MidReal Story

Evelyn is dreading the wedding of her brother, as


Apr 3
Scenario:Evelyn is dreading the wedding of her brother, as she will have to face an old boyfriend that she made a pact with years ago; she meets Benjamin on the plane and they decide to pretend to be engaged, but as they spend more time together, they may just be falling for each other.
Create my version of this story
Evelyn is dreading the wedding of her brother, as she will have to face an old boyfriend that she made a pact with years ago; she meets Benjamin on the plane and they decide to pretend to be engaged, but as they spend more time together, they may just be falling for each other.
Adam is getting married.
And I’m going to kill him.
Maybe I should buy something on this plane to use as a weapon, because I am not above murder today.
“How do you feel about this?”
I turn to the man sitting next to me, the one who has been staring at me since he sat down.
He seems nice enough, tall with short brown hair, and those eyes.
They’re kind.
He’s not bad-looking either.
I can tell that much from the brief glimpses I’ve been able to take when I haven’t been freaking out about being on a plane.
“Oh, I don’t know,” I say, trying to keep my tone even.
“I feel like it’s never going to end.” Especially since my brother’s bride-to-be keeps calling me to ask my opinion on things.
I don’t have an opinion on anything wedding-related.
I just want it to be over.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
He smiles at me.
“Though, I’m not the best person to ask.I’m dreading this weekend.”
I laugh, relieved that someone else seems to be feeling the same way I am.
“I’m sure you’ll survive.” It’s only a wedding, after all.
“Barely.” He grins, and I can’t help but smile back at him.
“Do you know the bride or the groom?”
I ask him, and he chuckles again.
“The groom, Adam.He and I went to high school together.”
We’re about the same age then.I can usually tell by looking at someone if they’re near my age, and he looks as if he could have graduated with me four years ago.
“I take it you’re related to the bride?”
he asks, and I nod, fighting back a sigh even as I do it.
“Her brother.”
“Ah.” He nods.
“Are you close?”
I open my mouth to answer him, but a ding goes off as a message comes through on my phone.
It takes all of my willpower not to turn it off and throw it out the window.
It just can’t wait that long?
And how did she know we were in the air already?
I open the message and read it, cursing under my breath when I see that it’s from her.
Is Daniel on the plane with you?
I told her I didn’t think so, but I haven’t seen him since we went our separate ways at the gate.
I doubt he’s going to Norfolk, Virginia, for any other reason, but I guess anything is possible.
My stomach twists itself in knots at the thought of seeing him again after all this time, but according to our pact, I am supposed to marry him if neither of us is already married by the age of thirty.
He would be here if he could.
With another curse, I send a text back and then switch my phone onto airplane mode before I can get yet another message.
As much as I love my best friend, she is royally pissing me off right now.
I just want some time alone in order to prepare for this weekend.
Evelyn is dreading the wedding of her brother, as