MidReal Story

away from me ! But Sophia didn t listen ,


Apr 14
Scenario:away from me!" But Sophia didn't listen, she continued running as fast as she could, determined to escape her cruel foster father once and for all.
Create my version of this story
away from me!" But Sophia didn't listen, she continued running as fast as she could, determined to escape her cruel foster father once and for all.
I hear my foster father slamming the door shut and walking toward me.
I lower my head and clench my fists, hoping that he is in a good mood tonight.
If not, I don’t even want to think about the consequences.
He walks into my room and takes off his belt.
My heart drops to the floor and I try to swallow the lump in my throat.
He hits me with it, and I wince from the pain.
He does it again, and again, and again.
I try to stay quiet the whole time, but I can’t help letting out a small yelp of pain.
This just makes him hit me harder.
I finally give in and let the tears fall from my eyes, just as they always have for as long as I can remember.
The first time he ever hit me was when he took me home from my old house.
He had a belt then too.
It happened so long ago that I don’t really remember it all that much.
But I do remember hearing him yell at me and tell me that if I ever did anything wrong, he would hit me until I would never be able to walk again.
What did I ever do wrong?
Why doesn’t anyone love me?
It’s been three years since then, but I still haven’t figured out what I did to make him hate me so much.
I have bruises all over me from where he hits me, and sometimes it’s hard for me to even get up in the morning, but he doesn’t care about any of that.
The only thing he cares about is making sure that I know that I am worth nothing.
My hair is long and brown, almost black.
My eyes are dark brown and my skin is a shade lighter than caramel.
I don’t think that I’m ugly, but he tells me all the time how disgusting I am.
He says that no one will ever love me because of how ugly and disgusting I am, but if I act fast, maybe someone will love me just enough to take me to be their own personal slave instead of being his.
I don’t want that though; I don’t want to be anyone’s slave.
If I can just make it through this one night, then maybe I can make it through them all.
I hear him take a deep breath and start hitting me with his belt again, harder this time than before.
I don’t think that I can take it anymore, and honestly, I don’t know if I want to.
I feel my body go limp and start falling toward the ground, but something inside of me tells me not to give up yet.
It tells me that one day, everything will get better and that I won’t have to deal with this anymore.
It tells me that maybe, someone will love me again one day.
away from me ! But Sophia didn t listen ,