MidReal Story

Lost in Twilight's Embrace

Scenario:A story of ancient islamic times where a muslim beautiful girl girl who visited her sick aunt in another village to give her medicine because of her expertise knowledge in herbs had trouble coming back to her village because the group she was travelling with had left her and she has lost her sense of direction now she was alone and it was magrib and she was worried and she prayed to ALLAH to help her reach her home and just as she got on her horse again she saw a group near fire 6 men and 4 women, they didn't particularly look muslims but look as though they were friends she introduced herself to them and told them their problems one of the men had caught her eye
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A story of ancient islamic times where a muslim beautiful girl girl who visited her sick aunt in another village to give her medicine because of her expertise knowledge in herbs had trouble coming back to her village because the group she was travelling with had left her and she has lost her sense of direction now she was alone and it was magrib and she was worried and she prayed to ALLAH to help her reach her home and just as she got on her horse again she saw a group near fire 6 men and 4 women, they didn't particularly look muslims but look as though they were friends she introduced herself to them and told them their problems one of the men had caught her eye
A t the break of dawn, I set out on a journey to the neighboring village to visit my sick aunt.
I was the only one in my village with the knowledge of herbs and medicines, so I needed to get there quickly.
My aunt was also unable to travel, so I decided to go visit her instead of her coming to see me.
I had a bag of essential herbs and medicines for her.
There were a few miles between our villages, so I needed to hurry.
The morning was beautiful as the sun was shining, and the chirping of birds filled the air.
It reminded me of the blessings of Allah.
I thanked him for making everything easy for me.
I reached my aunts’ house before noon.
She came out of her house when she heard me and welcomed me with open arms.
Her face lit up when she saw me.
She was more than happy to see me, and so was I.
Without wasting any time, I went inside the house and started preparing some drinks for her.
I had prepared a mixture of herbs that would help cure her illness.
My aunt was in bed, sipping on some water, as I sat on the floor making the concoction for her.
“Dear, what are you making?”
she asked from her bed.
“Just some herbs that will help cure your illness,” I replied.
She smiled at me, and I returned it with love in my heart.
The sun was shining brightly outside her window, but the curtains were closed to keep the room cool.
The fragrance of herbs filled the small room as I continued mixing them with care.
My aunt was feeling better already as she sipped on some water.
“Here you go,” I said as I handed her a small cup of herbal medicine.
She looked at it with hesitation but took it anyway.
“It tastes bitter,” she complained after drinking it all at once.
I smiled at her words and went back to prepare more herbal drinks for her.
Some time passed, and she fell asleep after drinking all of the concoctions I had prepared for her.
I kept myself busy by reading books that I brought along with me while waiting for her to wake up.
I felt a strong connection with books since childhood.
They took me to another world whenever I read them.
It was almost time for Maghrib when my aunt woke up from sleep.
“How are you feeling?”
I asked her as she stretched her arms and legs on the bed.
“I am feeling much better now than before,” she said with a smile.
I nodded and started mixing some herbs again for her dinner.
The sun was setting outside when she finally got up from her bed to get ready for Salatul Maghrib.
It was already dark when we finished praying Salatul Maghrib.
We sat down for dinner afterwards and talked about different things.
My aunt was feeling better than before, and that made me happy.
Lost in Twilight's Embrace
The night passed by quickly as we both talked for a long time.
I woke up the next morning and offered Fajr prayers.
The birds were chirping outside my window as I performed my ablution.
I took my bag and prepared some herbs for my aunt’s breakfast before going inside her room.
She was awake already and looked much better than yesterday.
She smiled when she saw me.
“Good morning dear,” she said.
I replied with a smile and handed her a cup of herbal tea.
She drank it and started talking about different things while I made some more concoctions for her lunch.
I had lost track of time while treating my aunt.
It felt like I came here yesterday when I left my village but here I was treating my aunt and it has been two days since I left my home.
The sun was shining brightly outside the window as I finished preparing lunch for her.
I opened the curtains and let the sun rays enter the room.
It gave the room a fresh look and made it look even more beautiful.
“Dear, it’s almost been three days since you came here,” my aunt said from behind me.
I turned around to face her and smiled.
I can tell that you are feeling much better now than before,” I said to her as I approached her and sat on the bed beside her.
She held my hand and caressed it with love.
“You know my dear, I feel much better when you’re here with me.”
Tears welled up in her eyes as she said those words.
I smiled at her words and hugged her tightly.
“I will come whenever you call me,” I said as we broke the hug and smiled at each other again.
“How about we go back to our village tomorrow after praying Fajr?”
she asked as she held my hands tightly in hers and looked into my eyes with a pleading look.
“I want to go back too but I can’t leave you like this,” I replied with a worried look on my face.
“You have taken care of me for two days now, dear.I am feeling much better now than before.I will be fine even if you go back today,” she said with a smile.
I didn’t want to leave her like this but I also wanted to go back before dark.
“You are right, but I will have to leave after breakfast so that I can reach our village before nightfall.
It’s a long journey and I have to prepare some herbs for you as well for the way back,” I said as she nodded in agreement.
I left her room after talking with her and kept my bag on the table.
I started preparing some herbs for her lunch and when I was done with lunch.
I went outside of her house to perform ablution and pray Salatul Dhuhr.
The sun was shining brightly as I finished my ablution.
I prayed Salatul Dhuhr and spent some time talking with Allah.
The wind was blowing and rustling the leaves on the trees as I stood there talking with Allah.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
It felt good standing there in peace talking with Allah.
I opened my eyes after some time and saw that it was almost time for Salatul Asr.
I performed ablution again and prayed Salatul Asr.
I came back inside the house after offering my prayer and told my aunt that I was going back after Salatul Fajr.
Lost in Twilight's Embrace
She agreed with my decision and we both sat in the living room and talked while waiting for dinner time.
As it was almost time for Salatul Maghrib I asked her if she needed anything else and she replied in a negative.
I made some herbal tea for myself and sat there drinking my tea.
She called me again after some time so I went to check on her and gave her the medicine she has to drink after dinner.
She took it and then asked me to bring her a glass of water so I brought it and put it on the table beside her bed.
When it was dinner time I prepared dinner for both of us so we sat together and ate dinner.
After dinner, I gave her some medicine and herbal tea again and then sat down on the bed beside her talking with her.
The time passed by so quickly while we were talking that I lost track of time.
When I checked the time it was already 11:00 PM so I told her that we should sleep now because we have to wake up at Fajr time so she agreed with me and we both slept.
When I woke up in the morning the sun was shining brightly.
I got up from the bed and performed ablution.
Then I prayed Salatul Fajr.
After that, I prayed two nafl rakats and asked Allah for forgiveness.
Then I prayed for my aunt.
I came back outside after praying all my prayers.
and the sun started setting so I hurriedly prepared medicine for my aunt’s dinner.
By the time I finished preparing her medicine the sky turned dark.
I gave her medicine, we both ate dinner after that, and then I prepared some medicine for the way back home tomorrow.
We talked for a while after dinner and then I told her that I was tired so we both slept.
The next day when I woke up the sun was shining so brightly.
I got up from the bed and performed ablution then I prayed Salatul Fajr.
After that, I prayed two nafl rakats again and asked Allah for forgiveness.
Then I prayed for my aunt.
After that, I packed my stuff and put it in my bag.
When I came out of the room my aunt was already waiting for me in the living room.
She smiled at me when she saw me coming out of the room.
“I have already prepared breakfast for you,” she said as she stood up from the sofa and sat on the dining table.
We both ate breakfast together after which I did my work so we both sat in the living room talking for some time before it was time for me to go back.
I said goodbye to my aunt after that.
“Take care of yourself,” she said as she hugged me tightly.
“You too aunt,” I said as we both broke the hug after some time.
We both exchanged smiles before I left her house and started walking towards the stable.
As I reached the stable, my eyes widen in shock when I saw that my horse was not there anymore.
“What am I going to do now?How am I going to go back?”
Lost in Twilight's Embrace
I started panicking because I had no idea what to do now.
I started running here and there while looking for someone.
But there was no one in sight that could help me.
I was so busy running here and there that I didn’t realize that the group has already left without me.
I tried walking back on the path we came from.
But the path was so dark that I couldn’t see anything properly.
I tried lighting a torch and walking.
But the wind was blowing so harshly that it kept turning off the light.
Tears started falling from my eyes because of the fear.
“What am I going to do now?How am I going to go back home?”
I was panicking so much that I didn’t even realize what I was doing.
I kept on walking forward and backward trying to find the right path.
But I had no idea which path it is.
The wind was blowing harshly while the sound of wolves could be heard in the background.
That sound made me panic even more.
I started running forward and backward without any purpose.
When all my attempts failed I sat down on the ground and started crying.
When I realized that no one is coming to help me, not even the group of people with whom I traveled here, heaved a sigh of relief and turned towards Qibla.
I raised my hands and prayed to Allah because He is the only One who can help me now.
“Oh, Allah please help me,” I sobbed as tears kept falling from my eyes.
“Please show me the right path,” I begged as fresh tears fell from my eyes again.
My heart kept saying that Allah will never leave His believers alone and He will definitely help me no matter what happens.
“Oh Allah! You are the Most Merciful, Most Powerful,” I sobbed again as fresh tears fell from my eyes again.
I placed my hands on the ground and leaned forward while sobbing against the ground.
“Please help me,” I begged while crying against the ground.
“Please show me the right path,” I begged as fresh tears kept falling from my eyes again.
“Oh Allah! Please don’t leave me alone,”
“Oh Allah! Please show me the way,”
I sobbed as fresh tears kept falling from my eyes again.
My heart was calm and I felt at peace after praying to Allah for help like He is listening to me and He will definitely help me in finding the right path to go back home safely.
I don’t know how much time I spent there begging Allah for showing me the right path but when I finally opened my eyes and raised my head I saw that the sky had turned grey.
I looked at the sky and smiled brightly because it looks like that Allah has finally listened to me and he has shown me the right path to go back home.
As I got up, I saw that the sky turned bright and the sun was shining brightly in the sky.
Lost in Twilight's Embrace
A smile was formed on my face as I raised my hands and thanked Allah for showing me the right path back home.
“I knew it,” I muttered while smiling brightly, “Allah always listens to His believers,”
I smiled brightly and thanked Him again before turning around to find a way to go back home.
But before that, I need to find my horse first because it will be a lot easier for me to find a way back home with the help of my horse quickly instead of walking through this dense forest and getting lost again.
“I hope you are somewhere nearby,” I muttered under my breath before raising my hands and calling the horse by its name so it can come to me quickly.
After calling its name for a few times, I saw my horse galloping towards me with full speed like it was waiting for me only or maybe it got scared after seeing this dense forest and ran away somewhere and now it came back to me after hearing my voice so it can take me away from here quickly.
I raised my hands and stopped it before moving towards it with quick steps so I can sit on it quickly and leave this place before anything bad will happen to me here again.
I placed my foot on the ground and with the help of my hands, I sat on its back before patting his head gently to calm him down.
“Easy boy,” I whispered while patting his head gently before taking the rope in my hand and making him follow me as we began to move forward to find the group of people or at least a way to go back home.
As soon as I stepped forward, the horse followed me without any complaint because it was trained really well since I bought it from the best stable owner of our village who is really good in training horses to how to behave or when to act according to their owner’s command or when to ride them etc.
Lost in Twilight's Embrace
We were moving forward in the jungle when we heard something which made us stopped in our track as we looked around to find where it was coming from?
After looking around for a while, we found out that it was coming from one clearing in the jungle where we were able to see some lights flickering on our right side.
We moved towards it only to be stopped few steps away when we saw some people huddling around a fire while chatting about something loudly as they can be seen smiling and laughing at each other while doing whatever they were doing there around that fire.
The shadow of big tree branches was making their faces look like monsters as they were talking at each other because of the fire which was lit around them while making us scared more as we were thinking if these are human beings or not?
I sat there on the horse back and looked at them for some time only to see that they are not any monster or someone really dangerous as I was thinking them because of my fear of this jungle but these are people like us only who are here in this jungle for some reason only which I am not able to understand right now?
I moved towards them with my horse and stopped few steps away from them as I called out for them while making my presence known to them as they all stopped talking and looked at me only to look shocked for some time before smiling at me reassuringly with relief on their faces?
I looked at them with a relief on my face too as I smiled at them back and said, “Asalam o Alikum!
“Walikum Asalam!Come here, sister!”
One of the men from them called out for me as he patted beside him with a smile on his face so I can come and sit beside him but I didn’t move towards him yet because I don’t know them and I don’t want people to take advantage of me just because of my innocence and beauty?
“I am Aisha Khan.I am really sorry to bother you like this but I was separated from my group when we were traveling here so now, I am lost in this jungle which is unknown to me so, I want you guys to help me to go back home please!”
I said while looking at all of them as they all looked at each other while talking in whispers among themselves before one of them said loudly, “Don’t worry sister!We will help you but first, come and sit here with us so we can talk about it first!”
He called out for me again while patting beside him but this time, he also got up from his place too so he can give me his place to sit as he smiled at me again while looking at me?
Lost in Twilight's Embrace