My mom and I were really close.
When I was little, I used to tell people that she was my best friend.
Even though she made sure to tell me that she was actually my mother, not my best friend, we were still really close.
And now the thought of living without her for the rest of my life is almost more than I can bear.
The door opened, and my dad walked into my room.
He leaned against the doorframe and watched me for a moment before he spoke.
“Hey, baby girl.You okay?”
“I’m fine,” I lied as I forced a smile for him.
He didn’t look convinced, but he didn’t say anything else as he pushed away from the door and came over to sit next to me on the floor.
“Don’t stay up too late,” he said as he pushed himself back to his feet.
“We’ve got a long day tomorrow.”
“I know,” I said, my voice almost a whisper.
“You doing anything for your birthday?”
he asked as he stood in the doorway.
My brother had walked by, and he paused in the doorway when he heard what my dad had said.
“You say you’re not going to do anything, but then you always make us do something,” Jack said.
I rolled my eyes but couldn’t help the smile that crossed my lips.
My dad chuckled as well.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“Just keep it low-key, Dad,” Jack teased.
There was a hint of a smile on his face, but he was serious at the same time.
He didn’t want to celebrate my birthday without our mom, just like I didn’t.
But we both knew that we couldn’t tell our father that.
He’d been through enough already.
And we were both trying to be strong for him.