MidReal Story

Dr . Thomas Blackwood and his she wolf mate ,


Apr 10
Scenario:Dr. Thomas Blackwood and his she-wolf mate, Lily, live in happiness until a mysterious fire burns them and the rest of the pack, leaving Thomas scarred and filled with resentment, until he meets a new mate, Rose, and must decide whether to let go of his past love for a new beginning.
Create my version of this story
Dr. Thomas Blackwood and his she-wolf mate, Lily, live in happiness until a mysterious fire burns them and the rest of the pack, leaving Thomas scarred and filled with resentment, until he meets a new mate, Rose, and must decide whether to let go of his past love for a new beginning.
The fire was bright and hot, so incredibly hot.
I could feel my skin blistering from the heat, and I could smell the sickly sweet scent of my own flesh burning.
I was pretty sure some of my fur had ignited as well, although I couldn’t actually see it because the flames were so bright and blinding.
I could hear my pack mates howling in pain all around me, and the sound tore through me like a knife, but I couldn’t stop to help them.
I was a surgeon, damn it, and my first priority was to save as many lives as I could.
Especially since I might very well be responsible for putting them in danger.
I’d been throwing myself against the flames for nearly an hour now—ever since they had mysteriously appeared in the middle of our territory—and I was starting to get exhausted.
The fire made a sharp popping sound in front of me, and I jerked back to avoid being hit by the flying embers.
“Get back!”
I roared, even though I doubted anyone could actually hear me over the roar of the fire.
“Get back to the river!
It’s our only hope!”
In front of me, several of my pack mates tried to drag a few of the others to safety, but they weren’t moving fast enough.
The flames were everywhere now.
We were surrounded on all sides—our territory was like one giant bonfire—and there was no way out except through the fire.
There had been no warning before the flames appeared, no hint that danger was approaching.
One moment we’d been having our usual monthly pack gathering, complete with bonfire and barbecue, and the next we’d been attacked by an army of demons who had somehow managed to set our entire property on fire.
No one knew how they’d done it or—more importantly—why they’d done it.
Frankly, I didn’t really care about the why so much.
What mattered most to me was stopping them before they destroyed everything I held dear.
I turned away from the demons who were cackling with glee at our suffering and tried to focus on something else, anything else that might help me save my pack.
But there was nothing I could do, nothing I could say, because we were doomed, that much was clear to me now.
I could see that from the way Lily was looking at me, her eyes wide and desperate as she took in the extent of our injuries.
Before, we’d just been covered in blisters and burns, but now our skin was starting to slough off in great chunks, revealing muscles and sinews and bones beneath it as if we were nothing more than rotting corpses.
Dr . Thomas Blackwood and his she wolf mate ,